Mountain Views News     Logo: MVNews     Saturday, March 19, 2011

MVNews this week:  Page 4


Mountain Views-News Saturday, March 19, 2011 

10-day Water 
Takes Effect

Low Radiation 
Levels Expected to 
Reach California

The city will enforce a ban 
on outdoor watering with 
very few exceptions until 
pipeline water deliveries 
resume March 28. This will 
include washing cars and 
watering lawns and gardens.

 The Metropolitan Water 
District of Southern 
California, which supplies 
about 60 percent of 
Pasadena ’s water, is 
planning a seismic retrofit 
of the F.E. Weymouth 
Water Treatment Plant in 
LaVerne. MWD will stop all 
water deliveries to Pasadena 
and many other foothill 
communities through its 
Upper Feeder Pipeline 
during the project.

 “This is an extraordinary 
water shortage situation 
that we are about to 
experience,” said Phyllis 
Currie, general manager of 
PWP. “It’s entirely unrelated 
to weather. Rain or shine, 
this shortage will continue 
until MWD can turn on its 
pipeline again and resume 
its usual water deliveries.”

“While this water shortage 
is very serious, we must 
keep things in perspective 
in light of the situation we 
are seeing in Japan ,” Currie 
added. “Here we have a 
temporary obstacle that, 
with a bit of effort from 
everyone, can be easily 
overcome with relatively 
little impact,” she said.

 The earthquake in Japan 
also “reminds us that this 
emergency water shortage 
is a good exercise in 
earthquake preparation as 
a similar catastrophic event 
could cut off our water 
supply,” Currie advised.

 The pipeline shutdown was 
originally scheduled to end 
at 11:59 pm on March 27. 
This week, MWD pushed 
the construction schedule 
back eight hours and 
anticipates turning on the 
pipeline at 8 a.m. on March 

 PWP encourages its 
customers to stay informed 
with daily updates and 
potential schedule changes 
shutdown or by calling the 
Water Shortage Hotline 
at (626) 744-8888. Water 
waste can also be reported 
on the website and through 
the hotline.

Although reports released last 
week suggest that radiation 
from Japan’s crippled 
Fukushima reactors was 
expected to reach California 
Friday the U.S. Nuclear 
Regulatory Commission said 
levels would be low and not 

“All the available information 
continues to indicate Hawaii, 
Alaska, the U.S. Territories 
and the U.S. West Coast are 
not expected to experience 
any harmful levels of 
radioactivity,” the agency 
said through its Office of 
Public Affairs.

NRC also explained that 
United States protective 
actions recommendations 
are implemented when 
projected doses could exceed 
1 rem to the body or 5 rem 
to the thyroid. A rem is a 
measure of radiation dose. 
The average American is 
exposed to approximately 
620 millirems, or 0.62 rem, 
of radiation each year from 
natural and manmade 

In making protective action 
recommendations, the NRC 
takes into account a variety 
of factors that include 
weather, wind direction 
and speed, and the status of 
the problem at the reactors. 
Every 24 hours levels 
reaching California could go 
up officials said. 

The Pasadena Public Health 
Department is advising 
against taking potassium 
iodide (KI) as a precaution 
against possible radiation 
exposure. Taking potassium 
Iodide tablets is not an 
effective precautionary 

 “We are taking this matter 
seriously. Taking Potassium 
Iodide tablets can present 
a danger to people with 
allergies to iodine and 
shellfish or who have thyroid 
problems,” said Dr. Eric 
Walsh, Pasadena ’s public 
health officer. “ California 
has a plan for responding 
to radiological emergencies, 
and this plan is coordinated 
locally with all public health 
departments for rapid 

 Walsh added that the 
Pasadena Public Health 
Department expresses 
condolences to the victims of 
the devastating earthquake 
and tsunami in Japan .

 The department, along with 
its state and federal partners, 
is monitoring the situation 
closely and will implement 
any necessary steps to 
protect the public’s health 
if the situation changes. 
Partner agencies include 
the California Department 
of Public Health, U.S. 
Environmental Protection 
Agency, Federal Emergency 
Management Agency 
Region IX and the California 
Emergency Management 

 For more information on 
emergency preparedness, 
visit www.cityofpasadena.
net/disaster or www.cdc.
gov. For more information 
about public health concerns 
related to the nuclear 
emergency in Japan , call the 
California Department of 
Public Health information 
line at (916) 341-3947 
Monday through Friday 
from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Health Department 
advises against taking 
potassium iodide (KI) as 
a precaution for possible 
radiation exposure 

Park Named in Honor of Sid Tyler

 About 50 residents, city officials, 
fire and police came out Tuesday 
morning for the unveiling of a 
boulder bearing a plaque with 
former Councilmember Sid 
Tyler’s name engraved into it 
signifying the new Sidney F. 
Tyler Park 

 Located on the median 
between South Lake Avenue and 
Lakewood Place), Pasadena’s 
only officially designated pocket 
park was named for Tyler by the 
Pasadena City Council in 2010. 

 Tyler, who represented District 
7 on the Pasadena City Council 
from 1997 to 2009, devoted 
much of his time and energy 
to the protection of trees, open 
space and parks. Pasadena’s first 
tree protection ordinance was 
adopted during his tenure. 

 “Sid was a strong proponent 
for an update to the Open Space 
and Conservation Element of 
the General Plan,” said Tornek. 
“He worked diligently to ensure 
that parks in District 7 and 
throughout Pasadena were given 
adequate funding and attention, 
and he took a personal interest 
in renovations to parks in the 

Holden to Run for State Assembly

By Dean Lee

 Looking beyond local politics 
in tackling the state’s current 
challenges, Councilmember 
Chris Holden announced 
Monday his intent to run 
for the California State 
Assembly representing the 
44th District now held by 
Assemblymember Anthony 

Holden made the 
announcement by email to 
friends and neighbors saying 
his decision comes in light of 
Portantino being unable to 
run again due to term limits.

“With more than a year 
before the June 2012 open 
primary, and encouraged 
by early endorsements 
from community leaders 
and elected officials I have 
served with or currently 
serve with…” Holden said. “I 
am off to a strong start and 
look forward to gaining even 
more support as the race 

Holden said endorsements 
include, Pasadena Mayor 
Bill Bogaard, former mayors, 
Rick Cole, Bill Paparian, 
councilmembers Steve 
Madison, Terry Tornek, 
Margaret McAustin, Steve 
Haderlein, Victor Gordo, 
Joyce Streator, Bill Crowfoot, 
Sid Tyler, Ann Marie Villcana 
and Paul Little. 

Holden said balancing the 
state budget, increasing 
revenue and eliminating 
the structural deficit are 
critical. He also said he 
plans to establish priorities 
and identify the appropriate 
resources that will re-
establish California as a 
great state with endless 

“I am optimistic and 
confident that we can achieve 
great things,” he said. 

The district currently includes 
the cities of Altadena, 
Duarte, Pasadena, La Cañada 
Flintridge, Mayflower 
Village, South Pasadena, and 
Temple City, as well as most 
of Arcadia, part of Monrovia, 
and unincorporated Los 

The machine count was 
performed for the remaining 
vote-by-mail and provisional 
ballots received on election 
day March 8 in the mail 
and personally delivered 
by voters to Pasadena City 
Hall and polling places. The 
results, for city council and 
mayor, of Wednesday’s count, 
combined with the count on 
March 8, is as follows:

 Mayor: Bill Bogaard – 12,202 
votes (100%) 

City Council District 1: 
Jacque Robinson – 1,328 
votes (74.7%) and James 
Smith – 448 votes (25.2%)

 City Council District 2: 
Margaret McAustin – 1,241 
votes (100%)

 City Council District 4: 
Gene Masuda – 1,476 votes 
(37.4%), Jill Fosselman 
– 1,406 votes (35.7%), 
Khatchik Chahinian – 575 
votes (14.6%), Allen Shay – 
441 votes (11.1%), and Ranil 
Perera – 40 votes (1.0%)

 City Council District 6: 
Steve Madison – 2,440 votes 
(55.2%) and Carolyn Naber – 
1,974 votes (44.7%)

 Based on these results, 
City Clerk Mark Jomsky 
will conduct a runoff 
election Tuesday, April 19, 
for Pasadena City Council 
District 4 (Gene Masuda 
and Jill Fosselman) and 
PUSD Board of Education 
Seat 6 (Tom Selinske and 
Sean J. Baggett). Jomsky will 
complete and certify the 
official canvass of the city of 
Pasadena results this week, 
which will be presented to the 
Pasadena City Council for 
final certification approval 
Monday, March 21. He will 
provide the certified canvass 
for the PUSD results this 
week as well for certification 
approval by the Board of 

 Results are considered 
unofficial until the canvasses 
are certified. For more 
information call (626) 744-

Final Ballots Counted, Results Announced

Fukushima Daiichi Power Plant, Japan

Citizen Journalism Meet-up





The Pasadena Community 
Network and this newspaper 
are holding a workshop on 
Citizen Journalism. 

 This group is the place where 
aspiring journalists can learn 
from trained professionals 
and support their local 
community by covering 
what’s really happening in 
their neighborhoods.

 We will put the news in 
your hands. Learn how 
to find the story, the tools 
needed to capture the story 
and the means to tell the 
story using the power of 
video, audio and print along 
with online social media 
The next meeting is March 
15 from 6 p.m. to 8p.m. at 
the Pasadena Community 
Network - Studio G, 2057 N. 
Los Robles Ave.

 For more info call 
626.794.8585 or visit

Learn not just how 
to blog but how to 
report the news

Pet of the 

Poets to Hold Literary Speak

Doo Dah 
Holds Queen 

 Every year, for the last 
four years, Literary Speak 
and C Debra partners, with 
Perry’s Joint, bring poetry 
to the Pasadena community 
and beyond. Literary Speak 
is a forum where readers, 
writers and artists meet to 
promote a love of reading, 
writing, literacy and the 
arts. Join us this year as we 
celebrate another poetry 
month with local and 
regional poets. Bring your 
family and friends. Bring a 
date for a fun and cultural 
extravaganza. April 9, 2011 
at 2051 N. Lincoln Ave. at 
the corner of Lincoln and 
Montana in Pasadena; 2:30 
p.m. to 4:30 p.m. 

 Interested poets, please send 
your material for eight minutes to 
by March 25.

Lilly, a beautiful, two year 
old, longhair cat is friendly 
and loves attention. She 
is rather petite and would 
be a great companion for 
someone in an apartment 
or condo that allows pets. 
Come visit with Lilly today!

 The regular cat adoption 
fee is $70 which includes 
the spay or neuter surgery, 
microchip, vaccinations, 
and a free follow-up health 
check at a participating vet.

 Please call 626-792-7151 
and ask about A284468 
or come to the Pasadena 
Humane Society & SPCA, 
361 S. Raymond Ave , 
Pasadena CA , 91105 . 
Our adoption hours are 
11-4 Sunday, 9-5 Tuesday, 
Wednesday, Thursday, and 
Friday, and 9-4 Saturday. 
Directions and photos of 
all pets updated hourly 
may be found at www.

This year’s Pasadena Doo 
Dah Parade will be led by 
its New 2011 Queen to be 
determined at the Official 
Queen Tryouts on Saturday 
afternoon, April 2, at the 
American Legion Bar in 
Pasadena—the public is 
welcome to watch, imbibe, 
and even tryout themselves 
for Queen. Over 1,200 
revelers will participate 
in this year’s Doo Dah 
parade April 30 including 
the Electric Squirrels, 
Martinis in the Morning, 
Howdy Krishna, Stupidiotic 
Evolution, Mystik Krewe 
d’Dieux Dah, Zombies of 
Debt, Flying Baby Street 
Racing and Stroller Cross, 
Men of Leisure, LA Derby 
Dolls, and many, many 
more. The parade will go 
down Colorado Boulevard 
(between Altadena and San 
Gabriel Boulevards) in East 
Pasadena. As always, the 
event is free.

Journalist to speak at Citizen 
Journalism Speakers Series

 Andre Coleman, Journalist 
& Author will speak at the 
“2011 Citizen Journalism 
Speakers Series”. Coleman 
has worked as a professional 
and freelance reporter for 
almost 20 years. His work 
has appeared in Black 
Voice News, The Daily 
News, Pasadena Star-News 
and many more. In 1998, 
Coleman optioned his first 
screenplay. Today, he is the 
city reporter for the Pasadena 
Weekly, working on his next 
novel and producing his 
first independent motion 
picture. This free lecture 
event features local and 
national journalists, telling 
their personal stories and 
adventures in the life of 
journalism and media. 
The event will be held on 
Tuesday, March 29, 2011, 
6:00pm, hosted by Pasadena 
Community Network and 
Mountain Views News.

 Each program includes a 
presentation by the speakers 
and an engaging 15-minute 
question and answer session 
with citizen journalists and 
community members in the 

 The speaker series will be 
held at: Donald R. Wright 
Auditorium 285 E. Walnut 
St., Pasadena, CA 91101 
(located in the Pasadena 
Central Library). Door Open 
at 6:00pm

PCC to Host Faculty Job Fair

 Pasadena City College will be 
hosting a Faculty Job Fair on 
April 2 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. 
in The Piazza of the Campus 
Center Building. Faculty 
positions are currently 
available in a number of 
subjects including business, 
engineering and technology, 
English, health sciences, 
languages, mathematics, 
natural sciences, performing 
and communication arts, 
social sciences, and visual 
arts. Additionally, there 
are openings in library, 
counseling, and Disabled 
Student Programs and 
Services, as well as adjunct 
teaching positions.

The job fair will include 
hiring workshops for adjunct 
faculty titled, “How to Apply 
to a Community College.” 
The workshops will take place 
at 10:30 a.m. and 12:30 p.m. 
in The Circadian room of the 
CC Building. Department 
representatives will be on 
hand throughout the day to 
answer questions. Campus 
tours will be available as well.

For a list of qualifications and 
a list of open positions, visit For 
more information, contact 
PCC Human Resources at 
(626) 585-7388.

Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No.327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: Website: