Send entries for our 2nd annual Holiday Decorating Contest to

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Police Blotter

Pasadena – Altadena:
Pet of the Week

Police Blotter

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Education & Youth:

Good Food & Drink:
Chef Peter Dills
Table for Two

Legal Notices:

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As I See It
Gregory J. Wellborn

My Turn
Rich Johnson
Stuart Tolchin On …
The Funnies

The World Around You:
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Looking Up
Ask jai …
… This and That

Homes & Property:
One of a Kind

The Good Life:
Senior Happenings

On the Course

F. Y. I. :

Sue Behrens
Chris Bertrand
P. J. Carpenter
Peter Dills
Bob Eklund
Bobby Eldridge
Hail Hamilton
Dave Hart
Howard W. Hays
Jai Johnson
Rich Johnson
Stuart Tolchin
Katie Tse
Gregory J. Wellborn

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MVNews Archive:  Page 1

Who Has The Best Decorations? Is It You? Or Your Neighbor? 

Submit your entries for our 2nd annual Holiday Decorating Contest! Enter the address of homes we should consider for our 
2nd annual contest. We’ll drive and evaluate the entries in our service area from Pasadena, Altadena, Sierra Madre, Arcadia, 
Monrovia and Duarte on Monday and/or Tuesday, December 13-14 between 5-9 p.m. So…. If you’re entered, make sure your 
lights are on for us to take photos and make the awards! Send your submission addresses with street address, cross street and 
town name to 



Shoppe Sierra Madre!

Charlotte’s Fine Jewelry

WHOA! Dickens Village Carriage Ride & Snow = Big Fun!

by La Quetta M. Shamblee

When Charlotte Waddingham decided 
to leave the hustle and bustle of working 
as a model maker in the jewelry trade 
in downtown Los Angeles to open 
her store in Sierra Madre, a number 
of naysayers told her she wouldn’t 
succeed. Forty years later, she continues 
to celebrate a reputation for quality, 
master craftsmanship and unique 
designs. With a focus on personalized 
jewelry and custom design, the steadily 
escalating prices of gold have been the 
only real challenges during this time. 
Gold was selling for under $40 an ounce 
in 1970 when she opened and is now 
selling close to $1,400 per ounce as we 
near the end of 2010.

 The display cases that 
wrap around the store’s 
interior are filled with a 
wide selection of gorgeous 
rings, bracelets, pendants 
and other beautiful items. 

 There is one display 
full of unique brooches, 
cameos, rings and other 
keepsakes for those who 
appreciate and wish 
to adorn themselves 
with period pieces. A 
number of them with 
very intricate details look 
like miniature statues and 
busts, a testament to Charlotte’s skills 
and expertise with making models and 
castings. Numerous pieces adorned 
with diamonds and other precious gems 
feature angels and fairies, such as the 
White Angel pictured above. 

 Charlotte is an accomplished artist 
who applies her talents to the design 
and production of fine jewelry. She also 
does carvings and portraits of animals. 
Her creative talents, coupled with the 
technical and production expertise 
of jeweler, Gabe Porras, provides 
extremely personalized services that 
will allow customers to convert design 
ideas into special, one-of-a-kind 
wedding or engagement rings, pendants 
or other impressive heirlooms. This 
“dream team” of design and production 
has worked together for thirty years. 
Charlotte expressed, “What I like most 
is producing a piece that will be loved 
and passed on, a heritage type of thing.”

 Charlotte and Gabe will work with you 
to convert your idea into a beautiful 
piece of jewelry or to restore a piece 
to its former brilliance. Whether 
it’s the replacement of stones, or the 
repairing or a watch, their approach and 
commitment to personalized service is 
unparalleled. The full range 
of gemstones and certified 
diamonds are available at 
competitive prices, boasting 
finer quality and brilliant 
colors. Estate and vintage 
pieces that range from the 
Victorian to the Retro periods 
are for sale, some purchased 
and some on consignment. 
They also specialize in hand 
engraving and appraisals. 

 This is an excellent time to 
stop by or visit their website 
to find that special item for 
the holidays or other gift 
giving occasion. In addition 
to accepting major credit cards, they 
offer layaway as another convenient 
financing option. Hours are Thursday 
thru Saturday from 12pm to 6pm. 

Charlotte’s Fine Jewelry 

40 N. Baldwin, Sierra Madre, CA

(626) 355-2818 or go to

Charlotte Waddingham and staff

It was a magical time in downtown Sierra Madre last weekend. The Chamber of Commerce’s Dickens 
Village kicked off the holiday season with fun filled activities for young and old. There were horse and 
carriage rides (pictured above), craft sales, snow - yes, real snow, the Annual Christmas Tree Lighting (by 
Mayor Joe Mosca), and of course, the star of the show, Santa Claus. Photo by Lina Johnson


With the closing of Domino’s Pizza, the number of vacant business locations 
continues to increase, proving the Sierra Madre is not immune to 
the current economic crisis By Susan Henderson

How the city manages development 
in Sierra Madre is of primary 
concern to most residents 
in this town. Some of the most 
notable issues such as - the demolition 
and intended use of the 
dormitory at the Passionist Fathers 
Retreat that was damaged 
in an earthquake; the attempt to 
build a High School at One Carter 
and the subsequent plans to 
build luxury homes on that site; 
the proposed Downtown Specific 
Plan and subsequent passage 
of Measure V still stir emotions 
among those who fought 
to protect the town’s ‘character’. 
Some of those issues are still unresolved, 
such as the future of the 
former Skilled Nursing Center 
and what will eventually become 
of the old Howie’s Market. Interest 
comes and goes among developers, 
and as recently as a few months ago, what some viewed as a promising solution to the Skilled 
Nursing Center vacancy was withdrawn.

 Since that time, concerns are increasing as the number 
of vacant businesses are increasing. Most notably, 
in the last six months, empty storefronts have 
increased dramatically. 

 Currently on Sierra Madre Blvd. in addition to 
the Skilled Nursing Center, there are the sites of the 
former Kentucky Fried Chicken and the former E 
Cruisers. Further down the Boulevard the former 
Steamers site is still vacant. On Baldwin Avenue, the 
location of Lozano’s has not yet opened and just a 
few weeks ago, Dominoe’s Pizza in Kersting Court 

 There is some hope on the horizon for at least two 
of the vacant buildings. According to Sierra Madre 
Development Director Danny Castro,” A CUP was 
approved by the Planning Commission in September 
2010 to divide the space [Steamers] into three 
potential eating establishments. The plans are currently 
being reviewed for plan check (conformance 
with Building Code) before they are issued a building 

 Castro also confirmed that the new owners of the 
Lozano site have pulled a building permit and are 
working on interior renovations for a new restaurant.

 As for the KFC site, Castro says, “We’ve had inquiries 
from fast food type uses, but no submittal for 
permits thus far. The latest inquiry is a “taco shop” 
and they say they will be going to get their paper 
work and plans together, but we have no application 
yet, so we can’t confirm. This space is “grandfathered” 
for another food establishment; therefore, no 
CUP would be required. A CUP would be required 
only if the new restaurant called for an expansion or 
intensification of the use. 

 Residents are diligently watching, hoping that the 
economy will improve so that Sierra Madre can avoid 
additional vacant commercial buildings.

Although the “For Lease” sign has been taken down, there is no indication that 
a new tenant will be moving in to this building on Sierra Madre Blvd.

CORRECTION: In last week’s edition 
of the Mountain Views News, 
the name of the author of the “Weed 
Patch, USA” was incorrect. The story 
was by Nan Kaesar, not Fran Kaesar.

FARMERS MARKET THIS THURSDAY December 9 1:00 – 3:00 p.m. 

A Community Supported 
Agriculture Farmers Market 
will be held on the Sierra 
Madre School’s front lawn 
every Thursday from 1:00 – 
3:00 p.m. to support healthy 
lifestyles and the school’s 
PTA enrichment programs. 
The CSA/Farmer's Market 
provides fresh, seasonal produce 
from local farmers to 
the school community. Participants 
can choose produce 
from an array of seasonal 
selections. The cost for a 
weekly bag of fresh/local/
sustainable/organic produce 
is $25.00 per week and will 
consist of seasonal fruits and 

 A portion of the proceeds 
benefits the school. 141 W. 
Highland Ave., Sierra Madre.
est Highland 

Inside This Week...




 Page 4



 Page 6


Education & Youth Page 7

Good Food & Drink Page 8

Legals Page 9

Left Turn/Right Turn Page 10

Opinion Page 11

The World Around Us Page 12

The Good Life Page 13

Homes & Property Page 14

SPORTS Page 15

 Bobby Eldridge - On The Course

 FYI Page 16 

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MVNews this week:  Page 1

Mountain Views News 80 W.Sierra Madre Blvd. #327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.604.4548