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SierraMudre.Info: Inside this Week: Sierra Madre: Pasadena – Altadena: Arcadia: Monrovia – Duarte: Good Food & Drink: Opinion: The World Around You: Homes & Property: The Good Life: Columnists: Recent Issues: |
‘The Season Is Here! Shop Local! SATURDAY DECEMBER 18, 2010 VOLUME 4 NO. 50 RAINY WEATHER CAUSE FOR CONCERN City of Sierra Madre on Green Flag Alert - expects to issue Yellow Flag Alert before weekend is over. In a press release sent out early today, the City of Sierra Madre notified residents that the city will remain under the Green Flag alert that was issued on Friday. “However, the City is anticipating the possibility of issuing a Yellow Flag Alert for mudslides and debris flows in the hillside communities this evening or Sunday.” The National Weather Service is predicting continued rain through Wednesday with the heaviest rain expected on Sunday and Monday. The hillsides that were burned two years ago in Sierra Madre have not had time to revegetate thus raising concerns over mudslides and debris flow. Local TV news channels are watching the town closely. On Friday, Channel 7 news interviewed three residents about the rain and what impact it might have on them. Sierra Madreans Nora Crest and Bill Robinson along with local business owner Ed Rey spoke with reporter Elex Michaelson about the wet forcast. All were reasonably concerned and looked forward to the storm passing. The City has identified a number of streets that will need to be clear of all vehicles during a Yellow Flag or Red Flag alert. The affected streets are: Mount Wilson Trail, Churchill Rd., Skyland Dr., Fern Glen, Fern Dr., Idlehour Ln., Canyon Crest Dr., Orange Dr., Woodland Dr., Brookside Lane, Sunnyside Lane, Sturtevant Drive, and Yucca Trail. The Yellow and Red Flag Alerts will trigger vehicles being towed from these streets at the owners’ expense. “NO PARKING” RESTRICTIONS MAY GO INTO EFFECT THIS WEEKEND. Should the City order evacuations, please plan to be as self-sufficient as possible with important paperwork, medications, and clothing for at least seven days. It is important anticipate a possible evacuation order, and make plans for your pets in advance. Please note that Public Safety Officials do not take evacuation orders lightly and residents should heed these orders. Once mud begins to flow, Emergency Responders will NOT rescue those who failed to evacuate until the mud has stopped flowing and it is safe for responders to enter the mud flow areas. For more information about mudslide and debris flow preparations, please visit www.cityofsierramadre.com and click “Emergency Preparedness Information” and on the home page. Updates will also be issued on SMTV3 (Time Warner- channel 3), Sierra Madre Community Radio (AM 1630), eBlasts, and the City’s Emergency Blog (http://sierramadrepio.blogspot.com). About the Alerts: GREEN FLAG - Activated under a prediction of 80% - 100% chance of precipitation. Affected residents should get “READY” for potential evacuation. This includes keeping a close watch on weather forecasts. YELLOW FLAG - Activated with an LA County Phase 1 mudflow forecast, or deemed consistent with the County’s forecast thresholds. This is described as small, isolated debris and mudflows possible at specific locations. Affected residents should get “SET” to leave their homes and may choose to voluntarily evacuate. Please note that all vehicles must be off the streets in potential mudflow areas during Yellow Flag alerts. RED FLAG - Activated with an LA County Phase 2 or 3 forecast. Phase 2 includes moderate debris and mudflows at more widespread locations. Phase 3 - the potential exists for significant debris and mudflows to be widespread. Affected residents should “GO”, meaning they should immediately evacuate, and vehicles should not be parked on the streets. Holiday Decorating Award Winner! MOUNTAIN VIEWS NEWS BEST OF SIERRA MADRE AWARD WINNER - 171 W. Orange Grove. For a complete list of winners go to “One Of A Kind” on page 13. All photos by Chris Bertrand It's the "Sierra Madre History Book!" Discussion and Book Signing with Michele Zack! Tuesday, Dec. 21, 7:30 p.m. Sierra Madre Books 52 W. Sierra Madre Blvd. Sierra Madre, CA 91024 (626) 836-3200 Copies for signing may be purchased at the presentation or in advance at Sierra Madre Books. BURGLARY SUSPECTS TO FACE JUDGE Burglary suspect Jason Andrew Mora, age 21, along with co-defendant David Wells, 20, are scheduled to appear before Judge Stan Blumenfeld on Monday, December 20, 2010 in Pasadena/ Wells is currently out on a $50,000 bail, however Mora remains in custody at press time with a $100,000 bail. Both men face two counts of felony burglary. They are accused of breaking into homes in Sierra Madre. As reported in this paper last week, the accused were apprehended by the Sierra Madre Police Department as they were leaving the area. An alert resident notified the SMPD of a burglary in progress in the 1900-2000 block of Vista Street. When the suspects were arrested, police recovered what is believed to be stolen property from the suspects vehicle. At the time they were driving a silver Honda CRV. It was revealed that the twosome may be responsible for other daytime burlaries in Sierra Madre and the Hastings Ranch area of Pasadena. Both men are from Pasadena. The number of burglaries appears to have increased in the last six months and residents should take precautions to make certain that their homes and cars are secure. In at least two of the recent burglaries in Sierra Madre, entry to the home was gained through an unlocked window. The swift action that lead to the arrest of the men is attributed to the areas Neighborhood Watch Program. If your area does not have an organized Watch Group, you are encouraged to contact the Sierra Madre Police Department for assistance. S. Henderson/MVNews Inside This Week... CALENDAR Page 2 SIERRA MADRE Page 3 PASADENA/ALTADENA Page 4 ARCADIA Page 5 MONROVIA/DUARTE Page 6 Let It Be Now Just in time for Christmas, the Rev. George R. Crisp, Pastor of Sierra Madre United Methodist Church, has released a CD for the season. Let It Be Now is a collection of 18 original songs for Christmas. As a spiritual discipline, Rev. Crisp has written a hymn or song for Christmas each year, and many have been used in worship. The collection includes “Magic of That Sacred Night,” “The Miracle of Grace,” “Magnify the Love,” “Source of Redeeming Hope,” “Peace Is In the Air,” and this year’s addition, the title track, “In the Distance (Let It Be Now).” Let it Be Now is now available at the Cokesbury Bookstore, 478 E. Colorado Blvd., Pasadena, or through the office of Sierra Madre UMC, 695 W. Sierra Madre Blvd., Sierra Madre. For more information call (626) 355-0629. The cost of the CD is $15. Buy one for yourself and then additional copies to give as gifts this Christmas. FEATURES Education & Youth Page 7 Good Food & Drink Page 8 Legals Page 9 Left Turn/Right Turn Page 10 Opinion Page 11 The World Around Us Page 12 The Good Life Page 13 Homes & Property Page 14 SPORTS Page 15 Bobby Eldridge - On The Course FYI Page 16 Rev. Crisp, Pastor, Sierra Madre United Methodist Church friends&Nikofriends& New Japanese erasers have arrived! Drop off a “toys for tots” donation! I’m getting my latte at Niko’s! 900 Valley View Ave •Corner of N. Michillinda and W Montecito •Phone: 626-510-6151 •Open: Mon 7 to6, Sat 8:30 to 1:30Coffee The Great Race Place is Better Than Ever! • www.santaanita.com • 626-574-7223First Race: 12 noonSANTA ANITA PARK OPENS SUNDAY, DEC. 26We’ve Saved One Last Present for the Day After ChristmasSANTA ANITA PARK OPENS SUNDAY, DEC. 26FREE Santa Anita Wall CalendarThe Police Experience Live in Sirona’s after the races Read The Paper Online At: www.mtnviewsnews.com | |||||||||||||||||||
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Mountain Views News 80 W. Sierra Madre Blvd. #327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.604.4548 www.mtnviewsnews.com |