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Mountain Views News Saturday, April 2, 2011 




return after 
three years 
with their 
third studio 
album, “Seeds”. It’s a poignant, thought-
provoking record that will pacify your tiresome 
mind and mend the wounded heart. It’s vastly 
demanding to keep up with the dozens of 
bands that seem to magically materialize each 
and everyday. However, it’s truly a blessing 
to discover the ones that really resonate with 
you. It’s an amazing sensation to be able to 
identify yourself with a record that seamlessly 
understands everything you’re going through. 
Lead singer, Tim Baker stated in an interview, 
“…the songs are seeds ... they’re these little 
things –- four and five minute things — but 
they have the ability to grow in your brain 
and be far more meaningful than just what 
they are.” I whole-heartedly agree with him 
because “Seeds” is just that. An album that will 
get inside you, become you, and navigate you 
through this world you’re trying oh-so-ever 
hard to break though. 

 Clocking in at just less than 50 minutes, 
all eleven tracks augment as they progress from 
start to finish. “Hey Rosetta!” have deliberately 
created a united catharsis. Layered strings, 
horns, mandolins, pianos, and trumpets all 
make a delightful appearance on the album. 
Not everything works perfectly, but there’s 
enough staggering power to satisfying the 
accessible music listener. The lyrics are about 
the perennial life on the road, dissolved 
relationships, loneliness, but also new hope, 
enlightenment and fresh beginnings. If you 
can open your mind, let your guard down and 
allow “Seeds” to gracefully seep into your soul, 
you’ll walk away embarking on a new day with 
full of possibilities waiting to be conquered. 

 This is a pleasing to the ear, gentle 
rock album that can become the anthem to 
one’s life. Listening to any album merely once 
won’t be enough. There’s no exception this time 
around either. One must permit “Seeds” to fully 
engulf their own entity in order to find any 
significant fulfillment. Catchy yet multifaceted 
arrangements, towering melodies and stunning 
imagery within the words tenderly sung, there’s 
something here for any fan of the indie rock 
affiliation. In the song, “Seventeen”, Baker with 
such emphasis and heart, belts out the words, 
“we’re always on the edge of something bigger 
than this; cause we’re always on the edge; we’re 
always on the edge of some impossible trick.” 
I tend to side with what he’s saying. We’re all 
grasping for something slightly out of reach, 
but with great persistence and dedication, we 
can get there. I like to believe it’s why we get 
out of bed each morning. The impossible will 
soon enough become the possible if we never 
compromise on the act of simply settling for 
second-rate and mediocrity. The album title 
may be called “Seeds” and it’s emblematic of 
what we are - tiny seeds from the start yet we 
all have the ability to cultivate into something 
extraordinary. If one listens intently, this 
album can be a guiding and nurturing light on 
your never-ending adventure. 

Grade: 7.5 out of 10 

Key Tracks: “Seeds”, “Young Glass”, 

For all of my reviews check out www. 

Sean Kayden

Artist: Hey Rosetta!

Album: Seeds

Label: Sonic Records

Release Date: February 15, 2011

The Book Report

Acting classes for REAL people, at the...
Join the “FOR THE LOVE OF ACTING” class.
Saturdays 2:00 to 5:00pm on our STAGE. No experience necessary! 
NEW BEGINNERS class starts APRIL 02. 
For reservations and class info, call June Chandler (626) 355-4572
Tough Without a Gun: 
The Life and Extraordinary 
Afterlife of Humphrey Bogart

by Stefan Kanfer

 Humphrey Bogart: it’s hard to think of anyone who’s had 
the same lasting impact on the culture of movies. Though 
he died at the young age of fifty-seven more than half a 
century ago, his influence among actors and filmmakers, 
and his enduring appeal for film lovers around the world, 
remains as strong as ever. What is it about Bogart, with his 
unconventional looks and noticeable speech impediment, 
that has captured our collective imagination for so long? 
In this definitive biography, Stefan Kanfer answers that 
question, along the way illuminating the private man Bogart 
was and shining the spotlight on some of the greatest 
performances ever captured on celluloid.

Awakening to the Natural State 

by John Wheeler

 John Wheeler’s words are a direct pointing. In these 
pages there is a constant dismantling of the distractions 
and concepts that misdirect us from the truth of what we 
truly are. Arising from peace, freedom and love, the writing 
is clear, and straightforward. There is no future attainment, 
no enlightenment, no teachers, no students, no path, no 
suffering (except in the mind) and no future or past, except 
as thought. There is only here and now, this ever fresh 
moment manifesting in consciousness, which arises in 
awareness. “Our true nature is that simple & undeniable 
presence of awareness in which all thinking, feeling and 
perception occurs. You are not the limited person you take 
yourself to be. Seeing this, suffering, anxiety & confusion 
drops away revealing your own innate happiness & 
freedom. Understanding is immediate and always available here & now.” 

Annual Service Awards 
Presented by Cancer 
Support Community

The 2011 Angel Awards will be presented to two 
outstanding community members on the evening 
of April 16, 2011 during the Angel Gala, a major 
fundraising event conducted annually by Cancer 
Support Community. This year’s Angel Gala celebration 
is scheduled at the Westin Hotel in Pasadena. 

Angel Awards recognize individuals and 
organizations for their contributions to help 
improve the lives of people facing cancer. 
The 2011 Angel Award recipients are Dr. 
Betty Ferrell of City of Hope and Jacobs 

Dr. Ferrell has a long and distinguished 
record in research and practice in the area 
of pain management for those facing cancer. 
Dr. Ferrell noted, “I have been very fortunate 
to devote my entire 34 years as a nurse and 
researcher to the area of oncology. Working 
with patients and families facing cancer 
has provided me with the opportunity to 
use our research to advocate for quality of 
life concerns. People with cancer deserve 
care which remembers the person with the 
cancer, not just the disease, and also supports 
the family surrounding the patient. From the moment of diagnosis to long term survival or late stage 
disease and end of life care, people need support to address physical, psychological, and social and 
spiritual needs.”

Jacobs Engineering is one of the world’s largest and most diverse providers of technical, professional, 
and construction services. Jacobs Engineering founder, Dr. Joseph J. Jacobs, played a key role in 
sustaining The Wellness Community, now Cancer Support Community, during the first fifteen years 
of its history. Joseph and his wife, Vi, were presented with the 1994 Angel Award during the second 
year of the Angel Gala event. In honor of his memory and the special affinity that Joe had for Cancer 
Support Community, Jacobs has kept a close tie to the organization for nearly twenty years. Jacobs 
President and Chief Executive Officer, Craig Martin, stated, “Cancer Support Community Pasadena 
was an important organization to our founder and it continues to be an important organization to 
our company. The tireless efforts Cancer Support Community puts forth to make a difference in the 
lives of individuals facing cancer are immeasurable. We are very proud to be selected for this honor.”

Cancer Support Community Pasadena provides professionally led support groups, educational 
workshops and fitness/relaxation classes at no charge to participants. Recently, the College Board 
of Surgeons invited Cancer Support Community to join a new commission charged to advise 
best practices in integrating psychosocial support services into cancer treatment plans. For more 
information about Cancer Support Community, call (626) 796-1083 or visit

Television personality Dallas Raines, along with 
volunteers Lydia Valente and Ginger Rouse