Mountain Views News     Logo: MVNews     Saturday, October 23, 2010



 Mountain Views News Saturday, October 23, 2010 



Today’s Subject: 


Recipe of the Week:





2 cups half-and-half or light cream 

1 15-ounce can pumpkin 

1 cup packed brown sugar 

3 eggs 

2 teaspoons vanilla 

1-1/2 teaspoons pumpkin pie spice 

1-1/2 teaspoons ground cinnamon 

9 ounces French bread, torn into bite-size pieces 
(10 cups) 

1/2 cup golden raisins 

1/2 cup granulated sugar 

1/2 cup evaporated milk 

2 tablespoons butter 

2 tablespoons light-colored corn syrup 

1/2 cup chocolate-covered toffee pieces 


1. Lightly grease a 2-quart shallow baking dish; set 
aside. In a very large bowl, combine half-and-half, 
pumpkin, brown sugar, eggs, vanilla, pumpkin 
pie spice, and cinnamon. Add bread pieces; stir 
to moisten evenly. Stir in raisins. Transfer mixture 
to the prepared baking dish. Cover and chill for 1 
to 4 hours. 

2. Meanwhile, for sauce: In a small saucepan, 
combine granulated sugar, evaporated milk, 
butter, and corn syrup. Bring to boiling; reduce 
heat. Boil gently, uncovered, for 1 minute. Cool to 
room temperature. Transfer to a serving bowl. Stir 
in toffee pieces. 

3. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Bake bread 
pudding, uncovered, about 35 minutes or until a 
knife inserted in the center comes out clean. Cool 
on a wire rack for 30 minutes. Serve warm bread 
pudding with sauce. Makes 8 servings. 


 Unless listed differently, all activities are at the 
Hart Memorial Park (Senior Center) 222 W. Sierra 
Madre Blvd., Sierra Madre

Lunch Program: Monday- Friday at the 
Intervale Café -12:00 Noon-Call (626) 
355-0256 to make your daily reservation. 
Suggested donation $2.00 for seniors 
(60+) and $3.75 for visitors.



1:00 pm to 1:45 pm: Strength training 
with Lisa Brandley. FREE class of 
stretching with light hand weights while 
you sit.


2nd Tuesday of each month FREE blood 
pressure checks by Methodist Hospital; 
11 am to 12 noon 

3rd Tuesday of each month FREE 
financial consulting; 10 -12 noon call 
355-7394 for an appointment

1:30 pm to 3:30 pm: BINGO; cards are 
only 25 cents each so stop by & play 

5:30 pm to 7 pm: Yoga; $7.00 - 50 & over. 

call 355-5278 for more information


11 –11:45 am: Balance Class with Teryl. 
FREE class designed to improve balance 
& refresh the joints

2nd Wednesday of the month: FREE 
Legal Consultations: 10-11:30 am. 
Appointments call 355-7394

Wii Wednesday - 1:00 pm or call the 
senior desk at 355-7394 to arrange 
another time & day to learn how to play. 
No previous experience or skills required 
and it is great exercise.


1:00 to 3:30 pm: Game Day. Join us for 
UNO and Poker with Bridge on the 2nd 
& 4th Thursdays; so please call for more 

5:00 pm to 6:30 pm: Yoga; $7.00 - 50 
& over. Please call 355-5278 for more 


1:00 pm: Ping Pong


11:30 am: Senior Club brown bag lunch 
and BINGO at 12:30 pm

 You’ve probably read that the number 
of bacteria living in the body outnumber 
the body cells by ten to one. Except for the 
arrangement body cells have with each other 
(highly organized cooperative processes), 
it might be tempting to wonder who is 
in charge here. It looks like we’re quite 
outnumbered! Fact is, we have a mutually 
beneficial relationship with our bacteria and, 
in some cases, are quite dependent on them. 
For example, some of the B-complex vitamins 
are synthesized by bacteria. Now it looks like 
there may be more to this arrangement than 
we had thought: the kinds of bacteria living 
in our digestive tracts may actually influence 
our behavior.

 The new science of neurophsychoimmunology 
studies how the movement of peptides, 
hormones and neurotransmitters give us 
our experience of thought, emotions and 
consciousness. Now, we can add to this 
electro-chemical dance another factor: the 
metabolic byproducts of certain bacteria 
may influence behavior in the same way that 
the organs and systems of our bodies do.

Fatal Feline Attraction

 Joanne Webster of Imperial College 
in London discovered that mice and 
rats infected with Toxoplasma began to 
“wander around and draw attention to 
themselves” in an apparent attempt to 
attract the attention of cats. It seemed 
the bacteria “had hijacked” the rodents 
and were securing their future home in 
the digestive lining of the cat’s intestines. 
The cat would then pass the bacteria out 
through the feces and perpetuate the 
cycle when the bacteria were ingested by 
rodents. Clever!

What Does That Have to Do with Me?

 Briefly, other studies on human 
populations have indicated that 
Toxoplasma’s presence may contribute to 
conditions as far reaching as accident-
proneness, neurotoxism, schizophrenia, and 
attention-deficit disorders. Some researchers 
are going so far as to suggest that whole 
cultures are altered by bugs. This makes the 
old adage,”He’s got a bug up his ***” almost 

Some Closing Thoughts

 In a nutshell: Bugs act like cells by 
manufacturing chemicals that are the same 
as, or similar to, the innate regulators of 
body function found in normal cells. These 
chemicals can change our consciousness.

 We can inoculate the intestinal tract with 
organisms which we regard as beneficial, 
thereby reducing the influence and 
population of less desirable bacteria. We do 
this through diet and supplementation (ie. 
high quality nondairy probiotics found in 
health food stores).

 I hope you enjoy this sharing and 
remember: the next time someone sneezes 
on you, don’t take it personally. It’s the bugs 

 Have a healthy week! ~Dr. John

Dr. John Talevich, D.C. has practiced in Sierra Madre 
for thirty years. His clinic, LifeWorks! Chiropractic, 
offers patient-specific approaches to the alleviation 
of pain and individually tailored wellness programs. 

LifeWorks! Chiropractic Center

Individually Tailored Wellness Programs

31 S. Baldwin Avenue Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024


Sponsor Bingo Prize

Pasadena Highlands, an 
independent and assisted living 
community, is proud to provide 
a special gift basket on the 
first Tuesday of each month. 
Accredited In-Home nursing 
care will provide a special prize 
on the 4th Tuesday of each 
month. Bingo takes place every 
Tuesday at 1:30 pm in the Hart 
Park House / Senior Center 
in Memorial Park. The game 
begins at 1:30 pm but those 
wishing to play must arrive 10 
minutes before to secure your 
Bingo cards. Join us on the 1st 
& 4th Tuesday of each month for 
your chance to win these special 

October Birthdays

Pat Birdsall, Sole Krieg, Angela Stella, Mary 
Jane Baker, Barbara Cline, Dixie Coutant, 
Cathleen Cremins, Lillias Eubanks, Margit 
Johnson, Adelaide ‘Adie’ Marshall, Alma 
Mays, Eva Poet, Anne Tyler

Dates to Remember

October 26, 2010

Last day to apply for a 
vote-by-mail ballot 

by mail

November 2, 2010

Election Day


Tickets can now be 
purchased at:

Sierra Madre City Hall

Hart Park House / Senior 

Sierra Madre Library


 On Saturday, November 6th at 7pm, First United Methodist Church of Pasadena presents the 
"FUMC Variety Hour." 

 The public is invited to come see the entertaining talents of members of the church and also 
support the "Friends in Deed's" food pantry. A pre-show dinner is also available to those that 
purchase tickets in advance, but, to see the show there is merely a suggested donation of canned 
goods which will go directly to "Friends in Deeds". 

 For more information or to purchase tickets for the pre-show dinner contact the church at 
626.796.0157. The show will be in the Great Hall and First United Methodist Church is located at 
500 East Colorado Blvd. Pasadena, CA 91101. All are welcome.

Meals are delivered to 
home-bound seniors by volunteer 
drivers through the YWCA 
Intervale Lunch Program M-F (with 
frozen meals for the weekend.) Call 
the YWCA at (626) 214-9460 or 
Darlene Traxler at (626) 355-0256 
for more information.


Why Not Let Us DoYour Laundry... 
• Clothes are professionally cleaned 
• Dress shirts & pants hung on hangers 
• Customized cleaning to your specificationsClothes cleaned, 
folded, & wrapped 
in plasticIn by 12:00 - Out by 
8:00Or, Do Your Laundry...
• when it’s convenient for you (24 hours a day)
• in a clean, safe, brightly-lit facility• in air conditioned comfort370 W. Sierra Madre Blvd. (626) 355-6213 • (next to Bank of America)
Fluff & FoldService 
Fluff & Fold: • $1.00 per pound (over 10 lbs.) • Comforters are $1.75 per lb.
20 Turkeys To Be RaffledUse 1 machine and receive 1 raffle ticket. Use 2 or more machines 
and receive a max of 3 raffle tickets per day. If you use our Fluff & 
Fold you’ll receive 1 raffle ticket for dropping off up to 10 lbs. Drop 
off more than 10 lbs. and receive 3 raffle tickets. Repeat every week, 
or everyday up until the November 20th at 4:00 pm when the 20 
winning tickets will be drawn.

Please contact Darlene Traxler at 
626.355.6220 or (626) 355-0256.

MVNews this week:  Page 12