Mountain Views News Saturday, December 1, 2012
“What’s Going On?”
News and Views from Joan Schmidt
Another view of holiday gifting By Christoper Nyerges
[Nyerges is the author of “Self-Sufficient Home,” “How to Survive Anywhere,” and
other books. He can be reached at Box 41834, Eagle Rock, CA 90041, or www.ChristopherNyerges.
Located in the city of Downey is the Rancho Los Amigos National
Rehabilitation Center. Back in the late 90’s, I found out about this wonderful
center through my friend, Peter Rosenwald, then Community Library Manager
at the Duarte Library. Peter had invited me to a special event with special artists
showing their techniques at the Duarte Library. I attended and was blown
away by these artists who did not let their physical limits prevent them from
producing such beautiful work by different procedures. Many were quadriplegic
because of various accidents or illnesses. But they had positive attitudes and
inspired all who attended.
In November of that year, I was privileged to attend their annual Art
Exhibition in Downy. I saw Kenneth Younger again, (Marbling technique)
as well as Robert Thome. I met SO MANY awesome artists: Fernando Sturla
(Born without upper limbs), his wife Ligia, Ruben Rios, Ann Roth, Said Abdelsayed, Barbara Blake
and hubby Bill, Cynde Soto and many more! There were paintings and crafts done by these talented
people. The next two years I attended the Exhibition again, and after a while, a few artists recognized
me-it was awesome!
Several years passed, and I kept missing the Exhibition because it occurs in early November.
This year, I made a call, and the next evening, my husband and I drove to Downey for the 17th Annual
Art of Rancho Exhibition Festival. Many patients have found a new meaning to life by participating
in the Art of Rancho program. This year, there were TWO rooms of art by 40 artists! One was the
“Pediatric Exhibition.” It was so inspiring to see the young people’s work. One section had children’s
drawings of Supervisor Don Knabe. He attended, and I had him pose in front of their renditions.
Excitedly, I related to Supervisor Knabe my attendance at the Board of Supervisor’s Meeting last
year pertaining to redistricting and seeing Robert Thome after ten years speaking to adopt the plan
I wanted. I mentioned Robert was there that night, and the Supervisor told me the important role
Robert had in the Artists Program. Ann Roth, Kenneth Younger, and Said Abdelsayed were also
there, and I was thrilled to see them all again! On a very sad note, Ruben Rios has been in a coma for
three months. There was a book for us to leave messages and I spoke with his sister and mom.
The Art of Rancho is at the Rancho Los Amigos National Rehabilitation Center. I went to
its website and found out how it began. For over 50 years, the Center has been providing quality
care for persons with physical disabilities. In the 1950’s, Rancho Los Amigos made its transition to
rehabilitative care with the waning of the polio epidemic, refocusing the team treatment approach
developed to address polio on the rehabilitation of persons with disabling injury and illness.
The Rancho Los Amigos Rehabilitation Center is internationally renowned in the field of
medical rehabilitation and US News and World Report ranks it in the top US Rehabilitation Hospitals.
It’s licensed for 395 beds, providing patient care services, rehabilitation and reintegration. Rancho
provides for about 4000 inpatients and conducts 78,000 visits annually. The medical staff is composed
of physicians and dentists representing the major medical, surgical and dental specialties required for
the care of the catastrophically disabled.
While browsing their website, www.rancho.org, I learned of two other special annual events,
a Golf Classic Fundraiser in August, and their October Spinal Injury Games-Annual Wheelchair
Festival, which had about 300 participants this past year, and included football, basketball, bowling,
hockey, baseball, golf, power soccer and tennis. “This event gives patients an opportunity to push
their athletic skills to the limit-an important part of the therapy process.”
Recently, our Monsignor’s brother passed away, and the family asked for “donations to the
charity of your choice.” After learning more about the Rancho Los Amigos National Rehabilitation
Center, I knew where my donation would go. Please go to its website and learn more.
“Have you done your shopping yet?,” an acquaintance asked. I gasped,
feeling the despair that descends upon me when I witness the scurry run-
around that so many folks engage in during the Christmas season. Giving
is good, yes. Receiving is good too.
Like the ancient native potlatch where tribal members tried to outdo
each other in their givingness. But have we moved too far from meaningful giving? Have we accepted
the propaganda that the “Christmas shopping splurge” should somehow “save” the retail industry?
Have we lost our resistance? Have we given in the fiction that it is socially necessary to buy lots of
stuff (that we’d not buy otherwise) for people who we don’t particularly like, when we really can’t
afford to do so?
The way to end the insanity is simply to end it. End the pointless buying.
What are we celebrating, after all? Santa Claus-who-brings-us-toys day? The Winter Solstice? The
birth of the Sun? The birth of the Son, Jesus?
Most American Christians say it is the latter. So then why the gift splurge? Some say this is because
the three Magi brought gifts to the promised One. The Magi gave symbolic gifts, nothing that was in
any way useful to an infant. They did not exchange gifts among themselves.
Nor was this Jesus born on December 25. Recall, if you will, that animals and shepherds were in
the fields, and it was the time of a census that required much travelling. It was definitely not in the
dead of winter, as all historians agree.
Let’s get out our encyclopedias and learn that the “birth of the Sun” celebrations were pre-Christian.
These so-called “pagan” traditions were part of the holy days of Mithraism and other pre-Christian
religions. Exchanging gifts was part of that tradition.
In the early days of the new cult of Christianity that arose from Judaism, there was the desire to
“hide” the new Christian commemoration of the birth of Jesus when others were also celebrating the
birth of the Sun. Some credit the Roman Emperor Aurelian with this clever idea. Eventually, when
Christianity was the official religion of the empire in the 4th century, no such hiding was necessary as
nearly all the pagan holidays became Christianized.
Still, our pointless profligate buying and giving is a relatively modern invention of the advertising
industry. Gone are the days of making something to give to another – a cake, cookies, a wooden
bowl, a pipe, a toy, a hand-written card. Gone are the days of personally handing a thoughtfully-
made or acquired object to a person, as both parties exchange the gift of their time, and Selves, to one
another, as they examine the physical object. Or is such a day gone?
It is only by our choice to be a lemming that we continue the mindless buy and gift command from
our marketing masters.
I’m not particularly concerned that most of the modern Christmas symbols can be traced back
to the pre-Christian days – the wreath, the tree, the yule log, December 25, the birth of a saviour
at the time of least light, the cards, and yes, gifting. What matters most is the level of thinking and
thoughtfulness that we inject into our observation of what should be a High Holy Day. “Buying
stuff” is anathema to this day. We don’t have to choose to be a part of the cattle drive at the local mall.
Rather, choose something else.
Plan to be with close friends. Plan thoughtful songs to sing. Plan special movies to watch – I never
get tired of “It’s a Wonderful Life.” Plan thoughtful readings about the meaning of the day. And if you
choose to give gifts, avoid the animalistic urge to wildly rip through the packagings of gift after gift.
Make each one special. Tell the person why they were given the gift. Let them open it and examine it.
Discuss how the gift will enhance their life.
I remember a scene in the book “Less Than Zero.” It’s Christmas time and the author is at home
when his father visits. The father
is divorced from his mother, so
he visits on holidays. As he sits
there on Christmas, he pulls out
his checkbook and writes a check
to his son. The author – the son
– lamented that his father didn’t
take the time to at least write the
check ahead of time, put it in an
envelope, and include a note. It
was just done rather casual. It was
a classic “less than zero” moment.
In this time of least light, when
the sun is about to start on the
path to more light and longer
days, when so many of us are
scrambling at the malls for “good
buys,” we can choose to eschew
“less than zero,” and choose
instead the Light.
Reveal Most
Quasar Outflow
Ever Found
Astronomers using
the European Southern
Observatory’s Very Large
Telescope (VLT) in Chile
have discovered a quasar
with the most energetic
outflow ever seen—at least
five times more powerful
than any observed to date.
Quasars are extremely bright
galactic centers powered by
supermassive black holes.
Many of them blast huge
amounts of material out into
their host galaxies, and these
outflows play a key role in
the evolution of galaxies. But
until now, observed quasar
outflows weren’t as powerful
as predicted by theorists.
Quasars are the intensely
luminous centers of distant
galaxies, and they get their power from huge black holes. This new
study has looked at one of these energetic objects—known as SDSS
J1106+1939—in great detail, using the X-shooter instrument on
ESO’s VLT at the Paranal Observatory in Chile. Although black
holes are noted for pulling material in, most quasars also accelerate
some of the material around them and eject it outward at high speed.
“We have discovered the most energetic quasar outflow known
to date. The rate that energy is carried away by this huge mass of
material ejected at high speed from SDSS J1106+1939 is at least
equivalent to two million million times the power output of the
Sun. This is about 100 times higher than the total power output of
the Milky Way galaxy—it’s a real monster of an outflow,” says team
leader Nahum Arav (Virginia Tech, USA). “This is the first time that
a quasar outflow has been measured to have the sort of very high
energies that are predicted by theory.”
Many theoretical simulations suggest that the impact of these
outflows on the galaxies around them may resolve several enigmas
in modern cosmology, including how the mass of a galaxy is linked
to its central black hole mass, and why there are so few large galaxies
in the universe. However, whether or not quasars were capable of
producing outflows powerful enough to produce these phenomena
has remained unclear until now.
The newly discovered outflow lies about a thousand light-years
away from the supermassive black hole at the heart of the quasar
SDSS J1106+1939. This outflow is at least five times more powerful
than the previous record holder. The team’s analysis shows that a
mass of approximately 400 times that of the Sun is streaming away
from this quasar per year, moving at a speed of 8,000 kilometers per
“We couldn’t have got the high-quality data to make this discovery
without the VLT’s X-shooter spectrograph,” says Benoit Borguet
(Virginia Tech, USA), lead author of the new paper. “We were able
to explore the region around the quasar in great detail for the first
As well as SDSS J1106+1939, the team also observed one other
quasar and found that both of these objects have powerful outflows.
As these are typical examples of a common, but previously little
studied, type of quasars, these results should be widely applicable
to luminous quasars across the universe. Borguet and colleagues
are currently exploring a dozen more similar quasars to see if this
is the case.
“I’ve been looking for something like this for a decade,” says
Nahum Arav, “so it’s thrilling to finally find one of the monster
outflows that have been predicted!”
You can contact Bob Eklund at b.eklund@MtnViewsNews.com.
Artist impression of the hugh outflow ejected from the quasar SDSS J1106+1939