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Around The San Gabriel Valley

 Mountain Views News Saturday, May 7, 2011 

Looking Into The Life Of A Teenager

 By Meaghan Allen


 I remember what I got for my 
seventh birthday very clearly. I 
remember standing in line to 
get it, and how excited I felt. I 
was going to be the coolest kid 
at school, hands down. My 
dad got me a season pass to Six 
Flags Magic Mountain, along 
with one for himself. For the 
remainder of the school year, 
on Tuesday, my dad would 
pick me up after school and 
we would drive 45 minutes to 
Valencia, belting “Two Tickets 
to Paradise” by Eddie Money. 
Before entering the park we 
would eat at the Wendy’s down 
the hill, filling our stomachs 
with baked potatoes, French 
fries, and chicken nuggets. We 
would then enter the park and 
head straight for Revolution 
– the park’s first loop-de-loop 
roller coaster. Those are some 
of my best memories because 
not every kid can say ‘I went 
to Six Flags every Tuesday in 
second grade.’ This past spring 
break when I went to Six Flags 
with my friends, it was like I 
was visiting a long-time friend.

 When we arrived I didn’t 
realize how many people were 
going to be there, because we 
had special passes that let us 
exclusively into the park from 
6 to midnight. Despite all the 
people and the long lines, 
my friends and I had a blast. 
Going on the log ride at night 
is so much more different than 
during the day, and we also got 
absolutely soaked, a first for me. 
But the best part was going on 
Goliath again. My dad’s and my 
favorite, Goliath is the best ride 
in the park. Reaching a speed 
of 85 mph, I was afraid that 
Goliath would disappoint, but 
didn’t. The first drop still made 
my stomach fly and scream in 
excitement. Six Flags was as 
great as I remembered. 

Work Day 
SATURDAYMay 14, 2011, 8a.m. – 3;30p.m. 
1435 N. Raymond Avenue 
Pasadena, CA 91103 
If you are at least 18 years 
old, you could help to give the 
Alkebu-lan Cultural Center a 
needed facelift by 
volunteering for the Big 
Sunday Work Day event. Your 
energy is requested for 
painting and other work to 
improve this jewel in the 
Please let us know that you 
will be there, no later than 
5/10/11, – 626/794-9570 or 
alkebulan1435@sbcglobal.netand show up on May14 ready 
to work. 
Life's Lessons from 
Your Mother By Bryan Golden


Your mother tried to teach you some valuable lessons. 
Moms have a unique ability to impart essential wisdom. 
Unfortunately, most of us were too young to really appreciate 
their value. Mother's Day is a great time to review the 
following advice you got when you were a kid.


You can be whatever you want to be.

You have no limitations. The whole world is open to you. 

Your future is ahead of you. You can accomplish whatever 
you set your mind to. It's ok to dream.

Be nice to your friends and they will be nice to you.

People respond to the way you treat them. If you are mean 
and selfish, no one will want to play with you. Share your 
toys and don't be a bully. Be considerate of the feelings of 

Do your homework and you will get good grades.

Success takes work. If you don't put in the effort, you won't 
reap the rewards. Those who work hard will succeed.

Clean your room now.

Get things done today and you won't have to worry about 
them. If you let things pile up, it will be difficult to catch up.

You can play once your chores are done.

Get your work done before you take a break. Then you can 
relax and have a good time.

Stay in school.

If you don't get an education, your opportunities will be 
limited. Don't drop out of school. The more you learn, the 
more you benefit.

Sticks and stones will break your bones but names will never 
hurt you. It doesn't matter what other people say. Don't allow 
others to upset you. There will always be mean people. 

Don't pay attention to them.

Don't waste your time.

Time goes by very fast. Don't wait to pursue your dreams.

Be thankful for what you have.

There are many who are not as fortunate as you. Be grateful 
for your home and family. It doesn't matter what someone 
else has. 

Don't complain. Whining is annoying. If you have something 
to say, say it. If you complain all the time, no one will 
want to listen to you.


Bryan is the author of "Dare to Live Without Limits." Visit or your bookstore. Bryan 
is a self-development expert, syndicated columnist, and 
professor. E-mail Bryan at