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SATURDAY JULY 24, 2010 VOLUME 4 NO. 29 Water Rate Controversy Continues “The Mayor of LA County” Comes To Town Council Likely To Reconsider Fee Hike Structure, Implement Public Education Process Before Proceeding Most members of the Sierra Madre City Council appear to be certain of one thing, the public education process for the proposed water rate fee increase was not adequate. As citizens await the final numbers, it appears that the council, regardless of the outcome, will reevaluate the process and perhaps start all over again. When the final tally is certified, if the numbers fall below the 1,848 requirement, the council could vote to proceed with the increase, however, it seems unlikely that they would do so given the number of residents both for the increase and opposed to the increase that want more information. According to City Manager Elaine Aguilar, city staff did in fact follow the procedures as defined in Prop 218 by mailing notice of the proposed increase to every household. Nevertheless, many did not read and or understand the information that was provided. In addition, many residents have asked that the city conduct more “Walk and Talk” water tours. The tour that was held a few weeks ago has been praised by all who attended, regardless of their position on the rate increase. “It really opened my eyes as to what it takes to get our water from the mountain to my tap.” Time Is Of The Essence As indicated by Councilman John Buchanan at the last meeting, the situation “isn’t going to get better with age.” More than 30% of the city’s water mains need replacing and, especially during the next few months with hot weather and greater demand, the strain on the system will put further stress on the system. “We just can’t take another two or three years to resolve this problem”, said one resident who supports the increase. The last water rate increase was implemented in July, 2006 and the council was well aware that the increase would not be sufficient to support the water system for very long. In addition, at the time of the last increase, there was, and still is, no way to determine the amount and rate of electrical power increases. The actual process to revise the city’s water rates did not begin under this administration. In fact, it was Former Mayor Kurt Zimmerman who commissioned the $33,500 consultant that provided the recommendations that lead to the current proposed fee hike. The contract had the unanimous approval Zimmerman, Mary Ann MacGillivray, Don Watts, Joe Mosca and John Buchanan were also on the council. Final Numbers For Protest Letters Questioned. Sierra Madre City Clerk, Nancy Shollenberger made a commitment at the last council meeting to have the final tally available within five days of the public hearing. The hearing was held on July 13, 2010. On July 18th, as promised, Shollenberger released a statement with a new set of figures that have confounded many. When Sierra Madre News Net Publisher Bill Coburn questioned the numbers, Shollenberger said the following, : “I will check with the volunteers that did the vetting of signatures. I trusted their final report. I have 1959 protest letters.” As Coburn pointed out in his communication to her, the public has been given three different totals for the protest letters. The first statement made during council meeting indicated that there were 1,941 protest letters submitted prior to the end of the public hearing. By law, no other letters can be accepted after that time. In the press release issued on the 18th, Shollenberger indicates that she had 2,049 protest letters. An increase of 68 protests that appear to have been received after the cut-off. However, in the same e-mail issued after the press release, Shollenberger states that she actually has 1,959 protest letters. At the council meeting, Mayor Mosca directed staff to work with Shollenberger and verify the documents to further check against duplicates and unqualified letters. She was instructed to maintain the original documents at City Hall. To further exacerbate the growing concern for the integrity of the final count, upon review of the letters by city staff, more than 250 signatures could not be confirmed. In each instance either the person signing the protest was not on the city’s list of rate payers or not on the county’s list of parcel owners. Much of the confusion over the Prop 218 process is contained within the bill itself. It suggests that either the rate payer or the parcel owner may protest the fee increase. There is no clarification for parcels with multiple owners or parcels with multiple units. For instance, as one person asked, If a group of people own the parcel, do they each get a vote? Or, another question, if the parcel has multiple units, does the owner get to cast a vote for each water meter on the property? All of these scenarios may be the reason for the large number of unverifiable protests. Ironically, during the last council meeting a statement was made that 61 protests had been submitted from the 1 Carter property and the City Attorney challenged it because there are only 6 meters on the property and no residents at this time. At the council meeting on Tuesday, it is hoped that these questions have been resolved and a final, verified total will be released. Supervisor Michael Antonovich met with City Council, Department Heads and Residents at a Special Breakfast Meeting on July 21st. By Susan Henderson On Wednesday, The Only Place In Town was the place to be. The entire Sierra Madre City Council, City Department Heads, and a few residents had the opportunity to dine and chat with Supervisor Micahel Antonovich. This was a special council meeting and was conducted as such, allowing for public comment for items on and off the agenda. The meeting began with a briefing of all the major Sierra Madre projects for the benefit of the Supervisor, as many of the projects are possible because of support from the county. Department heads, as well as the council members, while giving updates on what is happening in Sierra Madre, also took every opportunity to lobby for funds from the county. For example, Mayor Mosca, after listening to Public Works Director Bruce Inman’s project update, asked the Supervisor if there were opportunities to ‘piggy back’ on road construction projects occuring nearby such as the ones in Rosemead and Temple City. By so doing, Sierra Madre could maximize its use of road funds because of the cost reduction which would result from the ‘piggyback’. When all the Sierra Madre discussion was over, Antonovich then gave everyone a briefing on the ‘state of the county’. Before he began, however, he took the time to congratulate Sierra Madre and the city’s Finance Director, Karen Schnaider for the outstanding job of managing the city’s finances during a time of so many fiscal challenges. He expressed his concerns that the State is not talking about the consolidation of agencies in order to help balance the budget. He spoke of his concern that the state’s budget would probably not be adopted until October and of great concern to him, is the current proposal circulating in Sacramento for realignment of responsibilities from the state to the cities and counties. He was also extremely concerned about proposals to implement an early release program in the State Prisons, where he said 30-40% would be sent to LA county. Antonovich is not happy with the rate in which California is losing large corporations. In recent years, he said, more than 100 major corporations and businesses have left the state such as Bank of America which moved to North Carolina, and others moving to states like Arizona, Florida and Nevada. He even noted that California’s high personal income tax is driving away too many celebrities. The county’s ability to assist its’ cities is tied directly to the State’s ability to take their share of the responsibility for the county’s. And, with the current state of affairs in Sacramento, that worries Antonovich. [The Governor] “Needs to get legislators to pass the damned budget! The Wheel is Spinning but the Hamster’s Dead!”. Aging pipes such as the one above are just part of the reason city officials are seeking a water rate increase. At least 30% of the city’s water pipes and supporting structures are in this condition or worse. Local Organizations Continue Concert In The Park Sponsorships. This week: The Sierra Madre Woman’s Club Presents L.A. Lyon (Top 40’s Band) Sunday, July 25th 6-8 p.m. Memorial Park - Sierra Madre Dancing For The Cause Perfect weather is predicted Sunday’s Concert In The Park featuring L.A. Lyon, “the little band that roars” will provide high energy dance music for an event to remember. Last week, the country western group Grand Junction rocked the stage. The concert was sponsored by the Sierra Madre Kiwanis Club and The Friends of the Sierra Madre Library. Above, L.A. Lyon Below: Friends of the SM Library Local teens, William Hurtado and Jennifer Brady (pictured above), helped organize a teen dance held at St. Rita’s in Sierra Madre on July 17. Through the efforts of Hurtado, Brady, Stuart Love and Julianne Robi, “Dance for a Cause” was a great success. 131 youth, aged 12-15, enjoyed a great evening of music, with some of the refreshments donated by Jamba Juice. They raised $707 for the two causes identified this year as beneficiaries of A Taste of Sierra Madre, to be held September 11. Half the funds raised will fund cleft palate surgeries performed through the volunteer Rotoplast Foundation. With each surgery cost at $500, Hurtado commented in their report to the organizing committee that their fundraising funded 70% of a child’s needed surgery. The other half of the funds will benefit the Youth Activity Center in Sierra Madre, funding additional arts programs for children in the surrounding area. For more information about A Taste of Sierra Madre, please visit the event website, www.ATasteofSierraMadre.com or call event chair, Tom Brady at 626-355-3471. Kiwanis also celebrated their 83rd Birthday and shared their “Birthday Cake” with the crowd. Read The Paper Online At: www.mtnviewsnews.com
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