Mountain Views News Saturday, October 20, 2012
Book Reviews by Jasmine Kelsey Williams
Review By Sean Kayden
LET ME IN By John Ajvide Lindqvist
Halloween is fast approaching, and this means another top selection
that is perfect for this occasion. ‘Let Me in’ or as it is
originally known, ‘Let the Right One In’, is a different take on
vampires from Lindqvist, and focuses on a psychological and
emotional aspect rather than a classic horror. Although the title
has changed for an American release, the content of this gripping
and chilling story still remains the same. Lindqvist puts together
a wonderful and carefully drawn out story which focuses
on the troubles of childhood in the form of Oskar and his soon-
to-be love interest when his new neighbor Eli moves in next to
him. His troubles, however, arrive in the form of bullies, little
communication with his parents, and the secret that Eli conceals
from him, but eventually finds out on his own. What follows for
Oskar means a new friendship, but also the dangers of what follows
after he befriends Eli.
Lindqvist is not subtle; he carefully builds up his scenes, which
will put the reader on edge, and excellently sprinkles in a connecting
event or scene so that when the true event has arrived
the reader will find it to be much more climatic. A highlight for ‘Let Me In’ is not just the fact
that it is an international bestseller, but also that the story does not ever contain a dull moment;
there is a story building up, the reaction of a death, concurrent events that happen at
the same moment something else does. There is drama, love, curiosity, and backstories that
will always deliver a hint of something deeper or darker than what is read. ‘Let Me In’ is complete
in itself as a book, in its essence and in its meaning. Lindqvist makes the reader think
about how their perspectives may change and attempt to sympathize with the characters in
the book. As a result, it is a whole new reading experience that provides the reader with not
just darkness after the story is finished, but to view it in a positive light. To add to its flair, ‘Let
Me In’ had also been released in 2010 as an American remake of the 2008 Swedish original,
‘Let the Right One In’.
“Seven Psychopaths” is the second feature film from writer/director Martin
McDonagh (“In Bruges”). The crime/comedy film has its moments and it’s
humorous in bits and pieces, but after a strong opening half, it tends to lose its
way a bit in the second half. When watching a movie like this, you really need to
suspend your disbelief as well be cool with such implausible events. McDonagh
definitely tries to stray away from clichés and conventional setups, but sometimes those things work
for a reason. While he may seem a bit more daring with his sophomore film, the entire storyline feels
flimsy and too loosely strung together. Sure, the performances are a joy to watch and there is originality
and creativity to commend, but if you’re looking for substance and plausibility, you won’t find all that
much here.
The movie stars Colin Ferrell as Marty, a struggling screenwriter trying to finish (mostly start) his
latest project called “Seven Psychopaths.” The always reliable and stand out performer of the bunch,
Sam Rockwell, portrays Billy Bickle, Marty’s best friend. Billy, sporadic, optimistic and downright
goofy, is an unemployed actor who moonlights as a part-time dog thief. His partner-in-crime is Hans
(Christopher Walken), a 60-something year-old religious man with a dark and vicious past.
Billy wants to help Marty with his screenplay, but Marty isn’t too keen on the idea. Hans, in the
meantime, visits his wife at a cancer ward. Billy ends up kidnapping a Shih Tzu. However, we soon find
out this isn’t any old Shih Tzu, but one belonging
to Charlie, a gangster with issues played by Woody
Harrelson. Charlie’s henchmen find out about Hans
being in the dog kidnapping business. They seek
him out one day as he is returning another dog to
his rightful owner (for the reward). When they take
him back to the warehouse where Hans and Billy
keep the dogs, the Shih Tzu isn’t there, but Marty is
after getting kicked out of the house by his girlfriend
(a completely wasted role for actress Abbie Cornish) for calling her a “bitch” in front of all her friends
at her own house party the night before.
Marty knows the dog they’re looking for is at Billy’s house, but Hans, who is just meeting Marty for
the time, tells him not to say a damn word. Marty, a self-proclaimed pacifist doesn’t like violence and is
about to spill the beans before a mysterious man with a mask covering his face walks in and kills the two
bad guys. The man leaves behind two jack of diamond playing cards. This character is shown in the first
scene of the movie, killing two unrelated bad guys in an undisclosed area. All we know about him is that
he was in the newspaper and Billy told Marty to use this character for one of his “seven psychopaths.”
After the mysterious man does his thing, Hans and Marty meet up at Billy’s house, where they figure
out their next move. Obviously, we’ll reach a final showdown with the three men and the gangster.
There are a few things that take place between then, something involving Hans’ wife, a “self-described
psychopath”(Tom Waits) wanting to share his story with Billy (who posts an ad in the LA Weekly calling
for all psychopaths to share their stories that may be included in a screenplay) and a Vietnamese priest
seeking vengeance. With all these whimsical things going on, the fun level is kept high, but it overstays
its welcome. The main storyline, with the kidnapped dog, suffers as the film heads into the third act.
Don’t get me wrong, the cast is wonderful, especially Rockwell, who seems to continuously steal the
show in every movie in which he appears. However, there really isn’t much backstory to the characters
(except for Hans). We have no idea how Marty and Billy became best friends, or how Billy and Hans
ever got together in the dog kidnapping business. I feel the movie was more concerned with quirky
moments, fun one-liners, and non-conventional resolutions rather than a having solid, thought out
plot. It goes without mentioning that the three female characters were utterly wasted and contributed
truly nothing for the film. It wasn’t any of the actresses’ faults, but they just had barely any noteworthy
material to work with. When the dust settles, “Seven Psychopaths” ends up being a decent time at the
theater. There’s not a lot of replay value and it’ll probably have more of a cult following than a massive
reception. Honest opinion, just wait for Netflix or the Blu-ray to catch this one at home.
Grade: 3 out of 5
Directed By: Martin McDonagh
Written By: Martin McDonagh
Rated R: Strong violence, bloody
images, pervasive language, sexuality/
nudity and some drug use
Release Date: October 12th, 2012
The scene is the Hillview High Gymnasium, decorated
for the 1952 Fall Formal, themed “Once in
a Blue Moon.” So come prepared to enjoy an evening
of fun, costumes (optional) and…murder!
Dress up in your poodle skirt or formal, leather
jacket or sport coat and bow tie, and relive this
special event with an interactive murder mystery
filled with song and dance!
YOU guess the murderer.
This is a presentation of SanZman Productions
Renaissance Murder Mystery Players. At Sierra
Madre Playhouse, 87 W. Sierra Madre Blvd., Sierra Madre, CA 91024. Ample free parking behind
theatre. Sunday, October 21, 2012 at 7:00 p.m. Admission: $20. Seniors (65+) and students, $17.
Reservations: (626) 355-4318. Online ticketing:
Do you ever stop to really pay attention to your energy? We usually
just notice when we are out of energy – pooped. That is when we
realize we went to far, we did too much, we gave too much and we
are left with nothing. There is a better way. The first thing we can do
about this is to start noticing how much energy we use and what we
spend it on. Is that thing giving us energy back?
The problem with noticing after we are already empty is that then everything looks
overwhelming and the snowball begins to roll down hill. Then it picks up speed as we go
spiraling down and everything looks dismal. Our cups look half empty. At this point, it is
really hard to put a stop to the huge snowball and push it back up the hill. It has momentum.
What to do? You knew I would say yoga! But it really works. It gives you energy back,
especially coupled with pranayama. You can actually feel your stores being replenished. Sure
there are other things you can do to fill up. Go to lunch with your friend, read a good book
in the park, go surfing…. When we get busy, when we get on a roll and then the snowball
begins to build speed, this is exactly when we need to put the energy in. But it’s the hardest
time. We don’t feel like it. Yoga helps us to stop the snowball and regroup.
Start paying attention; your energy levels have a direct correlation to how you feel. When
you are full, things look peachy. When you are depleted, things can look pretty bad. The
thing is – you have all the power to change it, or maintain it. Practicing yoga helps you notice
where you are and gives you energy back. I keep telling you that yoga is more than exercise
and this is why.
Prana it is always changing and always moving. It is up to you to keep replenishing it.
Have an energy filled week. Namasté, René