Mountain Views News     Logo: MVNews     Saturday, July 24, 2010


The Good Life

 Mountain Views News Saturday, July 24, 2010 



Today’s Subject: 






Next class: August 10 & 11 

9 am to 1 pm both days 

$12 for AARP Members & $14 for 

Please call the Senior Desk at (626) 
355-7394 to register in advance (10 
person minimum for class to run) or 
for more information. 


Join the Senior Community 
Commission for a silk painting 
workshop presented by Sierra Madre 
artist Rhea Jeffereis Vittal

Wednesday, July 21st 

1:30 pm to 3:30 pm

$5 per person

Hart Park House / Senior Center

Sierra Madre

Participants will paint a beautiful 
Habotai Silk scarf which they will be 
able to take home.

No art experience needed but the class 
is limited to 12 seniors so advance 
sign-ups are required by speaking 
with Susan in person at the center or 
by phone at 355-7394


August 19th - Sam Maloof House & 
Gardens Tour (Alta Loma, CA) with 
lunch before at Walter’s Restaurant in 
Claremont; $15 per person for tour & 
transportation. You will need to bring 
additional cash for lunch (entrees run 

 This excursion is limited to the first 
12 people to register in person or 
online at

September 16th - Long Beach Aquarium 
& lunch on the Queen Mary.

More information on the September trip 
will be available in the next newsletter 
or later this month by calling the 
Senior Services Desk at (626) 355-7394.

Pasadena Highlands & 
Accredited Sponsor 

Bingo Prize

Pasadena Highlands, an independent 
and assisted living community, is 
proud to provide a special gift basket 
on the first Tuesday of each month. 
Accredited In-Home nursing care 
will provide a special prize on the 4th 
Tuesday of each month. Bingo takes 
place every Tuesday at 1:30 pm in the 
Hart Park House / Senior Center in 
Memorial Park.   The game begins 
at 1:30 pm but those wishing to play 
must arrive 10 minutes before to 
secure your Bingo cards. 

Join us on the 1st & 4th Tuesday of 
each month for your chance to win 
these special prizes. 

Recipe of the Week:



1 pound peeled cooked shrimp (21-25 per pound; 
thawed if frozen), tails removed, diced 

1 cup frozen corn, thawed 

2 4-ounce cans chopped green chiles (not drained) 

2 cups canned green enchilada sauce or green salsa, 

12 corn tortillas 

1 15-ounce can nonfat refried beans 

1 cup reduced-fat shredded cheese, such as Mexican-
style, Monterey Jack or Cheddar 

1/2 cup chopped fresh cilantro 

1 lime, cut into wedges


1. Preheat oven to 425?F. Coat a 9-by-13-inch glass 
baking dish with cooking spray. 

2. Combine shrimp, corn, chiles and ? cup enchilada 
sauce (or salsa) in a microwave-safe medium bowl. 
Cover and microwave on High until heated through, 
2-1/2 minutes. 

3. Spread ? cup enchilada sauce (or salsa) in the prepared 
baking dish. Top with an overlapping layer of 6 tortillas. 
Spread refried beans evenly over the tortillas. Top 
the beans with the shrimp mixture, followed by the 
remaining 6 tortillas. Pour the remaining sauce (or 
salsa) over the tortillas. Cover with foil. 

4. Bake the enchiladas until they begin to bubble on the 
sides, about 20 minutes. Remove the foil; sprinkle cheese 
on top. Continue baking until heated through and 
the cheese is melted, about 5 minutes more. Top with 
cilantro and serve with lime wedges. Makes 8 servings. 

 Men of “a certain age” (35 and up) 
may feel more irritable and grouchy, 
find energy more difficult to sustain, and 
even experience a loss of enthusiasm 
and mental clarity.   Sounds a bit like 
most of us, doesn’t it?   Emerging studies 
suggest that we may actually have a good 
reason for our behavior:   low DHEA and 
testosterone levels.

While “andropause” is a controversial 
concept, and is generally regarded as 
a gray area in terms of diagnosis and 
treatment, a high percentage of the male 
population can relate to the symptoms 
associated with it.   Among them are 
trouble sleeping, a sense of ennui, and 
depression all slowly evolving with the 
onset of middle age. While the symptoms 
represent a vast field of possible causes, 
a decrease in the presence of DHEA and 
testosterone should be considered.

So, what to do about it? First of all, it is important that we educate ourselves. There 
are numerous online websites discussing the broader issues of this subject.   Additionally, 
there are products and services, including saliva testing, which are helpful in evaluating 
hormonal status.   With the information gathered from these self-help resources, we can 
more effectively communicate our health care concerns and questions with our chosen 
practitioners.   Therapies in the form of supplements, herbal formulas, and even testosterone 
replacement may be used to affect positive changes.

The purpose of this article is to encourage consumers to seek out and utilize information 
which will clarify and empower us. As is the case with many complex concerns, we 
consumers must find those professionals who will help us navigate the murky waters of our 
individual health care needs.   Andropause, while not a disease, offers a model which may 
shed some light on common experiences occurring in middle-aged men.

These types of complicated issues often generate many  questions, but in the end an 
informed public is an empowered one.

Dr. John Talevich, D.C. has practiced in Sierra Madre 
for thirty years. His clinic, LifeWorks! Chiropractic, 
offers patient-specific approaches to the alleviation 
of pain and individually tailored wellness programs. 

July Birthdays

Shahrzad Azrani, Eunice Banis, Betty Barlow, 
Cindy Barnard, Janet Cox, Martha Griffin, Betty 
Hansen, Dorothy Montgomery, Bess Pancoska, 
Janet Swanson, Linda Thunes, Barbara Watson, 
Anthony Gheezo, Joanne Gheezo, Beverly Turko, 

Lunch Program: Monday- 
Friday at the Intervale 
Café -12:00 Noon-Call 
(626) 355-0256 to make 
your daily reservation. 
Suggested donation $2.00 
for seniors (60+) and $3.75 
for visitors.


1:00 pm to 1:45 pm: 
Strength training with Lisa 
Brandley. FREE class of 
stretching with light hand 
weights while you sit.


2nd Tuesday of each month 
FREE blood pressure 
checks by Methodist 
Hospital; 11 am to 12 noon 

3rd Tuesday of each month 
FREE financial consulting; 
10 -12 noon call 355-7394 
for an appointment

1:30 pm to 3:30 pm: 
BINGO; cards are only 25 
cents each so stop by & 

5:30 pm to 7 pm: Yoga; 
$7.00 - 50 & over. Please 

call 355-5278 for more 


11 –11:45 am: Balance 
Class with Teryl. FREE 
class designed to improve 
balance & refresh the joints

2nd Wednesday of the 
month: FREE Legal 
Consultations: 10-11:30 
am. Appointments call 

Wii Wednesday - 1:00 
pm or call the senior desk 
at 355-7394 to arrange 
another time & day to 
learn how to play. No 
previous experience or 
skills required and it is 
great exercise.


1:00 to 3:30 pm: Game 
Day. Join us for UNO 
and Poker with Bridge on 
the 2nd & 4th Thursdays; 
so please call for more 

5:00 pm to 6:30 pm: Yoga; 
$7.00 - 50 & over. Please 
call 355-5278 for more 


1:00 pm: Ping Pong


11:30 am: Senior Club 
brown bag lunch and 
BINGO at 12:30 pm


 Unless listed differently, all activities are at the Hart 
Memorial Park (Senior Center) 222 W. Sierra Madre Blvd., 
Sierra Madre

LifeWorks! Chiropractic Center

Individually Tailored Wellness Programs

31 S. Baldwin Avenue Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024



 Angels Baseball Game

The City of Arcadia Recreation & Community 
Services Department – Senior Services Division 
is currently selling tickets to see the Los Angeles 
Angels of Anaheim in action as they take on the 
Boston Red Sox. The game is Wednesday, July 28th 
at 12:30pm. The bus will leave the Arcadia Community Center at 11am and 
return at approximately 4:30pm. The trip is intended for individuals 50 years 
of age and older and the cost of the trip is $20 per person.

For more information, please contact Arcadia Senior Services at 

Nearing Retirement? 
Give Yourself a Financial 

By Morgan Stanley Smith Barney LLC.

 As you approach retirement, you will quite 
likely be assessing your financial situation 
to determine if you have saved and invested 
enough to afford a comfortable future. 
Generally, financial professionals advise that 
to maintain your current lifestyle you will 
need approximately 70 percent to 80 percent 
of your current annual income each year in 
retirement, although your own situation may 
differ based on your personal goals and finances.

 Taking an in-depth look at your finances and an 
inventory of your retirement funds approximately 
five to seven years before retiring will give you 
time to make adjustments to help you meet your 
goals when retirement time comes around. 

 Will I Have Enough Retirement Income?

Generally, retirees turn to these sources of 
income: Social Security benefits; earnings 
(including part-time jobs); personal savings 
and investments, including IRA accounts or 
additional employee savings plans; and company 
retirement plans.

 According to the Social Security Administration, 
Social Security may account for only about 40 
percent of your income in retirement•. Personal 
investments and savings, company retirement 
plans and other sources will have to make up the 
remaining portion of your income—about 60 

 After calculating your projected retirement 
income, you also need to examine your current 
expenses and determine which items will increase 
or decrease, which will be eliminated and which 
will be added after you retire. By reviewing this 
information early on, you can develop a sense 
of whether you’ll have the necessary income to 
cover your expenses once you retire.

 Compare your expense calculations with your 
projected sources of income and determine 
whether you will have a surplus or a deficiency. 
At the same time, determine at what point in 
retirement you will need to begin drawing on your 
retirement plan assets. If, after comparing your 
expenses with income, you have a surplus, you 
are on the right track to enjoying a comfortable 
retirement. However, if you note a deficiency, you 
can make decisions now to help ensure that you 
will have a relatively comfortable retirement later 

Should I Adjust My Asset Allocation Strategy? 

Having a good understanding of investing 
becomes more important as you approach 
retirement. Examine all the investments available 
through your retirement plan and determine 
into which category—stocks, bonds or cash 
equivalents—each of them falls. Next, assess your 
level of risk. As people prepare to retire, they 
generally want less risk in their investments than 
in the past. Since your income from employment 
will have stopped or decreased considerably and 
your assets may be invested over a shorter period, 
it may be more difficult to recover from loss. 
Therefore you may want a lower-risk investment 
strategy than before. Whether you intend to use 
your money over a relatively short period or 
spread it out through your retirement is another 
important factor.

Important Points to Consider

There is no set asset allocation strategy that works 
for everyone. Before determining which strategy 
best fits your personal situation, keep in mind 
that different people have different financial 
resources and expectations regarding how long 
they will be in retirement. Therefore, individuals 
have different risk tolerances and investment 
horizons. And remember, no matter what asset 
allocation strategy you choose, there is always 
some level of risk and no guarantee that you will 
not experience a loss.

Also, keep in mind that you need to look at your 
holdings as a whole. Consider your personal 
accounts, retirement accounts and any additional 
sources of retirement income that you may have. 
By planning the entire picture you will be better 
able to develop a portfolio that reflects your 
immediate and long-term goals. Your financial 
advisor can help you determine if your strategies 
are on the right track toward a secure retirement 
and help you find ways to maintain your position 
or work toward your goals. 

1. Source: “Income of the Elderly 
Population Age 65 and Over 2006”, EBRI Notes, 
Vol. 28. No. 12, December 2007

Kyle E. Davis is a Financial Advisor with the 
Ladera Group at Morgan Stanley Smith Barney 
located in Los Angeles, CA and may be reached 
at 213-486-7157 or

Morgan Stanley Smith Barney LLC and its 
affiliates do not provide tax or legal advice. To 
the extent that this material or any attachment 
concerns tax matters, it is not intended to be used 
and cannot be used by a taxpayer for the purpose 
of avoiding penalties that may be imposed by law. 
Any such taxpayer should seek advice based on 
the taxpayer’s particular circumstances from an 
independent tax advisor. 

© 2010 Morgan Stanley Smith Barney LLC. Member 


Meals are delivered to home-bound 
seniors by volunteer drivers through the 
YWCA Intervale Lunch Program M-F 
(with frozen meals for the weekend.) Call the YWCA at 
(626) 214-9460 or Darlene Traxler at (626) 355-0256 for 
more information.

Dial - a - Ride Tickets

Tickets can now be purchased at:

Sierra Madre City Hall

Hart Park House / Senior Center

Sierra Madre Library


Please contact Darlene Traxler at 

626.355.6220 or (626) 355-0256.




CALL 355-2335 FOR INFO

MVNews this week:  Page 10