Mountain Views News Saturday, December 8, 2012
HAIL Hamilton My Turn
STUART Tolchin..........On LIFE
Susan Henderson
Dean Lee
Joan Schmidt
LaQuetta Shamblee
Pat Birdsall
Patricia Colonello
John Aveny
Chris Leclerc
Bob Eklund
Howard Hays
Paul Carpenter
Stuart Tolchin
Kim Clymer-Kelley
Christopher Nyerges
Peter Dills
Hail Hamilton
Rich Johnson
Chris Bertrand
Ron Carter
Rev. James Snyder
Bobby Eldridge
Mary Carney
Katie Hopkins
Deanne Davis
Despina Arouzman
Greg Wellborn
Dr. John Talevich
Ben Show
Sean Kayden
Jasmine Kelsey Williams
What sad times we live in. My pension as a teacher has
been funded largely by me. I put in my money, year after
year. It is true my school district matched these funds, but at
a cost to me of a lower salary. These funds were supposedly
wisely invested by the California Teachers Retirement System
(CalSTRS) and are now waiting to pay me when I retire. Other public employees
pay into California Public Employees Retirement System (CalPERS).
Private sector employees mostly chose to stick their money into Individual
Retirement Accounts (IRAs). Often, but not always, a private sector employee’s
contribution to these IRAs is matched by the employer.
Same deal. Right? Well, not exactly. IRA income results are not guaranteed,
pensions are. This means private sector workers are being forced to “bet” their
retirement on the performance of the stock market, since IRAs are bundled and
traded like any other security. This is like a crap shoot. If the IRA’s manager picks
a bad mutual fund, you get to eat dog food the rest of your life.
Cutting pensions is corrupt; it is outright theft. These funds look like public
money. Not so. Pensions are a contractual promise to many people who worked
many years while saving their money for their retirement. Isn’t that the responsible
thing to do?
Although pension funds are also invested in the stock market, cutting public
pensions is illegal, since public pension levels are guaranteed by contractual
agreements made through the collective bargaining process.
So why then, would you think these “public pension” funds are up for grabs by
politicians trying to offset their spending binge this last decade?
The simple answer is that they can, and that they have ample precedent to do
so. The government has been spending your social security money (I say yours,
because teachers see very little of “their” Social Security because of a statutory off-
set for receiving CalSTRS benefits) ever since LBJ did it first in 1965 to help pay
for the Vietnam War. This fiscal sleight of hand has been used by every president
since then.
Currently the federal government owes the Social Security Fund $2.6 trillion.
All of you who complain that you paid into the system need to face up to the
fact that while you were enjoying your inflated salaries and bragging about your
expensive homes and cars, you forgot your duty, your responsibility to protest this
ongoing theft over the last 40 years.
Don’t think you can protest now -- you long-ago lost that right, and the current
police state, which has been created as a result of the Patriot Act and supported
with its corporate media lackeys, is armed to the teeth and ready. You will simply
be labeled in the press as a bunch disgruntled gray-haired domestic terrorists.
Now, getting your checks will not be a problem, but when this third financial
bubble bursts and inflation kicks in, your “money” is not going to buy much. After
awhile, it might not even feed you. There’s no point in blaming the grocery store
or “those damn foreigners”. For some unknown reason, people do not understand
that rising prices are a result of, a symptom of - not the cause of - inflation. The
government is certainly not going to admit any wrongdoing, and sadly, most of the
public will continue to believe them.
Our financial system is broken, and the troubles we are having, like a few bankrupt
cities and these beginning pension cuts, are only the first falling bricks and shingles.
In most cases, the cost of shoring up underfunded or poorly managed retirement
funds is going slowly. In many states, like California, benefits are guaranteed and
difficult to modify. Because of the guaranteed nature of benefits, there is no quick
But the answer isn’t demonizing government pensioners. Steven Kreisberg,
collective bargaining director at the American Federation of State, County and
Municipal Employees, the nation’s biggest public-sector union, says pension
problems were caused by investment losses that can be gradually recovered, rather
than due to overly rich benefits. “When you lose 20% of your assets in a single year
that’s what caused the problem.”
No matter what the cause - corporate theft, poor funds management or stock
market fluctuations - the coming loss of “guaranteed retirement income” is going to
hit all government pensioners. Be aware, and be prepared …
I really want this
article to be positive
and under present
circumstances this
is not an easy thing
to accomplish. No,
it’s not because the
Lakers blew a huge fourth quarter lead,
but perhaps it is a bit connected. I
watched the game with my son, Aaron
and acted as if I was a radio announcer
trying to engage him in the game as
much as possible. Perhaps some of
you invisible and unknown, but I hope
devoted, readers will remember a couple
of years ago when Aaron, an adult
disabled person, suffered almost the
entire loss of vision in one eye. I started
one article with the words “Information,
information” which is what I thought the
Chinese born and heavily accented eye
surgeon was saying to me as he examined
the eye. “What information; what else
do you need to know?” was the best I
could do. Of course it turned out that
the doctor was not saying “information”
but was saying “INFLAMATION,
INFLAMATION” as he examined my
son’s eye. Eventually, after the three
operations surgery saved most of Aaron’s
vision in his right eye but left him only
with pin-point vision in his left eye.
Now, about two years later it is
November 28th and it is my son and
daughter’s birthday. They are not twins
but are born two years apart which
always seems like some joke awaiting a
punch line. This year, on her birthday
my daughter was suffering from pink
eye and my wife, son, and I were careful
to keep our distance. Aaron, however,
began to complain about some sort of
shadow in the corner of his right eye—
his good eye. At first I thought it was all
psychosomatic, as frankly my own eye
was sort of itching. Luckily that night
Aaron decided to stay overnight because
he didn’t want to drive home in the dark.
At about 9:30 he began to complain
again about the shadow and I became
concerned. Something told me I had to
do something right now and I told my
wife we had to do contact somebody.
Who you gonna call - the eye clinic
is closed until tomorrow morning. I
recalled that one of the first doctors who
examined my son at Kaiser, a doctor
who also had a disabled son, had given
us his home number and told us it was
all right for us to call in an emergency.
This was two years before, but through
some heroic searching my wife was able
to find the home number and we called.
The doctor was very considerate and
told us to come into the eye clinic art
7:30 a.m. and that he would personally
examine my son. We brought him in,
the doctor examined him and said “If
you waited another 24 hours he would
have lost all sight.
This condition, retinal detachment,
required another kind of specialist
who could perform the necessary
procedure. Sometime later a retinal
surgeon appeared and examined Aaron
while asking him to position his eyes
in certain ways. The doctor explained
that because Aaron could not comply
with these difficult directions it would
not be possible to use a laser technique
or a freezing technique and a different
procedure would have to be followed.
The procedure to be used was to remove
the liquid from the eye and insert a gas
bubble. After the operation the patient,
Aaron, would be required to keep his
head down for two weeks which would
allow gravity to assist the retina in
reattaching properly and the scaring
process would seal the hole.
The operation took place on the very
same day. It is now three days later and
Aaron is sleeping on his stomach and
keeping his head down as best as he can.
His eye is presently not functioning but
the Doctor told us that the operation
went well and vision would return in a
couple of weeks. Aaron has asked me
one time if he would be able to see and I
told him he would. He believed me and I
believed me and that is a very good sign.
Now for the positive part of the
column. I am uncomfortable in saying
I feel blessed, as if I am defaming my
life-long atheism. Let’s just say that I
feel incredibly fortunate that I live in
a Country that makes medical care
available in such a rapid and expert
fashion. I feel so lucky that the Doctor
had given us his home number. Most
amazingly, I am constantly awed by the
loving presence and ability of my wife,
who acts as a round the clock nursemaid
and eye drop applicator. Let us be
truthful. I COULD NOT DO IT.
Finally, I am proud of my son’s courage
and strength. What my son and my wife
have given to me and to each other is of
a value beyond money. I am optimistic
that the operation will be successful
but I have already learned something
important about values and wealth. I
am a very rich man.
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A Weekly Religion Column by Rev. James Snyder
RICH Johnson
Well, here we are knee deep in December again. It seems
like it wasn’t but a year ago that we were in December.
Does time travel faster the older you get? It seems like it
to me.
This could be my second to last column for the newspaper. No, I’m not unhappy
with anybody. But, if the world ends Friday, December 21st that’s it.
I’m not doing any more columns.
It seems this is believed to be the end date of a 5,125 year cycle known as
the Mesoamerican Long Count calendar. The Mayans (Is that anything like
Presbyterian?) were one of the many Pre-Columbian Mesoamerican cultures
that used this calendar. I guess the Mayans had a better PR firm then
those other cultures so they get the credit for this coming armageddon.
So what is going to happen? Some suggest there will be a combined gravitational
effect between our Sun and the super massive black hole at the center
of our galaxy (known affectionately as Sagittarius A*) Apparently this already
happened once in 1998 but I guess it didn’t take. At least I didn’t notice
the world ending in 1998. Some say it happens every 26 million years. I
guess it’s just our bad luck.
Just maybe the end will come because hundreds of thousands of websites
have been posted on the subject of the end of the world. Maybe the internet
will explode and for most of us in 2012 that would be cataclysmic. Maybe
all the iPhones and Android phones are programmed to melt down on December
21st. If the world doesn’t end on that day, but if I have to live without
my iPhone it will seem like the end of the world.
I asked my son about the Mayan end of the world prediction and he said he
it was too bad the Ancient Mayans could predict the end of the world but
couldn’t foresee the coming Spanish invasion.
Could an event that took place on December 21st be triggering the upcoming
1620 The Pilgrims land at Plymouth Rock on this day
1913 The first Crossword Puzzle is printed in the New York World
1937 Snow White and the Seven Dwarves premiers in Hollywood
Or could the coming cataclysm be the result of the birth of someone on
December 21?
Phil Donahue, Jane Fonda, Samuel L. Jackson, Ray Romano, Kiefer Sutherland,
Josef Stalin.
AHA! I’ve have discovered what may be the key to the end of the world.
A simple, ordinary birth (Don’t forget that 2,000 years ago a single birth
changed the world).
Seventy-two years ago a child was born in Baltimore to Italian parents. The
child, a boy, was sickly as a youngster. In fact, a doctor treated him by inserting
a pellet of radium into each of his nostrils. And he was never the same.
It somehow all makes sense now. That child…?
I guess this explains it all.
I will confess right
up front to a certain
degree of confusion.
The Gracious Mistress
of the Parsonage
will corroborate this confession. So
many things confuse me; I am not sure
where to begin, and once I begin, where
in the world will it stop?
I have been married for over 41 years but
I must confess, not to the same woman.
Oh yes, it is the same woman with the
same name but it is not the same woman
I married 41 years ago. Where is that
young woman I married?
When first married, I thought I knew everything
there was to know about women
and wives in particular. I do not know
if it is the ensuing years but I am rather
confused about this whole matter of being
married. I suppose that is the mystery
of romance. If you ever figure it out it loses
its charm. Romance without charm is
just an old man and an old woman who
have lived together for 41 years.
That is just one area of confusion. I harbor
no aspiration of unconfusing my
level of confusion in that area. There are
other areas I could work on that might
be a little more productive in this regard.
An area particularly that has me greatly
confused is the Christmas season with all
the Christmas decorations including the
ominous Christmas tree. Oh, how I love
that old Christmas tree and decorating
it and celebrating the whole Christmas
What has been confusing me for the last
several years is this uncertainty about the
season. Some people do not want to call
it the Christmas season; rather they refer
to it as the holiday season. What I want
to know is, what holiday are we celebrating
in December?
I know the holiday we celebrate in November,
and the other holidays sprinkled
throughout the year.
In July, for example, nobody calls it a
"holiday parade." It is the Fourth of July
parade, for Pete's sake! In February, nobody
calls it a "holiday banquet." It is a
Valentine's banquet.
Just so everybody knows, nobody will
catch me singing a "holiday carol."
I suppose with all the holidays in this
country throughout the year it would be
simpler just to call everything a "holiday."
That would simplify things and help
those who cannot keep up with the calendar.
I am all for that.
It seems the only squabbling that goes
on is during the month of December.
Actually, the squabbling begins before
our turkey dinner has finished digesting.
Maybe some people get too much
turkey in their system and it clouds their
thinking. All they have to do is squabble
about something and so the only thing in
front of them is the Christmas season. I
get that.
What I do not get is the level of anger
directed in this direction. It would seem
that the Christmas season offers a huge
threat to our society. We cannot call our
Christmas tree a Christmas tree; it has
to be called a holiday tree. Everybody
knows, the word "Christmas tree" is some
kind of code inviting disaster on our society.
I have never heard anybody define
or describe what that disaster would look
What amazes me is simply that this is
a huge issue in some people's minds.
Nothing is more dangerous to society
than this.
The word "Christmas" carries with it
more danger to our society than the
ominous financial cliff we are facing, the
threat of terrorism in our own country
and Lindsay Lohan at 4 AM.
What is more confusing to me is that
these people who are trying to protect
our society from anything religious
wants to substitute the word "Christmas"
for the word "holiday." It just shows the
level of education in our country has not
kept up with the times.
I know it has been a long time since I
have been in school, but I do know that
certain words have certain definitions.
Do the people who object to anything religious
understand that the word holiday
comes from the phrase "holy day?"
I am not a PhD but I do know that the
phrase "holy day" has religious roots.
So, I am really confused along this line.
On the one hand, we are not to use the
word "Christmas" because of its religious
connotations. At the same time, we
are supposed to use the word "holiday"
which in every dictionary in the land
means "holy day."
I could be corrected along this line, but
in my thinking the phrase, "holy day" has
some very distinct religious roots. When
I hear somebody complaining along this
line, and they do it so vehemently, I have
a question as to their sanity. It does not
make sense to me.
Christmas is a holy day but we are not
allowed to think of it as a holy day just
use the term "holiday." Now I am really
confused. Is it a holiday or a holy day?
Is it sacred or is it secular? What holiday
does a holiday tree really celebrate?
I like what the apostle Paul wrote, "Let no
man therefore judge you in meat, or in
drink, or in respect of an holyday, or of
the new moon, or of the Sabbath days"
(Colossians 2:16 KJV).
I will not allow any man's objections affect
my celebration of the Christmas season.
To quote from a great secular classic,
"God bless us, everyone."
Rev. James L. Snyder is pastor of the Family
of God Fellowship, PO Box 831313, Ocala, FL
34483. He lives with his wife, Martha, in Silver
Springs Shores. e-mail jamessnyder2@att.net.
His web site is www.jamessnyderministries.
com http://www.jamessnyderministries.com
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