Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: Website:
Mountain Views-News Saturday, April 2, 2011
RICH Johnson
The Bible teaches that
humans are the apex of God’s
creation. We are the apple of
His eye.
When I get to heaven (and
I’m reasonably sure I will) I
have a few questions I would
like to pose to the almighty…
or at least His representative.
At the top of the list of questions is whether or not
the Bible got the right species at the apex. You see,
if you juxtapose the human and canine races, you
just might think dogs deserve to occupy the pole
There is a poignant story of a veterinarian
helping a family deal with the death of their
beloved dog. Sitting with the family, he wondered
aloud why dogs have such shorter lives than
people. One of the family members, a six year
old boy, piped up and said, “I know why.” He said,
“People are born so that they can learn how to live
a good life – like loving everybody all the time
and being nice, right?” The six year old continued,
“Well, dogs already know how to do that, so they
don’t have to stay as long.”
If you look at a dog’s life you quickly discover
that they:
live simply
are loyal
love generously
care deeply
speak kindly
when loved ones come home, they always run
to greet them.
never pass up the opportunity to go for a joyride
allow the experience of fresh air and the wind
in their face to be pure ecstasy
take naps
run, romp, and play daily
thrive on attention and let people touch them.
avoid biting when a simple growl will do
on warm days stop to lie on their back in the
on hot days lie under a shady tree and drink
lots of water
when happy dance around and wag their entire
delight in the simple joy of a long walk
never pretend to be something they’re not
when someone is having a bad day, they are
silent, sit close by and nuzzle gently.
Some great quotes about dogs:
If your dog is fat, you’re not getting enough
exercise Unknown
I wonder if other dogs think poodles are
members of a weird religious cult Rita Rudner
There is no psychiatrist in the world like a
puppy licking your face Ben Williams
One reason a dog can be such a comfort when
you’re feeling blue is that he doesn’t try to find out
why Unknown
(for Jake Valentine) Scratch a dog and you’ll
find a permanent job Franklin P. Jones
Properly trained, a man can be dog’s best friend
Corey Ford
Dogs laugh, but they laugh with their tails Max
Did you ever notice when you blow in a dog’s
face he gets mad at you? But when you take him
in a car he sticks his head out the window Steve
Did you ever walk into a room and forget why
you walked in? I think that is how dogs spend
their lives Sue Murphy
And then that famous riddle asked by Abraham
Lincoln: “How many legs does a dog have if you
call the tail a leg?”
His answer: “Four. Calling a tail a leg doesn’t
make it a leg.”
Have a good week. Ruff!
Sierra Madre Police Blotter
During the week of Sunday, March 20th, to Saturday
March 26th, the Sierra Madre Police Department
responded to approximately 419 calls for service. See for updated information.
Sunday, March 20th:
6:00 PM- Petty Theft, 1000 blk. E. Grandview
Ave. A resident left his car unlocked in his
driveway. Between Saturday night, March 19th
and Sunday afternoon, March 20th, the suspect
took the following items from the car: a Swiss
Army backpack, a maroon fleece hooded sweater,
a baseball cap with Air Force One embroidery, a
visor clip light, a mini mag light, a small LED light,
airplane cabinet keys, an EGB computer, a blue
canvas tri-fold knee board (airplane equipment),
GPD mounting system for airplane, a pilot’s flight
log book, a Swiss army knife, a Leatherman tool,
miscellaneous papers, a plastic business card box,
a Verizon LG ENV3 manual, and two Altoids
mint tins. Total loss was $419.00.
Monday, March 21st:
8:19 AM- Tampering/Injuring Vehicle or
Contents, 1000 blk. Via Granate Ln. Unknown
suspect(s) entered an unlocked car in the victim’s
driveway and ransacked the interior. There was
no loss or damage.
Tuesday, March 22nd:
11:53 PM- Prowling/Peeking in door/window,
300 blk. W. Sierra Madre Blvd. A resident was
moving his garbage can around 11:45 pm when
he noticed a white male, 5’10, wearing dark
clothing, standing against the house wall. The
suspect fled.
Wednesday, March 23rd:
1:10 AM- Giving False Information to Peace
Officer, Michillinda Ave and Foothill Ave. An
officer stopped a motorist for a Vehicle Code
violation. The driver gave false information to
the officer who determined that she had a $30,000
DUI warrant. The officer arrested the motorist
and took her to the Pasadena jail for booking.
8:36 PM- Warrant/Local/Criminal, 100 blk.
Lowell Ave. Officers served an arrest warrant for
a resident and took her into custody.
Thursday, March 24th:
8:03 PM- Make Annoying Telephone Calls,
100 blk. Grove St. This case involves a known
suspect making annoying telephone calls to the
Friday, March 25th:
2:45 AM- DUI Alcohol/Drugs, Lima St and
Montecito Ave. An officer stopped a motorist
for a Vehicle Code violation and determined that
the driver was under the influence of alcohol.
The officer arrested the Monterey Park resident
and took to Pasadena Police Department jail for
8:50 AM- Grand Theft Exceeding $950, 40 N.
Baldwin Ave. A woman asked to see a ruby ring
at Charlotte’s Fine Jewelry and later distracted the
employee. The suspect apparently left the store
without returning the ring. The suspect is a white
woman in her 70’s, 5’7, shoulder length hair, and
walks with a limp. The ring is valued at $8,000.
11:06 AM- Residential Burglary, 200 blk.
Mariposa Ave. A clean shaven Hispanic man,
about 30, knocked on the door of an elderly
woman and asked to check the plumbing inside
her house. The suspect falsely identified himself
as a water company employee, and the woman
allowed him to enter. The suspect later told
the woman that she owed him $40.00 for the
work that he did. The suspect left on foot. It is
unknown if the suspect took any valuables.
Saturday, March 26th:
1:48 AM- Possession of Marijuana in Vehicle,
Baldwin Ave and Sierra Madre Blvd. An officer
stopped a motorist for a Vehicle Code violation
and found that the driver was in possession of
1.5 grams of marijuana. The officer cited and
released the driver.