Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: Website:
Mountain Views-News Saturday, December 18, 2010
The City Council of the City of Sierra Madre does hereby ordain as follows:
SECTION I. Section 15.24.010 of the Sierra Madre Municipal Code is hereby amended to read as follows:
There is hereby adopted by the City Council of the City of Sierra Madre for the purpose of prescribing regulations governing
conditions hazardous to life and property from fire or explosion, that certain Code known as the International Fire Code,
published by the International Code Council, being particularly the 2009 edition thereof, including Appendix Chapters with
errata, and Title 24, part 9 of the California Code of Regulations, except such portions as are hereinafter deleted, modified
or amended by Section 15.24.070 of the Sierra Madre Municipal Code. From the date on which this ordinance shall take
effect, the provisions of the International Fire Code and the 2010 California Fire Code shall be controlling within the limits
of the City of Sierra Madre.
SECTION II Section 15.24.070 of the Sierra Madre Municipal Code is hereby amended to read
as follows:
Section 307.4.2 is amended to read as follows:
307.4.2 Recreational fires. Recreational fires shall not be conducted within 25 feet (760mm) of a structure or combustible
material. Conditions which could cause a fire to spread within 25 feet (7620 mm) of a structure shall be eliminated.
Discontinuance. The fire code official or his representative is authorized to require that recreational fires be immediately
discontinued if such fires are determined by the chief to constitute a hazardous condition or if atmospheric conditions reach
critical levels as specified in the policies and procedures of the fire prevention bureau.
Section 503.2.1 is amended to read as follows due to local topographical conditions as identified in the 2010 Fire Code
Findings of Fact as filed with the California Building Standards Commission:
503.2.1 Dimensions. Fire apparatus access roads shall have an unobstructed width of not less than 20 feet. (6096 mm), except
for approved security gates in accordance with section 503.6, and an unobstructed vertical clearance of not less than 13 feet
6 inches (4115mm).
1. When fire hydrants are required, fire apparatus access roads shall have an unobstructed width of not less than 26 feet
(4114 mm) within a linear distance of 25 feet (7620 mm) each side of the hydrant.
Section 903.2.1.1 is amended to read as follows due to local topographical, geographic and climatic conditions as identified
in the 2010 Fire Code Findings of Fact as filed with the California Building Standards Commission:
903.2.1.1 Group A-1. An automatic sprinkler system shall be provided for Group A-1 occupancies in accordance with
Code section 15.24.120.
Section 903.2.1.2 is amended to read as follows due to local topographical, geographic and climatic conditions as
identified in the 2010 Fire Code Findings of Fact as filed with the California Building Standards Commission:
903.2.1.2 Group A-2. An automatic sprinkler system shall be provided for Group A-2 occupancies in accordance with
Code section 15.24.120.
Section 903.2.1.3 is amended to read as follows due to local topographical, geographic and climatic conditions as identified
in the 2010 Fire Code Findings of Fact as filed with the California Building Standards Commission:
903.2.1.3 Group A-3. An automatic sprinkler system shall be provided for Group A-3 occupancies in accordance with
Code section 15.24.120.
Section 903.2.1.4 is amended to read as follows due to local topographical, geographic and climatic conditions as identified
in the 2010 Fire Code Findings of Fact as filed with the California Building Standards Commission:
903.2.1.4 Group A-4. An automatic sprinkler system shall be provided for Group A-4 occupancies in accordance with
Code section 15.24.120.
Section 903.2.1.5 is amended to read as follows due to local topographical, geographic and climatic conditions as identified
in the 2010 Fire Code Findings of Fact as filed with the California Building Standards Commission:
903.2.1.5 Group A-5. An automatic sprinkler system shall be provided for Group A-5 occupancies in the following areas:
concession stands, retail areas, press boxes, and other accessory use areas in accordance with Code section 15.24.120.
Section 903.2.2 is amended to read as follows due to local topographical, geographic and climatic conditions as identified
in the 2010 Fire Code Findings of Fact as filed with the California Building Standards Commission:
903.2.2 Group B. An automatic sprinkler system shall be provided throughout all buildings containing a Group B
occupancy in accordance with Code section 15.24.120.
Section 903.2.3 is amended to read as follows due to local topographical, geographic and climatic conditions as identified
in the 2010 Fire Code Findings of Fact as filed with the California Building Standards Commission:
903.2.3 Group E. Except as provided for in Sections 903.2 .2 .1 for a new public school campus and 907.2 .3.6.1 (fire
alarm and detection) for modernization of an existing public school campus building(s), an automatic sprinkler system
shall be provided for Group E occupancies in accordance with Code section 15.24.120.
Section 903.2.4 is amended to read as follows due to local topographical, geographic and climatic conditions as identified
in the 2010 Fire Code Findings of Fact as filed with the California Building Standards Commission:
903.2.4 Group F-1. An automatic sprinkler system shall be provided throughout all buildings containing a Group F-1
occupancy in accordance with Code section 15.24.120.
Section 903.2.5 is amended to read as follows due to local topographical, geographic and climatic conditions as identified
in the 2010 Fire Code Findings of Fact as filed with the California Building Standards Commission:
903.2.5 Group H. Automatic sprinkler systems shall be provided in high-hazard occupancies as required in Sections
903.2.5.1 through 903.2.5.3.
903.2.5.1 General, An automatic sprinkler system shall be installed in Group H occupancies. in accordance with Code
section 15.24.120.
Section 903.2.6 is amended to read as follows due to local topographical, geographic and climatic conditions as identified
in the 2010 Fire Code Findings of Fact as filed with the California Building Standards Commission:
903.2.6 Group I. An automatic sprinkler system shall be provided throughout buildings with a Group I in accordance with
Code section 15.24.120.
Section 903.2.7 is amended to read as follows due to local topographical, geographic and climatic conditions as identified
in the 2010 Fire Code Findings of Fact as filed with the California Building Standards Commission:
903.2.7 Group M. An automatic sprinkler system shall be provided throughout buildings containing a Group M occupancy
in accordance with Code section 15.24.120.
Section 903.2.8 is amended to read as follows due to local topographical, geographic and climatic conditions as identified
in the 2010 Fire Code Findings of Fact as filed with the California Building Standards Commission:
903.2.8 Group R. An automatic sprinkler system installed in accordance with Section 903.3 shall be provided throughout
all buildings with a Group R in accordance with Code section 15.24.110.
Section 903.2.9 is amended to read as follows due to local topographical, geographic and climatic conditions as identified
in the 2010 Fire Code Findings of Fact as filed with the California Building Standards Commission:
903.2.9 Group S-1. An automatic sprinkler system shall be provided throughout all buildings containing a Group S-1 in
accordance with Code section 15.24.120.
Section 903.2.9.1 is amended to read as follows due to local topographical, geographic and climatic conditions as identified
in the 2010 Fire Code Findings of Fact as filed with the California Building Standards Commission:
903.2.9.1 Repair garages. An automatic sprinkler system shall be provided throughout all buildings used as repair garages
in accordance with the California Building Code.
Section 903.2.9.2 is amended to read as follows due to local topographical, geographic and climatic conditions as identified
in the 2010 Fire Code Findings of Fact as filed with the California Building Standards Commission:
903.2.9.2 Bulk storage of tires. Buildings and structures with an area for the storage of shall be equipped throughout with
an automatic sprinkler system in accordance with Section 903.3.1.1.
Section 903.2.10 is amended to read as follows due to local topographical, geographic and climatic conditions as identified
in the 2010 Fire Code Findings of Fact as filed with the California Building Standards Commission:
903.2.10 Group S-2. An automatic sprinkler system shall be provided throughout buildings classified as enclosed parking
garages in accordance with Section 406.4 of the California Building Code or where located beneath other groups.
Section 903.2.10.1 is amended to read as follows due to local topographical, geographic and climatic conditions as
identified in the 2010 Fire Code Findings of Fact as filed with the California Building Standards Commission:
903.2.10.1 Commercial parking garages. An automatic sprinkler system shall be provided throughout buildings used for
storage of commercial trucks or buses.
SECTION III Section 15.24.120 of the Sierra Madre Municipal Code is hereby amended to read
as follows:
15.24.120 Automatic fire extinguishing systems.
An Automatic fire sprinkler systems shall be installed in the following occupancies;
1. In all new buildings within the City of Sierra Madre except group U.
2. All new Group U as classified in the International Fire Code, which are located within thirty five (35) feet of any exposure.
3. All buildings classified as a Group A, B, E, F, H, I, M, S, U when renovated over seventy five percent (75%) of their
existing square footage
4. All buildings classified as a Group A, B, E, F, H, I, M, S, U were an addition of fifty percent of their existing square footage
is being accomplished.
5. All Group R occupancies shall install an automatic life safety fire sprinkler system in accordance with Code Section
6. All occupancies utilizing roof truss framing as part of new or renovated building construction shall install a fire sprinkler
system to protect the integrity of the truss components during a fire.
SECTION IV. Repeal of Conflicting Ordinances. All existing ordinances or parts thereof conflicting or inconsistent
with the provisions of this ordinance or the International Fire Code adopted are hereby repealed.
SECTION V. Findings of Urgency. The Council finds that unless the Council adopts this ordinance to take urgent
action, effective January 1, 2011, the California Fire Code will become effective in Sierra Madre without any Sierra Madre
specific amendments applying to those codes. If that were to occur, Sierra Madre could be required to issue permits for
construction that is not up to the city’s fire and life safety standards, and there could be a gap in the law that would apply in the
window between January 1, 2011 and the date that a permanent ordinance goes into in effect. Failure to mandate compliance
with these important safety and public health standards could allow potentially unsafe buildings and living conditions. This
urgency ordinance is necessary to immediately preserve the public peace, health, and safety.SECTION VI. Effective
Date. This Urgency Ordinance is adopted by 4/5 vote of the City Council and shall take effect immediately. Although the
ordinance is immediately in effect, it does not immediately cause an effect. This is because the ordinance is intended to
amend the 2010 Building Standards Codes when they become effective until January 1, 2011. No portion of this ordinance
shall cause any effect until January 1, 2011.
PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 14th day of December, 2010 by the following roll call vote that meets the
minimum 4/5 vote requirement: Yes: Mosca, Buchanan, MacGillivray, Moran Absent: Walsh
Unless otherwise noted, all
meetings listed below are
held at the Sierra Madre
City Hall
232 W. Sierra Madre Blvd.
Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024
January 11, 2010
6:30 pm
Arts Commission
2nd Wednesday @ 6:30
Community Services
3rd Monday @ 6:00
Library Trustees
4th Wednesday @ 7:00
Planning Commission
1st & 3rd Thursdays
Senior Community
1st Thursday @ 3:00
Tree Advisory
3rd Wednesday @ 7:00
January 8, 2011
Parks and Facilities
Master Plan Committee
Special Joint Meeting
with Community
9:00 AM – Community
Recreation Center
Maureen (Coburn) McAdam
Maureen (Coburn) McAdam
was born January 23rd,
1956, in Riverside, New Jersey.
She moved to California
in 1966 and was a longtime
resident of Duarte. She married
her husband Wayne in
1976. Maureen worked for
more than thirty years as a
medical transcriptionist, a
job which allowed her to take
care of her daughter Heather
at home. She greatly enjoyed
her long walks along Duarte’s
bike path and teaching
aerobics at the Duarte Fitness
Center. Camping was
one of her favorite things to
do and she has seen a majority
of the United States while traveling with her husband.
This past summer she was able to enjoy a two-month trip
across the country to visit friends and family. As a caring,
loving wife, mother, sister, and friend she valiantly finished
her fight with cancer on Friday, December 10, 2010. Visitation
will be on Thursday, December 16, from 6:00-8:00
P.M. at Douglas & Zook Chapel of Remembrance 600 E.
Foothill Blvd., Monrovia. A Memorial Service will be held
Friday, December 17 at Immaculate Conception Church,
740 S. Shamrock Ave., Monrovia. Maureen is survived by
her husband, Wayne, daughter and son-in-law Heather and
David Sark, and nine brothers and sisters, their spouses and
Eve Service
Sierra Madre United
Methodist Church
Celebrate the birth of Jesus
at Sierra Madre United
Methodist Church , December
24, 7:30 p.m. The
service will feature scripture
lessons, familiar carols,
a brief homily and the
warm glow of candlelight
as “Silent Night” is sung.
The Sierra Madre UMC
is located at 695 W. Sierra
Madre Blvd. , on the northeast
corner of Michillinda
and Sierra Madre Blvd.
There is ample parking in
the church’s parking lot,
accessed off Michillinda.
For more information
or directions, please call
(626) 355-0629.
And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.
Sunday, December 19, 2010
As the sun slowly disappears and the light surrenders us to
winter, and the weather further dashes us toward that icy chill.
The season of Christmas stands ready to remind us of that
glorious place of enchantment. The Season of Cheer and The
Festival of Lights join together on a very special night.
For as a trumpet readies from a heralded city on high, Sierra
Madre, and they prepare to furnish the vacuum of night and the
void of darkness with the ballads of Christmas and the heavenly
stars of candlelight. Our friends, churches, children and a
community will once again embrace the miracle of Christmas.
We salute the heavenly thinking of Pastor Bob VanderZaag
and Pastor Richard Anderson as the founders of this unique
tradition. Each man held a lasting hope of bringing a community
together and shepherding in a small town sensibility to the
deeper meanings of the Christmas Season. For the last thirty-
five years, The Candlelight Walk has faithfully strengthened
the Christmas Spirit and loyally seeded the imagination of our
dearest children.
The Candlelight Walk is held each Christmas season to celebrate
the journey Joseph and Mary made to Bethlehem where Jesus was
born over 2000 years ago. The procession will begin at St. Rita’s
Catholic Church in Sierra Madre, with “Mary and Joseph” leading
the way and other participants holding candles and singing
traditional Christmas carols. The procession will end at Kersting
Court in the center of town where the Christmas Story will be read
from Scripture.
Begins at St. Rita traveling down Baldwin to Kersting Court. It
is recommended that you arrive at 6:45pm so that the walk can
begin promptly at 7:00pm
Sierra Madre Police Blotter
During the week of Sunday, December 5th, to Saturday December 11th, the Sierra Madre
Police Department responded to approximately 309 calls for service. See crimereports.
com for updated information.
Monday, December 6th:
08:04 AM- Residential Burglary, 2000 blk. N. Vista Avenue. Sierra Madre resident
notified the Sierra Madre Police department that two suspicious males were entering a
neighbor’s house. The suspects were out of the house within two minutes and left in a
silver Honda Civic. An Officer then observed a car that matched the exact vehicle and
male descriptions. The officer detained the suspects, the neighbor then consented that
both males (Altadena and Pasadena residents) were the ones that went inside the house.
The home owner did not find anything missing, just electronics items moved. Both males
were transported to Pasadena Police Department jail.
Tuesday, December 7th:
02:02 AM-Possession of Marijuana/1oz or less, Cynthia Ave and Sierra Mare Blvd.
Motorist was stopped for a Vehicle Code violation. Investigation revealed that the rear
passenger was currently on parole and with possession of marijuana. The Pasadena
resident was cited and released on the field.
Thursday, December 9th:
11:08 AM-Commercial Burglary, 180 blk. S. Baldwin Ave. This case involves a
caregiver stealing a credit card from a Sierra Madre resident. The Altadena resident used
the credit card without permission and bought clothing items worth $230.38.
Friday, December 10th:
12:42 AM- Disorderly Conduct/Drunk in Public, 70 blk. W. Sierra Madre Blvd.
While an officer was conducting a traffic stop, a male walked up to the vehicle stopped
and interfered with the officer’s investigation. Further investigation revealed that the
male was intoxicated and unable to care for himself. The Sierra Madre was arrested and
transported to Pasadena Police Jail.
03:06 AM-DUI Alcohol/Drugs, 660 blk. W. Sierra Madre Blvd. Motorist was stopped
for a Vehicle Code violation. Investigation revealed that the driver was driving under
the influence of alcohol and also with an expired license. The Redondo Beach resident
refused all driving under the influence test and was transported to the Pasadena Police
Department Jail.
09:46 AM- Vandalism/Graffiti, 40 blk. W. Sierra Madre Blvd. Unknown suspect(s)
vandalized a business property by writing on the walls.
Saturday, December 11th:
07:19 PM- Use Another’s Personal Identification to Obtain Credit/Etc, Plymouth,
United Kingdom. Van Nuys resident checked his banking account and noticed four
purchases were made without his consent totaling $1889.23 from an unknown address in
the Plymouth, United Kingdom.