Mountain Views News     Logo: MVNews     Saturday, September 25, 2010

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Mountain Views News Saturday, September 25, 2010

Sierra Madre Church 
of Ascension Plans 
Well Walk

The youth at the Church of the Ascension and Gooden 
School have been raising funds for a well in Africa. This 
Saturday, September 25, they will raise final funds and 
awareness through a Well Walk. The youth of Ascension 
and students from Gooden’s fourth through eighth grades 
will walk approximately 1.2 miles north on Baldwin from 
Kersting Court to the water tunnels in the Little Santa Anita 
Canyon and carry water back to Gooden’s Hope Garden. 
Produce from the garden will be given to Friends in Deed, 
a food bank of Northwest Pasadena. Walkers will be 
sponsored by donors throughout the community.

For more information or to donate to the Well Walk, call 
the church at (626) 355-1133.


Sometimes all it takes is a little 
incentive for a child to discover the 
joys of reading—and that’s what the 
In-N-Out program is all about! 

Beginning Saturday, October 9, 2010, 
children ages 4-12 are invited to sign 
up at the Sierra Madre Public Library 
for the In-N-Out Food For Thought 
Reading Program. To receive the 
coupon incentives, each child must 
read five books at his or her reading 
level and note the titles on a reading 
log. After five books are read, a 
parent or guardian will sign the log 
and the child will receive a Food 
for Thought Achievement Award 
with a coupon for a free hamburger, 
cheeseburger, or a meatless grilled-
cheese sandwich. Children too 
young to read are eligible if an 
adult reads with them. Up to three 
certificates may be earned during 
the program, while supplies last. 
The program ends on November 
20, 2010. Alternative prizes are also 
available upon request. 

For more information, please 
call Meegan Tosh, Youth Services 
Librarian at (626) 355-7186. The 
Sierra Madre Public Library, located 
at 440 West Sierra Madre Boulevard 
in Sierra Madre, is open Monday 
through Wednesday from Noon to 
9 p.m., Thursday and Friday from 
Noon to 6 p.m., and Saturday from 
10 a.m. to 6 p.m. www.sierramadre. 

The Biggest Little 
Rummage Sale in 

A Sierra Madre United 
Methodist Church Semi-
annual Event

Thrifty shoppers know that the best deals in town are found 
at the SMUMC’s spring and fall rummage sales! The next 
sale will be held on Saturday, October 2, starting at 8:30 a.m. 
in Hartzell Hall, 695 W. Sierra Madre Blvd., Sierra Madre.

Come early for the best selection of quality adult and 
children’s clothing, fashion accessories, linens, toys, books, 
baskets, household and craft items, and much, much more, 
all priced to sell! The fall sale also features decorative 
holiday and gift-worthy items. And here’s a tip—savvy 
shoppers know that there are still bargains to be had at the 
“Two Dollars at Two” all-you-can-get-in-a-bag sale that 
takes place thirty minutes before the doors close. 

There is ample parking in the church’s lot, accessed off 
Michillinda. For more information or directions, or to 
donate items, please call the church office at 626-355-0629. 

Sierra Madre Paramedic Lifesavers 
Paramedic Subscription Program

Peace and Agreement 
in the Holy Land! 
Possible or just a dream?”

Sunday September 26th from 8:30 until 9:50 AM, First United 
Methodist Church in Pasadena continues its six session 
series featuring internationally respected Muslim, Jewish, 
Palestinian, and Christian leaders with Ms. Marianne 
Albina. Ms. Albina is a Palestinian Christian from World 
Vision. October 3rd’s speaker is the Director of the Islamic 
Society of Orange County. First United Methodist Church 
is located at 500 East Colorado Blvd. Pasadena, CA 91101. 
Call 626.796.0157 or email for 
more information.

Do you know it can cost in 
excess of $1,000 if you are 
transported to the hospital 
during an emergency by 
an ambulance? Members of 
the Sierra Madre Paramedic 
Lifesavers Paramedic 
Subscription Program will 
never have to worry about 
such a cost. 

The Sierra Madre Paramedic 
Lifesavers Paramedic 
Subscription Program is 
an official program offered 
by the City of Sierra Madre 
which offsets the cost 
of emergency medical 
response and transport. 
Residents of the City of 
Sierra Madre, who subscribe 
to the program by paying 
an annual membership fee, 
avoid any additional out-of-
pocket costs associated with 
ambulance transportation 
their individual insurance 
carrier does not cover. 
Residents who do not have 
health insurance, and are 
subscribers to this program 
would pay nothing out-of-
pocket if they were to be 
transported to the hospital 
by ambulance. 

One emergency call for 
Emergency Paramedic 
services can cost in excess 
of $1,000. Additionally, 
many insurance companies 
do not cover the full cost of 
these services. As a member 
of the Lifesavers Paramedic 
Subscription Program 
you will be provided with 
emergency medical services 
with no additional costs. 

Your subscription to the 
program will perform 
similarly to a secondary 
insurance plan, with no out-
of-pocket cost to you. This 
program is provided to all 
residents of the City of Sierra 
Madre with an annual cost of 
$30.00 per resident. Annual 
renewal to the Lifesavers 
Paramedic Subscription 
Program happens every fiscal 
year on July 1st, and lasts a 
full 12 months. We highly 
encourage every resident in 
the City of Sierra Madre to 
participate in this important 

To subscribe to the Sierra 
Madre Lifesavers Paramedic 
Program, please fill out the 
membership application 
form provided in this article 
and send it in with your 

Please mail the completed 
application and payment 
to: Sierra Madre Fire 
Department Attn: Lifesavers 
Subscription Program, 242 
W. Sierra Madre Blvd., Sierra 
Madre, CA 91024, or you 
may visit the Sierra Madre 
City Hall and subscribe to 
this program in person. 



Sunday, Sept. 26th Kersting Court 4:00 pm 
Outreach/Visioning Team Organizational Meeting; 

Mon, Sept 27th Hart Park House Senior Center

222 W Sierra Madre Blvd 7:00 pm 

Outreach/Communications Team

Tues, Sept 28th City Council Chambers 6:30 pm 
City Council Meeting Agenda to include appointment of 
four new General Plan Steering Committee members

Thurs, Sept 30th Pasadena Senior Center 

85 E Holly 6:30 pm Pasadena General Plan Workshop

Tues, Oct 5th City Council Chambers 6:00 pm 
General Plan Steering Committee

Mon, Oct 11th Congregational Church 7:00 pm 
Outreach/Communications team

Mon, Oct 25th Hart Park House Senior Center

222 W Sierra Madre Blvd 7:00 pm 

Outreach/Communications Team

Tues, Nov 2nd City Council Chambers 6:00 pm 
General Plan Steering Committee

Sun, Nov 14th TBA TBD Outreach/Visioning 
Team Town Hall Forum

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