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this Week: Calendar: Sierra Madre: Pasadena – Altadena: Around The San Gabriel Valley: Arcadia: Monrovia – Duarte: Summer Fun: Good Food & Drink: Arts & Entertainment: Left Turn / Right Turn: Opinion: The World Around Us: The Good Life: Homes & Property: Columnists: Recent Issues: |
SATURDAY, JULY 23, 2011 VOLUME 5 NO. 30 “CITY SETS THE RECORD STRAIGHT” NEW FUNDRAISING EFFORT FOR SIERRA MADRE’S VETERANS WALL Last month, when the Sierra Club of Los Angeles issued a public report on Solar Permit fees, it listed Sierra Madre as being one of the most expensive fees in the County for Commercial properties. Since that report was published, there has been continued concern among residents regarding the solar permit fees the city charges. As a result of other news reports and the Sierra Club report, the city decided to ‘Set The Record Straight’: (This notice appeared on the city’s website and is being reprinted verbatim in its entirety.) The city has received a number of inquiries as a result of news articles that list the City of Sierra Madre as having among the highest fees for solar projects in the County of Los Angeles; City staff and officials would like to clarify a number of items and provide answers to common questions that have been received. The figures in the local news articles come from data produced in the “Executive Summary of Commercial & Residential PV Permit Fee Report, Los Angeles County by Sierra Club, Los Angeles and Loma Prieta Chapters, 4/27/2011, updated 6/18/2011.” The data includes fees for residential and commercial solar projects for 89 cities in the County of Los Angeles. It is based on a survey to each of these cities that was conducted by the Sierra Club. Residential Solar Project Fees: More than two years ago, the City of Sierra Madre reduced residential solar permit fees to a flat fee (not valuation-based) of $515.00, as reflected in the Sierra Club survey. The previous fees were valuation- based and ranged from approximately $700.00 to $1,200.00. On June 14, 2011, the City Council adopted the Fiscal Year 2011/2013 Biennial Budget that further reduced the fee to $473.00 beginning July 1, 2011. Due to the fact that we have a very small commercial district and have never received an inquiry, nor received any applications for commercial solar permits, we did not create a commercial solar permit fee. Commercial Solar Project Fees: In order to complete the survey, a “sample commercial project” that was provided to us by the Sierra Club to calculate the cost for a commercial solar project using the appropriate permits (building, electrical, etc.) that the City would use in the event that such an application would be made. The “sample commercial project” that was provided was for a $1.2 million solar project, with the installation of 648 panels and producing 131KW annually. The approximate size of the commercial roof was 12,500 square feet. The calculation of this hypothetical commercial solar fee was based on current valuation-based permits that would apply to general construction projects, and the result placed Sierra Madre in the top three most expensive commercial solar fees in the County. The City would like to point out that the “sample commercial project” we were asked to use for the calculations is not representative of a project that could exist in our commercial district. The largest roofs in the district are less than 50% of the square footage of the “sample commercial project”. The City would like to encourage any Sierra Madre businesses that are contemplating a solar project for their commercial project to contact the Development Services Department. Staff will be happy to provide an accurate and site-specific commercial solar project fee for consideration. In the meantime, staff is also compiling information for the development of flat commercial solar permit fee in anticipation of its potential future incorporation to our Development Services’ fee schedule. One of the most beloved monuments in Sierra Madre is the Veteran’s Wall in Memorial Park. Built in 2003 by volunteers lead by the late John Grijalva, the site is a unique tribute to veterans who have served our country and lived in Sierra Madre. Located in Memorial Park in the center of town, the wall is a collection of photograhs of soldiers and personalized bricks that pay tribute to the men and women of Sierra Madre who served in the Armed Forces. Grijalva and his group of volunteers also maintained the wall and decorated it with donated flowers until John’s passing in December of 2007. Today, volunteers continue to carry on John’s mission. These volunteers are embarking on an effort to re-educate the public on the significance of the wall and how to participate and support it. Auction for A Very Special Flag Ed Clare, one of the sponsors of the wall, recently announced a new fundraising project. “We are auctioning off the original Veteran’s Wall Memorial flag. It is the flag that was given to us by the U.S. Congress that flew over the White House and was the flag that was used for the memorial to this point. It is in very good condition It is a 8’x5’ flay and we are holding an open auction in order to sell the flag so that we may raise money not only for the replacement flag but the additional Veteran’s flag that now flies over the memorial. Any extra money that is generated from this auction will go toward the upkeep and maintenance itself and for the purpose of purchasing additional picture plaques to put on the wall. We will keep the bidding open until Labor Day then whoever has offered the highest bid will be awarded the flag. “ The starting bid is $150 by Miner Harkness. If you would like to bid on the flag you can contact Ed Clare either at 626 355-4424 or email ed@ edclare.com. Sponsor A Brick Program Another means of generating income for the support and maintenance of the memorial is the “Sponsor A Brick Program”. Families can show their gratitude to veterans by becoming either a Gold Sponsor for $350 and purchasing an 8” x 8” brick that can contain up to 6 lines and/or graphic image or they can become a Silver Sponsor by purchasing a brick for $150 which can contain up to 3 lines. Bricks are placed at random around the Memorial. More information can be obtained on this program by going to www. sierramadreveterans.org. Veterans Photo Wall One of the most popular aspects of the monument is the Photo Wall. It contains Legacy Etchings of men and women from Sierra Madre that have served in the Armed Forces. The etchings are generated from photographs of the service person and permanently etched onto stainless steel. Any Veteran who lives or has lived in Sierra Madre for more than a year may have their photo included on the wall at no charge. Just fill out the “Sierra Madre Veteran Military Service Record Form” and send it along with a photo to: S.M. Veterans Photo Wall 130 East Montecito, #165 Sierra Madre, CA 91025 or E-mail: info@sierramadreveterans. org. - MVNews Above: Veteran Bud Switzer, one of the original volunteers that helped the Veteran’s Wall become a reality, places poinsettas on the wall during the holidays. Photo by Bill Coburn Right: Former Mayor Doug Hayes (left) and the late John Grijalva (right) at the Dedication in 2003. Photo courtesy of the Veterans Wall organization. OFFICER INVOLVED IN EXCESSIVE FORCE LAWSUIT IDENTIFIED As reported in the July 16th edition of the Mountain Views News, the City of Sierra Madre, is one of three defendants in a lawsuit filed by a Sierra Madre resident alleging, among other things, police brutality. In the initidal documents filed, the lawsuit only named Former SMPD Officer John Ellins and listed the second Officer as ‘John Doe’. However, in a subsequent filing, the second officer has been identified as Christopher Canon, another former SMPD member. The allegations against Ellins and Canon are: Negligence, Assault and Battery, Intentional Infliction of Emotional Distress, Unlawful Arrest (State and Federal) and Excessive Use Of Force and Violation of Constitutional and Civil Rights. The city is only named in charges of Excessive Use of Force (2 counts) by Ratification and for Violation of Constitutional and Civil Rights. RALPH MCKNIGHT - A MAN OF MANY PASSIONS - DIES Inside This Edition... By Susan Henderson Early Tuesday morning, the voice of a Lion was silenced forever. community leader, community legend, Ralph McKnight died peacefully while sleeping in his Pasadena home with his wife Kitty at his side. In May, he suffered a stroke from which he never recovered. At age 78, Ralph had lived through a lot. A veteran of the U.S. Navy, he was born and reared in Washington D.C. at a time when his uniform was meaningless when it came to battling the rampant racism that our country was afflicted with. But that didn’t deter Ralph one bit. in fact it inspired him to become a life long activist, working on making the world a better place for everyone. Self described as “an angry black man” his work was not limited to the plight of African Americans. He worked tirelessly within the ranks of the Democratic Party on both the statewide and local levels. And in Pasadena, he was well known in political, social and artistic circles. His accomplishments were many. He was among the first African Americans to serve as an Air Traffic Controller in the 1960’s. He ran many community based organizations in Washington, D.C. and the Los Angeles Area. Politics was his number one passion. A Democratic activist, he was a champion for all people. He served in a variety of positions over two decades including serving as chair of the statewide Rainbow and African American Caucuses. He served as Chair of the statewide Organizational Development Committee. He was very active with the Los Angeles County State Central Committee and was very involved with the Pasadena Foothills Democratic Club. Ralph also loved Pasadena. He was instrumental in the development of the Levitt Pavillion in Pasadena and served as an Ambassador. He served as a board member of the United Nations Association; he worked with the Pasadena Community Access station and was a member of the ACLU. The Arts were also one of Ralph’s many passions. Among other things, he served on Pasadena’s Arts Commission until recently. A gifted percussionist, Ralph loved jazz. He also was a writer, contributing to this publication during Presidential elections. Prior to his illness, we discussed plans for him to resume his contributions to MVNews’ “The Ballot Box” feature in 2012. He was also President of The Pasadena Collection, which specialized in custom tiles that he designed. But perhaps Ralph’s greatest passion was for the future. He spent countless hours educating and encouraging young people to get involved and bring about change in our society. Despite his difficult dealings with the realities of the South in the 50’s, Ralph believed in America’s tomorrow. On of the most memorable moments in his life was when “someone like me” became President of the United States. Sometimes considered to be intimidating and steadfast in his ways, he had the roar of a lion and underneath it all, the gentleness of a lamb. For more than 30 years, his constant companion was his wife Kitty, who cared for him until the end. They worked side by side, sharing their lives in an effort to make the world a better place. He is also survived by his mother-in-law, Kat, daughter Kareim, sons, Ralph, Jr., Scott, Mark McKnight, step sons Dino and Mark White and a host of grandchilren, other family and legions of friends. To the surprise of only those who did not know him, Ralph was a committed atheist. He did not wish to have a funeral or memorial service in his honor. However, there will be a very brief tribute to Ralph on August 7th, just before the Billy Mitchell concert at the Levitt Pavillion. CALENDAR Page 2 Sierra Madre News Page 3 Pasadena/Altadena Page 4 Around San Gabriel Valley Page 5 Arcadia Page 6 Monrovia/Duarte Page 7 Education & Youth Page 8 SUMMER FUN Page 9 Good Food & Drink Page 10 Arts & Entertainment Page 11 Legals Page 12 Left/Right Page 13 Opinion Page 14 The World Around Us Page 15 The Good Life Page 16 Homes & Property Page 17 Read The Paper Online At: www.mtnviewsnews.com | |||||||||||||||||||
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Mountain Views News 80 W. Sierra Madre Blvd. #327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.604.4548 www.mtnviewsnews.com |