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Inside this Week: Pasadena – Altadena: Arcadia: Monrovia – Duarte: Good Food & Drink: Left Turn/Right Turn: Opinion: The World Around You: Homes & Property: The Good Life: Columnists: Recent Issues: |
Who Has The Best Decorations? Is It You? Or Your Neighbor? Submit your entries for our 2nd annual Holiday Decorating Contest! Enter the address of homes we should consider for our 2nd annual contest. We’ll drive and evaluate the entries in our service area from Pasadena, Altadena, Sierra Madre, Arcadia, Monrovia and Duarte on Monday and/or Tuesday, December 13-14 between 5-9 p.m. So…. If you’re entered, make sure your lights are on for us to take photos and make the awards! Send your submission addresses with street address, cross street and town name to C.Bertrand@MtnViewsNews.com SATURDAY NOVEMBER 27, 2010 VOLUME 4 NO. 47 Dickens Village to Kick Off the Holiday Shopping Season in Sierra Madre The Sierra Madre Chamber of Commerce will host Sierra Madre’s annual Dickens Village festivities to kick off the holiday season this Saturday, Nov. 27th from 3pm to 8pm in the downtown village shopping district. The City tree will be officially lit in Kersting Court shortly before 6pm, and Santa will arrive right after that at 6pm. There will be carolers downtown, (including the Sierra Madre Playhouse Carolers, warming up for the evening’s performance of “A Christmas Carol” at 8pm, immediately after Dickens Village), horse and carriage rides from 3:30 to 7:30pm, and snow sledding from 3 to 8pm. The sloped drive-thru driveway at the Bank of the West on Sierra Madre is transformed to a winter wonderland of “snow,” and youngsters of all ages can ride sleds down the slope to the their heart’s content. Local non-profit and other organizations will have booths in the street selling holiday fare, some homemade, at the Chamber’s second biggest single day event of the year, behind only the Wistaria Festival. Downtown stores will stay open late and offer their holiday best to shoppers taking advantage of the first ever Small Business Saturday, a follow-up to Black Friday, the traditional shopping kickoff when shoppers fill department stores and malls the day after Thanksgiving. Small Business Saturday is a day to support the local businesses that create jobs, boost the economy and preserve neighborhoods around the country. Small Business Saturday is a national movement to drive shoppers to local merchants across the U.S. So avoid the mall crowds and corporate atmosphere’s and visit Sierra Madre’s old-fashioned, small town, small business village shops. Downtown restaurants will be open so you can enjoy a nice meal while shopping, instead of a hurried trip to the food court. MAP ON PAGE 3 MacGillivray ‘Gift’Raises Eyebrows - Concerns by Susan Henderson America Not So Long Ago These people are talking about the former Arvin Farm Labor Supply camp, a migrant farm labor camp in California during the Great Depression. When John Steinbeck used this setting in this Grapes of Wrath, where the Joad family arrived scared, bone tired, dirty, hungry and broke in the southern San Joaquin Valley, he gave it the fictitious name of Weed Patch. During the making of a movie from the book, the scenes in the migrant camp were filed there. After the movie came out, it has been known as Weed Patch ever since. You’ll remember the “Okies” poured into California penniless, escaping the Dust Bowl, willing to work anywhere for any wage. As a result of the movie making this place famous, three of the original buildings were saved. There is still a work camp here, though with newer buildings and more amenities. Every year, now, by this camp in the small community of Lamont south of Bakersfield, a Dust Bowl Festival takes place on the third Saturday in October. As this festival there is lots of music; there is food, such as biscuits and gravy with sausage and chili over corn bread; there are many displays of rusty, old-timey kitchen utensils, work equipment and tools. There are also tables and tables filled with displays having to do with Weed Patch: old newspaper articles and photos; one very long table full of books, their authors seated behind them pen in hand ready to autograph one when you buy it. But best of all is the tour of the remaining buildings from the days when Grapes of Wrath was filmed, led by some of those who lived there as children. One of the old timers who arrived here as a motherless little kid, shared with us that when his Father got them to Weed Patch, his dad became a “professional alcoholic”. In the morning he would poke his son in the ribs and say, “Buck, put the coffee on!” As the father swigged his coffee he would swear off alcohol, but later in the day would go back to the bottle. This kid, now an elderly man took us into the still standing Community Hall, containing a very large room with a stage. The walls inside and out were so weathered, that no paint remained. Earl “Buck” Shelton explained that the building had been used for activities such as meetings, dances and entertainment. He told us one of one of their (continued on page 3) WEED PATCH, U.S.A. Story and Photos by Nan Kaesar Former Sierra Madre Mayor Mary Ann MacGillivray left a ‘gift’ for every other member of the city council on Tuesday night and that gesture has raised more than a few eyebrows. During the break at Tuesday’s meeting, MacGillivray gave them a copy of the controversial book, “Sharia Law For Non-Muslims” along with a printed copy of an excerpt from the ‘stopsharianow’ website. According to one of the recipients, it is believed that MacGillivray was attempting to ‘enlighten’ the other members of the threat of Sharia Law to the City of Sierra Madre. Sharia Law is part of the Islamic faith and many who prescribe to demonizing Muslims have labeled it a threat to the United States. The book, written by Bill Warner has been described as a ‘must have’ for right wing legislators and, says one outside source, “Nothing in this book is fact based. There is little to no command of history or context. This book is clearly intended to fuel hate and feed into the fear (cont. page 3) “My Mama died before we left Oklahoma for California, but when we lived in Weed Patch, I didn’t lack for a Mom. I had many Mamas to look out for me here in camp.” “I was born here, we had the best time!” “We went to school in an old airplane parked in the field.” “If we didn’t have something, we just made do.” Savings Bonds Are “On Their Way” During a recent trip north to the Dust Bowl Festival, Sierra Madre resident Fran Kaesar visited Weed Patch, a landmark reminder of America during a very difficult time. Pictured above is an abandoned airplane that served as the ‘schoolhouse’ for children living in Weed Patch during the Great Depression. Pictured above are Tom Brady, Chair of A Taste of Sierra Madre, with Chase Bank Manager Christina Gonzalez and Personal Banker, Edison Bautista. They met on Wednesday to complete the processing of the savings bonds for winners of the TOSM Art and Essay contest. The winners were chosen and announced in September. "There was a delay in receiving back all the applications for the bonds from the winners' parents. We've now purchased them, and the Treasury Department will send the bonds directly to the recipients”, says Brady. “We appreciate the winners' patience and thank the staff at Chase Bank in Sierra Madre for their help." The inaugural TOSM event was the brainchild of Brady and brought together a variety of local community organizations and volunteers to raise more than $12,000 for the Sierra Madre Youth Activity Center and the Rotoplasty Foundation. Winners of the Arts and Essay contest, a part of the event, were students in local elementary, middle and high schools. A check for the YAC was presented at a recent city council meeting. For further information, please contact Brady at 626-355-3471. Sunset Magazine Recommends A Visit When the December issue of Sunset Magazine hits the newsstands in a few days, it will have a pleasant surprise for Sierra Madre residents and local businesses. It lists Sierra Madre as a destination “Day Trip” noting that “Holiday Charm is this town’s forte.” It also mentions shopping at local shops like Leonora Moss, Savor the Flavor and Wildflour Baking Company, Brown’s Classic Interiors and dining at Ugo’s. Dickens Village Saturday, Nov. 27, 2010 3pm to 8pm Shopping Santa Claus Sledding Horse and Buggy Rides Caroling Tree Lighting Ceremony JOIN US!! www.SMDickensVillage.info Thank you to our sponsors: Silver Sponsor: Athens Services Leonora Moss Osti Tree Service Rotary Club of Sierra Madre Sierra Madre Playhouse Additional sponsorships available, (626) 355-5111 Inside This Week... CALENDAR Page 2 SIERRA MADRE Page 3 PASADENA/ALTADENA Page 4 ARCADIA Page 5 MONROVIA/DUARTE Page 6 FEATURES Education & Youth Page 7 Good Food & Drink Page 8 Legals Page 9 Left Turn/Right Turn Page 10 Opinion Page 11 The World Around Us Page 12 The Good Life Page 13 Homes & Property Page 14 SPORTS Page 15 Bobby Eldridge - On The Course FYI Page 16 Read The Paper Online At: www.mtnviewsnews.com
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Mountain Views News 80 W. Sierra Madre Blvd. #327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.604.4548 www.mtnviewsnews.com |