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Page 3 Page 4 SATURDAY AUGUST 21, 2010 VOLUME 4 NO. 33 The Creative Arts Group Turns 50! A Change Of Scenery A beautiful balmy evening in the lovely garden of Jan and Bob Eriksson provided the backdrop for the 50th anniversary party of Creative Arts Group, the nonprofit art center in Sierra Madre that has provided art classes to children and adults for 50 years. Jazz guitarist, Michael Zubia, played throughout the evening, the event was catered by Chefelle, bidding was brisk at the Silent Auction, and guests enjoyed a slide show of Creative Arts Group through the years. A highlight of the evening was the presentation of a plaque renaming the Featured Artists Gallery the “Founders Gallery” to two of CAG’s founding members, Kathy Snow and Mary Wallace. The vision of 12 innovative citizens was realized in 1960 when Creative Arts Group first opened its doors to those in the community seeking a creative artistic experience. Established as the only nonprofit art center in Sierra Madre, the group’s mission was to provide high quality affordable art instruction to all and to augment art programs in the public schools. Initially located on Montecito Ave., a fire in 1974 destroyed the building that first housed the art center. Through the efforts of many dedicated and determined friends, Creative Arts Group moved to its present location on Baldwin Ave. where it continues to welcome all in search of a creative environment to experience and enjoy the artistic process. CAG continues to grow steadily and to expand its curriculum to include innovative workshops and classes for adults, teens, and children – always striving to give each person a valuable and individual art experience. In addition, CAG offers local artists a venue for displaying and selling their work in the Jameson Gallery, hosts artist receptions and exhibitions, conducts art-related tours, a student sale as well as an annual art festival and garden tour, and provides free family art projects in conjunction with city events. The CAG facility is available for birthday parties, art programs for the local elementary school and for a variety of youth groups. The Creative Arts Group Alliance, an auxiliary group formed in 1986, raises funds for local school curriculum-based art projects, as well as scholarship classes to those in our community. They have also funded classes for seniors and patients in a local skilled nursing facility. Those of us who have had the privilege of participating in the many activities Creative Arts Group offers are indeed grateful to the vision of our founders – Ruth and Bill Burr, Evie and Jim Hawkins, Jane and Charles Morse, Maria and Bill Stewart, and Mary and Bruce Wallace who with foresight and generosity created this community treasure that has welcomed students, teachers, artists, volunteers, and friends for 50 years. The vacated Skilled Nursing Center, which has been a boarded up eyesore on Sierra Madre Blvd. several years, has improved its image somewhat. In an effort to comply with the city’s recent ordinance regarding boarded up and vacant buildings, the owner removed the boards from the windows in the front of the building. There are currently no new plans on what to do with the site despite the fact that the For Sale sign has been taken down. Photo by Chris Bertrand/MV News Walk and Talk Water Tours Begin Attending the celebration are , left to right, Jacki Raymond, Executive Director; Kathy Snow, CAG founder; Mary Wallace, CAG Founder; Vicki Mathieu, CAG president Creative Arts Group (CAG) is hosting a Faculty Retrospective in celebration of the art center’s 50th birthday with faculty from the last fifty years displaying their art in the new Founders’ Gallery. Ceramics, jewelry, watercolor, oils, mixed media, and mosaics will be on view and for sale. The public is invited to the opening reception Friday, August 27, 7:00 – 9:00 pm at the art center, 108 N. Baldwin Ave., Sierra Madre, where many of the participants will be on hand. The show will continue through September 30. As promised, Sierra Madre city officials have begun a new approach to educating residents about the functions and associated costs of maintaining the city’s water system. Last Saturday, dozens of residents gathered at the Water Department in the City Yards to take the walking tour. On Tuesday, City Manager Elaine Aguilar (shown above) and Director Karen Schnaider took the Kiwanis Club and guests on the tour. Later that same day, residents met at city hall where a review of the financial components of the proposed water rate increase and the water departments operations were discussed. Several other Walk and Talks are scheduled in the next two months and residents are encouraged to contact city hall for the next available date. Contact city hall at 626-355-7123 Police and Fire Chiefs Plan Chili Cookoff on Sept. 11 Sierra Madre Police Chief Marilyn Diaz and Fire Chief Steve Heydorff are planning a friendly chili cookoff, and will serve 300 attendees at A Taste of Sierra Madre on September 11 in Kersting Court. Each department is keeping their recipe a secret. Chief Heydorff confirmed that Charlie Childs recipe will be used at the Fire Department. Childs’ cooking was a staple at the department for years, and has been featured on the Food Network, so the heat is on! The event attendees will vote on their favorite version between noon and two on that day. Proceeds from the event, including the cookoff will benefit two causes, cleft palate surgeries for children who would otherwise go without, and Sierra Madre’s Youth Activity Center, by funding additional fine arts programs. Two different level tickets at $35 and $20 are now on sale to taste the food, the fine arts and the music of this first time event. Buy tickets at Savor the Flavor, Best Buy Drugs, The Bottle Shop and Belle’s Nest in downtown Sierra Madre. More information at www.ATasteOfSierraMadre.com or by calling event chair, Tom Brady at 626-355-3471. Sierra Madre Police Chief Marilyn Diaz, and Sierra Madre Fire Chief Steve Heydorf are ready for the battle of the pots and pans at the Taste of Sierra Madre on September 11th. Read The Paper Online At: www.mtnviewsnews.com
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Mountain Views News 80 W. Sierra Madre Blvd. #327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.604.4548 www.mtnviewsnews.com |