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June 14th is................ Flag Day SATURDAY JUNE 12, 2010 VOLUME 4 NO. 23 Sierra Madre Book Wins Two Prestigious Awards Republican Nominee For 59th Assembly District Still Undecided Lew Watanabe has been named 2010 Fourth of July Parade Grand Marshal in Sierra Madre, according to Matt Bosse, Fourth of July Committee chairman. A well known and beloved figure in town, Watanabe will lead the annual parade down Sierra Madre Boulevard on Monday, July 5. The parade starts at 10 a.m. Watanabe and his wife, Joyce, with sons Randy and Steven Sage, moved to Sierra Madre in 1965. Their neighbors and the community were so welcoming to the new family that, Watanabe says, “It was like coming home.” He immediately set out to repay the kindness, beginning with volunteer work for the Cub Scouts, the Boy Scouts, and the Civic Club. His devotion of time and talent over many years has ever since enriched the City. Watanabe’s original interest in the nursery business expanded into landscape contracting in 1981. In 1987 he started designing and building award-winning granite sculptures known as “water walls” that are now to be seen in many gardens and museums. One such work of art he donated to the City of Sierra Madre in 1999: the “Weeping Wall” in Memorial Park, which is part of the City’s World War II Veterans Memorial. Another gift to the City is his contribution to the renovation of the abandoned Japanese garden given to Sierra Madre Elementary School in 1931 as a symbol of goodwill by local Japanese families. The garden, which fell into disrepair during World War II, was uncovered by schoolchildren and beautifully restored, complete with koi pond. A dedicated worker for landscape improvements and planting projects of all kinds in Sierra Madre, Watanabe’s designs include the setting of local plants, boulders, and a stream bed at the Richardson House, the Kiosk at the Pioneer Cemetery, the Memorial Garden at the Gooden School, the landscaping around the City entrance at the west end of Sierra Madre Boulevard, and the flower garden in Kersting Court. He brought years of professional experience to his service as chairman of the City’s Tree Preservation Committee. A tireless supporter of many local nonprofit activities, Watanabe was honored in 1996 as Sierra Madre’s Citizen of the Year for his efforts in enhancing and supporting the community. The City had another opportunity to thank Watanabe after he suffered serious injury in a fall in 2003; Sierra Madreans enthusiastically rallied around their generous friend to help with his recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Watanabe are now living on their ranch in Wildomar, where they grow plants and accumulate granite for his landscaping projects. “I feel that I have moved,” Watanabe says, “but I don’t think my heart has left Sierra Madre. It has been my home for 45 years and I don’t think that’s going to change.” He maintains his local landscaping and water installation business, Good Earth Enterprises. He will have two pieces in the 2010 Malibu Sculpture Show in late June. And, lucky for us, he will be returning to Sierra Madre to oversee his projects. And to ride at the front of his hometown parade. “I am very honored,” he says, “and I think it will be fun. And all my friends who helped me get well will be riding with me.” Lew Watanabe Named Grand Marshal of Fourth of July Parade Parade To Be Held On July 5th When the Sierra Madre Historical Preservation Society decided to undertake publishing the history of the city, their goal was to share the rich history of the town with the world. The thought of the book becoming an award winning masterpiece probably never entered the minds of anyone on the committee. However, the book, “Southern California Story: Seeking The Better Life In Sierra Madre” has recently been selected to win awards from the American Design Awards and the American Association For State and Local History. Sierra Madre resident, Jeff Lapides was selected as one of only 54 participants among 1888 entries to receive a top accolade for excellence in design and creativity in the 2010 Winter Semi-Annual Design Contest for the cover of the book. Author Michele Zack will be receiving the The Award of Merit which is presented to recognize excellence for projects (including civic engagement, special projects, educational pro- grams, exhibits, publi- cations,restoration projects, etc.),individual achievement and general excellence. Both Lapides and Zack have been recognized nationally for their work. The coffee table book, was printed in limited quantities and covers the first 100 years of Sierra Madre and includes photographs from 1907 to present. The book is available at Sierra Madre Books and Vromans or you can contact the Sierra Madre Historical Preservation Society at (626)355-8129 or go to www. smhps.org. By Susan Henderson Voters in the 59th Assembly District, which includes Sierra Madre, parts of Arcadia and Monrovia, will have to wait until Tuesday to find out who the Republican nominee is. Due to the unusual configuration of the district, votes are tallied by two different county offices. While the votes, including provisionals and absentees have been counted in San Bernardino County, the Los Angeles County absentee ballots have not yet been tallied. The results in San Bernardino County at press time showed Tea Party backed candidate, and former Minuteman organizer, Tim Donnelly with a 654 vote lead. However, the results of the Los Angeles County votes may change that number. In Los Angeles County, the votes show candidate Chris Lancaster with an almost 2 to 1 lead over Donnelly. Whether or not that trend will continue and will be enough to overcome the 654 overall lead Donnelly currently holds won’t be known until the last vote is counted on Tuesday. It is also unknown how many provisional/absentee ballots are waiting to be counted in LA County, making projections impossible. Whomever gains the Republican nomination will face Democrat Darcel Woods, American Independent Robert Gosney and Libertarian Tony Tyler in November. San Bernardino County voters showed strong support for Tim Donnelly (above) but LA County voters favored Lancaster (below). Michele Zack Photo courtesy michelezack.com Jeff Lapides Carrying The Torch of Remembrance Sierra Madre Memorial Day Observance WWII Veteran Gordon Caldwell with family. Hundreds attended the yearly observation of Memorial Day held by VFW 3208 at Pioneer Cemetery on May 31 this year. Though years or decades may have elapsed since those who sacrificed their lives for our country died, it was clearly written on the faces and in the emotional voices of those in attendance. Mayor Joe Mosca first spoke, followed by the keynote address by Charles Carter. Ninety five year old Mike Di Domenico, a World War II vet and VFW member and one of the “Rosie the Riveters,” Rose Fafach, joined the observance. (See Speech on Pg. 3) Inside This Week New: Music News Pg. 2 “Ronald McDonald House” Program at Kiwanis Meeting On Tuesday, June 15, the Sierra Madre Kiwanis Club will present a program by Elizabeth Dever, Director of the Ronald McDonald House in Pasadena. The Pasadena Ronald McDonald House provides a community supported “home away from home” for families coming into Pasadena seeking advanced medical treatment for their critically or terminally ill children. Premature births, cancer and other critical illnesses can put unimaginable stress on a family. In addition, many people must travel great distances looking for treatments and answers not found near their home. The meeting will be at the Masonic Temple, 33 E. Sierra Madre Blvd. The public is invited. Lunch will be served. The cost is $11 per person - reservations and exact change are required. For reservations, please contact Harriet Lyle at 355-6786 no later than noon the preceding Monday. Visitors who have difficulty hearing the PA system should bring a portable radio with headphones; the PA sound can be heard at 104.7-FM. Keeping That Small Town Charm: Arnold’s Frontier Hardware “Where old-fashioned service is never out-dated” By LaQuetta Shamblee If it can be found in a hardware store, you should stop and shop here first. The massive warehouse chains can’t come close to personalized service awaiting customers at two hardware stores owned by Basil Kruger and Michael Howland - Arnold’s Hardware in Sierra Madre and Frontier Hardware in Duarte. Both locations offer a broad selection of hardware, building materials, gardening and plumbing supplies, and a list of convenient services including glass cutting and screen repair. With Father’s Day a week away, it’s an ideal time to stop in to check out their line of Craftsman tools since they’ll be offering great discounts as members of the Ace Hardware Co-op. Whether you’re in need of new sprinklers or looking for a place to have pipe threaded or cut, you’ll discover one of their biggest departments is plumbing. An inventory of electrical supplies and a great selection of hardware including stainless steel, metric and Grade 8 quality make these local stores a go-to for both professionals and do-it-yourselfers. The gardening department stocks everything needed to earn and maintain your green thumb status, including organic potting soil, peet moss and some gardening tools with pretty floral designs popular with women. Some inventory items and features are unique to each location. Custom-matched and blended paints are one of their specialties. The Ace brand is available at both, with Pratt & Lambert only at their Sierra Madre store. (cont. pg. 3) Calendar Page 2 Around San Gabriel Valley Page 3 Pasadena/Altadena Page 4 Safety Page 5 Education Page 6 Good Food Page 7 World Around Us Page 8 Left Turn/Right Turn Page 9 Opinion Page 10 Legal Notices Page 11 Good Life Page 12 Homes & Property Page 13 One Of A Kind Page 14 MountainViews-News 55 W. Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 302, Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: editor@mtnviewsnews.com www.mtnviewsnews.com
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Mountain Views News 80 W. Sierra Madre Blvd. #327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.604.4548 www.mtnviewsnews.com |