Nameplate:  Mountain Views News

Inside this Week:


Around The San Gabriel Valley:

Pasadena & Altadena:
Pet of the Week

Public Safety:
Looking Up
Police Blotters

Education & Youth:

Food & Drink:
Chef Peter Dills
Table for Two
On Line
Ask jai …
Rich Johnson

Hail Hamilton
Stuart Tolchin On …
As I See It
Gregory J. Wellborn

Legal Notices:
… This and That

The Good Life:
Senior Happenings

Home & Property:
One of a Kind

F. Y. I. :

Chris Bertrand
P. J. Carpenter
Peter Dills
Bob Eklund
Hail Hamilton
Howard W. Hays
Jai Johnson
Rich Johnson
Stuart Tolchin
Katie Tse
Gregory J. Wellborn

Recent Issues:
Issue 31
Issue 30
Issue 29
Issue 28
Issue 27
Issue 26
Issue 25
Issue 24
Issue 23
Issue 22
Issue 21

MVNews Archive:  Page 1

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Page 4



Council Expands 
General Plan 

Chairperson Committed To 
Working With Neighbors

By Susan Henderson

 Sierra Madre Mayor Joe Mosca, along 
with Councilmembers John Buchanan, 
Nancy Walsh and Josh Moran, in an effort 
to diversify the makeup of the city’s General 
Plan Committee, voted to expand the 
existing committee from five members to 
nine members. Councilmember Mary Ann 
MacGillivray cast the only dissenting vote, 
with an adamant, “Absolutely Not”.

 The Committee, which was appointed while 
MacGillivray was Mayor, has the daunting 
task of updating the City’s General Plan 
as required by law. The Plan serves as the 
city’s guide for land use and community 
development and is supposed to be the 
legal guide for all zoning and development. 
Updating the plan will take several years to 
complete. The last time Sierra Madre’s Plan 
was updated was 1996.

 The expansion of the committee caused 
great consternation among certain members 
of the community. However, as articulated 
by Mayor Mosca, it was necessary to expand 
the committe so that it included a better cross 
section of residents.

 General Plan Committee Chair, Denise 
Delmar attended the council meeting, 
and during a telephone interview said, “I 
think the expansion will be a good thing.” 
The committee currently has drawn up 
preliminary plans to hold Town Hall 
Meetings, focus on an extensive public 
outreach campaign and hold focus groups 
in hopes that the finished plan will be 
satisfactory to everyone. 

 Said Delmar, “...we need a lot of people to 
take ownership of this document, this has to 
be written with the voice of all the people in 
Sierra Madre. “

Willing To Serve


Gangs Are Targeting 
The San Gabriel Valley 
Including Sierra Madre

 Sierra Madre Police Chief Marilyn 
Diaz confirmed on Friday that Sierra 
Madre, as well as neighboring cities of 
Pasadena and Arcadia, have recently 
become targets for residential 
burgularies and robberies. Says Diaz, 
“Consistent with crime patterns 
throughout the San Gabriel Valley, 
some South Central LA Gangs have 
discovered the San Gabriel Valley as 
an easy target.”

 Gang members, according to Diaz, 
have been known to drive around 
in high profile cars with a young 
woman as the driver in order to try to 
blend in the neighborhood. The gang 
members have been involved so far 
have been African American, Asian, 
White and Latino. The intruders 
often ask unsuspecting residents if 
they know where a ficticious person 
lives in order to gain access to homes.

 In addition to the burgularies, 
robberies have escalated. As 
recently as last week, a 16 year old 
youth was robbed at gunpoint. In 
the ‘Crime Alert’ sent via email by 
Sergeant Enriquez of the SMPD, “On 
Wednesday, August 11, 2010, at 10:15 
p.m., an armed robbery occurred in 
the 300 block of West Sierra Madre 

 A burgundy Honda, occupied by 
three white males, approached a 
16-year-old, male juvenile, who 
was walking on the sidewalk. The 
car stopped west of the vacant KFC 
building. Both the front and the 
rear passengers pointed handguns 
at the victim and demanded his 
personal property. The suspects then 
drove westbound on Sierra Madre 
Boulevard toward Michillinda 

 The suspects are described as white 
males in their twenties. All the 
suspects wore a dark colored hoodie 
that covered their heads. The front 
passenger had freckles on his face. 

 The vehicle is described as an older 
1990’s model, 4-door, Honda, (Civic 
or Accord); with a partial license plate 
number “6C.” The car’s appearance 
was in poor condition. 

 Chief Diaz encourages residents to 
call the SMPD if they see strangers 
doing things that appear to be 
suspicious. She also encouraged 
residents to participate in the 
Neighborhood Watch program, 
which has been successful in 
thwarting attempted burgularies in 
recent weeks.

 The Neighborhood Watch program, 
teaches residents how to safegaurd 
their homes, cars and personal 
property. It also helps neighbors 
establish communications in 
the event of an incident and/or 
emergency. There have been several 
arrests as a result of alert neighbors 
who participate in the program.

 To report suspicious behavior or 
learn more about the Neighborhood 
Watch program, contact the 
Sierra Madre Police Department 
at 626-355-1414.

S. Henderson/MVNews

The Sierra Madre Volunteer Fire Department proudly introduced six newly trained officers to the City 
Council last week. The council was also introduced to two new Police Lieutenants. 

Photo By Chris Bertrand


 A quarantine is in place in the Pasadena/San Marino area of Los Angeles County, where invasive Oriental fruit flies have been 

 The quarantine measures 89 square miles 
and is bordered on the west by Figueroa 
St; on the south by Interstate 10; on the 
east by The Big Santa Anita Wash; and 
on the north by an imaginary line in the 
foothills. Additional information about this 
quarantine, including a map, is available 

 The movement of host fruits and plants 
grown in the quarantine areas is restricted. 
Residents living within the boundaries are 
asked not to move host plants and materials 
from their property.

 “All of us must work together to carry 
out an effective program,” said CDFA 
Secretary A.G. Kawamura. “We urge home 
gardeners to comply with these measures by 
consuming homegrown produce at home 
and not moving it from their property. 
This will protect their fellow gardeners and 
help ensure that the infestation will not 
spread to nearby areas where it could affect 
California’s food supply.”

 While fruit flies and other pests threaten 
California’s crops, the vast majority of them 
are detected in urban and suburban areas. 
The most common pathway for these pests 
to enter the state is by “hitchhiking” in 
fruits and vegetables brought back illegally 
by travelers as they return from infested 
regions around the world. The Oriental fruit 
fly is widespread throughout much of the 
mainland of Southern Asia and neighboring 
islands including Sri Lanka and Taiwan. It is also found in Hawaii.

Treatment of the Oriental fruit fly primarily relies upon a process known as “male attractant,” in which workers squirt a small 
patch of fly attractant mixed with a very small dose of pesticide approximately 8-10 feet off the ground to light poles, street trees 
and similar surfaces. Male flies are attracted to the mixture and die after consuming it.

The treatment is non-intrusive and has repeatedly proven successful over many years. Treatments will be repeated at two-week 
intervals for two life cycles beyond the last fly find, with a minimum of four applications.

The 411 on H2O

 In the coming weeks, the City of Sierra 
Madre will be mailing information 
regarding the City’s Water Department. 
Please look for this important information 
and contact us if you have any questions. 
The City is also sponsoring two “Walk 
and Talks” and three Community Water 
Forums dedicated to the topic of water 
operations, water capital improvements, 
and water department finances. You’re 
invited to attend one or all of the 
upcoming events. 

 Walk & Talk – tour the water treatment & 
distribution plant, meet water department 
staff, learn about what’s involved 
in providing quality water, obtain 
information about the department’s 
finances, and most importantly, ask 
questions. (Approx. 2 hours.) 

 Community Water Forums – another 
opportunity to learn about the City’s 
water department, finances, operations, 
and ask questions, without the need 
to walk around the water department 
maintenance facility. (Approx. 1 hour.)

A few of the items covered include:

Where the City gets its water.

Why are water system improvements 
needed? Which future projects are 
planned? What will it cost?

What are the finances of a city water 

What happens if the Water Department 
is unable to meet its financial obligations?

And much more!

This fall, the City Council will discuss 
increasing the City’s water rates. Please 
provide your input and comments at a 
Walk & Talk, or a Community Water 
Forum, or by contacting City Hall – the 
City Council will use your input and 
comments when they discuss a future 
water rate increase.

This is your chance to ask questions, 
get involved, make important decisions 
regarding the long term viability of the 
water department. 

Come ask your questions!

- Walk & Talk - Saturday, Aug. 14, 10:00 
am Public Works Yard - 621 E. Sierra 
Madre Blvd. 

- Community Water Forum - Tuesday, 
Aug. 17, 6:30 pm

City Council Chambers - 232 W. Sierra 
Madre Blvd.

Community Groups, Homeowner 
Associations, or individuals interested 
in hosting a group presentation may 

Elisa Weaver, Director of Community 
& Personnel Services at 626-355-5278 
to make arrangements.


 When the curtain opens for Satin Dolls 
at Sierra Madre Playhouse this Sunday, the 
smooth baritone voice of the announcer 
will have a familiar resonance with many 
avid jazz fans in the audience. James Janisse 
will step into a character true to his moniker 
as Southern California’s “Gentleman of 
Jazz”. Janisse has few peers as a radio 
announcer and master of ceremonies for 
jazz and blues venues throughout southern 
California, particularly when comparing 
his breadth and depth of knowledge about 
the genre and the range of legendary and 
contemporary musicians who define the 
art form. He became a part of the regional 
jazz media landscape during a fifteen year 
tenure as a disc jockey on KKJZ 88.1 FM, 
formerly KLON.

 James Janisse is respected by jazz and 
blues headliners and sidemen alike. He 
has an uncanny reputation for knowing 
and conveying to the audience intricate 
details and artistic background information 
for all the musicians on stage during his 
seemingly effortless introduction and adlibs 
in between sets. When asked about how 
he developed that knack, “I appreciate the 
part that everybody plays by bringing the 
music alive. My focus starts on the bass 
player and extends to other instruments 
as I watch how each one aids and abets the 
band leader,” said James. His extensive role 
in this capacity provided opportunity for 
him to see many musicians, over and over, 
performing in different places and often 
with different bands.

 He stated, “I developed an appreciation for 
what they did.” He has been up close and 
personal as MC to watch Herbie Hancock, 
Billy Higgins and Jimmy Cobb play for 
Miles Davis, McCoy Tyner play for John 
Coltrane, and Art Blakey flip the switch as 
band leader to extol, “I’m supporting the 
sidemen.” James said it was just natural to 
develop a close affinity with band members 
since they’re the ones who often show up to 
a gig early. 

 His affiliation with Phyllis Battle dates 
back to his time at 88.1 FM when he put her 
“Night Flight” CD into regular rotation on 
his play list. In her role as artistic director 
for the inaugural, Annual Instrumental 
Women “Lady Jazz” Concert Series in 
2000, she brought him on as master of 
ceremonies. Since then, he alone has 
owned the distinction as the “only man on 
stage” for this unparalleled all-female jazz 
showcase of instrumentalist. Clearly he 
was the obvious and perfect match for Satin 

 When asked about his impression of this 
original jazz theater work by Phyllis Battle, 
James expressed his appreciation of her 
vocalization “she has an artistic quality, 
an ability to evoke feeling and passion” 
he indicated his fascination with seeing 
her mimic each of the characters, Sarah, 
Carmen, Nina and Dinah, stating, “this is a 
side of Phyllis I had never seen before”.

 James has taken to the internet to the applause 
of a growing base of jazz fans on Mondays and 
Fridays as the producer of two programs. Join him 
at on Mondays from noon to 2 
p.m. and at on Fridays from noon 
to 1 p.m. You can contact him at Janissejames@ 

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