Mountain Views News Saturday, December 8, 2012
One Of A Kind: Featuring unique homes and gardens and the people who create them
Story by Chris Bertrand Photo courtesy of George and Barbara Fawrup
George and Barbara
Fawrup recently retired
from their busy careers
in the Department of
Justice and accounting
respectively. Never ones to
let the grass grow too long
under their feet, the Sierra
Madre couple decided to
combine their wanderlust
with service by joining a
group called the Mobile Missionary Assistance Program
The Fawrups had learned about MMAP nearly two
decades ago when Harriet and Otis Cobb, friends at
Alhambra First Baptist Church, told of their adventures
with the organization when they regularly “disappeared”
for about a month at a time. “Then it went off our radar
for a number of years,” said George Fawrup.
According to the organization’s website, MMAP is a
non- profit charitable Christian “retired couples that
travel in RV’s for the Lord and help out where needed.
The MMAP life is a fun life. We enjoy what we do
because we get to travel, help others, fellowship with
other adventurous folks and best of all serve the Lord in a
meaningful way… on the North American Continent…
working on selected projects at Christina churches,
camps, missions, orphanages and other similar
ministries. The work involves construction, renovation
and remodeling… Each project lasts three weeks, with
members working four days a week for seven hours a
day. All members are financially independent and self
supporting and provide their own medical insurance. ”
After the Fawrups retired, they received an unexpected
gift from George’s parents, a 38’ diesel pusher motor
home. “We wanted to honor God for the generosity
of George’s parents,” reflected Barbara. “We recalled
the Cobb’s stories and after an Internet search found
MMAP. We joined the organization in May, 2011, and
have served on 9 projects to date.
Their projects vary widely. “They range from starting
from scratch with new construction, to major remodels,
and as minor as maintenance and repairs. In the past
MMAP has built churches from the ground up,”
according to the Fawrups.
The organization tries to take advantage of the climate
and seasons, according to the website, by “choosing
projects in the best climactic conditions – moving
South in the winter and north in the summer months.”
Though the project is available across the continent, the
Fawrups prefer to remain within a few hours of home
and family, so stay within California.
Couples with self contained recreational vehicles (RV’s)
from all walks of life have been part of the teams the
Fawrups have been assigned to on their nine projects
so far. Of the four to six couples on each project,
“There are actually very few that previously worked in
construction,” said Barbara. We’ve worked with a doctor,
a truck driver, a college professor, and federal/state/
county/city workers involved in various professions,
among others.”
The Fawrups have experience in managing commercial
properties and the attendant maintenance, and are
knowledgeable about many aspects of construction,
and can help teach others who are able but not skilled or
trained in the project at hand. There is always a project
coordinator who understands and is trained in the skills
needed for the project. One time it might be laying
tile, or insulating a building. Another time it might be
painting or making draperies for a room or structure.
When an actual church new construction project is in
the works, a team of twelve couples is assembled. Then
the project is extended to three months at one location.
Only once did they arrive at a project that wasn’t a
good fit for the group. A new roof was planned for an
Orange County church, and it was determined that
it was a project better suited to a contractor, so they
group went down the list to other needed projects at
the church.
Some couples actually live in their RV’s full time,
and travel from project to project, giving their time to
remodel churches and camps and other Christian based
structures, while enjoying a low cost way to travel and
see different areas of the country. “The projects provide a
parking space with full hook-ups without cost. Projects
are scheduled across the United States every month
of the year and are a three week duration,” explained
Barbara. With the four day “work” week on Monday
through Thursday, couples have time to explore their
new environs on the days off.
The minimum number of projects required from
a member is three per year, for a total of nine weeks’
commitment annually, but many couples do much
more. The Fawrups love the program, and have worked
on nine since 2011.
George Fawrups commented on their enthusiastic
participation in the MMMP projects, “We give of our
time, talents and abilities. In return, we get the ability
to serve directly in the various Christian ministries
across the United States and help them fulfill the visions
God has given to them. We have direct ‘hands-on’
partnerships in churches, camps, homeless missions,
women’s shelters and orphanages across the United
States and Canada.”
So many of the organizations would never have the
funds to make the repairs and improvements the group
performs. George recalls a particularly rewarding
experience. Our very first project was in Idaho at a camp
about 90 minutes north of Boise, in a rural location.
The camp was run by Christian missionaries who had
to raise their own support. The camp did not generate
sufficient income as it provided low cost camperships to
allow as many children as desired the ability to attend.”
Barbara continued, “The camp would have never been
able to afford the work we were providing. The men
built a large playground and exercise stations from trees
that had blown down in a storm in the previous year.
The resulting playground would have been the envy of
any organization providing recreation to children. The
ladies remodeled a home that housed the staff. One
afternoon, the ladies were out and got talking with
people in the nearby town. When we told them why
we were there, one person commented that her kids
would be thrilled to hear about the new playground as
they regularly attended summer
programs there.”
The Fawrups appreciate the
flexibility of their volunteer
work in the program, and that
they aren’t required to do any
of the fundraising to put the
projects together, but always
feel that this organization is
definitely the right direction for
them to use their talents during
retirement, and regularly feel
they get divine reinforcement.
Barbara chuckled, “It seems
that on every trip we have taken
that God gives us a reminder
that He is in the project with
us. On our first trip to Idaho,
we experienced that early on.
Northbound on I-15 in Utah we
lost a tire on the motor home
and limped into Cedar City.
For hours we searched every
tire dealer in town and no one
had the right size. It was either
hours to St. George or Salt Lake
City to find a replacement. In
frustration and exhaustion we
found a parking spot out of the
way behind a truck stop with a tire service bay that had
already told us they didn’t have the replacement. It was
only after all of our best efforts that we remembered that
we were on this trip to serve God and not ourselves.
Suddenly we felt embarrassed that we were frustrated.
We stopped and prayed to God that we were on His
mission, not ours, and asked help in deciding what to
I then took the dog for a walk near the tire shed where
two workers were taking a break outside. We struck up
a conversation and I told them I was the one who called
about the tire they didn’t have. One worker looked at
me, looked back at the motor home. I swear I could see
a light go on in his head. He just recalled he had a special
ordered metric tire that was never picked up. It might
be the right dimensions. After careful measurements
and calculations, they determined it was the correct
size. Apparently, God had already stocked the right tire
in the right place for us, but wanted us to recognize that
before he revealed it to us,” she laughed.
The Fawrups just returned from a nearby project in
Arrowhead Springs in San Bernardino. The 1800 acre
site was developed at the location of a natural landmark
that appears to be an arrowhead carved into a hillside
above some naturally occurring hot springs. It is
now owned by a descendant organization of Campus
Crusade for Christ, now called CRU.
Native Americans considered it a spiritual monument.
In the 1800’s it became a Sanatorium for tuberculosis
and respiratory ailments. Various hotels had iterations
at the site over the years. Before Palm Springs and Las
Vegas became the go to spot for celebrities, Arrowhead
Springs was the spot to see and be seen for movie stars
and the rich and famous. “Elizabeth Taylor spent her
first honeymoon in the penthouse suite,” according to
the Fawrups, and “Esther Williams, of swimming fame,
filmed a movie at the Cabana Pool there, and countless
stars vacationed in the many bungalows there.”
The Fawrups explained, “After a period of disuse,
Campus Crusade for Christ (now CRU) obtained the
property in the early 1960’s. Restoring and improving
the property, CRU utilized the site for 31 years before
moving to Florida. The resort served as a training ground
for missionaries, as well as a retreat and conference
center for southern California and beyond. Many a
happy couple had their weddings on the expansive lawn
in front of the hotel. With over 20,000 full time CRU
missionaries and 225,000 CRU volunteers worldwide,
Arrowhead Springs Resort memories span the globe
among the many who started with their training there.
It is the goal of CRU to now pass on this asset to another
organization that will embrace its heritage and continue
its legacy of bringing service to the surrounding
communities and the world.”
In January the Fawrups head to Camp Maranatha in
Idyllwild for yet another project.
If you are interested in the work of this group, contact
Mobile Missionary Assistance Program for more
information by visiting www.MMAP.org, or contact them
at MMAPHQ@gmail.com, (909) 795-3944. The Fawrups
keep a blog of their adventures at MMMP at http://
More information about the future possibilities of
Arrowhead Springs is available through the listing broker,
Jones Lang LaSalle Real Estate. www.joneslanglasalle.
It's not just the economy - there are lots of reasons that people choose to downsize. It could be retirement,
a recently emptied nest, or just plain "maintenance fatigue." Whatever the reason, plan your
new lifestyle carefully.
When you search for a smaller home, don't forget that Location is still the key ingredient. Even if you
don't have kids or they've flown the coop, a good school district and proximity to public transportation
and recreation are still the best bets for retaining value.
If this will be a retirement move, think about the future and seek out homes on one level, or at the
very least, with the master bedroom on the ground floor. For practicality's sake, at least one bathroom
should be handicap-accessible or easily remodeled as such. Even if you don't think you'll need
it later on, your visitors might appreciate the convenience.
If downsizing to you means less maintenance, you may be tempted by town home or condominium
living, but be aware of "hidden costs," like annual or monthly homeowners association fees. Check
recent association meeting reports to see if there is a building renovation planned, as you could be
hit with an assessment fee in the future, too.
There are a lot of considerations in advance of your move, so ask an agent for more advice and enjoy
your new lifestyle!
The holidays can be a wonderful, yet stressful time. Reduce stress and enhance your
families’ enjoyment this season by increasing the benefits of holiday décor and gifts
and by taking a few shortcuts to properly care for holiday trees and plants.
1. Keep your Christmas tree looking its best by keeping the tree stand filled with
water. Make this a daily chore for someone trying to stay on Santa’s nice list.
Don’t worry if good help is hard to find. Purchase or make your own self-watering
device. Use a decorative tin or plastic bucket set in a box and wrapped to hide its
presence. Fill it with water and run a piece of plastic tubing from the bucket to the
tree stand. Weight each end of the tubing, so it stays at the bottom of the reservoir.
Test before leaving town to make sure it is in working order.
2. Add some holiday plants this year. Many studies have shown that indoor plants
can boost mood levels, reduce fatigue and even lower stress.
Plus, it’s easy to extend the life of your holiday plants. Place them in a cool bright location away from
drafts of hot or cold air. Water thoroughly and often enough to keep the soil moist. Pour off any excess
water that collects in the saucer, basket or foil wrap to prevent root rot.
Save time and improve your plants growing conditions by placing pebbles in the base of the saucer or foil
to elevate the plants above the excess water. As the water evaporates, it increases the humidity around the
plants. Or purchase one of the saucer inserts, like rubber grids, that work the same way.
3. Use nature-inspired decorations that provide enjoyment throughout the holiday season and beyond.
Colorful stems, white painted allium seed heads and wooden stars can add beauty throughout the holidays
and much of the year. Red wood wreaths are festive enough for the holidays and timeless enough to leave
hanging on your wall year round. Luminaries can be used to light the entrance to your home or the path
to your outdoor living space during warmer months. Use a few roosting pocket bird houses to decorate
trees and greenery and then move them outside for the birds. These decorations can provide beauty and
enjoyment way beyond the holiday season and remove some of the pressure to take down all of the holiday
decorations by a certain date.
4. Spruce up indoor plants with a few holiday flowers, spangles and lights. Place a few cut flowers in floral
picks filled with water. Place these in one or more of your houseplants for some seasonal color. Or add one
of the miniature poinsettias, kalanchoes or cyclamen to a large planter. Simply sink the flowering plant,
pot and all, into your houseplant container. Replace the small flowering plants as they fade or the seasons
Add colorful stems, ribbons and winter branch lights to your houseplants and planters for a bit of seasonal
sparkle. Branch lights are also a festive way to light an entrance, bathroom, or other out of the way space.
Look for lights with timers to extend the life of the batteries and reduce your workload.
5. Increase value and extend enjoyment with gifts that give twice. A tabletop spruce tree, perfect for any size
home can add greenery and fragrance long past the holidays. And, once the weather is suitable for planting,
move your tree into the garden. Or re-gift it to a friend or relative looking to expand their landscape.
Make this a holiday you can relax, enjoy and remember throughout the coming year.
For more gardening tips and information, visit www.melindamyers.com
Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: editor@mtnviewsnews.com Website: www.mtnviewsnews.com