Mountain Views News Saturday, October 20, 2012
A CALL TO SUPPORT PROP 37 - By Kim Clymer-Kelley
While on the surface the issue of labeling genetically engineered foods
(GMOs) that would be required by Prop 37 seems to be inconsequential to
many people, it is, in fact, of monumental importance. We are in a battle to
reclaim a food supply which is horribly failing the American people. It has
been hijacked by corporations whose only concern is churning out cheap
and profitable food. As a result, there are far more toxins and calories
in the food available to us in our supermarkets, and far less nutrition.
Consequently, we are becoming a sick and obese nation. We have been
kept in the dark about how our food is produced and what it is that we
are eating. For almost two decades this ignorance has been skillfully and
stealthily created and maintained by the producers of our food.
The rest of the industrial world has been granted the information that they
need to make good food choices. Over 60 nations now require genetically
engineered foods to be labeled including all of Europe, China, Japan, and
Russia. As a result, the people of these countries have used this information
to cast their vote against genetically engineered food, making it illegal to
even cultivate genetically engineered crops in many countries. This leaves
the people of the U.S. as the unwitting guinea pigs for the rest of the world
to watch. In the countries where labeling is required, often U.S. products
are rejected or banned altogether, and those that are imported, must be
labeled. Yes, our food manufacturer are already producing products that
are labeled as GMO or that have been reformulated to no longer contain
them...for other countries, but NOT for us.
Started by one grandmother in Chico, CA Right to Know’s is a grassroots
movement that has risen above the corporate created ignorance to shed a
light on the GMO issue, with hopes of awakening a sleeping public. In Prop
37 they have written a fair and strong piece of legislation to require the
labeling of foods that are genetically engineered or that contain genetically
modified ingredients. The proposition has exceptionally strong support
but it has in the last 2 weeks been eroded by the tens of millions of dollars
of corporate money have flowed onto the airwaves. Support of Prop 37 has dropped nearly 15 points and the opposition’s support has
increased by at least that much as a direct result of the Monsanto funded “No on37” campaign. The YES on 37 movement does not have
the money to fight these insidious ads that are inundating the public with misinformation. This is beginning to look like a repeat of what
happened in Oregon in 2002 when a similar labeling proposition led in the polls by a 75% to 25% margin at this point in their campaign
and ended up losing by 25% to 75%. Similarly, just last year a cigarette tax in California, that held a huge lead going into the final weeks
before the election, got narrowly defeated by a tobacco industry-funded campaign orchestrated by the same front groups who are now
running the No on 37 campaign. After it was defeated, as we all scratched our heads in wonder of how it could have happened, the
media spent a lot of time analyzing the issue to help us understand how these corporate campaigns have gained so much control over
the populous ...throwing light on the phenomenon and making us aware of its injustice ...and yet here we are again...falling for the same
old bag of tricks.
Do not let your opinion be swayed by all of the ads you are seeing. Look at the end of the ad...they are all funded by Monsanto, et al. They
are nothing but lies and deception. They are depicting the proposition as being “a deceptive scheme” that “panders to special interests”
… the exact, carefully-researched and chosen buzz words that corporations have used to fight every recent battle...words that their
strategists have determined will instantly push buttons and that the public will glom onto as truth the moment they hear them. Sad but
On the surface it seems that the issue with Prop 37 is that of the health concerns and environmental concerns of GMOs and the agricultural
practices of which they are central. While we should be deeply concerned with those issues, they are NOT what this propositions is
about. This issue is about our basic right as consumers to know what the food industry is putting in our food. For almost 20 years we
have been deliberately kept in the dark, and the corporations that have set it up that way are waging a multi-million dollar battle against
a grassroots movement in order to protect their secret. Without the knowledge that this legislation will provide us, we cannot make
informed choices on how we spend our food dollars. Without this knowledge there is no “free market”...it is instead controlled by the
corporations that we have entrusted with our food supply.
Polls show that nationwide, 90% of the people support GMO labeling and all of those eyes are on California now. They are looking for us
to lead the way. The Legislators in several states have recently attempted to pass labeling legislation in their states, only to be threatened
by lawsuits by Monsanto. Even though the proposed laws stood to pass, instead of standing up for the people, the government bowed
to the corporation and tabled the bills. It is critical for Prop 37 to pass. We need to have complete transparency in our food system. The
very industry that we trust to provide us with sustenance has violated that trust and has put profits above people. Their campaign against
this proposition is a campaign against us and our best interests. It is a campaign that goes against the very roots of democracy. A defeat
of this proposition will be a major setback to all efforts to reclaim our democracy from the monied interests that have hold of it.
Measure A Appointment of County Assessor --
County of Los Angeles (Advisory Vote Only)
Do you support seeking to change the California Constitution
and the Los Angeles County Charter to make
the position of Los Angeles County Assessor an appointed
position instead of an elected position?
Measure B Safer Sex In the Adult Film Industry Act
-- County of Los Angeles (Ordinance - Majority Approval
Shall an ordinance be adopted requiring producers of
adult films to obtain a County public health permit,
to require adult film performers to use condoms while
engaged in sex acts, to provide proof of blood borne
pathogen training course, to post permit and notices
to performers, and making violations of the ordinance
subject to civil fines and criminal charges?
Measure J Accelerating Traffic Relief, Job Creation
-- County of Los Angeles (Continuation of Voter-
Approved Sales Tax Increase - Majority Approval
To advance Los Angeles County’s traffic relief, economic
growth/ job creation, by accelerating construction
of light rail/ subway/ airport connections within
five years not twenty; funding countywide freeway traffic
flow/ safety /bridge improvements, pothole repair;
keeping senior/ student/ disabled fares low; Shall Los
Angeles County’s voter-approved one-half cent traffic
relief sales tax continue, without tax rate increase, for
another 30 years or until voters decide to end it, with
audits/ keeping funds local?
Measure ALF Density Limit re Assisted Living Facility
-- City of Sierra Madre (Ordinance - Majority
Approval Required)
Shall an Ordinance be adopted to amend Sierra Madre
Municipal Code Section 17.35.040 (“Core Density
Limit”) of the People’s Empowerment Act (aka Measure
V) to permit development of an assisted living facility
consistent with the Kensington Assisted Living
Facility Specific Plan not exceeding two stories, thirty
feet in height and seventy-five assisted living suites, for
the parcels located at 33 North Hermosa Avenue an
245 West Sierra Madre Boulevard?
President/Vice President of the United States
Gary Johnson/James P. Gray, Libertarian
Mitt Romney/Paul Ryan, Republican
Roseanne Barr/Cindy Sheehan, Peace and Freedom
Thomas Hoefling/Robert Ornelas, American Independent
Jill Stein/Cheri Honkala, Green
Barack Obama/Joseph Biden, Democratic
United States Senate
Elizabeth Emken, Republican
Dianne Feinstein, Democratic
US Congress - District 27
Judy Chu, Democratic
Jack Orswell, Republican
California Assembly - District 41
Chris Holden, Democratic
Donna Lowe, Republican
California Senate - District 25
Carol Liu, Democratic
Gilbert V. Gonzales, Republican
District Attorney; County of Los Angeles
Alan Jackson
Jackie Lacey
Take a moment to hear the objective truth
about our State & Local Ballot Propositions!
On Tuesday, October 23, 2012 at 12:00 noon, the Sierra Madre Kiwanis
Club in conunction with the Pasadena League of Women Voters will
sponsor a panel of speakers that will give both the Pros and Cons on the
eleven statewide and four local ballot propositions.
This will be an educational forum where the speakers will not take a position, but rather
given the public an objective, informed review of the measures you are asked to vote on.
The forum will be held at The Lodge (Formerly the Masonic Temple),
33 E. Sierra Madre Blvd., Sierra Madre. The forum is free. Lunch will be
served at noon for a cost of $10. Lunch reservations may be made by calling
October 22, 2012 Last day to register to vote
October 30, 2012 Last day to apply for a vote-by-mail ballot
by mail
November 6, 2012 Election Day
Polls are open 7:00 a.m. – 8:00 p.m