Mountain Views News     Logo: MVNews     Saturday, November 20, 2010

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MountainViews-News Saturday, November 20, 2010 

‘Inspirations To Treasure’….

The Works of Anthe Wosczyna

By definition, an artist is a 
person whose creative work 
shows sensitivity and imagination 
and without question, 
the works of Anthe 
Wosczyna do just that. An 
extraordinary designer of 
delicate, colorful and exquisitely 
detailed jewelry, Anthe 
is, simply put, amazing.

 A Sierra Madre resident 
and alumni of Alverno High 
School, she bubbles over 
with warmth and charm that 
is best expressed through her 
creations. In her studio she 
gives birth to beautifully colored 
pieces made from the 
smallest antique French cut 
steel beads, crystals, Japanese 
seed beads, Czechoslovakian 
charlottes and quality 
gemstones and pearls. Each 
piece is a masterpiece that is 
the result of extraordinary 
patience and talent.

 “My jewelry is designed to 
evoke a sense of wonder and 
beauty and guarantee to the 
wearer or gift-giver, compliments 
and inquiries as to 
their unique nature. I use 
the finest materials and each 
piece is made to bring many 
years of enjoyment.”

 Anthe’s path to becoming 
the artist that she is today 
was not a direct one. As a 
child, she describes herself 
as, “the only kid on the 
block with a journal and 
who owned a beading loom”. 
She also was popular for 
drawing portraits of her 
friends. During high school, 
she was selected to attend a 
program for young artists 
at Art Center College of 

 After graduating from 
Loyola Marymount’s Film 
School where she earned a 
degree in Communication 
Arts with a minor in Art 
History, Anthe was drawn 
to cinematographic writing 
for the TV industry. She 
also spent 14 years working 
in a law firm, evolving into 
a hearing representative for 
labor law cases. All during 
that time, however, her 
creative spirit kept nagging 
at her. “If only I had the 
time”, she recalls lamenting. 
She says of the time spent 
pursuing other interests, “It 
was just a gestation period 
for what was to come”. And 
how right she was.

 Anthe’s serendipitous 
journey into jewelry 
making actually began with 
ceramics. As a member 
of Echo Ceramics in Los 
Angeles, she made pottery 
but found the ‘throwing’ 
of clay required “too much 
muscle”. She then turned to 
working with porcelain and 
started creating wonderful 
miniature vessels and boxes. 

 However, a full-time career 
as a potter was not to be. An 
unfortunate car accident 
limited her working with 
pottery on a daily basis. 

 After taking a break 
from everything for a 
while, Anthe decided to 
start working with metal, 
which was easier on her 
hands and wrists. About 
that time, she met a good 
friend, Susan Kemp, 
who helped her learn 
the techniques required 
for fine beading. From 
there Anthe focused her 
attention to the creation of 
fine beaded jewelry. “Ever 
since I was a little girl, 
I loved to look at items 
so closely that hidden 
shapes, designs and 
colors would emerge. My 
jewelry offers a glimpse 
into this hidden world for 
you to enjoy and treasure.” 
Anthe is married to Carlos 
Gomez, whom she met at 
UCLA while attending a Tai 
Chi class.

Anthe’s company, Little 
Muse Designs, will have a 
booth next weekend at Sierra 
Madre’s Dickens Village. 
For more information go to 
com or email her at anthe@

Anthe Wosczyna in her Sierra Madre studio. Below intricately 
crafted one of a kind jewelry that will be available at Dickens 
Village this Saturday. Photos by S. Henderson

Sierra Madre Police Blotter

During the week of Sunday, November 7th, to Saturday 
November 13th, the Sierra Madre Police Department responded 
to approximately 272 calls for service. See for 
updated information.

Sunday, November 7th:

01:38 AM- DUI Alcohol/Drugs Arrest, 1380 blk. Tropical Ave. 
Motorist was stopped for a Vehicle Code violation. Investigation 
revealed the driver was in possession of 23.4 grams of marijuana. 
The driver, an El Monte resident, was taken to the Pasadena 
Police Department for booking and later released on a citation. 

03:04 AM- Burglary/Receiving Stolen Property Arrest, 99 
N. Hermosa Ave. A sergeant was on foot patrol at 3:05 a.m. 
in an apartment complex where a burglary and thefts had 
previously occurred. The sergeant saw a man walking briskly out 
of the complex carrying bags over his shoulders. The sergeant 
questioned the man and learned that he was on parole. During 
a lawful search of the bags, the sergeant found stolen property 
belonging to Sierra Madre residents. The sergeant arrested the 
man, a 50 year old resident of Sierra Madre, for Burglary and 
Receiving Stolen Property. The suspect was later transported to 
Pasadena Police Jail for booking. 

11:42 PM- DUI Alcohol/Drugs Arrest, Sierra Madre Blvd. and 
Michillinda Ave. An officer stopped a motorist for a Vehicle 
Code violation. Investigation revealed the driver was in under 
the influence of alcohol. The driver was arrested and taken to the 
Pasadena Police Department Jail for booking. 

Monday, November 8th: 

02:03 AM- DUI Alcohol/Drugs Arrest, 100 blk. Auburn 
Ave. An officer stopped a motorist for a Vehicle Code violation. 
Investigation revealed the driver was under the influence of 
alcohol. The driver was transported to the Pasadena Police 
Department Jail for booking. 

12:52 PM- Use Another’s Personal Identification to Obtain 
Credit/Etc. 100 blk. Park Ave. A resident reported that his 
credit card had been used by someone without his permission.

Tuesday, November 9th:

03:47 PM- Child Endangerment, Public Intoxication Arrest, 
200 blk. W. Sierra Madre Bl. An officer responded to Memorial 
Park to check a report that an intoxicated woman was there with 
a young child. The officer found the woman, who was intoxicated. 
The officer arrested the woman, an Altadena resident, for Child 
Endangering and Public Intoxication. Police took the woman’s 4 
year old son and his siblings into protective custody and notified 
the Department of Children’s Services. The suspect was taken to 
the Pasadena Police Department Jail for booking.

Thursday, November 11th:

09:09 AM- Possession of Prescription Drugs Without a 
Prescription Arrest, Foothill Ave. and Camillo St. An officer 
was dispatched to investigate a person looking through trash cans. 
Further investigation revealed that the woman was in possession 
of prescription pills without a prescription. The officer arrested 
the woman and took her to the Pasadena Police Department Jail 
for booking.

12:27 PM- Unlawful Display Evidence of Registration, Arrest, 
70 blk. Esperanza Ave. Officer checked DMV records on a license 
plate of a parked vehicle and found that the vehicle registration 
date did not match the DMV records and the truck had no front 
license plate. The truck was towed and the owner was later cited. 

Saturday, November 13th:

11:36 AM- Disorderly Conduct/Drunk In Public Arrest, N. 
Mountain Trail and Sierra Madre Blvd. Officer responded 
to a possible drunk in traffic. Further investigations revealed 
that a woman, a Sierra Madre resident, was intoxicated. She 
was arrested, taken to Arcadia Methodist Hospital for medical 
clearance and later taken to the Pasadena Police Department Jail. 

11:47 AM- Use Another’s Personal Identification to Obtain 
Credit/Etc. 400 blk. E. Highland Ave. Financial Crime Report. 
A suspect made illegal purchases over the Internet using a Sierra 
Madre resident’s personal information.

03:07 PM- Conspiracy/Commercial Burglary Arrests, 400 blk. 
E. Huntington Dr. Arcadia. Motorist was stopped for a Vehicle 
Code violation. Further investigation revealed that the driver 
and his girlfriend conspired to defraud the DMV by making false 
reports to evade registration fees. The driver and his girlfriend, 
both Sierra Madre residents, were transported to Pasadena Police 
Jail for booking.

10:50 PM- Possession of a Narcotic Controlled Substance 
Arrest, 100 blk. W. Sierra Madre Bl. An officer stopped a 
motorist for a Vehicle Code violation. Investigation revealed the 
driver, a Pasadena resident, had a suspended license, a warrant, 
and was in possession of .03 grams of methamphetamine. The 
officer arrested the suspect and took him to the Pasadena Jail for 


 Rich Johnson, well know Sierra Madre resident and Mountain 
Views News Columnist, is the proud father of a brand new App for 
the iPhone. What is an App? An App is short for an application that 
can be downloaded from anywhere in the world to a smart phone. 

 In this case it would be an Apple IPhone, IPod or IPodTouch. 
The App is called “UpElevator” and is selling through the 
ITunes App Store. 

What is UpElevator? 
Rich describes it as 
a source of clever, 
motivational quotes 
mostly from dead 
guys App. He says it’s 
designed to do what 
he tries to accomplish 
in his weekly column: 
Entertain us with light 
bits of humor that just 
might give us a lift 
throughout our day. If 
you pass along some of 
his funniness to friends 
he feels as though he 
has hit a homerun. 

 UpElevator, he tells 
us, is designed to do 
the same thing. On 
entering UpElevator 
you have access to a 
panel with 9 buttons or 
“floors”. The 1st floor, 
for example, is entitled 
“Motivate me.” If you’re angry visit the 6th floor. “Make Me Laugh” on 
the 7th floor. Once a button is pushed, the first of 10 quotes pertinent 
to the category selected appear. Going back to the “lobby” to select 
another category or the same category produces 10 more quotes.

 Rich is quick to point out he has two partners in the UpElevator 
project: Lisa Bowman, a Sierra Madrean whom Rich met at 
Fresco’s. “Lisa and I bonded for life when I inadvertently told her 
something funny while she was drinking ice tea. And you can guess 
where that ice tea went.” Hint: Not down. Jamie Osborne, the third 
part of the UpElevator 
team, is a genius technoid 
friend of Lisa’s. He lives 
where most computer 
geniuses hang their 
hats Washington State. 

 There are a lot of quote 
Apps out there, so I 
asked Rich what makes 
this one different. He 
responded, “UpElevator 
is unique in its addition 
of Lisa’s and my clever/
humorous comments 
after each formal quote. 
Plus, you get to see a 
picture of the radiantly 
beautiful Lisa Bowman 
and okay, sometimes me.”

If you own an IPhone, 
IPod, or IPod Touch 
and are so inclined, 
check out UpElevator 
in the ITunes App store, 
or visit the UpElevator 
website at, you guessed 


Paul Mansour, owner of Best Buy Pharmacy cut the ribbon 
celebrating the 100th year of the pharmacy at last week’s 
Chamber of Commerce Mixer. Photo Chris Bertrand

MVNews this week:  Page 3