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 Mountain Views News Saturday, March 19, 2011 


 The Los Angeles County 
Board of Supervisors 
unanimously approved an 
ordinance spearheaded by 
Mayor Michael D. Antonovich 
to reduce animal 
cruelty associated with 
puppy mills. 

“This ordinance will close 
puppy mills, which have 
historically abused animals 
by placing them in 
overcrowded and unsanitary 
conditions without 
adequate veterinary 
care, food and water,” said 

 Under the ordinance, 
which applies to the County’s 
unincorporated areas, 
breeders will be required 

 -- wait until dogs are at 
least 12 months old before 
breeding them

 -- keep puppies on premises 
until they are at least 
eight weeks old

 -- separate pregnant females 
at least three days 
before they give birth

 -- and provide nesting 
boxes for the moms and 
their pups

Also, all new pups will have 
to be micro-chipped at four 
months and pet stores will 
have to disclose the source 
of their animals.

 The ordinance will be 
mailed out to all of the 
County’s 88 cities urging 
them to adopt a similar ordinance. 
To read the full 
text of the ordinance please 
visit http://animalcare.

Students With Epilepsy 
Win First Committee Test

Huff Legislation Gives Children With 

Epilepsy Access to Emergency Medication

One Community Plans Transportation Summit 

A discussion about the Environmental Impact of the SR-710 Project is being held by the 
grassroots community organization One Community. The intent is to get the community 
engaged in the planning process of the Environmental Impact Statement Report for the 710 
Gap Closure. It is believed the event will be an essential follow-up to the questions that were 
asked about the 710 Freeway.


In Mid-January of 2011, One Community hosted a Transportation Summit in Pasadena 
about Regional planning for the area. At that Summit, the group received many questions to 
our expert panel about regional planning issues and in particular how to solve the 710 Gap 
for the area. 

The public is encouraged to attend in order to have their voices heard. What happens regarding 
the 710 Freeway may have an irrevocable impact on the area. to ensure that community 
voices are heard during this public comment period. All comments made by constituents 
about concerns or issues relating to the 710 Freeway get placed on the record, and are later 
addressed through the MTA's Environmental Impact Statement Report.


The upcoming meeting is called "Series 3: Scoping-Going on the Record." 

Wednesday, March 30


Lake Avenue Church

393 N Lake Avenue

Pasadena, CA 91101.

For more meeting locations, go to: 


If you would like to RSVP, please contact Joanna Amador at 323-349-0661, ext. 16 or via 
email at 


One Community: A Grassroots Think Tank, is lead by Barry Gordon. 


SACRAMENTO: Legislation 
authored by Senator 
Bob Huff (R-Diamond Bar) 
passed its first policy test 
in the Senate Education 
Committee and will move 
forward in the legislative 
process. SB 161 would authorize 
all California school 
districts to allow school 
employee volunteers to administer 
emergency medical 
assistance to students 
with epilepsy when they 
experience seizures while 
on campus. The Huff legislation 
will help protect nearly 
94,000 California children 
who have been diagnosed 
with epilepsy. The measure 
has the full support of 
the Epilepsy Foundation of 

“I’d like to thank members of 
the Senate Education Committee 
for their support and 
hope for similar results as 
the bill moves forward,” said 
Senator Huff following the 
hearing. “My legislation allows 
school employees, who 
volunteer and are trained, to 
administer life-saving medication 
when a child suffers 
an epileptic seizure. I’m 
pleased that the Senate Education 
Committee is putting 
the health and safety needs 
of our children first.”

 Children with epilepsy are 
prone to prolonged seizures 
and need immediate access 
to live-saving emergency 
medication. Diastat Acudial 
is a pre-dosed preparation of 
diazepam gel and is the standard, 
out-of-hospital treatment 
for prolonged seizures.

Schoolteachers and staff 
were once allowed to administer 
this safe and effective 
emergency treatment when 
a student suffered a seizure 
in the classroom. However, 
that practice changed two 
years ago when a nursing 
education consultant to the 
Board of Registered Nursing 
(BRN) arbitrarily decided 
that school nurses were not 
authorized to train or supervise 
anyone to administer 

 The decision had a profound 
impact. In response, 
nurses refused to train 
school personnel to administer 
Diastat and schools 
would no longer allow staff 
to administer the drug, even 
if staff had already received 
medical training.

 “Parents of children who 
suffer from epilepsy were 
told that they must be available 
to come to school immediately 
to administer 
Diastat,” said Senator Huff. 
“This placed thousands of 
children in extreme danger 
since Diastat treatment must 
be administered immediately 
after a seizure has begun. 
There really is no other option 
to help a child during 
a seizure. Children begin 
experiencing brain damage 
within a matter of minutes 
without treatment and any 
further delay can lead to 

 SB 161 has the support of 
the California Association 
of School Business Officials, 
Health Officers Association 
of California, Special Education 
Local Plan Area Administrators 
and numerous 
county boards of education.

 Senator Bob Huff serves as 
the Senate Republican Caucus 
Chair. He represents portions 
of Los Angeles, Orange 
and San Bernardino counties. 
You can follow Senator 
Huff on Twitter @bobhuff99.

Governor’s Council on Physical 
Fitness and Sports Announces 
Opening of 2011 Spotlight Award 

6th Annual Awards to 
Shine a Light on California’s 
for Fitness”

Los Angeles, CA (StateNewsWire) 
Mar 11, 2011 
-- Chairman of the California 
Governor’s Council on 
Physical Fitness and Sports, 
Jake Steinfeld, announced 
that the Council is now accepting 
nominations for the 
2011 Spotlight Awards presented 
by the Anthem Blue 
Cross Foundation. The sixth 
annual Spotlight Awards will 
give recognition to Californians 
who positively impact 
the physical activity, fitness 
levels and well-being of California 
children and youth. 

“Our Council is honored to 
award the teachers, principals 
and other great leaders 
who work hard every day 
to help our kids,” said Jake 
Steinfeld. “These are the 
people who won’t let anything 
get in the way of their 
passion to help kids grow up 
active, healthy and fit. These 
are our heroes.” 

Nomination forms for the 
2011 Spotlight Awards are 
now available online at www. 

Principal of the Year 

Non-Profit Organization 
of the Year 

Teacher of the year 

Parent Association of the 

Event of the Year 

Park and Recreation Program 
of the Year 

A seventh award, School of 
the Year, will be given to 
the three grand prize winners 
of the 2011 Governor’s 
Challenge Competition – a 
contest among k-12 schools 
that encourages students to 
be physically active 30-60 
minutes a day, at least 3 days 
a week for 4 weeks. A special 
recognition will be given to 
eleven school districts and 
one County Office of Education 
for their support of children’s 

As the presenting sponsor 
of the Spotlight Awards, Anthem 
Blue Cross Foundation, 
is making it possible for 
the Council’s three Schools 
of the Year to win fitness centers 
valued at $100,000 and 
gold medalists in the other 
categories to receive $10,000 
in cash prizes to further promote 
physical activity for 
children in their community. 

“I am thrilled that Anthem 
Blue Cross Foundation has 
once again stepped up to 
sponsor the Council’s Spotlight 
Awards,” said Tom Torlakson, 
State Superintendent 
of Public Instruction. “There 
is nothing more important 
than honoring the individuals 
who dedicate their lives 
to improving California children’s 
health and fitness.” 

Nominations for the 2011 
Spotlight Awards presented 
by Anthem Blue Cross Foundation 
will be open through 
June 30th. The award winners 
will be announced in 

"As a founding sponsor of 
the Governor's Council on 
Physical Fitness and Sports, 
our Anthem Blue Cross 
Foundation is proud to continue 
as the Title Sponsor of 
the Spotlight Awards. This 
annual statewide competition 
does an outstanding 
job of encouraging ongoing 
healthy activity among millions 
of California children," 
said Pam Kehaly, President, 
Anthem Blue Cross. "We are 
so proud that overall, during 
our work with the Council, 
our Foundation has provided 
more than $2.3 million in 
grant funding since 2005 to 
support efforts to instill lifelong 
healthy habits and active 

Research shows that regular 
physical activity during 
childhood and adolescence 
helps build healthier bones 
and muscles, increases self-
esteem, and reduces the 
risk of obesity and type 2 

About the Governor’s Council 
on Physical Fitness and 

The California Governor’s 
Council on Physical Fitness 
and Sports is a non-profit, 
non-partisan organization 
dedicated to promoting 
physical activity for all Californians 
with an emphasis on 
children and youth. Council 
members include Chairman 
Jake Steinfeld, Vice Chairman 
Peter Vidmar, and California 
sports legends such as 
Tony Hawk, Laila Ali, Misty 
May-Treanor, and Jerry 
Rice. Governor’s Council 
Key Initiatives include the 
Governor’s Challenge, the 
Governor’s Council Spotlight 
Presented by Anthem 
Blue Cross 
the Governor’s 
Council Activity 
Guide, the Live 
Like a Champion 
Tour powered 
by Anthem 
Blue Cross and 
Exercise is Medicine. 
sponsors are the 
Anthem Blue 
Cross Foundation, 
and Kaiser 

For more information 
visit www.CalGovCouncil.
org. About the 
Anthem Blue 
Cross Foundation 
charitable grant 
making, the Anthem 
Blue Cross 
Foundation LLC, 
an independent 
licensee of the Blue Cross 
Association promotes Anthem 
Blue Cross’s inherent 
commitment to enhance 
the health and well-being of 
individuals and families in 
communities that the company 
serves. The Foundation 
focuses its funding on strategic 
initiatives that address 
and provide innovative solutions 
to health care challenges, 
as well as promoting the 
Healthy Generations Program, 
a multi-generational 
initiative that targets specific 
disease states and medical 
conditions. These include: 
prenatal care in the first trimester, 
low birth weight babies, 
cardiac morbidity rates, 
long term activities that decrease 
obesity and increase 
physical activity, diabetes 
prevalence in adult populations, 
adult pneumococcal 
and influenza vaccinations 
and smoking cessation. The 
Foundation also coordinates 
the company’s annual associate 
giving campaign and its 
parent foundation provides 
a 50 percent match of associates’ 
campaign pledges. ®ANTHEM 
is a registered trademark 
of Anthem Insurance 
Companies, Inc. The Blue 
Cross names and symbol are 
registered marks of the Blue 
Cross Association. To learn 
more about the Anthem Blue 
Cross Foundation please visit 