Mountain Views News Saturday, September 24, 2011
STUART Tolchin..........On LIFE
HAIL Hamilton My Turn
Susan Henderson
Dean Lee
Joan Schmidt
Patricia Colonello
Richard Garcia
Lina Johnson
Ivonne Durant
John Aveny
Jeff Brown
Pat Birdsall
Chris Leclerc
Bob Eklund
Howard Hays
Paul Carpenter
Stuart Tolchin
Kim Clymer-Kelley
Christopher Nyerges
Peter Dills
Hail Hamilton
Rich Johnson
Chris Bertrand
Ron Carter
Rev. James Snyder
Bobby Eldridge
Mary Carney
La Quetta Shamblee
Katie Hopkins
Deanne Davis
Despina Arouzman
Greg Wellborn
Dr. John Talevich
Meaghan Allen
Sean Kayden
My oldest friend Gene and I have almost
stopped talking together. For over fifty years
we have been having the same kind of arguments
and I always enjoyed the process... Our
major argument was about process versus
products. Gene always took the position that
the only thing that mattered was results. He
argued that the way to judge the usefulness of
anything was to look at it in reverse. If something, some action
or change, resulted from the conversation then it was positive;
if no change resulted then the whole thing was a waste of time,
and Gene says he can no longer bear the frustration of beating
his head against a stone-wall and not getting results. He wants
now to avoid pain, be comfortable, and not talk about anything
of substance.
I maintained and still assert that what is important is intention.
It is the trip that has importance, not just the final destination.
Think of great innovators like Thomas Edison who kept trying
and failing in his search for the proper filament to use in his electric
light bulb. Sure, he felt frustration and anger, but he kept
trying and eventually succeeded; but that’s not my point. What
I’m focusing on is the strength to keep going without succeeding,
but to take each failure as an opportunity for learning and to keep
I bring this up right now because my wife and I just returned
home from the Tuesday night game of Trivial Pursuits which
is conducted at Café 322. This week we competed without my
daughter and we really got killed. My daughter only liked coming
when we won and as we have not won for awhile, she has
stopped coming. I truly understand her feelings and, after our
devastating defeat tonight, I was complaining that I wasn’t feeling
very good. The conductor of the game, Deana, noticed my mood
and asked what was wrong. I told her I did not enjoy the feeling of
defeat and was not having a very good time. She actually argued
with me and said, now get this, “feeling bad was good”. She said
the worst thing was not to feel; to just take the easy road and to
not feel strong enough to endure pain. All at once I thought of my
friend Gene whose very life now seems devoted to the avoidance
of pain even at the cost of depriving himself of potential pleasure.
Really though, it’s not just Gene, it’s all of us. It’s the whole
world that seems to be going through times of horrific change
that is painful to experience. It is difficult to just have the courage
to stay aware and notice what is going on. It’s not just the
continual meteorological disasters, it’s the realization that our
whole political system is dysfunctional. All kinds of pundits seem
to agree that the political system is not functioning. Politicians
do not seem able to respond to the obvious economic needs of
the country. Maybe democracy doesn’t work; maybe we never
had a democracy in the first place and have just been deluding
ourselves for a couple of hundred years. Maybe it’s time to create
new parties; maybe it really is time for class warfare or time to
tax the churches or time to let the old people die because keeping
them alive is just too expensive.
As I watched the Republican debates I was absolutely sickened
to see the audience applaud Governor Perry for announcing with
pride that he had executed 245 people without losing any sleep
over it. I don’t really want to think about this. Is this what America
has become? Or, even worse; is this what America always was?
It hurts, and the only thing to do is to let this hurt be a good thing
- to learn from it and act accordingly. Can we teach ourselves humanity
before we participate in a possible planetary destruction?
I wish there was an easier road around that didn’t require much
effort or hard thinking, but I’m afraid that time has passed. We
need now to think out of the box.
As a way of expanding my own thinking I’ve tried to add cartoons
to my articles as a way of expressing and simplifying my
own positions. For the time being my wife has consented to supply
the cartoons; but I know that won’t last long. It’s a kind of
experiment to see if I can follow my own advice and deal with my
own frustration of learning to do something that I find difficult
and painful. It hurts, but it’s an opportunity and maybe, sometime,
maybe my friend Gene will find it worth talking about.
Conspiracy Theory and the
Crime of Conspiracy
I can’t let the 10th anniversary
of 9/11 go by without
saying a word about
Conspiracy is an agreement
between two or more persons to engage jointly
in an unlawful or criminal act, or an act that is
innocent in itself but becomes unlawful when
done by the combination of actors. Conspiracy
is considered a serious crime separate from
the intended crime because when two or more
persons agree to commit a crime, the potential
for criminal activity increases, and as a result, the
danger to the public increases.
Conspiracy is a very well-recognized crime in
American law, taught to every first-year law
school student as part of their basic curriculum.
Telling a judge that someone has a “conspiracy
theory” would be like telling him that someone
is claiming that he trespassed on their property,
or committed assault or stole his car. It is a
fundamental legal concept.
Obviously, many conspiracy allegations are false.
Obviously, people will win or lose in court depending
on whether or not they can prove their
conspiracy claim with the available evidence. But
not all allegations of trespass, assault or theft are
true, either.
Proving a claim of criminal conspiracy is no different
from proving any other crime, and the
mere label “conspiracy” is taken no less seriously
by judges.
Even those who deny most conspiracies as merely
“theories” have to admit some conspiracies have
turned out to be true. In the 1950s, the CIA did,
in fact, administer LSD and other psychedelic
drugs under Project MKULTRA, in an effort
to investigate the possibility of “mind control.”
Republican operatives did, in fact, burglarize the
Democratic National Committee headquarters at
the Watergate complex and did, in fact, conspire
to cover-up the crime at the behest of the White
Nevertheless, those accusing members of the
government or some other group of powerful
people of conspiring to illegally promote their interests
are too often met with the argument that
“someone would have spilled the beans” if there
had really been a conspiracy. This has certainly
been the case with the many conspiracy accusations
about the events of 9/11.
But famed Pentagon Papers whistleblower Daniel
Ellsberg points out:
“It is commonplace that ‘you can’t keep secrets in
Washington’ or ‘in a democracy, no matter how
sensitive the secret, you’re likely to read it the next
day in the New York Times.”
These truisms are flatly false. They are in fact
cover stories, ways of flattering and misleading
journalists and their readers, part of the process of
keeping secrets well... The reality unknown to the
public and to most members of Congress and the
press is that secrets that would be of the greatest
import to many of them can be kept from them
reliably for decades by the executive branch, even
though they are known to thousands of insiders.”
History proves Ellsberg right. For example:
It’s known (if not well known) that in 1933 a
group of tycoons were so outraged by the election
of President Franklin D. Roosevelt and his
proposed New Deal that they started organizing a
coup. The idea was to enlist the revered two-time
Medal of Honor winner Major General Smedley
Butler to lead a private army of 500,000 WWI
veterans that would demand FDR’s resignation
-- and execute him on the spot if he refused to
give up power.
The alleged plotters included the heads of Chase
Bank, J.P Morgan, Standard Oil, U.S. Steel, GM,
Goodyear, Heinz, Birdseye, the DuPont family
and President George W. Bush’s grandfather,
Senator Prescott Bush. They believed the United
States should adopt the policies of Hitler and
Mussolini to beat the Great Depression.
Moreover, these tycoons told Butler that
the American people would accept the new
government because they controlled all the
newspapers. (If the “Business Plot” conspirators
controlled the newspapers then, how much worse
is it today with media consolidation.)
General Butler was popular enough to pull it off
too, but he was loyal to the U.S. He collected
evidence against the conspirators and took it to
The McCormack/Dickstein Committee
investigated and confirmed the plot. However,
the the names of the top conspirators were
removed from the record and none of them were
ever held to account. The theory is that FDR
allowed the tycoons to walk away in exchange
for ending their opposition to the New Deal. In
the end, Butler’s testimony was ridiculed by the
press as the ravings of a drunkard (he, in fact,
was a lifelong teetotaler) and dismissed as “pure
I don’t claim to have any new information about
9/11. However, I’m convinced that there is much
more to the story than what we have been told.
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OUT TO PASTOR A Weekly Religion Column
I’m not quite sure
where the term “midde
class” came from. I can
never remember using it in any conversations I’ve
ever had. In fact, the only time I hear the phrase
is when some politician is speaking. From the
context of the speech, I am quite sure he or she
does not know what the phrase means, either.
My wife and I were talking about that just this
past week. The thing we could not quite figure
out is, are we middle-class? And if we are middle-
class, what in the world does it mean? And, when
do we graduate?
In high school, I was neither in the middle of
my class nor at the upper end. Unfortunately, I
did not even come in last in my graduating class,
for someone beat me to that fine distinction. My
educational career was not a class act, to be sure.
I understand what the word “middle,” means.
And I know the word, “class.” What does it mean
when you put them both together and use it in a
When I’m in the middle of a project, I am not
at the beginning and the end is a far piece away.
When I hear the word class, I am thinking of
homework, teachers and all that jazz. Who wants
to be a teenager the second time around? I’ve had
enough of that in my lifetime.
I’m not quite sure about all this middle-class
politicalizing and I sure do not want to be the
target of some political agenda. I would like to
sponsor a bill that would outlaw this phrase for
any elected official. If perchance they do mention
the phrase, it’s a go-to-jail and don’t collect $100
Maybe we can come up with a new term. We
have the term “racist” that people use at their
discretion. Maybe we can coin a phrase like
“middle-classist” and forbid its use in polite
society. Of course, how many politicians are
really found in polite society? Or, how many
polite society venues would welcome a politician?
If we try hard enough, we can make it one
of the most offensive phrases in the English
language. So offensive, that people will stop using
it. Of course, they would have to come up with
some other phrase and then we are back in first
grade again.
To be honest, this problem of the “middle-
classist” is not a Republican or a Democrat issue.
One side is as guilty as the other side. And, as we
all know, a politician by any other name is still a
Every politician courts the middle-class, and
what a blushing bride she makes. All through
the election, this “middle-classist” politician
will romance those he believes are middle-class.
And many of the middle-class falls for it. The
courtship is wonderful; it’s the marriage that
really stinks. This is the only case in which I
would cast an approving eye toward divorce.
The middle-class raises most of the money
that gets these politicians elected who then in
turn refuses returning the favor. After elected
this “middle-classist” politician chums around
with high-class people and then passes legislation
that only benefits the lower class people whoever
they are.
Wherefore art thou, O middle-class?
Certainly not on the agenda of this “middle-
classist” politician.
The middle-class comes in at tax time. Hooray
for the middle-class. I wonder if anybody has
ever given the thought that most of the money in
Washington DC has come from this group called
the middle-class.
The middle-class can help the neophyte
politician get his political dream job with all the
benefits that goes with it but the politician does
not seem to know how to help other people get
jobs for themselves. History has shown us that
they know how to spend money but when it
comes to saving money, they come to a stupefied
and stuttering halt.
Middle-class money earned by middle-class
people working at middle-class jobs goes to
Washington DC to be used by “middle-classist”
politicians for everything but middle-class
concerns. When will the insanity stop?
In the Old Testament, the Jewish law required
that every seventh year be a year of rest. Although
I am not Jewish, I think there is something to
be said for this kind of rest. I propose that the
middle-class be given its due sabbatical.
How many years have we’ve been working
and then giving our money to Washington DC?
We deserve a rest. If these “middle-classist”
politicians look so kindly towards the middle-
class, why not give all of us middle-class people
a sabbatical where we do not pay any taxes. We
certainly will work, but all the money we would
normally send to Washington DC, we put in our
own pocket.
Now, that’s change I can believe in.
In fact, I have biblical authority for all of this.
Authority from the mouth of Jesus himself.
“And Jesus answering said unto them, Render to
Caesar the things that are Caesar’s, and to God
the things that are God’s. And they marveled at
him” (Mark 12:17 KJV).
Not all those “middle-classist”
politicians in Washington give a second
thought to the middle-class. I think it
is about time we gave them as much
I believe the primary problem in
America is that we no longer know what
belongs to Caesar what belongs to God. If
we can ever figure that out again, “happy
days are here again.”
The Rev. James L. Snyder is pastor of the
Family of God Fellowship, PO Box 831313,
Ocala, FL 34483. He lives with his wife,
Martha, in Silver Springs Shores. Call him
at 352-687-4240 or e-mail jamessnyder2@
att.net. The church web site is www.
People utter the most
awkward remarks at funerals
and memorials. Over the last
year, I have attended several
funerals and memorials. Can
someone please tell me the
difference between what is a
funeral and what’s a memorial?
I am sometimes appalled by
the posturing that takes place
as “some speakers” at these
very sensitive events attempt
to impart to the audience their
love for and friendship with the
deceased. One of my mentors,
who is now deceased, always
said to me ”tell me how you
feel about me now, so I can
appreciate your gratitude and
thank you.”
I have attended funerals and
memorials where speakers have
said such things as “Your father
(the deceased) and I had secrets
that you all will never know,”
“Come on people, you all know
my name should have been
mentioned in the Obituary,”
and my all time favorite “Can
we all just get along. Let’s stand
and hug the person next to
you.” I don’t know what it is
about funerals and memorials
that sometimes bring out bad
behavior in people. Isn’t the
deceased supposed to be Resting
In Peace? I attended a memorial
where an artist was called to the
pulpit to sing a song he didn’t
rehearse. Well, you can imagine
what occurred, especially after
he called another singer to the
pulpit to help him sing the song.
I used to surmise that
individuals who instructed their
families on how their funerals
should be programmed were a
bit over the top, but with some
of the antics I have seen recently
- race, ethnicity, economic
status, religion notwithstanding
- I have changed my mind. I
believe when someone passes
away, their funeral or memorial
should be a respectful event that
is void of families and friends
bickering. The family of the
deceased should be granted the
opportunity to mourn their loss
in peace and harmony.
Ron Carter
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