Mountain Views-News Saturday, September 3, 2011
Joanna Harrell
City of Sierra Madre
To: Citywide
From: The City of Sierra Madre
11-06 (CUP 11-06)
Applicant: Bowden Development, Inc.
Project Location: Southwest corner of East Sierra Madre Blvd. and Sierra Place, in the City of Sierra Madre,
County of Los Angeles, State of California
The City of Sierra Madre gives notice, pursuant to State of California law, that the Planning Commission will conduct a public
hearing to consider a request for a Tentative Tract Map, Conditional Use Permit and Density Bonus to allow construction of
a 6 (six)-unit, 2(two)-story, 30-foot-high condominium project with 14 on-site parking spaces on the vacant property located
at the southwest corner of East Sierra Madre Boulevard and Sierra Place. Pursuant to California Government Code
Section 66426, a tract map shall be required for all subdivisions creating five or more condominiums. Pursuant to Sierra
Madre Municipal Code Section 17.76.030, all R-3 developments require approval of a Conditional Use Permit. A Density
Bonus to allow one additional unit (for a total of 6 units) may be permitted if the required criteria can be met pursuant to the
Sierra Madre Municipal Code Section 17.28.060(B)(2).
City of Sierra Madre City of Sierra Madre
Planning Commission meeting City Council Chambers
Thursday, September 15, 2011 232 W. Sierra Madre Blvd.
(Hearing begins at 7:00 p.m.) Sierra Madre, CA
All interested persons may attend this meeting and the Planning Commission will hear them with respect thereto.
ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION: The project qualifies for Class 3 Categorical Exemption, pursuant to Section
15303(b) of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) as the proposed project involves construction of 6 new
condominium units in an urbanized area.
APPEAL: The decision of the Planning Commission is subject to a 10-business-day appeal period to the City Council. If
in the future anyone wishes to challenge the decision of the Planning Commission in court, one may be limited to raising
the issues that were raised or presented in written correspondence delivered to the Planning Commission at, or before, the
scheduled public hearing.
For further information on this subject, please contact the Development Services Department at (626) 355-7138.
Danny Castro,
Director of Development Services
Longtime Sierra Madre resident,
Thomas “Tom” McGuire,
89, passed away on
Tuesday, August 30, 2011,
after a long battle with his
health. He is survived by
his wife of 60 years, Pat and
was father of seven children.
Prior to his illness, he was
very active in the community,
especially volunteering
countless hours at the Monastery
in Sierra Madre.
A Funeral Mass at 11:00
AM on Tuesday, Sept. 6 will
be held at St. Rita Catholic
Church in Sierra Madre with
interment at Sierra Madre
August 15th marked the first
day at Ascension Church
for Joanna Harrell, aka Jobi,
the church’s new Minister of
Young People. Born and raised
in Ypsilanti, Michigan; a small
community, Sierra Madre feels
like home to her. She earned a
B.M. in oboe performance
from the Hartt School, and
in 2001 moved with her
fiancé Lucas Marquardt to
It was here in California,
as Director of Christian
Education at St. Andrew’s
Church where she served as
co-directress and re-founder
of the Julien-Juliet Chapter
of the Junior Daughter’s of
the King. During this time
she was able to articulate her
bi-vocational call as a music
instructor and lay minister
with a focus on the future of
the Episcopal Church.
In 2008, she became the
Children’s Minister for
Kindergarten through Fifth
Grade at All Saints Church,
Pasadena. She comes to
Ascension ready to work with
the High School and College
programs as Minister to Young
Persons. Jobi is an appointed
member to the Los Angeles
Commission on Ministry,
a member of NAECED
(National Association for
Episcopal Christian Education
Directors) and the very proud
mother of Anne Elizabeth who
will turn 5 this October. Jobi
looks forward to serving with
the outstanding ministry team
at the Church of Ascension.
If you are interested in becoming
part of the Ascension community
check out a wonderful community
church at www.ascension-
sierramadre.com or for more
information, please call (626)
Joan Milazzo, 56, was
struck and killed Tuesday
morning, August 30, in
the Del Sur area of North
County San Diego. Milazzo,
her husband and sister were
hiking in an area near their
According to a Press
Release from the San Diego
County Medical Examiner’s
office, “They were crossing
Camino Del Sur Road when
a vehicle traveling on the
southbound lane at a high
rate of speed lost control and
skidded into the decedent as
she stepped onto the curb.
The decedent was struck
and fell to the ground.
Bystanders called 911 and
assisted with CPR. Medics
transported the decedent
to Scripps La Jolla Hospital
with blunt force trauma and
she was pronounced dead
when resuscitative efforts
were to no avail. San Diego
Police Traffic Division
is handling the accident
investigation and charges
are pending.
Milazzo and her husband
had just moved there to join
family only a few months
prior, after retiring from a
long career at AstraZeneca.
Milazzo grew up in the
San Gabriel Valley, and
graduated from Alverno
High School in Sierra
Madre. She was previously a
member of St. Rita Catholic
Parish in Sierra Madre.
All services will take place,
beginning at 10 a.m. on
Tuesday, September 6, 2011,
followed by burial nearby.
The funeral will be held at
Church of the Nativity, 6309
El Apajo Road, Rancho
Santa Fe, CA 92067. Phone:
858 756-1911
Sierra Madre Search & Rescue
Submitted by Chuck Stoughton
August was a busy month for
the Sierra Madre Search and
Rescue Team, with 17 calls
for assistance.
Stranded Hikers, Chantry
Flat: SMSR was notified of
three hikers stranded on
a cliff near Chantry Flat.
Responding Team members
found the hikers in a
precarious off-trail location
and determined that one was
injured. The uninjured hikers
were lowered to the ground
using the Team’s stranded-
hiker rescue procedure. The
injured party was stabilized
and placed in a litter, then
lowered to the ground and
wheeled out to the road.
From there the patient
was transported to an L.A.
County Fire Department
helicopter waiting at Chantry
Flat and flown to the hospital.
Missing Hikers, Chilao Flats:
SMSR’s help was requested by
Montrose Search and Rescue
on a search for missing hikers
in the Chilao Flats area of
the Angeles National Forest.
Teams searched throughout
the night, until the hikers
were located by an SMSR
crew after sunrise. SMSR
team members walked the
hikers several miles to safety.
Injured Swimmer, Chantry
Flat: The Team responded
to a report of an injured
cliff-diver at a waterfall near
Chantry Flat. SMSR EMT’s,
along with paramedics
from the Sierra Madre Fire
Department, L.A. County
Fire Department, and U.S.
Forest Service personnel,
stabilized the injured party
at the scene. Due to the
nature of the injuries the
subject was airlifted out of
the canyon via helicopter
and flown to the hospital.
Missing Hiker, Big Santa
Anita Canyon: The Team
was called out on a night
search for a critical missing
party in the local mountains.
SMSR sent several crews
into the field and the subject
was located safely. Team
members escorted the
subject to Chantry Flat.
In addition to responding
to callouts, the Team
participated in the multi-
agency Mass Casualty
Incident drill with the Sierra
Madre Fire and Sierra Madre
Police departments. Dealing
with over 30 victims, Team
members exercised their
triage and evacuation skills
as part of the EMS branch of
the simulated incident. The
L.A. County Sheriff’s Air-5
helicopter was incorporated
as a treatment and transport
element of the drill. Team
members also practiced
their incident management
skills as part of the unified
command structure that was
established to manage the
mock disaster.
SMSR team members
provided medical support for
the 2011 Mt. Disappointment
Endurance Run on August
13, with crews staged along
the 33.1-mile course and
at the start/finish area on
the summit of Mt. Wilson.
High temperatures and
6,195 feet of elevation
gain and loss added to the
challenge but no serious
injuries were reported.
The all-volunteer SMSR team
has been serving the local
community for 60 years.
Funded entirely by private
donations, SMSR provides a
range of public programs on
wilderness safety in addition
to its search and rescue
activities. The Team never
charges for any of its services.
For more information,
including how to arrange
a wilderness safety
demonstration for your
school or group, visit www.
Sierra Madre Police Blotter
During the week of Sunday, August 21st, to Saturday August 27th, the Sierra Madre Police
Department responded to approximately 239 calls for service. See crimereports.com for updated
Sunday, August 21st:
3:57 AM- Disorderly Conduct/Drunk in Public, 100 blk. N. Hermosa Ave. Officers arrested
a 26-year old man for public intoxication and took him to Pasadena Police Department for
5:06 PM- Petty Theft, 300 blk. W. Sierra Madre Blvd. A suspect stole a locked blue/purple
Trek Single Track 930 mountain bike from the sidewalk area between the morning of Saturday
August 20th and the evening of Sunday August 21st.
Tuesday, August 23rd:
8:28 AM- Petty Theft , 100 blk. E. Mira Monte Ave. Unknown suspect(s) entered an unlocked
parked car between the evening of August 22nd and the morning of August 23rd and
removed a Garmin GPS, 12 assorted gift cards, and $230.00 in cash.
1:29 PM- Information Report No Crime, Rancho Rd and Orange Grove Ave. This incident
involves a passenger pointing a handgun at another car. Officer stopped the car and later
determined that no gun was involved but a video camera was used.
1:54 PM- Use of Another’s Personal Identification to Obtain Credit/Etc. This incident involves
an unknown suspect(s) making six fraudulent charges to the victim’s debit card. Total
loss value is $1,418.
Wednesday, August 24th:
10:53 AM- Grand Theft Exceeding $950, 300 blk. Auburn Ave. Unknown suspect(s) entered
an unlocked car between the evening of Monday August 21st and the morning of Tuesday
August 22nd and removed a black gym bag that contained 100 music compact discs, an expired
California Driver’s License and two yoga bands.
Thursday, August 25th:
1:25 PM- Counterfeit/Forged Handwriting of Another, 100 blk. W. Sierra Madre Blvd. A
50-60 year old black male subject attempted to withdraw money, without permission, from
another person’s Chase Bank account using a fraudulent California Driver’s license. The
driver’s license had the personal information of another person. The suspect left the bank
prior to the officer’s arrival.
3:22 PM- Use of Another’s Personal Identification to Obtain Credit/Etc, 400 blk. Mount
Wilson TL. This incident involves an unknown suspect(s) trying to use a fraudulent check.
6:32 PM- Residential Burglary, 100 blk. Grove LN. Unknown subject(s) entered a locked
residence from the west bedroom window and ransacked the house. The subject(s) entered
the master bedroom and removed $11.00 from a Coach pouch. The suspect(s) left in an
unknown direction.
Saturday, August 27th:
1:28 AM- DUI Alcohol/Drugs, Michillinda Ave and Sears Way. An officer stopped a 45-
year old South Pasadena motorist for a Vehicle Code violation and determined that the
driver was under the influence of alcohol. The driver was arrested and transported to Pasadena
Police Department for booking.