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SATURDAY NOVEMBER 6, 2010 VOLUME 4 NO. 44 ANNUAL VETERANS DAY CEREMONY NOVEMBER 13TH The Public is invited to the annual Veteran’s Day ceremony to be held at Hart Memorial Park in Sierra Madre on Saturday, November 13, 2010 at 11:00 am at the Veteran’s Wall. Although Veteran’s Day will be officially celebrated on November 11th, the ceremony will be held on Saturday. VFW Commander David Loera will officiate and Sierra Madre Police Chief Marilyn Diaz will be the guest speaker. WORLD WAR II VETERAN RECALLS THE ATTACK ON THE USS SARATOGA Gordon Caldwell is a well respected, long time resident in Sierra Madre. The retired owner of GEM Plumbing, he is a fixture almost daily at Bean Town and a member of the Sierra Madre Kiwanis Club for more than twenty years. He is also an active member of the Sierra Madre Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 3208. He served in the United States Navy during World War II on the USS Saratoga. Earlier this year, Gordon, accompanied by his wife Mary Lou, attended a reunion of those who served on the Saratoga. There he met, for the very first time, a Sierra Madre neighbor, Gordon Hawkins, who served on the same ship at the same time. Both men lived through the unimaginable - an attack on their ship during WWII and both have lived very productive lives since then, only to discover they are, and have been for a long time, neighbors living less than a mile from each other. That fateful encoounter at the ship’s reunion inspired Caldwell to bring the two together back home and share their story. On October 26, 2010, at a presentation to the Sierra Madre Kiwanis Club, Gordon told and amazing story of patriotism, strength and courage. An excerpt has been printed that it might inspire others as we remember and celebrate our veterans this Thursday. S, Henderson, Editor - MVNews Excerpts From Gordon Caldwell’s Presentation: The Saratoga engaged in landing rehearsals for the Marines on February 12, 1945 at Tinian located in the Western Carolines Islands 80 miles north of Guam. Tinian had been secured in 1944, and had the Largest airfield of the war. The Tinian North runway was 20 miles long and 425 to 500 feet wide. In August The Enola Gay flew from the Tinian airfield, and dropped the first atomic bomb on Hiroshima. After Leaving Tinian the Saratoga proceeded to Tokyo where she carried out diversionary strikes on Tokyo on the nights of February 16 and 17. The Saratoga was assigned to provide fighter cover while the remaining carriers launched the strikes on Japan. In the process, her fighters raided two Japanese airfields. She then set out to return to Iwo Jima, refueling on the way. When she arrived on February 21, 1945 the Saratoga was detached with an escort of three destroyers to join the amphibious forces and carry out night patrols over Iwo Jima and night heckler missions over nearby Chi-Chi Jima. ( ChiChi Jima was an island 150 miles north of Iwo Jima and 640 miles south of Tokyo. It was defended by 25,000 Japanese troops which served as the reinforcements for Iwo Jima.) As the Saratoga approached Iwo Jima at 5:05p.m., on February 21, 1945, an air attack developed. Taking advantage of low cloud cover, and the Saratoga’s insufficient escort, the Japanese planes attacked. Within 3 minutes The Saratoga received more varied types of damage all at once, than any ship since Pearl Harbor. About 1 ••• hours after the first attack, with darkness setting in, more enemy planes appeared and dropped another bomb on the carrier before crashing. Damage from the second attack, although severe, was soon brought under control. The Damaged aircraft and debris were jettisoned overboard and the ship was able to receive its airborne pilots who were circling the ship while their fuel supplies ran low. All in all, the Saratoga sustained seven direct bomb hits and 5 Kamikaze hits. The ship had a gaping hole in the flight deck; another bomb had penetrated the foredeck. The flight deck was wrecked. Her starboard side was holed twice, and massive fires were ablaze on the hanger deck where the enemy bombs had set the fully fueled night fighters on fire. At 5:00 PM another sailor and I were taking a shower. When the order for General Quarters sounded, we assumed it was a drill. We had had so many drills in the last few days. But then it came over the speaker that we were under attack. Here we were soaking wet, without any clothes coming under attack. We had to run down 2 decks and across the hanger deck and through a hatch in the deck to where my locker was to grab some clothes. The sailor that was with me never made it through the hatch. I do not know his name or what happened to him. I never saw him again. I now had clothes on, but I was trapped, the ship was completely locked down for battle. I was trapped, above a boiler room; and I could hear the ak-ak fire. There was an air intake for the boiler in this area, which was approximately the size of a door. I went up the ladder, about 20 feet and could see out through the air intake and watched as the Kamikaze (continued on page 4) The General Plan Steering Committee is hosting its first Town Hall Forum on November 14, 2010 at the Youth Activity Center (YAC), 611 E. Sierra Madre Boulevard (second story of the Community Recreation Center). Residents and community members are encourage to drop in between 2:00 and 4:00 p.m. to provide input on framing the future of the town. Participants do not need to be in attendance during the entire two hour event. The General Plan is the document that defines how the City of Sierra Madre is economically managed and developed over a ten to twenty year period. The General Plan guides the policy-making of City government. The current 1996 General Plan is available on the City’s website. The November 14th forum will solicit community input regarding six "General Plan Areas.” The areas are: Public Safety; Economic Development, Parking, Traffic and Transit; Resources, Public Services;Treasures/Seniors, Hillsides, Historic Preservation, Trees; Recreation, Parks, Library, Special Events; and Land Use, City Council Approved Housing Element. Each area will be hosted by a member of the General Plan Committee, and will have related text from the 1996 General Plan. Residents and community members will be asked to comment and provide input at each area in exchange for a chance to be entered into a raffle. The General Plan Steering Committee has also created a survey and will have a suggestion box to gather any additional thoughts related to the General Plan Update. For additional information call De Alcorn at 626-355-4793, or City Hall at 626-355-7135. You can also inquire about the General Plan Update by email at GeneralPlan@ cityofsierramadre.com. Information is also available on the City’s website at www.cityofsierramadre.com. GENERAL PLAN TOWN HALL MEETING Gordon Hawkins (left) and Gordon Caldwell (right) met at the reunion of the SS Saratoga on Memorial Day. Both men are longtime residents of Sierra Madre. Both men were on board the SS Saratoga when it was attacked in WWII. Photos courtesy of G. Caldwell Sierra Madre Environmental Action Council’s Annual General Meeting SMEAC members, friends, and all those interested in the environment are cordially invited to attend SMEAC’s annual General Meeting, to be held Wednesday, November 10, 6:00pm, at the Sierra Madre United Methodist Church, 695 West Sierra Madre Blvd., located on the northeast corner of the Blvd. and Michillinda Avenue. Parking access is off Michillinda. The meeting will include the usual potluck dinner and social, piano entertainment by the talented Vincent Johnson, a few organization-related comments, followed by our featured guest speaker. The latter will be Kirstyn Perry from the firm of PBWS Architects. Her topic will be “How Green Is Our New Middle School”, dealing with the implementation of Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) practices in the design of the new Sierra Mesa Middle School so that the school LEEDS the way in this field. Bring your favorite dish to share. Beverages will be provided by SMEAC. Call Allison Snow at (626) 355-1544 if you have any questions. We hope to see you there. Photo of the burial at sea. Eleven sailors of Fire Room 9, Gordon Caldwell’s assignment, were killed. League Of Women Voters Hold Election Post Mortem Inside This Week... CALENDAR Page 2 PARKERS PUMPKINS - Part II Page 3 SIERRA MADRE Page 4 PASADENA/ALTADENA Page 5 ARCADIA Page 6 MONROVIA/DUARTE Page 7 Participants in the event included (sitting left to right): Nan Kaiser, Joan Zukoski and Laurie Cooper. Standing (2nd from left to right) Debbie Hemp, Yvonne Pine,Past President; Jessica Levinson, Petite Morrison, President and Samanta Lau. On Thursday, the Pasadena Area League of Women Voters held an ‘Election Post Mortem’, to discuss the outcome of California’s Gubernatorial Election. Leading the panel discussion was Jessica Levinson adjunct professor at Loyola Law School and director of political reform at the Center for Governmental studies. Questions were raised regarding the impact of the votes on ballot measures. The League does not endorse candidates. Although there remain more than 2 million ballots that have not been counted, the fate of all the ballot propositions had been by the time the forum was held. The 2010 mid-term elections had fewer voters participating in Los Angeles County than the 2006 mid-term elections. Despite the contentious gubernatorial race, turnout for this election was only 45.54% of the registered voters. The previous mid-term election, held in 2006 had a 52.14% turnout. Want to know how LA County voted on the candidates and issues? See the chart on page 4. FEATURES Education & Youth Page 8 Good Food & Drink Page 9 Peter Dills....Table For Two Legals Page 10 Left Turn/Right Turn Page 11 Opinion Page 12 The World Around Us Page 13 The Good Life Page 15 Homes & Property Page 14 SPORTS Page 16 Bobby Eldridge - On The Course Guy Miali - My Call Read The Paper Online At: www.mtnviewsnews.com
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Mountain Views News 80 W. Sierra Madre Blvd. #327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.604.4548 www.mtnviewsnews.com |