Mountain Views-News Saturday, April 7, 2012
Sierra Madre Environmental Action Council's
APRIL 21, 2012 - EARTH DAY
8:00a.m. - Noon
Bring gloves, tools, and friends
If you care to add any text, the most important piece
would be to stress the need for volunteers to help clean
up the heavier than normal debris and die-back in the
park due to the severe wind damage
of our recent violent windstorm. If you need for one
of our members to actually write something up please
contact our Publicity Chair, Albert Metzger at (626)
355-6054 or by email at albertmetzger@rocketmail.com
Oh The Places You Will Go!
The Sierra Madre Rose Float Association is excited to
announce our 2013 Tournament of Roses parade entry,
"The Sky's the Limit." (Artist’s sketch on right).
This float will be one of the largest floats designed, constructed
and decorated by the association measuring
55' long, 18' wide, and 32' tall.
It features a large kite and, in keeping with the 2013
parade theme, "Oh, the Places you'll Go!", is meant to
convey that "The Sky's the Limit" in what you want to
The kite is 27' long and 16' wide, and will glide side
to side, while moving up and down. The kite will be
covered in a combination of floral and dry materials
and will fly above Carnation clouds and a deck covered
with Irises and Roses. There will be large 3 rainbows
covered in flowers and fruits. Riding on the tail of the
kite will be 3 Sierra Madre Rose Princesses.
The designer, Charles Meier, was inspired by a concept
submitted by Maria Murray. After designing several
award-winning floats for Sierra Madre, Charlie started a new float-building company, Paradiso Parade Floats. Out of gratitude for Sierra
Madre's many years of encouragement and support, Charlie volunteered to help the Association with the development of this year's float
design. Charlie is extremely thankful to Sierra Madre for giving him the experience that enabled him to build floats professionally.
"The Sky's the Limit" is now taking shape every Sunday from 10am to 5pm at the Float Barn at Sierra Vista Park. Everyone is welcome to
drop by and see our progress. Construction volunteers are always needed!
Sierra Madre Woman’s Club Presents:
“Mr. DeMille, we are ready for our close up.” So say Sierra
Madre Woman’s Club members as they reach out
to Hollywood in presenting their fashion show, “Lunch
of the Goddesses.” This event will be held on Saturday,
April 21, 2012 at 11:00 am in the Essick House, their
historic clubhouse at 550 W. Sierra Madre Blvd., Sierra
Glamour galore will grace the red carpet that day as
club members step out to model fashions from Magnolia
of Arcadia. The boutique is well known for its
beautiful clothing and unique accessories. A delicious
lunch is also planned. Shirley Anhalt and Sheila Pierce
co-chair the event.
Tickets are $20.00 each, with proceeds supporting
club charities. For reservations or more information,
call Pierce at 626-355-8332 or Shirley at 626-355-7401.
Whimsical, colorful, happy, and just plain fun describe the current
exhibit in the Jameson Gallery at Creative Art Group. On view are
Totems 6 inches to 7 feet tall created by two very talented ceramic
artists, Gail Splaver and Leslie Codina. The exhibit runs through May
11, 2012. The Gallery, located at 108 N. Baldwin Ave., Sierra Madre,
is open Monday – Friday from 9-5pm and Saturday from 10-2pm.
The Sierra Madre Green Advisory Committee would like to
announce its first annual Earth Day Celebration to be held
Sunday April 22, 2012. It will be held throughout the city at
various locations and will beginning and ending with ceremonies
in Kersting Court. There will a various gardening
workshops for composting, worms and raised bed, a bike
maintenance and safety check event, community yoga class,
meet your local CSA representative for organic produce, a
movie in the evening and several other events around town.
Local merchants will be participating with special offers
and activities at their businesses and in Kersting Court.
More information will be announced in next week’s paper,
so mark your calendars and stay tuned for further details
and times of the events. It is guaranteed to be an informative
and fun day for all.
Special Sierra Madre
Election Supplement
Section B