Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: Website:
Mountain View News Saturday, June 11, 2011
The 2011 Friday movies series
is beginning on Friday, May 6,
2011. Movies are shown free
to the public every other Friday
beginning on May 6, 2011
and running through June 3,
2011. Movies are shown in
Kersting Court, at the corner
of Sierra Madre Blvd. and
Baldwin Ave. The movie line-
up is: May 6 – Toy Story 3,
May 20 – Despicable Me, and
June 3 – How to Train you
Dragon. For more information
call 626-355-5278.
“One World, Many Stories,” is the theme for Sierra Madre Public
Library’s 2011 Summer Reading Club for Children. The program
begins Monday, June 20, and runs through Saturday, August 13.
Children of all ages are invited to go online or stop by the Children’s
Room any time on or after June 20 to register for this free, eight-week
activity. Each registrant will receive a reading log, bookmark, and a
theme-related book bag. Age-appropriate books, read at home, are
recorded on the log, or online, and a prize awarded after the weekly
reading requirement is completed.
Children may enter one of three reading divisions: “Discoverer,” for
our very youngest patrons, who are not yet able to read on their own;
“Adventurer,” for school-age readers in Grades 1-6, and Challenger, for
children in Grades 2-6. Challenger is the most demanding division, in
which 35 hours of reading must be completed in eight weeks.
“You Are Here” is the theme for the Summer Reading Club for Teens,
Grades 7 and up. Participants read eight books in eight weeks and earn
prizes for every two books read.
Two family-friendly Summer Reading Club events are scheduled
in July and August at the Library. “Cookie Einstein: The Cockapoo
Math Whiz” will appear at on Monday, July 11 at 10:00 a.m. This
former shelter dog will amaze young and old alike as she barks out the
answers to math questions from the audience. “The Wonderful World
of Stories and Songs,” a fun, interactive show with puppets, music and
storytelling, will take place on Monday, August 8 at 10:00 a.m.
For more information, call Meegan Tosh, Youth Services Librarian, at
355-4672. The Summer Reading Clubs and activities are funded by The
Friends of the Library, The Sierra Madre Firefighters Assn., and Sierra
Madre Kiwanis Club. The California Summer Reading Program is a project
of the California Library Association, supported by the U.S. Institute of
Museum and Library Services under the provisions of the Library Services
and Technology Act, a federal grant program administered in California by
the State Librarian.
Kiwanis Club of Sierra
Madre Invites You To
Join Us For Lunch:
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Noon - 1:30
Bailey Canyon Park
Sierra Madre
We will have box
lunches and discuss
the wonders of Bailey
Come out and learn about
this local wonder of nature.
We promise you a very
interesting afternoon.
To reserve your spot and
order lunch , please call Pat
Birdsall at 626-355-7290
Weather Wise
5-Day Forecast
Sierra Madre, Ca.
Mon: Sunny Hi 70s Lows 50s
Tues: Ptly Cldy Hi 70s Lows 50s
Wed: Ptly Cldy Hi 70s Lows 50s
Thur: Sunny Hi 70s Lows 50s
Fri: Sunny Hi 70s Lows 50s
Forecasts courtesy of the National Weather Service
Unless otherwise noted, all meetings listed below are held at City
Hall 232 W. Sierra Madre Blvd. Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024
May 16 @ 6pm - Community Services Commission
May 17 @ 6:30pm - Special City Council/PUSD Meeting
May 18 @ 7pm - Tree Advisory Committee
May 19 @ 6:30pm - UUT Oversight Committee
May 19 @ 7pm - Planning Commission
May 24 @ 6:30pm - City Council
May 25 @ 7pm - Library Board of Trustees
May 26 @ 7pm - Green Advisory Committee
May 31 @ 6:30pm - Special City Council Budget Meeting
Grab your friends and
neighbors and sign a team
up for our Summer Adult
Softball League! Games
will be played on Sunday
and Wednesday evenings.
Don’t have a team? No
worries! Sign yourself up as
a free agent and we’ll place
you on a team. All players
must be over 18 to play.
The Sierra Madre Adult
Co-ed Softball League is
divided into an “A” league
geared towards the competitive
participant, and a
“B” league for recreational
competition. Due to the
limited field space, registration
is limited. Be sure
to sign up early and don’t
miss out on the 2011 season!
Please note that team
sign-ups may have a free
agent added to the roster.
Late June through August
$320 per team or
$32 per player
Registration: Must be done
in person at the Community
Recreation Center, 611
E. Sierra Madre Blvd.
Games Site:
Heasley Field
Teams and players must
register by Monday, June 6,
For more information contact
Sierra Madre Public Library’s popular Adult Summer Reading
Program is now in its fifth year. This year’s theme is “Novel
Destinations,” which will showcase fiction and nonfiction books
on Travel and World Culture. There are many ways to “see” the
world through print and audio books, so you can indulge in the
genre of your choice and “travel” anywhere that strikes your fancy.
Books in print, on CD, Playaway, or read via e-reader all qualify—
so take your pick of media and read, read, read! The program
is open to anyone 18 years and older, and will run eight weeks,
Monday, June 20 - Saturday August 13. Sign up early and read
widely to take best advantage of the weekly prize drawings, which
have been generously donated by local merchants. Participants
may win one weekly prize during the course of the program.
Once again a Grand Prize Drawing for a Kindle will take place at
the program’s conclusion.
Registration is free and may be done in person at the Library
or online any time on or after June 20. To register online, visit
the Library’s website,, and click on the
Summer Reading Program button. For more information call
Polly Bonnett at 626-355-7186 x 105. The Adult Summer Reading
Program is funded by the Friends of the Sierra Madre Library.
Live from Burger
Harvey Hyde
535 So. Lake Ave.
(626) 792 - 6634
Every Thursday
6:00 pm - 7:00 pm
Hard-hitting, High
impact Sports Talk
KSHP Las Vegas -
1400 AM
1630 AM
Free on-air publicity for local events
Sierra Madre’s new community radio station is now accepting scripts
for Public Service Announcements (PSAs) about community events.
PSAs will be broadcast on the air at no charge. The station operates
24/7 and can be heard at 1630 on the AM dial.
Any local non-profit or non-commercial organization can have their
event information broadcast to the public on Sierra Madre Community
Information Radio. This new radio station covers the city of Sierra
Madre, plus surrounding areas of Pasadena, Arcadia, and Monrovia.
In a nutshell, your event must:
• Benefit a non-commercial or non-profit entity
• Be open to the public
• Be of general interest to local citizens
write a Public Service Announcement that describes your
event and e-mail it to
Registration for 4th of July
Parade is Now Open
This year’s 4th of July parade will be held on Monday, July 4, at
10:00 am. The parade route will begin on Sierra Madre Blvd, from
Sunnyside to Rancho. There is a $15 fee for all local non-profit
entries and a $25 processing fee for all business entries. There is
no charge for individuals wishing to enter the parade; however, an
application must be submitted.
It is the 4th of July Committee’s hope to make the parade more
green and earth-friendly! All participants are encouraged to come
up with creative ideas to support this theme. One way to do this is
to register online at:
Hardcopy of the application should be completed and return the
form with entry fee to:
All application are due Friday, June 10, 2011. Due to staging
concerns, no late entries will be accepted. Questions can be directed
to Matt Bosse at (626) 836-8580 or Elisa Weaver at (626)
355-5278 between 9am and 5pm, M-F.
Join the 4th of July
Committee and the Spero
Foundation for the first
ever 4th of July Firecracker
Fun Run. This 5K event is
open to runners of all ages
and follows the 4th of July
Parade route. Participants
will begin in Kersting Court
and run east on Sierra
Madre Boulevard down
to Sierra Vista Park, turn
around and run west back
up Sierra Madre Boulevard
to Sunnyside Avenue.
Participants will turn around
again at Sunnyside and travel
the parade route on Sierra
Madre Boulevard back to
Kersting Court.
Check-in begins at 6 am and
the race at 7 am on Monday,
July 4th in Kersting Court.
Come get your feet moving
and be part of what promises
to be another amazing Sierra
Madre tradition! Register
on-site, at the Community
Recreation Center or online
at www.cityofsierramadre.
com/onlineregistration. Do
so by June 20th to guarantee
your t-shirt!
For more information call
the Community & Personnel
Services Department at (626)
Plan now for summer fun
and nature adventures! Nature,
teamwork, exploration, imagination,
and fun are just a few
things you’ll find at the Summer
Nature Camp.
Pack your bag for a week
of exploring plants and history
throughout the Arboretum.
Bring your magnifying glass as
we examine plants and bugs. Are
you ‘naturally’ artistic? Bring
your creativity as we paint, draw,
and sculpt crafts of our environment.
All activities are led by
instructors and guided by counselors,
so bring your child for a
summer of fun at the Summer
Nature Camp!
Age Group 5-10
Dates One Week Summer Sessions
(Monday – Friday)
Session 1 6/13-6/17 - The
Earth, Our friend
Session 2 6/20-6/24 - Over
the Land and Under the Sea
Session 3 6/27-7/01 - Reduce,
Reuse, Refuse, Recycle!
HOLIDAY BREAK: 7/04-7/08
Session 4 7/11-7/15 - Earth
Works, Team works
Session 5 7/18-7/22 - From
storybooks to Real Life
Session 6 7/25-7/29 - Then
and Now, History Week!
Session 7 8/01-8/05 - One
World, International Week
Session 8 8/08-8/12 - We
are the Arboretum!
Time Session: Full Day:
9:00am-3:30pm |
Half Day: 9:00am-12:00pm or
Fees Session: Full Day: $300
members / $335 non-members |
Half Day: $150 members / $168
non-members / 10% Sibling
9:00am-12:00noon Morning
Session - Outdoor Science/
12:00-12:30pm Lunch supervision
provided for full day
campers. Campers must bring
a sack lunch or purchase food
from the Peacock Cafe
Afternoon Session - Art/Bugs
Extended Care
Registration Now Open
The Sierra Madre Community & Personnel Services Department
is excited to announce that four new classes have
been added to their Summer Recreation Program: Water
Aerobics, Zumba, Kidz Love Soccer and a special Teen Acting
for Theater. These four new programs join the department’s
already active youth & adult summer schedule that
includes: Swim Lessons, Ballet & Tap, Gymnastics, Tennis
(adult & youth), Yoga, Swim Team, Karate (adult & youth),
Social Dance and Adult Softball.
Registration is now open via the City’s online registration at Prices and
length of sessions vary. To learn more about all the summer
activities, please visit the City’s website at www.cityofsierramadre.
com and click on Wistaria Vine Summer 2011
newsletter or call (626) 355-5278 ext. 227.
It is the goal of the Sierra Madre Community & Personnel
Services Department to provide quality programs and services
to the Foothill Communities. Join us!
Mark Your Calendars!
Sierra Madre 4th of July Weekend Festivities
Saturday, July 2nd
All-new: Sierra Madre Community Picnic at Sierra Vista Park
3 pm – Dusk
Bring your picnic basket and join us for an afternoon of games, food,
and community. We will have games in the park, a Home Run Derby and
softball games at Heasley field, and the pool will be open! There will also
be ice cream and snacks for sale throughout the afternoon. AND don’t
miss the Beer AND WINE Garden at Sierra Vista Park in the Community
Recreation Center Patio! What a way to kick off what promises to be an
exciting and fun-filled weekend!
Sunday, July 3rd
Beer Garden and Concert in the Park at
Memorial Park 5 pm – 10 pm
Tradition continues as the Beer Garden makes it
annual appearance, benefiting the Sierra Madre Little
League and the Volunteer 4th of July Committee!
Mercy and the Merkettes will be performing and
promise to keep all of us moving and grooving to hits
from today and yesterday. And the evening would
not be complete without Sierra Madre’s own version
of fireworks: Bubble Wrap Fireworks at Dusk!
Monday, July 4th:
All-new: Sierra Madre’s Firecracker Family
Fun Run
This 5k race starts at 7 am and follows the parade route. Check-in begins
at 6 am at Kersting Court. Come get your feet moving and be part of what
promises to be another amazing Sierra Madre tradition! Register on-site,
at the Community Recreation Center or online at www.cityofsierramadre.
com/onlineregistration. Do so by June 20th to guarantee your t-shirt!
Sierra Madre’s World Famous 4th of July Parade, 10 am
Let’s line the streets for the annual parade that is true
Americana at its finest. This year, we honor Gayle Bluemel as
our 2011 4th of July Grand Marshal for her outstanding service
and life-long dedication to our Sierra Madre schools and
community. We also honor Sierra Madre resident John Shear
with our Hometown Hero Award for his spontaneous act of
selfless heroism in jumping in front of a charging horse to save
a young girl’s life. To participate in the parade, register at www.
Memorial Park Festivities, 12noon
And join us after the parade at High Noon in Memorial Park for games,
face painting, balloons, food, and music by the Nightbloomin’ Jazzmen.
The Beer Garden will also be open!
What’s Your Vision?
General Plan Update Survey
The General Plan Steering Committee (GPSC) and the City of
Sierra Madre are not conducting a telephone survey. The official
survey conducted by the GPSC is available on-line on the City’s
website at – and click on “General
Plan Update Survey.” The General Plan survey form is also available
at Sierra Madre City Hall and at the Library.
The General Plan survey is intended seek the community’s input
on the future of Sierra Madre as it relates to updating the Sierra
Madre General Plan.