Mountain Views News Saturday June 23, 2012
The latest on Business News, Trends and Techniques
By La Quetta M. Shamblee, MBA
Taking steps to establish and maintain a positive image for your business contributes to money in the
bank. Customer perception is the reality of how your business is viewed. If your business relies on
local customers for the bulk of your business, it is imperative to know what they think. There is no
better way to find out what they really think than by asking them directly.
What are your current customers saying? What do they know about your business, and more
importantly, what do they think about how you run your business? Anyone who has stayed in a
hotel or eaten in restaurants has at some point been presented with a request to complete a brief
customer survey.
Many businesses print cards that can be distributed at the point-of-sale or placed in an area of the
store that makes it easy for customers to see and provide a response. A survey with five to ten
questions is sufficient to capture feedback on a customer’s perception about the key areas of your
business: Products and/Services, Customer Service, Marketing and Promotions – Example: On a
scale of 1 to 10, How do they rate the quality of what you sell? Do they think your pricing is too high,
too low or just about right?; What do they think about your business environment? – Is it appealing,
clean enough, comfortable seating, easy to park?
One of the ways to implement this process is as a time-limited campaign. This way, you can focus
on gathering feedback from as many customers as possible instead of the small trickle of surveys
that get filled out throughout the year. Although it is not necessary, you may choose to offer a small
incentive to encourage customers to participate. The incentive might be applied during their current
visit or at a future time (i.e. free dessert, 10% off the bill, buy one and get another for 50% off). If the
incentive provides a benefit on a future visit, it presents the likelihood of the customers returning to
spend more money with you.
You can gather feedback from potential customers by participating in local business and civic
associations (Chamber of Commerce, Kiwanis, Rotary Club) and by staffing a table or booth at
community events like festivals, farmers’ markets and other venues that attract large groups of
residents who live in the area where your business is located. You can recruit a trusted family friend
or other individual with a knack for “meeting and greeting” people. Equip them with a stack of
discount coupons or other promotional materials to encourage visits to your business, and use this
setting to gather feedback on whether they’ve ever patronized or heard of your business and what
they know or think about your business.
Want to know what your customers and the locals think about your business? If you will simply ask
them, in a manner that makes it convenient and comfortable for them to answer, they are more than
willing to tell you what they think.
In your Facebook personal profile, you are allowed to connect with 5,000
“friends.” If you find yourself needing more friends, you might consider the subscribe feature. It
allows people to “subscribe” to your public posts without the more intimate “friend” connection.
Don’t confuse this with a Facebook business page where you build a list of “Likers.” You can build as
many of those “likers” as you want.
For public figures (reporters, writers, actors, Mark Zuckerberg, artists), the “subscribe” feature for
Facebook profiles is a great way to build connections. Public figures are often measured by the number
of Twitter followers or Facebook subscribers they have. Large numbers can equal social relevance,
status and marketability. An actress once told me that casting directors look at social media numbers
to determine how they fill the parts!
The “subscribe” feature also works great for anyone who has a large following in a certain niche. For
example, I recently helped a famous harp teacher who has a large international following set up her
subscribe feature.
When people subscribe to someone, they are basically saying they want to get their news, just like
subscribing to any publication. The bonus is that once you get 100 subscribers, Facebook starts to
recommend you to others and your list grows and grows. I read a blog post from a reporter who gets
1,000 subscribers a day. The more subscribers you have, the more you get!
If you set up the subscribe feature, you need to be willing to hear from lots of people. Remember there
are 900 million Facebook users worldwide. So you might get a few comments or interactions that you
don’t want. But, you can always block anyone that’s not a good fit.
A good example of someone using the subscribe feature is Mark Zuckerberg. Check out his profile
page (www.facebook.com/zuck). I doubt he wants to be friends with his 900 million Facebook users,
so he gives people the option to “subscribe” to any of his “public” posts. He has 15 million subscribers.
You might want to subscribe to a few people to see how it works before you set it up for yourself.
To set up a “subscribe” feature, go to www.facebook.com/about/subscribe or go to your account
settings and select “subscribers” and it will walk you through the set up.
About MJ: MJ and her brother David own HUTdogs, a creative services business that also specializes
in Social Media Education for business owners. Join their conversation on Facebook and get good tips
and tricks about social media, www.facebook.com/hutdogs
Upcoming Event:
Social Media Marketing Made Simple plus Facebook’s Timeline for pages
Wednesday, June 27, 2012, 11:30am – 1:30pm
Monrovia Public Library
321 S. Myrtle Ave, Monrovia, CA 91016
This program is sponsored by Constant Contact, so there is no cost to you to attend the presentation.
Sign up for this event or view other upcoming classes at: www.hutdogs.com/workshops/schedule
By Patricia Richardson, M.B.A QuickBooks Certified ProAdvisor
QuickBooks 2012 has a new and improved global To Do feature. You can now
use it as a prompt, a digital reminder, to follow-up on important time-sensitive
tasks. For example, To Do can be used to ensure the timely collection of
customer payments when used in conjunction with the Notes feature to create
a customized tickler system. The combined use of To Do and Notes creates a digital reminder, an
automatic tracking system to help you deal with those customers who invariably tell you, “The check
in the mail.” The item recorded in Notes can be turned into an item on a To Do list for future action
on a specific date. When the date arrives, the Note will be displayed on the To Do list.
To Do’s have also been made more accessible. The user can list all To Do’s in a file, which can also
be accessed from the new Lead Center and the QuickBooks Calendar. Your list of To Do’s can
be categorized, prioritized, and ordered by time of day. This is ideal for setting up and tracking
appointments. This is a great new feature because until now there has never been one central place
to see important dates and schedules. Finally you can alleviate forgetfulness – “Hey, it’s been five days
and that check is still not here.”
The enhanced scheduling features can help you stay on top of deadlines like filing dates and due dates
that can now be kept inside QuickBooks, as opposed to on an external calendar that may compromise
your privacy or confidentiality. These features provide auto-alerts that facilitate more timeliness in
addressing overdue transactions, all toward keeping your company’s cash flow positive. You can view
To Do’s by area (lead, customers, vendors) and by function (call, fax, email, meeting, appointment,
and task). The tasks can be marked, viewed and prioritized as Active, Done, or Inactive.
QuickBooks is the number one selling accounting software for small and medium sized business. The
development of this software was done with business owners like us in mind and it just gets better
every year
The California Department of Industrial Relations has created a Small Business Portal to assist small-
business owners with compliance to ever-changing employee regulations and laws. The portal gives
information on a variety of subjects including hiring and maintaining employees, wage and overtime
laws, employee safety precaution requirements, and workplace posting obligations.
There are also links to resources for starting a new business, hiring and administering employees,
and creating and maintaining a safe working environment. Think of the Department of Industrial
Relations (DIR) as a friend to business. According to their website “Small businesses are critical to
California’s economic recovery and strength, to building America’s future, and to helping the United
States compete in today’s global marketplace. Small businesses also represent 99.7 percent of all
employer firms and they employ just over half of U.S. workers and pay 44 percent of total U.S. private
If you own or manage a small business, you’re in good company with resources like Quickbooks and
DIR. Stay tuned to OMG on a weekly basis and you’ll find more of you need to create the business
success that you deserve.
Patricia Richardson is the owner of Monrovia Computerized Business Service and is an accountant,
educator and trainer. She specializes in helping business owners develop and realize their respective
missions and visions by empowering them with tools and training in areas that may not be their core
competency. For information on upcoming trainings or professional services, e-mail: patti@qbworkshop.