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Inside this Week: Halloween Happenings: Pasadena – Altadena: Arcadia:
Monrovia – Duarte:
Good Food & Drink: Left/Right … Opinion: The World Around You: The Good Life: Home & Property … Sports: Columnists: Recent Issues: |
SATURDAY OCTOBER 30, 2010 VOLUME 4 NO. 43 THE HARDEST JOB IN TOWN Sierra Madre’s Annual Halloween Costume Contest proved to be a challenging task for this year’s children. Over a hundred children, ranging in age from a few months to their teens adorned their favorite Halloween costume and marched through the city to Memorial Park. There, with encouragement from MC extraordinaire Lisa Spagai- Perez, judges were given the task of awarded prizes for the best costumes in five categories. The judges, Children’s Librarian Meegan Tosh; Mayor Joe Mosca; Mrs. Shirley Anhalt; Kiwanis President Susan Henderson and Costume Contest Chairperson and Kiwanis Treasurer Pat Birdsall, all admitted that choosing the ‘best’ from so many great costumes was difficult. “They’re all so adorable”, said one judge. The event is sponsored annually by the City of Sierra Madre in conjunction with the Sierra Madre Kiwanis Club and the Sierra Madre Chamber of Commerce. The Chamber assists with the downtown merchants participation in the Window Painting and Trick of Treating during the parade. Winners for this year’s contest were: Age Group 0-2 Years: Rebecca Fromer, Olivia Moran, Ava Jane Damery, and Tessa Moran (pictured top left); Age Group 3-4 Years: Sophia Garcia,Norah Nuss, Payton Thomas, and Sophia Astacaan; Age Group 5-7 Years: Kellar Black, Johan Thuen, and Grace Elias; Age group 8-10 Years - center picture: Aaden Corona, Kate Salempier and Danny Comer; Age Group 11 and up: Ryan Adams, Daniel Netz and Ashford Milne. Each winner received a gift certificate from Vroman’s Bookstore, courtesy of the Sierra Madre Kiwanis Club. Right: Revelers parading down Sierra Madre Blvd. on their way to the contest. Photos by Dean Lee/MV News City Issues First Alert of 2010 Fall-Winter Season On Friday, the City of Sierra Madre issued a Green Flag Alert for mudslides and debris flows in the hillside communities. This was the result of the National Weather Service forecast of rain for Friday Night and Saturday. This was the first such alert of the fall/ winter season. A Green Flag Alert is issued when there is an 80% chance or more of precipitation. Affected residents should get ready for potential evacuation and keep close watch on weather forecasts. This includes residents of the Upper and Lower Canyon as well as any resident whose property abuts the hillsides. Background on the Flag Alert System Due to the Santa Anita fire in April of 2008, the hillsides where stripped of much of the vegetation causing the potential for mud and debris flows to enter residential areas. The City of Sierra Madre has developed a three-color flag alert system as part of its ‘Ready for Seven’ emergency preparedness program. A series of three different colored flags will be flown at four different locations in the City (City Hall, Search and Rescue Station, Mountain Trail at Churchill Road, and Mary’s Market). When possible, flags will be displayed indicating one of three stages of emergency. Be sure to check the website, email alerts, SMTV3, AM 1630, or simply call City Hall or the Police Department to confirm the current stage of emergency and please understand the City may not always have the ability to change these flags the moment conditions or forecasts change. The City has identified a number of streets that will need to be clear of all vehicles during a Yellow Flag or Red Flag alert. The affected streets are: Mount Wilson Trail, Churchill Rd., Skyland Dr., Fern Glen, Fern Dr., Idlehour Ln., Canyon Crest Dr., Orange Dr., Woodland Dr., Brookside Lane, Sunnyside Lane, and Yucca Trail. The Yellow and Red Flag Alerts will trigger vehicles being towed from these streets at the owners’ expense Stage One: GREEN FLAG - Activated under a prediction of 80% - 100% chance of precipitation. Affected residents should get “READY” for potential evacuation. This includes keeping a close watch on weather forecasts. Stage Two: YELLOW FLAG - Stage Two yellow flag is activated with an LA County Phase 1 mudflow forecast, or deemed consistent with the County’s forecast thresholds. This is described as small, isolated debris and mudflows possible at specific locations. Affected residents should get “SET” to leave their homes and may choose to voluntarily evacuate. Please note that all vehicles must be off the streets in potential mudflow areas during Yellow Flag alerts. Stage Three: RED FLAG - Activated with an LA County Phase 2 or 3 forecast. Phase 2 includes moderate debris and mudflows at more widespread locations. Phase 3 - the potential exists for significant debris and mudflows to be widespread. Affected residents should “GO”, meaning they should immediately evacuate, and vehicles should not be parked on the streets. When evacuating, please plan to be as self-sufficient as possible with important paperwork, medications, and clothing for at least seven days. It is important anticipate a possible evacuation order, and make plans for your pets in advance. Please note that Public Safety Officials do not take evacuation orders lightly and residents should heed these orders. Once mud begins to flow, Emergency Responders will NOT rescue those who failed to evacuate until the mud has stopped flowing and it is safe for responders to enter the mud flow areas. For more information about mudslide and debris flow preparations, please visit http://www.cityofsierramadre. com/ and click “Emergency Preparedness Information” and on the home page. Updates will also be issued on SMTV3 (Time Warner-channel 3), Sierra Madre Community Radio (AM 1630), and the City’s Emergency Blog http:// sierramadrepio.blogspot.com.) ANNUAL VETERANS DAY CEREMONY NOVEMBER 13TH The Public is invited to the annual Veteran’s Day ceremony to be held at Hart Memorial Park in Sierra Madre on Saturday, November 13, 2010 at 11:00 am at the Veteran’s Wall. Although Veteran’s Day will be officially celebrated on November 11th, the ceremony will be held on Saturday. VFW Commander David Loera will officiate and Sierra Madre Police Chief Marilyn Diaz will be the guest speaker. Autumn’s briskness in the air rouses thoughts of aromatic candles burning in the night and the glow of jubilant orange hand- carved lanterns resting on the porches, driveways and lawns of Sierra Madre residences. It is at this time of the year I look forward to seeing the Parker family and their gorgeous homegrown, carved immense pumpkins. Last year I eagerly attempted to grow my own gigantic pumpkins. The vines I grew were quite lovely and impressive. I tended to them daily, watering, trimming and treating them with anti-fungal spray. Most of my pumpkins grew to be softball size then rotted and died. By the time Halloween 2009 arrived, I had been on the emotional roller coaster of pumpkin growing way too many times. My entire harvest was a 10 lb pumpkin. This experience gave me even more reasons to appreciate that Doug and Heather Parker reside in Sierra Madre; sharing with the community not only their zest for gigantic pumpkins and Halloween but their extraordinary hospitality. I went to visit the Parker’s on Saturday, October 23,2010 which happened to be “Pumpkin Moving Day”. This year they managed to harvest a crop of 35 pumpkins, despite the fact that the neighborhood deer decided to add pumpkin to their diet. This year’s grandest pumpkin weighs 650 pounds which is about 60 pounds lighter than their largest pumpkin ever grown .The Parker’s have a special pumpkin cart and pumpkin tarp that Doug Parker made himself. These tools enable him along with the participation of neighbors, friends and family to move the enormous pumpkins from their backyard to the front yard for carving and display. They grow a variety of pumpkins such as, Big Max, Atlantic Giants and the Cinderella type, which is also known as the Rouge Vif d’Estampes. This year they discovered a hybrid pumpkin in their crop. The hybridization surprised them because they meticulously plant each variety of pumpkin in it’s own section of the garden. It seems that strong willed pumpkin vines cannot be deterred from cross-breeding. The Parker’s moved to their Alegria street home in 1988. Heather Parker had had her eye on the enchanting bungalow house with the large front yard on Alegria. When it went on the market, the Parkers quickly purchased it. When Heather was growing up, she experienced fun Halloween traditions with her family. These traditions left a strong impression on her. Her mother enjoyed Halloween and the family would open their home as a haunted house. Heather and her siblings, Chris and Peggy would give tours and her mother would serve cider. Heather wanted to keep her mother’s tradition of serving hot cider to trick or treaters. During the first years of living on Alegria, the Parker’s Halloween decorations included store bought pumpkins. At this time, they did not have a front porch. They would drape part of their living room off and invite trick or treaters inside for treats and cider. In 1998 Doug haphazardly discarded the remains of store bought pumpkins in his back yard. Mutant pumpkins grew from these remains. In 1999, after doing research and talking to growers, he decided to make a real effort at growing large pumpkins. Since then it has been an on-going science project in which Doug has experimented with soil ph and optimal watering systems and optimal location for each pumpkin type to grow. The whole project starts in May when the seeds are first warmed and then placed into small biodegradable pots. The culmination is Halloween evening when Doug and Chris Roberts, (Heather’s brother) have completed all the pumpkin carving. The sculpting of these giants takes 4-5 days of constant carving and construction. Chris flies in from North Carolina to assist the Parkers in the final leg of their annual project. While Doug creates functional objects, such as fountains or tiffany lamps out of the pumpkins, Chris uses his talented hand to sculpt unusual characters and unique faces. The combination of their skills in working with giant pumpkins guarantees the Halloween visitor a resplendent visual treat. So when the Parker family lights their gorgeous lantern pumpkins, warms their cider and prepares to distribute one hundred pounds of candy grab your pillow case and go trick or treat. Parker’s Pumpkins Story and Photo by Lina Johnson Inside This Week... CALENDAR Page 2 SIERRA MADRE Page 3 PASADENA/ALTADENA Page 4 ARCADIA Page 5 MONROVIA/DUARTE Page 6 Chris Roberts carving his 3rd pumpkin on the first carving day. FEATURES Education & Youth Page 7 Good Food & Drink Page 8 Peter Dills....Table For Two Legals Page 9 Opinion Page 10 The World Around Us Page 11 The Good Life Page 12 Homes & Property Page 13 SPORTS Page 14 Bobby Eldridge - On The Course Betty Cleveland - No. 1 Tennis Player Read The Paper Online At: www.mtnviewsnews.com
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Mountain Views News 80 W. Sierra Madre Blvd. #327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.604.4548 www.mtnviewsnews.com |