Mountain Views News Saturday, October 20, 2012
Did you know that Abner Doubleday, the supposed
inventor of baseball, was a Civil War general whose
eyewitness accounts of the battles of Chancellorsville and
Gettysburg were published in 1882 by Charles Scribner
and Sons?Or that T. E. Lawrence, Lawrence of Arabia,
published an autobiographical account of his adventures in
Arabia during World War I in a book titled Seven Pillars
of Wisdom? Or that Ray Bradbury wrote a mystery, Death
is a Lonely Business, set in Venice, California whose main
character is thought to be Bradbury himself portrayed
just before his marriage and his success with The Martian
Chronicles? Donations to the Friends of the Sierra Madre
Library have included the Doubleday book, a first edition of
the Lawrence account, and a signed first trade edition of the
Bradbury mystery.
These exceptional books are among the 15 volumes featured
in the Friends Book Sales Committee’s first Silent Auction
being held in the Sierra Madre Public Library, 440 W. Sierra
Madre Blvd., Sierra Madre through Monday, October 29.
The books will be on display in the display case in the
library’s main room. To inspect the books more closely,
visit the library every Saturday in October from 1-2 PM.
Bidding sheets and rules are available in a notebook located
on the library’s checkout counter. Bidding will close
promptly at 8 PM on October 29. Winning bidders who are
not present will be notified by telephone the next day and
will then be able to pick up their books at the library.
Proceeds from the Silent Auction will benefit the Sierra Madre
Library’s programs, services, and acquisitions. For more
information and a complete list of the books to be auctioned,
visit our website at www.sierramadrelibraryfriends.org. For
the Sierra Madre Library hours, call 626 355-7186.
Weather Wise
5-Day Forecast
Sierra Madre, Ca.
Mon: Ptly Cldy Hi 70s Lows 50s
Tues: Ptly Cldy Hi 70s Lows 50s
Wed: Sunny Hi 70s Lows 50s
Thur: Sunny Hi 80s Lows 50s
Fri: Sunny Hi 80s Lows 50s
Forecasts courtesy of the National Weather Service
Unless otherwise noted, all meetings listed below are held at
City Hall 232 W. Sierra Madre Blvd. Sierra Madre, Ca.
October 23, 2012
Sunday, November 4th, 2012 2 – 4 pm
We are happy to announce that the long awaited extension to
Armstrong Hall is now underway. We have outgrown our present
dining room and these improvements will give us a larger dining
area, updates to the lounge and more room in the kitchen as well
as a meeting room and improved cloakroom facilities.
So, please forgive us if we are not quite up to our usual standard
on the outside, we can assure you however that the tea will be
as usual.
Reservations are required by October 29th and should be accompanied
by a donation of $12.50 and sent to:
The British Home in California, Ltd., Attn: Pat 647 Manzanita
Ave., Sierra Madre, CA 91024
10/20 S.M. Environmental Action
Council Bailey Canyon Clean Up
10/20 S.M. Rose Float Association
Legendary Bingo
10/23 Kiwanis Club Election Forum
10/24 Sierra Madre Woman’s Club
Team Program
10/25 Sierra Madre CERT training
10/26-10/27 - Halloween Window Painting
10/26-10/27 - St. Rita’s Fall Festival
10/27 Wine and Jazz Walk
10/31 City’s Halloween Parade and
Costume Contest
1630 AM
Free on-air publicity for local events
Sierra Madre’s new community radio station is now accepting scripts
for Public Service Announcements (PSAs) about community events.
PSAs will be broadcast on the air at no charge. The station operates
24/7 and can be heard at 1630 on the AM dial.
Any local non-profit or non-commercial organization can have
their event information broadcast to the public on Sierra Madre
Community Information Radio. The station covers the city of Sierra
Madre, plus surrounding areas of Pasadena, Arcadia, and Monrovia.
Your event must:
• Benefit a non-commercial or non-profit entity
• Be open to the public
• Be of general interest to local citizens
write a Public Service Announcement that describes your event
and e-mail it to radio@cityofsierramadre.com.
Looking For The Mountain
Views News?
Stop by any of the following locations (partial listing) for your
copy every Saturday or call 626-355-2737 to sign up for home
Sierra Public Library
Sierra Madre Post Office
Sierra Madre City Hall
Bean Town Sierra Madre
Starbucks Sierra Madre
Bottle Shop Sierra Madre
Happy’s Liquors Sierra Madre
Sierra Madre Senior
Arcadia Public Library
Arcadia Post Office
Arcadia City Hall
Starbucks Arcadia
Denny’s Arcadia
Monrovia Public Library
Monrovia Post Office
Monrovia City Hall
Coffee Bean Monrovia (Foothill/Myrtle)
The Monrovian
Rudy’s Monrovia
Monrovia Senior Center
Duarte Public Library
Duarte City Hall
Denny’s Duarte
Starbuck’s Duarte
Coffee Bean Duarte
I HOP Duarte
Duarte Senior Center
Pasadena City Hall
Pasadena Senior Center Faschings Car Wash
Robin’s Bar B Que
Walkway at Vromans
Gold Line Station -
Sierra Madre Villa
Niko’s Pasadena
Fresco’s Pasadena
Websters Pharmacy Altadena
Websters Fine Stationers Altadena
Are you a caring person who likes to help others?
Do you like to make a difference at work ?
Do you like to feel appreciated by those around you?
If so, we would like to hear from you!
As a Certified Nursing Assistant , you'll provide nursing
and compassionate care to our residents. You'll be accountable
for maintaining good communications and interpersonal
relations with residents and fellow employees.
You'll also assist residents in their recreational activities &
transportation to and from medical appointments.
Please be ready to provide Livescan, Criminal Clearance
and TB Test.
Hours must be flexible. Shifts are: 11:00 pm – 7:00 am &
3:00 pm – 11:00 pm.
• Experience working with seniors
• Available to work varied shifts
• CNA or CHHA certification
• CPR certified
• Three professional references
• Current TB test documentation
• Drivers license and social security card
• Must be able to pass a criminal background check
Salary DOE Apply at: 647 Manzanita Ave., Sierra Madre,
CA FAX: 626-355-7267
Ability to multi-task, Cook, Clean and serve with a smile.
Must have polished appearance and the ability to interact
and communicate effectively with all. Experience and
patience with the elderly a plus. (We are a residential care
facility for the Elderly).
Experienced cook ONLY. Friendly, energetic, highly motivated,
quick learner. 25 – 40 hours per week depending
on your skills.
Open flexibility to work varying hours a MUST.
Apply at: 647 Manzanita Ave., Sierra Madre or FAX:
The Pasadena Humane Society has begun
door-to-door canvasing to ensure
that all dogs in Sierra Madre are licensed.
By law, every dog must wear a current
license tag at all times. The Pasadena
Humane Society issues dog licenses for
Arcadia, La Cañada/Flintridge, San Marino,
and Sierra Madre. Dog licenses
may be obtained at any time of year, and
are good for one year from that date.
Dogs must be 4 months or older, and
you must provide a current rabies certificate.
Licenses must be renewed every
year, even though the license tags are
You may purchase your dog’s license at
the Pasadena Humane Society front office
during business hours or at City
Hall. Please call PHS at 626-792-7151
x115 or email licensing@phsspca.org if
you have any questions. The licensing
officers are available at PHS Tuesday-
Friday from 2 pm-6 pm and Saturday 2
pm-5 pm.