Mountain Views News     Logo: MVNews     Saturday, January 1, 2011

MVNews this week:  Page 3

Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: Website:


Mountain Views-News Saturday, January 1, 2011 

City Issues Green Flag Alert

New rainfall expected after possible record 
setting 16.61” of rain in December

 The City of Sierra Madre has issued a Green Flag Alert 
for mudslides and debris flows in the hillside communities. 
The National Weather Service has forecasted an 80% 
chance of precipitation for tomorrow, Sunday, January 2, 2011.

 A Green Flag Alert is issued when there is an 80% chance or more of 
precipitation. Affected residents should get ready for potential evacuation 
and keep close watch on weather forecasts. This includes residents 
of the Upper and Lower Canyon as well as any resident whose property 
abuts the hillsides.

 As we enter the rain season, the City would like to make residents aware 
of our mud and debris flow alert system.

 Due to the Santa Anita fire in April of 2008, the hillsides where stripped 
of much of the vegetation causing the potential for mud and debris 
flows to enter residential areas. The City of Sierra Madre has developed 
a three-color flag alert system as part of its ‘Ready for Seven’ emergency 
preparedness program.

 A series of three different colored flags will be flown at four different 
locations in the City (City Hall, Search and Rescue Station, Mountain 
Trail at Churchill Road, and Mary’s Market). When possible, flags will be 
displayed indicating one of three stages of emergency. Be sure to check 
the website, email alerts, SMTV3, AM 1630, or simply call City Hall or 
the Police Department to confirm the current stage of emergency and 
please understand the City may not always have the ability to change 
these flags the moment conditions or forecasts change.

 Stage One: GREEN FLAG - Activated under a prediction of 80% - 
100% chance of precipitation. Affected residents should get “READY” 
for potential evacuation. This includes keeping a close watch on weather 

 Stage Two: YELLOW FLAG - Activated with an LA County Phase 1 
mudflow forecast. This is described as small, isolated debris and mudflows 
possible at specific locations. Affected residents should get “SET” 
to leave their homes and may choose to voluntarily evacuate. Please note 
that all vehicles must be off the streets in potential mudflow areas during 
Yellow Flag alerts.

 Stage Three: RED FLAG - Activated with an LA County Phase 2 or 3 
forecast. Phase 2 includes moderate debris and mudflows at more widespread 
locations. Phase 3 - the potential exists for significant debris and 
mudflows to be widespread. Affected residents should “GO”, meaning 
they should immediately evacuate, and vehicles should not be parked 
on the streets.

 When evacuating, please plan to be as self-sufficient as possible with 
important paperwork, medications, and clothing for at least seven days. 
It is important anticipate a possible evacuation order, and make plans for 
your pets in advance.

 Please note that Public Safety Officials do not take evacuation orders 
lightly and residents should heed these orders. Once mud begins to flow, 
Emergency Responders will NOT rescue those who failed to evacuate 
until the mud has stopped flowing and it is safe for responders to enter 
the mud flow areas.

 For more information about mudslide and debris flow preparations, 
please visit and click “Emergency Preparedness 
Information” and on the home page. Updates will also be issued 
on SMTV3 (Time Warner-channel 3), Sierra Madre Community 
Radio (AM 1630), and the City’s Emergency Blog (http://sierramadrepio.


By Susan Henderson

More than 100 Sierra Madre 
residents who have made 
purchases via debit or credit 
cards at the EVG Gas Station 
on Baldwin, have filed 
formal complaints with the 
Sierra Madre Police Department. 
The residents have 
discovered that their credit 
or debit cards had unauthorized 
charges identified 
as purchases made at the 
EVG station.

 According to Sierra Madre 
Police Captain Larry 
Gianonne, after recieving 
numerous complaints from 
citizens and no response 
from the station owners, 
the Sierra Madre Police Department 
obtained a search 
warrant of the premises at 
50 S. Baldwin. Upon arrival, 
the police found that 
the business appeared to be 

 Banners saying, “Under 
Construction” and “Under 
New Management” remain 
hoisted on the outside of 
the building, however, the 
pumps are closed and the 
station locked down.

 The police had not been 
able to contact station owner 
Evgeny K. Yakimenko, 
who purchased the station a 
year ago at press time. There 
are several people, however, 
who the police are suspects 
in the crime.

 Numerous residents have 
contacted this paper and 
reported the crimes as 
well. Many first noticed the 
charges when they received 
their credit card statements 
at the end of December.

 One resident indicated that 
she had not been to the station 
since September, however 
a charge was made to 
her account in December. 
Two other residents reported 
that they had never purchased 
anything from the 
station and were quite concerned 
as to how EVG got 
their credit card number.

 There were also several 
unauthorized charges made 
that were processed through 
the Valero station at the corner 
of Baldwin and Sierra 
Madre Blvd. That station’s 
owner, Edgar Artenyan has 
denied any knowledge of 
the scam and has been cooperating 
with the police in 
their investigation. 

(See related story).

 The investigation into the 
scam has expanded 
to include both 
state and federal 
agencies Gianonne 
said on Friday. At 
press time, the aggregate 
total of the 
claims exceeded 

 At this point, police 
are asking residents 
to carefully check 
their bank and credit 
card statements and 
report any discrepancies 
Contact SMPD Detective 
Gene Gray at 
626-355-1414 if you 
have any information 
regarding this 

For almost fifteen years, Edgar 
Artenyan and Gary Tashchyan 
have operated gas stations in Sierra 
Madre. For the first 10, almost 
11 years, they operated the 
Valero station at 50 S. Baldwin. 
Then, when the opportunity became 
available, they bought the 
Union 76 station on the corner 
of Baldwin and Sierra Madre 
Blvd. and operated both stations 
for four years until they 
parted ways with the company 
two years ago. 

 Until that time, the two managedthe 
76 and Valero stations 
with the normal challenges of 
any business in rollercoaster 
economic times. When the 
Union 76 relationship collasped, 
they moved the Valero 
operations to the Sierra Madre 
Blvd. location. As soon as the 
lease expired on the Baldwin 
property (where EVG is today), 
they put that business on the 

 Little did they know that what 
began as a prudent business 
move would turn out to be such 
a nightmare.

 Artenyan has been cooperating 
with the Sierra Madre Police Department 
in disclosing as much 
information as possible regarding 
the purchase of the EVG station 
by Yakimenko in an effort 
to exonerate his Valero station 
of any involvement with the 
EVG station. He has received 
numerous telephone calls from 
customers who thought that he 
still owned both stations.

 “We sold that station a year 
ago. The sale was handled 
through a proper escrow. We 
did not know the buyer prior to 
the sale”, says Artenyan. 

 Even though there have been a 
few transactions that appear to 
have been charged by the Valero 
station, the owners say they 
have no knowledge of how that 
could have happened. “We just 
spent $20,000 upgrading our 
pumps and credit card processing 
so that we could better protect 
our customers”.

 The Valero station is a franchise 
of Valero USA. The EVG 
station was an independent 
operation not associated with 
Valero or its owners in any way, 
says Artenyan.

Longtime Business Owners 

Victims of Collateral Damage?

Woman’s Club Announces 2011 
Academic Scholarship and Arts Project

Jayne Thomas, Fine ARTS coordinator of the Sierra Madre Woman’s Club has 
announced that the local club is joining with the San Gabriel Valley Division 
of Woman’s Clubs to provide competition opportunities for students of Sierra 
Madre schools, from elementary through high school. 

 Last year, the club awarded over $6,000.00 in academic scholarships to 
students. This year, the club will expand the project to include Writing, (Story 
and Poetry), Art and Photography, and Music. Winners of each category will go 
on to compete in the appropriate statewide competition. Monetary awards will 
also be made in some categories.

In addition, selected submissions will be displayed in the Sierra Madre City Hall 
and Sierra Madre Library in April.

 The Club invites students who live in Sierra Madre, grades K-12, to participate 
in the 2011 competitions in the areas of Academics, Art and Photography, Story 
and Poetry and Music Performance. Entry dates and criteria are as follows: 
(Please include school and teacher’s name in all submissions):

WRITING: Story Word Limit 2,000 words 

Poetry 8-50 lines. 

Submit STORY and POETRY entries online. 

Due January 20, 2011.

ART: Portrait, Scenic, Still Life. 

Entries can be no larger than 24”x30”. 

Photography Entries must be between 10”x12” to 14”x16.”


Submit to: Sierra Madre Woman’s Club, 550 W. Sierra Madre Blvd.,

Due February 23, 2011. 

MUSIC: Performance: Grade 12 only. 

Classical or Pop, Instrumental or Vocal. 

Applications due by January 17, 2011 

Winners at FINALS March 11th receive $500.00 music scholarships.

ACADEMIC: Grade 12 only. School counselor must submit student’s name and 
grades. Winners receive monetary scholarship. Deadline TBA.

Questions? Email:

Sierra Madre Room Grand Re-Opening and Open House

A dedication ceremony thanking 
Congressman David Dreier and County 
Supervisor Michael Antonovich will be 
held Friday, January 7, 2011 at 5:00 
p.m. to celebrate the re-opening of the 
fourth and final phase of the remodel 
of the Community Recreation Center. 
Following the ceremony until 7:00 p.m. 
is an open house featuring the Center’s 
programs and activities. Everyone is 
welcome to attend. For more information 
about the ceremony and open house 
please contact the Community Services 
Department at (626) 355-5278.

This final renovation includes the 
addition of a new entry and restrooms 
to the Sierra Madre Room from the 
east side of Sierra Vista Park, complete 
renovation of the Sierra Madre Room, 
kitchen, the Fireside Room and the 
existing restrooms. The project is being 
funded completely through County 
and Federal grant funds. This project 
will finish a complete makeover of the 
Center. Previous phases of the project 
beginning in 2002 included relocation 
and creation of new staff office spaces, 
complete gutting and remodel of the 
Aquatic Center Pool House, and the 
addition of the second story Youth 
Activity Center.

Remembrances - Saying Goodbye To A Really Good Friend



Tenaya Rose, known 
and loved by many in 
her neighborhood on 
Ramona Avenue and 
around Sierra Madre, 
is remembered for her 
amazing, happy spirit, her 
beautiful, impossibly soft 
golden fur, her incredible 
mirth, sweetness, and 
her ability to touch and 
brighten the lives of all 
who knew her. Whether 
cuddling close to a lonely, 
hurting soul as a Therapy 
Dog, frolicking or sitting 
meditatively at the fountain in Memorial Park, riding on a scooter with the wind in her hair down 
the boulevard to the visit her friends at the library, the post office, and the Wistaria Shop, joining 
in the festivities at the 4th of July Parade or just being a fun-loving, laugh-till-your-sides-ache-with 
her-antics companion to her family, neighbors and friends, she daily lived her motto: “Life is Good!”.

Saying goodbye for awhile is hard, but as illuminated in the chapter entitled “Will Animals, Including 
Our Pets, Live Again?” in Randy Alcorn’s hope-filled book, Heaven, we envision her now alive, 
young and whole, running with the angels, in the presence of the Good Shepherd , and waiting to 
reunite with us one day.

As we close the year, with gratitude for all the gifts we have received, including God’s great gift of love 
at Christmas, and look to the promise of a New Year filled with possibilities, Tenaya’s life prompts 
reflection on the transience of all things beautiful and true, as expressed in Robert Frost’s poem 
“Nothing Gold Can Stay“, and yet also invites us to consider a higher truth , the eternal nature of all 
perfect creation as voiced in “We will Return to Gold”:

Sierra Madre Police Blotter

During the week of Sunday, December 19th, to Saturday December 25th, the Sierra Madre Police 
Department responded to approximately 302 calls for service. See for updated 

Monday, December 20th:

6:29 AM- Attempted Commercial Burglary, 100 blk. N. Canon Ave. Unknown suspect(s) attempted 
to gain entry into the janitor’s warehouse and the art supply room in the Sierra Madre Middle School.

 3:18 PM- Residential Burglary, 500 blk. Mariposa Ave. Unknown suspect(s) entered a home 
through an unlocked kitchen window. The loss included $50,000 of jewelry, $2,000.00 in cash, one 
silver earring, and house, car and garage keys.

Tuesday, December 21st:

10:46 AM- Grand Theft exceeding $400, 611 E. Sierra Madre Blvd. Unknown suspect(s) entered 
the girl’s locker room at the Sierra Madre Aquatic Center and stole from four girls’ lockers. The 
loss included a $400.00 Blackberry cell phone, one $250.00 Apple IPod Touch, a $200.00 Apple 3G 
I-Phone, $12.00 in two Starbucks gift cards, a $20.00 Blockbuster gift card, a $50.00 World Market gift 
card, a $15.00 Visa gift card, and $60.00 dollars in cash. 

Wednesday, December 22nd:

10:29 AM- Possession of Marijuana/1oz or Less, Sierra Madre Blvd and Hermosa Ave. Officers 
were advised that a man with a $30,000 warrant was walking in front of the Police Department. The 
Sierra Madre Fire Department paramedics evaluated the subject due to health problems. The Sierra 
Madre resident was in possession of minor amount of marijuana and was released into the custody 
of Fire Department. 

11:08 PM- Vandalism/Graffiti, 70 W. Sierra Madre Blvd., Buccaneer Bar. Witnesses called the 
Police Department about a man who was vandalizing a fence. Officers were notified that the man had 
fled the area, but three witnesses were following him and pointed him out to police. Officers found 
that the suspect, a Sierra Madre resident, was in possession of a switch blade knife. The suspect was 
arrested and booked for vandalism and possession of a switch blade knife. 

Thursday, December 23rd:

2:43 AM- DUI Alcohol/Drugs, 200 blk. W. Sierra Madre Blvd. An officer stopped a motorist for a 
Vehicle Code violation. The officer determined that the driver was under the influence of alcohol. The 
officer arrested the suspect and booked him for DUI at the Pasadena Police Department Jail. 

Saturday, December 25th:

9:14 PM- Residential Burglary, 100 blk. S. Hermosa Ave. Unknown suspect(s) entered a residence 
and ransacked two unlocked bedrooms. The loss included a gold Bulova watch worth $1,000.00, a 
gold Citizen’s watch with a small crystal on the bezel, valued at $300.00, Silver Britton watches valued 
at $500.00, two thin white gold tennis bracelets, each worth $250.00, and a gold ring with “Vicky” 
engraved on the top, valued at $300.00. 

Nothing Gold Can Stay

Nature’s first green is gold, 
Her hardest hue to hold. 
Her early leaf’s a flower; 
But only so an hour. 
Then leaf subsides to leaf. 
So Eden sank to grief, 
So dawn goes down to day. 
Copyright 1923 Robert Frost 

We Will Return to Gold 

Life’s first breath is this -- 

A whispered sending kiss. 

And early does hope rise 

In Love’s most earnest eyes. 

When peace and kindness crest 

And trust is greatest rest, 

Then Eden’s curse won’t hold-- 

We will return to gold. 

Copyright 2010 Suzanne Reedy Hogren