Mountain Views News     Logo: MVNews     Saturday, December 4, 2010


MountainViews-News Saturday, December 4, 2010 

Schiff Says 

Tree Lighting 
Start Holiday


February Pasadena 
Marathon Postponed

By Dean Lee

 Race Director Israel Estrada 
officially said Wednesday 
they have postponed the 
2011 Pasadena Marathon 
after not reaching an agreed 
date with the city during a 
meeting in mid November. 
He said they plan to meet 
again December 15.

 “Know that we are just 
as eager as you are to hear 
back from the city with a 
new date,” Estrada said in a 
statement. “We are ready to 
begin the rollover or refund 
process just as soon as the 
city approves a new date and 
we can announce it.”

 The race was set for Sunday 
February 20. Estrada said 
those that have registered for 
February have two options, 
a refund or rollover the fees 
to the new date although 
added that they need to set 
up their system to handle 
requests. He assured those 
that have registered “will 
not be required to pay any 
additional fees.”

 Estrada said they want the 
Marathon, as it was intended, 
to be held each November.

 “We feel that November 
is the ideal month for our 
city’s marathon, and we 
have requested approval of 
a November date from the 
City of Pasadena,” he said. 
“However, due to other 
scheduling considerations, 
the city is unable to 
accommodate our request 
for a fall date at present.” 

 He said they hope to secure 
an annual date for the life of 
the event.

 Postponement is nothing 
new to the marathon. 
Originally set for November 
2008, the inaugural event 
was first canceled then later 
postponed until March 
because of unhealthy air 
quality due to a number of 
large fires burning at the 
time. Estrada had called the 
event off at 4 a.m. just hours 
before the marathon was to 

By Dean Lee

 Congressman Adam Schiff 
condemned Wednesday the 
recent unauthorized disclosure 
of sensitive State Department 
documents by the website 
WikiLeaks after leaning the 
released information included 
a private meeting in 2008 he 
had in Islamabad with now 
President of Pakistan Asif Ali 

 He called the website’s action, 
“potentially treasonous.”

 “Not only could this release 
cause a potential issue for 
President Zardari, but it 
will certainly inhibit his 
willingness —and that of other 
foreign leaders— to be candid 
in their discussions with the 
Administration and Members 
of Congress,” Schiff said. “. This 
is not in our national interest.”

 WikiLeaks became front 
page news across the country 
last Sunday after publishing 
251,287 leaked United States 
embassy cables dating back 
to 1966. Some documents are 
as recent as February of this 
year. The website claims this is 
the largest set of confidential 
documents ever released to 
the public.

 The cables originate from 
274 embassies, consulates and 
diplomatic missions according 
to the website’s founder Julian 

 Schiff urged the Department 
of Justice to bring criminal 
charges against any responsible 
party including Assange who 
is currently in hiding. 

 A number of reports suggest 
that federal authorities 
are investigating, possibly 
bringing charges under the 
1917 Espionage Act passed by 
Congress to stop disclosure 
of information dealing with 
national defense during World 
War I. The law prescribes a 
punishment of 20 years in jail.

 A number of other websites, 
including the Electronic 
Frontier Foundation, have 
suggested that whistleblower 
websites like Wikileaks are 
needed to maintain a free and 
open internet. Schiff said there 
needs to be balance.

 “There are many legitimate 
reasons for keeping diplomatic 
conversations from leaking 
into the public domain,” he 
said. “Confidence breeds 
candor and compromise, and 
the current document ‘dump’ 
is particularly damaging to 
our diplomatic relationships 
and security alliances that 
have been critical to American 
foreign policy, diplomacy 
and counter-terrorism efforts 

 Both President Barack 
Obama, and Secretary of 
State Hillary Clinton have 
condemned the leaks. Assange 
told Time Magazine Thursday 
that he thinks Clinton should 
resign after being asked a 
question about Clinton as “the 
fall guy” in the controversy.

Pasadena City Hall

 Pasadena Mayor Bill Bogaard 
will lead the city’s official 
Christmas tree-lighting 
ceremony and holiday 
celebration Thursday, Dec. 9, 
from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. in the 
grand entrance of Pasadena 
City Hall , 100 N. Garfield Ave. 
The Pasadena City College Brass 
Quintet will perform music of 
the season; refreshments will be 

Altadena 90th Annual 
Christmas Tree Lane 

 Christmas Tree Lane Lighting 
Ceremony will take place 
Saturday Dec. 11, starting at 
6 p.m. with a parade from 
the Altadena Public Library 
to Santa Rosa Avenue. The 
Blair IB Singers will provide 
entertainment along with 
Pasadena Waldorf School 6th 
Grade Class Singers and the 
Altadena Chidren’s Choir. 
Before the event the Altadena 
Library, 600 E. Mariposa will 
hold their Christmas Tree Lane 
Winter Festival and Boutique, 
starting at 2 p.m. in the parking 

Tree Lighting at the Libraries

 Celebrate the holidays by 
joining the La Pintoresca 
community on Friday, 
December 10 from 3 to 5 p.m. 
Santa Claus is expected to make 
a surprise visit. La Pintoresca 
Branch Library is located at 
1355 North Raymond Avenue. 

 The Madison Heights 
community will celebrate its 
annual tree lighting ceremony 
at Allendale Branch Library on 
Saturday, December 11 at 4:30 
p.m. The festivities will include 
holiday music and refreshments 
Allendale Branch Library is 
located at 1130 South Marengo 
Ave. For more information, call 
(626) 744-7260.

Plate 38 Reopens After Disastrous Fire

By Dean Lee

 A local café and coffee shop, 
Plate 38, held a quite re-grand 
opening Friday after being 
shutdown for months after a 
two-alarm fire destroyed most 
of the building’s roof and eating 
area in July. 

 The owner and executive chief, 
Robert Humphreys said because 
the restaurant kitchen area was 
spared he was able to rebuild, 
“that was very fortunate for us.”

 His plan was to open late 
November before the start of 
the holidays, “we are a week 
late with that but this is still the 
time when everyone comes to 
Pasadena.” The café is on the 
busy corner of Colorado and 
Sierra Madre Boulevards. 

 He said most of the roof, 
outside eating area and awning 
were totally destroyed in the fire. 

 “We redid the whole structure, 
and that outside, that didn’t 
exist,” he explained pointing to 
the patio area. “Basically they 
salvaged the windows, the walls 
and kitchen.” 

 He said an investigation ruled 
the cause of the fire as a short in 
electrical wiring. 

 Humphreys said the café 
was an instant success when 
he first opened in July serving 
everything fresh. Seeing the 
success, he said permanently 
closing was never an option. 

 “We bake all our own muffins, 
make our own jams, we don’t 
buy anything pre-made,” he 
said. “The fact that we are 
doing everything from scratch, 
the customer knows they’re 
getting something that has no 
preservatives and know what 
they are eating —real food.” 

 He also explained that although 
he took the opportunity to make 
some minor changes, adding a 
lounge and redoing the floor, 
the menu stayed the same. He 
said Plate 38 is open 7 a.m. to 
10 p.m. serving breakfast, lunch 
and dinner. 

Citizen Journalism Meet-up




The Pasadena Community 
Network and this newspaper 
are holding a workshop on 
Citizen Journalism. 

 This group is the place where 
aspiring journalists can learn 
from trained professionals 
and support their local 
community by covering 
what’s really happening in 
their neighborhoods.

 We will put the news in your 
hands. Learn how to find 
the story, the tools needed 
to capture the story and the 
means to tell the story using 
the power of video, audio and 
print along with online social 
media The next meeting will 
be Dec. 7 from 6 p.m. to 8p.m. 
at the Pasadena Community 
Network - Studio G, 2057 N. 
Los Robles Ave.

 For more info call 
626.794.8585 or visit

Learn not just how 
to blog but how to 
report the news


Fire Department Holds 
Spark of Love Toy Drive

To help bring joy to thousands of 
children who otherwise would 
experience Christmas morning 
with no gifts, the Pasadena 
Fire Department, ABC7 and 
Southland Firefighters are 
partnering for their 18th year 
on the Spark of Love Toy Drive. 

 New, unwrapped toys, sports 
equipment and gift cards for 
infants, children and teenagers 
may be dropped off at the 
following Pasadena fire stations 
through Dec. 24: Station 31, 
135 S. Fair Oaks Ave. Station 
32, 2424 E. Villa St. Station 33, 
515 N. Lake Ave. Station 34, 
1360 E. Del Mar Blvd., Station 
36, 1140 N. Fair Oaks Ave., 
Station 37, 3430 E. Foothill 
Blvd., Station 38, 1150 Linda 
Vista Ave., Station 39, 50 Ave. 
64., Pasadena Fire Department 
administrative offices, 199 S. 
Los Robles Ave., Suite 550

 The firefighters appreciate 
visits to their stations and 
welcome the opportunity to 
meet residents and others.

 Community partners with 
Spark of Love Toy Drive boxes in 
Pasadena can accept donations 
as well, including Bob’s Big Boy, 
CVS Pharmacies, First Tee of 
Pasadena at Brookside Golf 
Course, Gold’s Gym, Honda 
of Pasadena, Pasadena Central 
Library, Pasadena Federal 
Credit Union, Pasadena Water 
and Power, Paseo Colorado 
, Plaza Las Fuentes, Victory 
Park Center and Western Asset 

 The program is also supported 
by Bolton and Company, 
Chancellor Place, Frostig 
Center, Operating Engineers, 
Pro Biz Bank, Rotary Club and 
Ruth Management.

 For more information contact 
Sean English, administrative 
captain and community 
liaison for the Pasadena Fire 
Department, atsenglish@ or (626) 

 Allendale Branch Library 
will hold an afternoon of 
cookie decorating for teens 
on Thursday, December 9 at 
3:30 p.m. Celebrate the season 
by joining us as we decorate 
(and eat!) yummy Christmas 

 Bring your imagination and 
creativity as you transform 
ordinary sugar cookies into 
works of art for the holidays! 
All materials will be provided.

 Allendale Branch Library is 
located at 1130 South Marengo 
Ave. For more information, 
call (626) 744-7260.

Community Access Channels 
Now on AT&T U-Verse

 Pasadena Community 
Network, the city’s local 
community access channels 
are now available on AT&T 
U-verse in the Metro LA 
cable market, which includes 
Glendale, Montebello and 
Burbank. AT&T U-verse 
Channel 99/Pasadena will 
include all programming 
originating from Pasadena’s 
community access channels; 
KPAS, The Arroyo Channel, 

 To find Pasadena’s local 
channels, just click 99 on 
your AT&T U-Verse receiver, 
scroll to Pasadena and you 
will find the entire list of 
your favorite local Pasadena 
channels. As Pasadena 
Community Network 
continues to expand its 
ways to reach out to all of 
Pasadena’s communities, the 
new change will NOT disturb 
Charter’s cable system 
subscribers’ local channels, 
nor will it change the live 
channel web streaming at: 

to Host 
Low Cost 

Pet of the 

On Wednesday December 
8, 2010, the Pasadena Humane 
Society will host a public low 
cost vaccination clinic from 
6:30 pm to 8 pm. Veterinarians 
from PHS will be on hand to 
administer rabies shots and 
other vaccines to both cats 
and dogs. Dog licenses for 
Arcadia, LaCañada Flintridge 
and San Marino will be 
available for purchase as 
well. You can have your dog 
or cat microchipped during 
the clinic for a charge of $20, 
which includes registration. 
All dogs four months of age 
and older are required by state, 
county and city ordinances to 
be vaccinated against rabies. 
The rabies vaccine provides 
three years of protection for 
dogs 12 months and older, one 
year protection for dogs four 
to 11 months and for cats from 
3 months of age. Also available 
are DHLPP and bordetella 
(kennel cough) vaccines for 
dogs and FVRCPP vaccines 
for cats; these may be given 
to pets eight weeks and older 
and provide protection for one 
year. Protection of pets against 
diseases other than rabies is 
not required by law, but is 
recommended for the well 
being of the animal.

PCC Art Gallery to Exhibit 
Hindu and Buddhist Figures

Robinson Attends Policy 
Academy on Foreclosures

 An exhibit curated by art 
historian Debashish Banerji, 
“The World of the Gods: 
Tradition and Modernity 
in Contemporary South 
Asia,” will be featured at the 
Pasadena City College Art 
Gallery from Dec. 2 to Feb. 
12, 2011. The show presents 
paintings and works on 
paper depicting the gods 
and goddesses of Hindu and 
Buddhism in South Asia. 
There will be a reception 
open to the public on Dec. 2 
from noon to 1 p.m.

 “The World of the Gods” 
explores both traditional 
image-making practices 
and the transformation 
of traditional imagery by 
artists in India, Nepal, and 
elsewhere. The show includes 
clusters of work featuring 
treatments of the gods 
Ganesha, Shiva, and Vishnu, 
and the goddess Devi. A 
brochure with an essay by 
Banerji will be available in 
the Gallery to complement 
the exhibit.

 The PCC Art Gallery will be 
closed for the holidays from 
Dec. 18 to Jan. 8, 2011. In 
December, the Gallery will 
be open Monday through 
Thursday from 11 a.m. to 
8 p.m.; and on Friday and 
Saturday from noon to 4 p.m. 
In January and February, the 
Gallery will be open Monday 
through Thursday from 11 
a.m. to 6 p.m. 

 Gallery admission, 
reception, and related events 
are all free of charge and open 
to the public. Visitor parking 
is available on campus for $2. 
For more information, please 
contact Brian Tucker at (626) 
585-7721 or PCCartgallery@

 Pasadena City Councilwoman 
Jacque Robinson attended a 
special academy this week 
in Baltimore, Md., to discuss 
solutions to the foreclosure 
crisis and create a plan for 
promoting neighborhood 
stabilization in Pasadena. 

 During the Policy Academy on 
Foreclosure and Neighborhood 
Stabilization sponsored by 
the Young Elected Officials 
Network, Robinson and 
others from throughout the 
U.S. studied the roots of the 
foreclosure crisis, discussing 
solutions and touring Baltimore 
neighborhoods where 
stabilization efforts are working. 

 “Despite the fact that 
foreclosure news has taken 
a back seat to other national 
news, they are still taking place 
at a disproportionate rate in 
communities of color, even here 
in Pasadena,” said Robinson. 
“I am attending this workshop 
to bring best practices back to 
facilitate solutions for Pasadena 
homeowners. The economy 
itself is causing enough of a 
transitional housing problem in 
Pasadena absent foreclosures. 
We need to be doing everything 
we can to keep families in this 

 The academy began with formal 
training that brought attendees 
together with economists, legal 
scholars, consumer advocates, 
public policy academics and 
leading policy professionals to 
learn, share and discuss ideas 
and strategies to address the 
foreclosure crisis and its effect 
on communities. The attendees 
shared strategies for effectively 
addressing the crisis and 
develop solutions to prevent 
foreclosures and predatory 
financial practices, stabilize 
neighborhoods and build 

 For more information about 
the academy visit www. 

 Walter, a two year old, Jack 
Russell mix is very friendly 
and well-behaved. He is calm, 
affectionate, and gets along 
with other small dogs. Walter 
is already neutered and can go 
home with you today!

 The regular dog adoption 
fee is $120, which includes 
medical care prior to adoption, 
spaying or neutering, 
vaccinations, and a follow-up 
visit with a participating vet.

 Please call 626-792-7151 
and ask for A280204 or come 
to the Pasadena Humane 
Society & SPCA, 361 S. 
Raymond Ave , Pasadena 
CA , 91105 . Our adoption 
hours are 11-4 Sunday, 
9-5 Tuesday, Wednesday, 
Thursday, and Friday, and 
9-4 Saturday. Directions and 
photos of all pets updated 
hourly may be found at www.

Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No.327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: Website:

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