Nature & The Environment
Mountain Views News Saturday, September 24, 2011
Just a few months ago I wrote this…..Just when I believe I have been promoted to a five star
General of the restaurant army and certain I will win every battle. I am hit by a surprise attack
and defeated. It was Saturday Night and it commenced in a promising fashion. The heat
of the day was receding beneath the pledge of a California evening.
One shouldn’t be forced to ask for the price of the special. I hate to be forced to wallow in
shame that inquiry.
You may recall a previous article where I was critical of a reader named Tony for getting burned
by a ($14) glass of house Chardonnay. He said, “I will take the House Chardonnay.” Falsely
believing it would run in the ($6-$8) range, but he never made the effort to inquired into the
price. Tony, This is one of those do as I say not as I do. Well, friends it happened to me again.
Just last week I went to my favorite wine bar and asked the bartender what the nights specials
were, you see this particular wine bar has nightly specials and they are always in favor of the
patron. I guess I forgot about house rules. My bartender said the entire night is happy hour,
I asked the bartender for the happy hour menu. I ordered a glass of sparkling wine by name
and knew it wasn’t on the menu, and asked
for a glass
of red wine
for my date.
“Merlot Sir?”
Sure, you got it, two glasses.”
Well that was $32 of another lesson. When will I learn?
Join me for….
"A Taste of Old Town Monrovia."
The beer, wine and food festival will return to the city of
Monrovia on October 16th. It will showcase the best local
For a $50 pre-registration ticket or $60 at the door, volunteers
will "slap on a wrist band and hand you a wine glass"
and then attendees can take their pick from food, beer and
wine samples provided by restaurants from all over the city.
Confirmed participation to this point is from Old Town
Pizza, Café Massilia, Rudy’s Mexican Food, Robeks Juice,
London Gastro Pub, and Monrovia Coffee Company. Visit for additional information and
by Christopher Nyerges
It turns out I was
practicing permaculture
before I ever heard the
word. The coined word
means “permanent agriculture,” referring to
finding the way to let nature seek its own balance
in gardening and other areas of life.
Here are some sections adapted from my
“Self-Sufficient Home” book, which is available
wherever books are sold, or from www.
When I was still living with my parents, we had
no space at all to garden. It was unthinkable then
to tear up a front lawn and use it for a garden –
something I wouldn’t hesitate to do today. The
next door neighbor offered us the use of an empty
yard between our houses. My mother – who grew
up on a farm – sat up at night with me planning
how to use that space for gardening. Most of what
I learned about what to plant and not to plant was
learned by making mistakes.
I began by planting herbs, tomatoes, and corn,
all neatly arranged in north-south lines with
some pathways in-between. I knew nothing about
fertilizer or mulch or pest control. I just went out
there and planted what I believed would make the
best garden, and I watched the results.
Herbs took care of themselves – mints, fennel,
oregano, lavender, and others. Herbs tended to be
drought-tolerant, and required very little of my
time and effort.
Tomatoes grew good too, but I learned that they
just grew and grew, longer and longer, and only
began to produce lots of tomatoes when I pinched
back the stems so the branches would not grow as
long. Yes, I got tomato worms, which I just picked
off and tossed to the birds.
Corn was quite an education. It grew tall and
the ears formed. As they got bigger, I noticed
that they were very infested with lots of ants, and
aphids, and earwigs. In horror, I would take the
hose and wash all the bugs off, and this worked to
some extent since it was a small garden.
That first season’s corn was a disaster, with
bug-infested, half-developed ears, and I even
used some bug poison for the first and last time.
I experimented with some of the natural pest-
repellants, and made my own insecticide from
a mixture of garlics and hot peppers, liquified
in the blender, and sprayed on the plants. I even
added a little Basic H to the mix.
I had some results, but I was still working with
poor soil.
In desperation, I studied all I could on natural
pest control. After all, I had fresh memories of
one of my uncles in Chardon, Ohio, who had to
dress up in what looked like a bee suit every time
he went into his apple orchards so he would be
protected from all the pesticides that he sprayed
on the apples. (He died of cancer). Shouldn’t
farming and gardening be about life, not death,
I wondered? Can’t nature take care of itself? Isn’t
there a way to find a balance so that the bugs keep
the other bugs in check?
I learned that – regardless of what you grow or
where you live – the health of the soil is the single
most important factor in producing plants that
are drought-tolerant, bug resistant, and able to
survive in the greatest range of temperature.
My next experiment in that small yard was to go
to the grocery store and get boxes of old produce
and just dig a hole here and there in the garden and
bury the old vegetables so they’d decompose and
enrich the soil. Simultaneously, I went to the local
cemetery and obtained bags of grass clippings. I
began to layer the bare ground around the base of
the plants with liberal amounts of grass clippings.
This was a thick layer, not a thin sprinkling of
grass clippings. The top layer would dry out a
bit, but underneath, it stayed moist, softened
the soil, and provided an environment where
earthworms thrived, as well as lots of other bugs.
With the layered grass clippings on the ground, I
now noticed that the herbs and vegetables thrived
and grew well, and the bug infestation was at a
Plus, I didn’t need to water as much. I continued
to get as many bags of grass clippings as possible
and mulched the soil. And I continued to bury old
vegetables in the garden. I produced onions and
tomatoes and Swiss chard and zucchinis, and lots
of herbs. I decided to skip the corn.
A few years later, I was a squatter in a house in
a hilly part of Los Angeles. The house was empty
and I simply moved in, had utilities turned on
in my name, and lived there for a year and a half
until it was clear I had to move on.
I had an enclosed yard, and I kept some ducks
there. I grew many vegetables there, corn included.
I had tomatoes and peas and vegetables. I didn’t
bring grass clippings here, but I did maintain a
compost pit where I produced my own fertilizer
from kitchen and yard scraps. I had a tree pruner
dump his massive load of wood chips in my yard
and I used them to mulch every square inch of
my garden. At night, I would put the hose in my
corn patch and let it dribble out. My ducks would
spend the evening there, and they loved to eat all
the earwigs and whatever other bugs the water
brought out.
And the corn grew tall and strong. One day my
friend David Ashley and I stood in the corn patch
eating raw corn. David had assumed that corn had
to be cooked, and was amazed at the sweetness
of the raw corn. We stood there for 15 minutes
or so talking, and David was amazed that the
experience of standing in my little duck-fertilized
corn patch was like being in another world. It was
like my own postage stamp-size field of dreams,
my own Walden Pond. David talked about it for
years afterward.
In this garden, I grew only non-hybrid varieties
whose seeds I could harvest and replant. These
were the vegetables also known as the heirloom
varieties. At the time, I was not aware of how
today’s farmers are captive to the corporations
which produce the hybrid seeds, the widely
touted miracle of modern farming. I was always
disturbed about hybrids, whose seeds would not
produce the same plant that they came from.
Wherever possible, I have always obtained and
used the non-hybrid, or heirloom seeds, and
would save some of the seed for the next season,
just as small farmers and families have done for
Part of my garden was the famed three sisters
of the Southwest – corn, squash, and beans, which
David Ashley suggested I grow. Squash is planted,
and allowed to sprawl on the ground as a ground-
cover, keeping some moisture in the soil. Corn
is planted throughout the area, and once it gets
a foot or so tall, native beans are planted. The
roots of the beans fix nitrogen, meaning, you are
increasing the nitrogen content for your corn by
growing the beans nearby. And the corn provides
a trellis of sorts for the beans. This “three sisters”
garden is a common theme in arid Southwestern
[Nyerges is the author of “Self-Sufficient
Home,” and numerous other books. He can be
reached at Box 41834, Eagle Rock, CA 90041, or, where you can
also see his Blog.]
TABLE FOR TWO by Peter Dills
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