Mountain Views News     Logo: MVNews     Saturday, June 23, 2012

MVNews this week:  Page 4


Mountain Views-News Saturday June 23, 2012 

Van Pelt Fired; Ongoing 
Criminal Investigation

City Won’t 

 Pasadena City College Vice 
President of Administrative 
Services Richard van Pelt 
was officially fired from the 
school Wednesday morning 
in the midst of an ongoing 
bribery scandal that has 
rocked the administration. 

 “The board in closed 
session voted to terminate 
the employment contract 
between the District and 
Dr. Richard van Pelt in 
accordance with the terms 
of that contract. Specifically, 
the Board acted pursuant 
to Section 11.4 of the 
agreement,” Board President 
Geoffrey Baum said in a 
prepared statement.

 The college board of trustees 
voted unanimously with one 
member abstaining. 

According the school’s 
newspaper, the Courier, 
PCC President Mark Rocha 
had stated last week plans 
to move forward finding 
replacements for van Pelt and 
facilities services supervisor 
Dr. Alfred Hutchings. 

 Both men were put 
on administrative leave 
earlier this month pending 
allegations of wrong doing 
by the Los Angeles County 
District Attorney’s Office.

 Rocha had also 
recommended the 
termination of Hutchings 
Wednesday, as a classified 
employee of the District; 
Hutchings has the right 
to pursue administrative 
remedies before the Board’s 
final decision is reported 
publicly Baum said.

 According to reports the 
two men were operating a 
company, Sustainagistics 
LLC, in violations of conflict. 
The business was set up out 
of van Pelt’s Altadena home, 
and was allegedly used to 
hire contractors that were 
also given lucrative contracts 
by the school. 

 The board also held its 
regularly scheduled meeting 
later Wednesday night 
although Baum had made 
clear that there would be 
no further comment on van 
Pelt’s firing. That did not stop 
students and faculty from 
showing up to the meeting 
heavily guarded by campus 

 Witnesses said police 
searched everyone entering 
not allowing liquids in the 

 The meeting was originally 
scheduled to be held off 
campus in Altadena and 
so not televised infuriating 
some members of the public.

By Dean Lee

 Members of the Public Safety 
Committee told community 
leaders Monday they had 
no intention of reforming 
the police oversight board 
disbanded in 2010 for not 
complying with open meeting 

 Councilmember Steve 
Madison and chair of the 
Public Safety Committee said 
the committee has taken over 
the role of the oversight board 
something that did not sit 
well with community leader 
Martin Gordon.

 “The issue was there is 
no longer any community 
oversight, there are not people 
that are elected to that or 
appointed to that oversight 
board from the community 
who are actually reviewing 
police actions, whether it be 
complaints, use of force, etc.” 
Gordon said. “It was stated 
back in 2010 that City Attorney 
Michele Beal Bagneris would 
be looking at that and would 
be coming forward with a new 

 “You’re looking at the 
oversight board right here,” 
Vice Mayor Margaret 
McAustin said echoing earlier 
comments made by Madison.

 The issue came up as part 
of a presentation given by 
Police Chief Phillip Sanchez 
on procedure involving police 
instances such as Kendrec 
McDade, the unarmed 
19-year-old fatally shot by 
officers March 24. 

 McAustin said oversight 
in the McDade Shooting 
was being dealt with by the 
many investigations being 
done by outside agencies. 
Madison likened the situation 
to the Rodney King beating 
investigations involving 
the Los Angeles Police 
Department in 1991 

 Madison said it was hard to 
escape the comparison in the 
wake of King’s death June 17.

Animal Care Campus to Open Next Year


 A groundbreaking ceremony 
Wednesday marked the 
beginning of construction on a 
new $20 million 35,000 square 
foot Humane Society’s Animal 
Care Campus facility set to open 
next year. The event was held 
at the sites new location on the 
corner of Raymond Ave and Del 
Mar Boulevard.

 Board of Director Robert 
Fidler said the new campus was 
a way for the Humane Society 
preparing for the next 100 years.

Fildler said the campus will 
include a wellness and spay/
neuter facility, behavior training 
and education center, outdoor 
enrichment area, expanded 
retail store, subterranean 
parking and additional kennels. 

 “This is the next step in 
continuing to provide excellent 
programs for the animals,” said 
Steve McNall, President and 
CEO of the Pasadena Humane 
Society & SPCA. “No one else is 
doing this in the area, especially 
during these rough economic 
times. The Animal Care Campus 
will be a viable community 
resource that will help us reach 
our goal of zero euthanasia of 
adoptable animals.” 

 Fidler said the society had 
collected $11.4 million towards 
the estimated $20 million 
cost. He also said the facility 
would allow hundreds of more 
community volunteers.

 “Going through the list of 
cities that are served by the 
Humane Society reminds me 
how compatible the Humane 
Society is with Pasadena’s roll 
as a very significant center for 
the region as a whole,” said 
Pasadena Mayor Bill Bogaard. 
“Where the amenities that we 
offer, whether it’s, museums 
and theaters or hospitals and 
medical services… It’s just great 
to see that we have arrived at 
this point in the process, the 
groundbreaking, and we know 
this building will go up with 
success and that the animals 
of the region will be served 
in a way that was so elegantly 

 The new facility will serve 
Glendale, la Canada Flintridge, 
Pasadena, San Marino, Sierra 
Madre and South Pasadena. 


 A new community-based 
website has been launched 
that is dedicated to the 
community served by the 
Altadena Sheriff’s Station 
of the Los Angeles County 
Sheriff’s Department. 

 Altadena Sheriff’s Station 
polices the unincorporated 
communities of Altadena, 
Angeles National Forest, 
Mount Wilson Area, Eaton 
Canyon, Chaney Trail, 
Kinneola Mesa, La Vina, 
Northeast Pasadena, and 
Pasadena Glen: www. 

 The new community-based 
website will mirror the look 
and feel of 
but will be geographically 
specific and topic specific 
to the Altadena Area. Over 
40 languages are available 
via Google’s link to an 
automated foreign language 

 “The public has requested 
more geographically-
specific and topic-specific 
information about their 
Sheriff’s Department,” 
said Sheriff Lee Baca. 
“This Sheriff’s station 
webpage and the many 
more that will follow 
enable unit commanders 
to provide information of 
greatest interest to local 
communities. They provide 
the public what, we believe, 
the public has long wanted, 
in the way they want it 
provided. It is useful and 
interesting information, 
presented in an engaging 
and highly visual way.”

Dr. Richard van Pelt

Senate Committee Passes 
Human Trafficking Bill

Pasadena Library Launches 
eBook Lending Service


 The state Senate has 
advanced a bill authored by 
Assemblymember Anthony 
Portantino which provides a 
new start for young women 
branded or tattooed by pimps.

 The Senate Public Safety 
Committee unanimously 
and with bi-partisan support 
approved Portantino’s AB 
1956 Tuesday (7 to 0). The bill 
provides a first step in breaking 
the bonds of prostitution by 
allowing young women branded 
by pimps to take part in free 
tattoo removal programs. These 
women were left out of a federal 
program designed to offer 
young people the opportunity 
to remove gang tattoos.

 “This bill helps generate a 
new start for young women 
who need to break free from 
the intimidating and troubling 
world of trafficking and 
prostitution. As the father 
of two daughters I am very 
hopeful this bill becomes law,” 
Portantino said.

Pet of the 


The public library introduced 
the 3M Cloud Library eBook 
Lending Service to the public 
Thursday in an open house 
event at the Central Library. 

 Officials said information 
about the service can be 
found on the library’s website, 
library. They said to access the 
“Cloud” library residents need 
a Pasadena library card, PIN # 
and the “3M” app loaded on a 
computer, ipad, iphone or other 
mobile device. 

 Users can browse and download 
over 1,400 eBooks in the 3M 
collection which includes such 
works as Girl with the Dragon 
Tattoo and Game of Thrones. 

 Pasadena and Glendale are the 
first local area public libraries in 
the state to offer the 3M service. 

 Learn not just how to 
blog but how to report 
the news

 The Pasadena Community 
Network and this newspaper 
are holding a workshop on 
Citizen Journalism. 

 This group is the place where 
aspiring journalists can learn 
from trained professionals 
and support their local 
community by covering what’s 
really happening in their 

 We will put the news in your 
hands. Learn how to find 
the story, the tools needed to 
capture the story and the means 
to tell the story using the power 
of video, audio and print along 
with online social media The 
next meeting is July 3 from 6 
p.m. to 8p.m. at the Pasadena 
Community Network - Studio 
G, 2057 N. Los Robles Ave.

 For more info call 626.794.8585 
or visit

Schiff Looks to Overturn 
Citizen’s United Ruling 


 Congressman Adam Schiff 
introduced a constitutional 
amendment Monday to 
overturn the Supreme Court’s 
Citizen’s United ruling. The 
amendment also overturns 
a Supreme Court decision – 
Arizona Free Enterprise Club’s 
Freedom Club PAC v. Bennett 
– striking down an Arizona law 
which allowed public financing 
of a candidate if their opponent 
exceeded certain spending 

 In introducing the amendment 
– drafted by Constitutional 
Scholar Laurence H. Tribe – 
Schiff said the following: “The 
growth of the Super PACs 
is just the most recent and 
disastrous result of a series of 
Supreme Court decisions that 
seek to distinguish between 
contributions to a candidate 
and direct expenditures that 
have the same effect. I have 
always been loath to amend the 
constitution, but this tragic line 
of reasoning by the Supreme 
Court has so threatened the 
health of our democracy that I 
am moved to introduce today’s 

 The amendment provides 
simply: “Nothing in this 
Constitution shall be construed 
to forbid Congress or the states 
from imposing content-neutral 
limitations on private campaign 
contributions or independent 
political campaign expenditures. 
Nor shall this Constitution 
prevent Congress or the states 
from enacting systems of public 
campaign financing, including 
those designed to restrict the 
influence of private wealth by 
offsetting campaign spending 
or independent expenditures 
with increased public funding.”

 Congressman Schiff is no 
stranger to campaign finance 
reform. Elected in 2000, after 
the most expensive race for the 
House in history at the time, 
he became a cosponsor of the 
bipartisan McCain Feingold 
campaign finance reform law 
on his first day in Congress. 
Citizen’s United helped overturn 
critical parts of that and other 
campaign finance laws.

Lawrence Tribe H. Tribe is 
the Carl M. Loeb University 
Professor and Professor of 
Constitutional Law at Harvard 
Law School. Representative 
Schiff served as one of his 
research assistants while a 
student at the law school in the 

 Maeby is a sweet tan and 
white Staffordshire Terrier/ 
German shorthair pointer 
mix who is just over one 
and half years old. She’s 
been out on the Mobile 
Unit to events around the 
community. She knows 
some basic commands 
and loves treats. She 
loves playing around in 
the grass with toys too! 
She’s also earned her Blue 
Ribbon meaning she 
knows her basic obedience 
commands! Watch her 
video here:

 Maeby’s adoption fee is 
$95, which includes her 
spay surgery, a microchip, 
the first set of vaccinations, 
as well as a free follow-
up health check at a 
participating vet. New 
adopters will receive 
complimentary health and 
wellness exam from VCA 
Animal Hospitals. Ask an 
adoptions counselor for 
more information during 
your visit.

 Call the Pasadena 
Humane Society & SPCA at 
626.792.7151 to ask about 
A306902 or visit at 361 S. 
Raymond Ave. in Pasadena. 
Adoption hours are 11-4 
Sunday, 9-5 Tuesday –
Friday, 9-4 Saturday. 
Directions and photos of all 
pets can be found at www.

Safety Urged During 
Fourth of July Activities


 The Pasadena Fire Department 
reminds residents and visitors 
that the best way to celebrate 
the Fourth of July Holiday 
with family and friends is 
by attending a professional 
fireworks show such as the 
“Americafest” Celebration at the 
Rose Bowl, America’s Stadium.

 Pasadena Fire Chief Calvin 
E. Wells reminds residents and 
visitors alike that the sale and 
possession of all fireworks is 
illegal in Pasadena, as they are 
in most Los Angeles County 
areas. Violators are subject 
to arrest, the confiscation and 
impound of their vehicles, and, 
if convicted, up to one year in 
jail and fines up to $50,000.

 Due to the risk of fire 
hazards and injuries, Wells 
said Pasadena police and fire 
personnel will staff checkpoints 
around the Rose Bowl to seize 
all illegal fireworks and to 
arrest offenders. In addition, 
parking enforcement officers 
will impound vehicles illegally 
parked in hillside areas 
surrounding the Rose Bowl.

 Fireworks are one of the most 
risky consumer products, Wells 
said. Annually, nearly 10,000 
fireworks-related injuries 
are treated in U.S. hospital 
emergency rooms, according 
to the National Fire Protection 
Association. Nationally, two of 
five people injured by fireworks 
were under the age of 15.

 “Even sparklers, which most 
people consider safe, can reach 
temperatures of 1,200 degrees 
Fahrenheit, can cause serious 
burns and cause fires,” Wells 

 Prior to this year’s holiday, 
the Pasadena Fire Department 
will apply Phos-Chek (fire 
retardant), which contains 
phosphates and fertilizers, to 
brush areas surrounding the 
Rose Bowl Stadium on June 27. 
This will help prevent trees and 
grassland from burning and to 
revegetate wildland areas that 
may burn.

 “This is a preventive measure 
for Fourth of July activities and 
the summer season that the 
Fire Department has conducted 
for the past several years,” said 

 For more information 
about fireworks safety and 
enforcement, contact Pasadena 
Fire Department at (626) 744-
7276. For information about 
the Americafest Fourth of 
July celebration, visit www. or call 
(626) 577-3101.

Forum on 
Plan Update

 Residents, business owners 
and all other stakeholders 
are invited to attend the next 
community forum planned 
June 26 to learn about the 
City’s draft General Plan 

 Attendees will be able to learn 
about proposed, future growth 
areas and they can share their 
thoughts on the key elements 
of the General Plan update 
process, including the Draft 
Concept Map and the Land-
Use and Mobility chapters. 

On Tuesday, June 26, two 
meetings will be held at the 
Pasadena Senior Center, 85 E. 
Holly St. Parking is available 
at Arroyo Parkway and Holly 
Street. The meetings will be 
held from 4:00 p.m. to 5:30 
p.m. and from 6:30 p.m. to 
8:00 p.m. 

 For more information on 
the community forums and 
General Plan update, go to 
generalplan or call (626) 744-