WELLBORN (cont. from page 10) even as it left their
So this election is about two primary things that
have been born from all of what is written above:
clarity and rebirth. We Americans are now clear on
who President Obama is, what the left really wants to
do to this country and how disastrous it will be, not
to mention how bad it is right now. We Americans
are also turning in droves to everyday citizens to
take up the mantles of leadership that we are in the
process of stripping from so many of the career pols
and bureaucrats. Look around for a moment at the
background of the new Republican challengers.
You’ll see business owners, blue-collar workers,
optometrists, scientists, shopkeepers and gatekeepers.
In short, you’ll see everyday Americans. We are
returning to our roots, experiencing a rebirth of true
self-governance, and it is about time. This election is
about our future, and it is now starting to look pretty
About the author: Gregory J. Welborn is a freelance
writer and has spoken to several civic and religious
organizations on cultural and moral issues. He lives
in the Los Angeles area with his wife and 3 children
and is active in the community. He can be reached at
Mountain Views News Saturday, October 30, 2010
Today’s Subject:
Those Old Blues
Recipe of the Week:
12 oz orange juice concentrate, frozen
12 oz grape juice, white
2 liters 7-Up
1 pt sherbet, lemon or lime
green food coloring
Mix together orange juice, white grape juice, 7-Up,
lemon or lime sherbet, and several drops of green
food coloring If desired, serve with large, buoyant,
and well-washed plastic spiders on the top! (For adult
party: add rum or vodka to taste, optional)
1 pound ground turkey
1 onion, chopped
1 cup celery, chopped
6 cups water
1 teaspoon chicken soup base or bouillon granules
1 cup diced red potato
1 bay leaf
1/8 teaspoon basil
2 tablespoons parsley, chopped
1/2 teaspoon thyme
6 cups tomatoes, diced
2 tablespoons all-purpose flour
1 cup warm water
2 cups broken vermicelli
In a kettle, combine ground turkey, chopped onion,
and chopped celery. Cook until the vegetable are soft;
Stir in water, chicken base, diced red potatoes, bay
leaf, basil, chopped parsley, thyme, diced tomatoes,
and flour dissolved in warm water. Cover and simmer
for 1 hour.
Add vermicelli and simmer until cooked, about 10
minutes. Makes 16 servings.
6 apples
1 (14-ounce) package soft caramel candies
1 cup finely chopped nuts
Rinse and dry apples. Place a thick wooden skewer or 2
popsicle sticks through the stem of each apple.
In the top of a double boiler melt caramel over low heat.
Stir until caramel has melted and is smooth. Dunk the
apples in the warm caramel. Using a spatula, spread
the caramel over the apples. Once the apples are
completely covered in caramel, sprinkle with chopped
nuts. Place apples on a piece of wax paper to harden.
Makes 6 servings
Unless listed differently, all activities are at the
Hart Memorial Park (Senior Center) 222 W. Sierra
Madre Blvd., Sierra Madre
Lunch Program: Monday- Friday at the
Intervale Café -12:00 Noon-Call (626)
355-0256 to make your daily reservation.
Suggested donation $2.00 for seniors
(60+) and $3.75 for visitors.
1:00 pm to 1:45 pm: Strength training
with Lisa Brandley. FREE class of
stretching with light hand weights while
you sit.
2nd Tuesday of each month FREE blood
pressure checks by Methodist Hospital;
11 am to 12 noon
3rd Tuesday of each month FREE
financial consulting; 10 -12 noon call
355-7394 for an appointment
1:30 pm to 3:30 pm: BINGO; cards are
only 25 cents each so stop by & play
5:30 pm to 7 pm: Yoga; $7.00 - 50 & over.
call 355-5278 for more information
11 –11:45 am: Balance Class with Teryl.
FREE class designed to improve balance
& refresh the joints
2nd Wednesday of the month: FREE
Legal Consultations: 10-11:30 am.
Appointments call 355-7394
Wii Wednesday - 1:00 pm or call the
senior desk at 355-7394 to arrange
another time & day to learn how to play.
No previous experience or skills required
and it is great exercise.
1:00 to 3:30 pm: Game Day. Join us for
UNO and Poker with Bridge on the 2nd
& 4th Thursdays; so please call for more
5:00 pm to 6:30 pm: Yoga; $7.00 - 50
& over. Please call 355-5278 for more
1:00 pm: Ping Pong
11:30 am: Senior Club brown bag lunch
and BINGO at 12:30 pm
About this time of year, nearly thirty
percent of the population experiences a
loss of energy and enthusiasm. As the
light begins to lose its warm orange/red
quality and the days grow shorter, the
pineal gland receives less stimulation
and melatonin, the sleep hormone,
increases. These processes can cause
changes ranging from a sense of fatigue
to depression. The arrival of spring,
with its change of light and longer days,
reverses this process. Meanwhile, up
to ten percent of the population suffers
significant depression as SAD (Seasonal
Affect Disorder) during the late fall and
winter months.
Let There Be Light
Studies done by the National Institute
of Mental Health have demonstrated
that the use of simple full-spectrum light
exposure for thirty minutes each morning can reduce the effects of seasonal change. This
appears to be true for some types of depression not caused by seasonal change as well.
Full-spectrum lighting can be purchased at hardware stores and placed next to your bed
or in an area which is used during the morning hours. In the evening, the lights should be
turned down to encourage normal melatonin secretion for a good night’s sleep. If you find
it difficult to get to sleep, remove or cover up electrical lights and sounds, ie. cell phones, lit
clocks, computers, televisions. The darker and quieter your room, the sounder your sleep.
Avoid eating too close to bedtime, read a calming book if you like (television stimulates the
retina and creates wakefulness), breathe deeply and enjoy your rest.
Have a great week! ~Dr. John
Dr. John Talevich, D.C. has practiced in Sierra Madre
for thirty years. His clinic, LifeWorks! Chiropractic,
offers patient-specific approaches to the alleviation
of pain and individually tailored wellness programs.
LifeWorks! Chiropractic Center
Individually Tailored Wellness Programs
31 S. Baldwin Avenue Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024
Sponsor Bingo Prize
Pasadena Highlands, an
independent and assisted living
community, is proud to provide
a special gift basket on the
first Tuesday of each month.
Accredited In-Home nursing
care will provide a special prize
on the 4th Tuesday of each
month. Bingo takes place every
Tuesday at 1:30 pm in the Hart
Park House / Senior Center
in Memorial Park. The game
begins at 1:30 pm but those
wishing to play must arrive 10
minutes before to secure your
Bingo cards. Join us on the 1st
& 4th Tuesday of each month for
your chance to win these special
October Birthdays
Pat Birdsall, Sole Krieg, Angela Stella, Mary
Jane Baker, Barbara Cline, Dixie Coutant,
Cathleen Cremins, Lillias Eubanks, Margit
Johnson, Adelaide ‘Adie’ Marshall, Alma
Mays, Eva Poet, Anne Tyler
Dates to Remember
November 2, 2010
Election Day
Tickets can now be
purchased at:
Sierra Madre City Hall
Hart Park House / Senior
Sierra Madre Library
On Saturday, November 6th at 7pm, First United Methodist Church of Pasadena presents
the "FUMC Variety Hour."
The public is invited to come see the entertaining talents of members of the church and
also support the "Friends in Deed's" food pantry. A pre-show dinner is also available to
those that purchase tickets in advance, but, to see the show there is merely a suggested
donation of canned goods which will go directly to "Friends in Deeds".
For more information or to purchase tickets for the pre-show dinner contact the church
at 626.796.0157. The show will be in the Great Hall and First United Methodist Church is
located at 500 East Colorado Blvd. Pasadena, CA 91101. All are welcome.
Meals are delivered to
home-bound seniors by volunteer
drivers through the YWCA
Intervale Lunch Program M-F (with
frozen meals for the weekend.) Call
the YWCA at (626) 214-9460 or
Darlene Traxler at (626) 355-0256
for more information.
Why Not Let Us DoYour Laundry...
• Clothes are professionally cleaned
• Dress shirts & pants hung on hangers
• Customized cleaning to your specificationsClothes cleaned,
folded, & wrapped
in plasticIn by 12:00 - Out by
8:00Or, Do Your Laundry...
• when it’s convenient for you (24 hours a day)
• in a clean, safe, brightly-lit facility• in air conditioned comfort370 W. Sierra Madre Blvd. (626) 355-6213 • (next to Bank of America)
Fluff & FoldService
Fluff & Fold: • $1.00 per pound (over 10 lbs.) • Comforters are $1.75 per lb.
20 Turkeys To Be RaffledUse 1 machine and receive 1 raffle ticket. Use 2 or more machines
and receive a max of 3 raffle tickets per day. If you use our Fluff &
Fold you’ll receive 1 raffle ticket for dropping off up to 10 lbs. Drop
off more than 10 lbs. and receive 3 raffle tickets. Repeat every week,
or everyday up until the November 20th at 4:00 pm when the 20
winning tickets will be drawn.
Please contact Darlene Traxler at
626.355.6220 or (626) 355-0256.