PRAYER BREAKFAST (cont. from page 1)
He recalled a time when he was leaving a hospital,
and he encountered a woman and he asked
her “How are you doing today?” to which she
responded “Better than I deserve.” He continued
“I think I can say, and I hope you can too,
better than I deserve.”
Pastor Beck was followed by Reverend Cadenbach.
She discussed a recent meeting she attended
at which there had been six faith traditions
represented, Baha’i, Buddhist, Christian,
Jewish, Hindu and Sikh, and that they all had
the opportunity to present how they gave thanks
in their faith. She observed that “I found a lot
more similarities than I found differences – they
were all appreciative of the earth that we have,
and the importance of the need to serve each
other and take care of it, and be thankful for
the bounty we’ve been given. She mentioned
a thirteenth century German theologian, philosopher
and mystic named Meister Eckhart,
to whom people went for advice on their spiritual
journey, and that one person had said to
him “You know, I don’t know how to pray, how
should I begin?’ She continued that “Meister
Eckhart said ‘Start with two words, Thank You,’
and that’s what we are doing today.”
Next up was Rev. Crisp, who wanted to say how
grateful he is “for the workings of this community
and all the different ways that all the
departments seem to work together in various
ways to help our community…I’m also grateful
for the collegiality of my colleagues here at the
table…most of all I’d like to say that I’m very
thankful for the blessings of this earth and the
bounty that comes from it and cares for us, not
just one day a year when you fill our tables, but
every day of the year when our tables are full
with wonderful things…and I wish you all a
happy Thanksgiving.
Judge Nelson was next, and discussed the arrival
in America one hundred years ago Abdul Baha,
and his message emphasizing the “oneness of
religion and how the spiritual teachings of all
religions are really the same – the fatherhood
of God, the brotherhood of man, the power of
prayer, the golden rule, and especially emphasizing
the oneness of the whole of humanity.
That the earth, as he said, is but one country,
and mankind its citizens.” She said he brought
the teachings of his father, Bahá’u'lláh, who told
us how we should be really thankful for being
here, when he said “Be generous in prosperity,
thankful in adversity, be worthy of the trust of
thy neighbor and look upon him with a bright
and friendly face, be a treasure to the poor, an
admonisher to the rich, and answerer to the cry
of the needy. Be unjust to no man, and show all
meekness to all men. Be as a lamp unto them
that walk in darkness, a joy to the sorrowful,
a sea for the thirsty, a haven for the distressed,
an upholder and defender of the victim of oppression.
Let integrity and uprightness distinguish
all thine acts.” She then offered a prayer
originally written by Abdul Baha for America:
“O Thou kind Lord! This gathering is turning
to Thee. These hearts are radiant with Thy love.
These minds and spirits are exhilarated by the
message of Thy glad-tidings. O God! Let this
American democracy become glorious in spiritual
degrees even as it has aspired to material
degrees, and render this just government victorious.
Confirm this revered nation to upraise
the standard of the oneness of humanity, to promulgate
the Most Great Peace, to become thereby
most glorious and praiseworthy among all
the nations of the world. O God! This American
nation is worthy of Thy favors and is deserving
of Thy mercy. Make it precious and near to Thee
through Thy bounty and bestowal.”
After breakfast was served , Deacon Valencia
spoke, noting that Thanksgiving is a uniquely
American holiday, and elaborated that in addition,
“Thanksgiving is also unapologetically,
unabashedly, inescapably, a religious holiday
in which we thank God for all of our blessings.
There is no one else we thank when we
come together, except to thank God, and this
is a uniquely American holiday.” He discussed
the fact that the words company and companion
come from the Latin “cum panis” meaning
“with bread.” He observed that the words also
carry with them a “profound theological and religious
connotation, and that is when we come
together to break bread as company, we are
sharing bread, we are sharing with one another,
and not only those with means, but most especially
those who are most vulnerable, those who
are poorest, those who are weakest, and those
who need, if not food, companionship. That is
what cum panis carries with it.” He continued
that “We know that the only way any of us can
ever, ever know and recognize the face of God
in praise and thanksgiving…is in the breaking
of the bread. Cum panis.”
Reverend Phillip gave the benediction, and the
breakfast was over.
Holiday Happenings
Mountain Views-News Saturday, December 1, 2012
Bethany Christian School's Lions Choir is performing at One Colorado Courtyard, Pasadena
(next to California Pizza Kitchen) Friday, Dec. 7th, at 5:00. In between the songs
the children will be passing out candy canes. Come out and support the school's outreach
to the community and get in the holiday spirit as the choir performs Christmas
song selections.