Mountain Views News Saturday, December 1, 2012
One Of A Kind: Featuring unique homes and gardens and the people who create them
Story by Chris Bertrand Photography courtesy of the LA Arboretum
The Los Angeles Arboretum will hold
a rare open house tour for the historic,
Queen Anne Cottage located on the
Arboretum grounds on Sunday, December
9 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. The structure is
listed as a California Historical Landmark
as well as on the on the National Register
of Historic Places.
Used many times as a site for television
and movies, the structure is famous for its use in the opening scenes
of the 1970’s television movies and series, Fantasy Island, starring
Ricardo Montalban and Herve Villechaieze. Villechaize’s character,
Tattoo, was seen each week calling out the arrival of new guests
from the top of the cottage tower, yelling “Da plane! Da Plane!”
More recently, the cottage was used as the Florida residence of the
elder Fokkers in the movie, Meet the Fokkers.
Most of the time, visitors can only peek into the windows of the
charming, Victorian abode, believed to have been constructed as a
honeymoon gift for Elias Jackson (Lucky) Baldwin’s fourth wife, the
sixteen year old, Lillie Bennett.
Bennett’s father, architect Albert A. Bennett, designed the intricate
and elaborate detailing of the structure. The structure’s styling is
a romantic, even feminine style of American architecture known
for its lavish displays of ornamental spindles, brackets and other
accoutrements. “Though it was named a Queen Anne, the Cottage
is really the Queen Anne style transitioning to the ‘stick style’,”
according to Bishop.
Though his name is not well known today, Bennett was a rather
prolific architect of public buildings. His works include the Folsom
and San Quentin Prisons and many county courthouses across the
state. He was also the supervising architect for the state Capitol
building in Sacramento.
According to Mitchell Bishop, curator at the Arboretum, the
cottage was “originally referred to as ‘Baldwin’s Belvedere’ in the
LA Times when it was first built and also as the ‘Casino’ which in
those days didn’t necessarily mean gambling so much as a variety of
pleasure-related activities although Baldwin was fond of gambling
and we know poker was played.”
The elaborate home never became the intended honeymoon
haven; however, as the Baldwin couple separated only a year later.
Eventually, Lucky Baldwin turned the home into a memorial of
sorts to the third Mrs. Baldwin, Jennie Dexter, who had passed away
a few years previous, in 1881.
The cottage was used as the Santa Anita Ranch guest house, hosting
theatrical celebrities from Baldwin’s namesake theater in san
Francisco and other Baldwin family friends and business associate
guests. Baldwin himself never lived in the cottage, using the cottage
“essentially as a party house,” laughed Bishop. Baldwin quartered in
the nearby adobe home until his death in 1909.
Unfortunately, after Lucky’s passing, his daughter shuttered the
cottage and disposed of the furnishings. Several other large buildings
on the ranch, also designed by
Bennett, didn’t survive, according
to Bishop.
Luckily, the home’s black walnut
doors, stained glass windows,
marble fireplace mantels, and even
the original bath fixtures and a
marble walkway were packed up
and stored for nearly half a century
in the nearby Coach House.
A restoration project from 1951-
53 restored these items to their
original fittings inside the cottage,
now preserved for the public.
“The cottage was one of the first
restorations of a Victorian house,”
according to Bishop, “very unusual
in that time. In the 1950’s, Victorian
restorations weren’t popular. People
weren’t in that mindset. Modern
architecture was prevalent. These
forward thinking people preserved
that history.”
Later, in 1993, an Eagle Scout
project by Erik Wanson from a San
Marino troop restored the intricate
x-pattern fencing surrounding the
Regarding additional renovations,
Bishop indicated, “The Cottage was
recently given a new red decorative
shingle roof based on photographic
documentation of the original roof
from the 19th century. Imbricated
roofs have sometimes very elaborate
patterns of overlapping shingles cut
into diamond, half round and other shapes. The term imbrication
refers to the scales found on fish and reptiles. It also makes a very
effective waterproof covering. Today, we still see these patterns on
the siding of Victorian houses but it is rare to see it still on roofs.
The Coach Barn is currently closed for the installation of a similar
roof taking it back to its original appearance that Mr. Baldwin and
his architect intended.”
Visitors on December 9th will have the chance to view paintings
of the Baldwin family, which were donated to the Arboretum over
the years, including two portraits of Baldwin by Joseph Greenbaum
and two portraits of Lucky’s wife, Jennie Dexter. Another painting,
hung in the cottage, this one by H.H. Cross, depicts Anita Baldwin,
Lucky’s daughter, sitting across the lake, near the cottage with the
ranch’s bull mastiff guard dogs.
Bishop chuckled, “Originally, there were no railings on the veranda,
if you fell off the porch in those days, it was your own fault. The
railings are a concession to the modern era.”
Bishop also indicates the Arboretum continues to seek photos of the
cottage interior, to get a better idea of what it looked like at the time.
The cottage will be decked out in Victorian holiday splendor, to put
guests in the spirit for an old fashioned holiday. Docent led tours,
at a suggested donation of $3, will be available throughout the day
on Sunday, December 9 for an up close and personal view of the
cottage and its history. The nearby Coach Barn and the old Santa
Anita Depot will also be open to visitors.
Admittance to the cottage is included with regular admission to
the Los Angeles Arboretum, located at 301 North Baldwin Avenue,
in Arcadia. For more information, visit the Arboretum website at
www.Arboretum.org or call 626-821-3222. Research information
was obtained from the Arboretum website.
While experts may debate the value of holding an open house, your home may be a good
candidate for this marketing tool. If your agent offers to show off your home on a Sunday
afternoon, apply some elbow grease and take advantage of the opportunity.
Obviously, get things tidy inside and out. Give all of your countertops a spacious feel by hiding
your toiletries under the sink in the bathroom, and by stashing your kitchen appliances
in the cabinets. Clean and clear make a great impression.
Also remove photographs, appointment cards, school artwork, etc. from the refrigerator and
other areas of the house. Yes, it’s your home, but you want buyers to picture it as their home,
so don’t intrude on the fantasy!
You can encourage buyers to linger by simply putting out refreshments, like fresh baked
cookies (the aroma can be a powerful intoxicant!), and a pitcher of iced tea or minis of bottled
water - anything to make them pause and take a closer look around.
The one thing that shouldn’t be in the home during an open house is… you. No offense
meant, but buyers are there to see the home, not the owner, and they may feel uncomfortable
asking probing questions if you are within earshot. Make your visitors feel at ease, and trust
your agent to take care of the rest!
The Sierra Madre Farmer’s Market hours have changed to 3:00pm through 7:00pm
every Wednesday in fall and winter. Vendors include Dry Dock which has fresh
and wild caught fish, Rustic Loaf with artisan breads, Cutie Pie with fresh pies and
much more!
For those interested in being a vendor contact Melissa Farwell with Raw Inspirations
at 818-591-8161 ext. 806.
Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: editor@mtnviewsnews.com Website: www.mtnviewsnews.com