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HAPPY NEW YEAR! VOLUME 7 NO 2 SATURDAY, JANUARY 12, 2013 SIERRA MADRE COUNCIL VOTES TO PROTEST COUNTY PARCEL TAX CONSTRUCTION BEGINS ON EAST GRAND VIEW Sierra Madre, CA – City of Sierra Madre Public Works staff has begun the first of three projects that will take place along the 600 block of East Grand View Avenue over the next few months. The first project consists of constructing a new, permanent entry to the spreading basin facility. The new gate will replace the existing entry that’s adjacent to Sycamore Place. The project includes removal of a portion of the old rubble perimeter wall around the facility and the construction of new entry pilasters using the wall materials. This project is designed to facilitate the two following projects. The second project will begin on February 4th, when staff from the Metropolitan Water District (MWD) will arrive at the spreading basins and begin to make preparations for the construction of a point of connection to the 9 ½ foot MWD Upper Feeder pipeline that traverses Sierra Madre along Grand View. Actual construction in the street will begin February 14. The project will require the complete closure of Grand View between February 21st and 28th, along with around-the-clock construction activity during that period. The project will continue with intermittent traffic interruptions through April 21. (Inclement weather may lengthen the project duration, beyond the current schedule.) While traffic will be detoured around the work area along Foothill Avenue, residents are urged to use Sierra Madre Boulevard instead of the Foothill detour, out of courtesy to the residents of that neighborhood. Please assist MWD and the City in minimizing the impact on the project’s neighbors. The third project will be the construction of a 12 inch pipeline from the new MWD point of connection along the east side of the city’s spreading basin property to connect directly with the City’s water system at the maintenance yard. This project is not expected to have traffic impacts. The MWD connection for Sierra Madre is being constructed in order to provide an emergency water supply for the city. The project is timely in light of one of the City’s four wells being damaged and out of service indefinitely, and in light of the decline in water levels in the City’s aquifer. Both water projects are wholly funded by the San Gabriel Valley Municipal Water District. On Tuesday, the Sierra Madre City Council unanimously voted to protest the LA County’s proposed “Clean Water, Clean Beaches Act”. The Measure would impose an annual fee to pay for clean water programs for all property owners within the LA County Flood Control District. Because the Measure would result in a tax increase, the Board of Supervisors are required to follow the Prop. 218 protest process which allows those on whom the prposed tax is to be imposed to protest. If sufficient protests are submitted, the tax cannot be imposed. Protest forms were mailed to property owners in December and the deadline for submitting them is January 15th. The City of Sierra Madre will submit protests for each of the 74 properties owned by the city as a result of the council’s vote on Tuesday. In the staff report, it was noted that the city’s fee on its properties would be about $16,919. The would receive approximately $156,000 in additional revenue from the county to use on Clean water programs such as the reduction of pollution from storm water runoff. “Sixty percent of the money goes to bureaucracy. It goes to establishing a watershed authority group, where, if you ask them what a watershed authority group is, they’re not quite sure yet”, said Councilman John Harabedian, Throughout the impacted area, 51% of the affected parcels would have to submit a protest in order to stop the Measure. LA County Supervisor Michael Antonovich is opposed to the measure. He urged county residents to check their mailboxes for the “Official Notice to Property Owners of Public Hearing” and went on to say, “While the mailing looks like junk mail, it is an important document that allows one to protest the proposed parcel tax,”, encouraging property owners to “return the protest form to stop this additional tax,” he added. “Property owners, schools and businesses already pay flood control taxes and now they are being asked to fork over more money at a time when families are struggling, schools are hurting and businesses are fleeing the state.” The Board of Supervisors will hold a public hearing on Tuesday, Jan. 15 at 9:30 a.m. regarding the protests. Property owners may contact (800) 218-0018 or visit www.lacountycleanwater. org. for additional information. S. Henderson/MVNews SIERRA MADRE SEARCH AND RESCUE LOG During the month of December, Sierra Madre Search and Rescue (SMSR) responded to five calls for assistance. December closed out a busy 2012 for SMSR with the Team responding to 105 incidents during the year. During these search and rescue operations SMSR provided assistance to 123 individuals lost or injured in the mountains. Over 5,100 hours of time were logged by Team members while on these calls. In addition to actual search and rescue calls, Team members logged over 7,900 hours of time in 2012 in support of the Team’s mission. This included 27 public preventative search and rescue (PSAR) events where Team members discuss wilderness safety and preparedness with scout groups, schools, and other community groups. Team members logged over 5,400 hours of training in a broad array of SAR disciplines in order to maintain the high level of proficiency required to safely perform SAR operations. In total, Team members logged over 13,000 hours of official time in support of SMSR work. Many additional hours of unofficial time are spent by individual Team members maintaining their readiness to respond to any need. Two noteworthy calls from December are described in more detail below. Injured Hikers, Mount Baldy: The Team responded to Mt. Baldy at 5:30 p.m. as part of a mutual aid request by San Bernardino County’s West Valley SAR team on December 23rd. At over 10,000 feet in elevation, Mt. Baldy often presents hikers with significant winter mountaineering challenges. Snow and ice conditions on the mountain had resulted in two hikers being injured in unrelated accidents. Any accidents on the mountain can easily result in very difficult rescues for SAR teams. Nine members of SMSR joined personnel from several LA County Sheriff SAR teams including Montrose Search and Rescue and San Dimas Mountain Rescue, along with additional San Bernardino and Kern county SAR teams, the USFS and LA County Fire on what would be a complex multi-hour rescue. One of the injured hikers was stranded at over 9,300 feet on the mountain and was suffering from multiple serious injuries sustained in a fall along the Devil’s Backbone Trail. Due to weather conditions, rescuers were unable to use a helicopter to effect a hoist rescue and instead lowered the subject over 1,800 feet by rope in a series of high angle lowers to the Sierra Club Ski Hut located near the base of Baldy Bowl and approximately 2.5 miles from the trailhead. This technical rescue operation took several hours and was conducted during the middle of the night in extremely stormy conditions involving high winds, snow, and freezing rain. The second hiker had been injured in a different location and had also been brought to the Ski Hut by rescue crews. The sun rose on Christmas Eve with rescue crews using the Ski Hut to get the injured hikers out of the weather, rewarm them and provide additional medical treatment in preparation for a litter evacuation. Additional personnel from SMSR responded to the incident to provide support for crews on what would be a multi-hour evacuation down over 2.5 miles of trail for the two injured hikers along with 3 additional hikers who, while uninjured, required assistance getting out. The litter evacuation often required the use of an array of rope rescue techniques to safely get the subjects to the trailhead. Once the trailhead was reached the injured hikers were loaded into waiting ambulances and transported to local hospitals for treatment. The operation was concluded almost exactly 24 hours from when it began with a significant number of the rescuers having worked the rescue continuously from its beginning. Rescuers would be home for Christmas Eve knowing that they had made a difference in the lives of 5 people. The ability of rescuers from multiple teams and agencies to work together in adverse conditions is a testament to the dedication, determination and skills of those involved. The Team extends our appreciation to the other emergency services agencies that we work with including; Sierra Madre Fire Department, Sierra Madre Police Department, LA County Fire Department, Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department, the US Forest Service, and our fellow SAR teams across the state. Most importantly, we’d like to extend our sincere thanks to the residents of Sierra Madre and those that support the Team and enable us to help those in need. For over 60 years the all-volunteer Sierra Madre Search and Rescue team has been responding to calls for help in the local mountains and beyond. Funded entirely by private donations, SMSR provides a range of public programs on wilderness safety in addition to its search and rescue activities. The Team never charges for any of its services. For more information, including how to arrange a wilderness safety demonstration for your school or group, visit www.smsr.org. Photo courtesy Tim Cadogan, SMSR March 17, 2013March 17, 2013• Sierra Madre Wistaria Festival •• Sierra Madre Wistaria Festival • MEDICARE PREVENTIVE SERVICES................................Page 13 This Week’s Highlights: Calendar Page 2 Sierra Madre News Page 3 Pasadena/Altadena Page 4 Around San Gabriel Valley Page 5 Looking Up Page 5 Arcadia Page 6 Monrovia/Duarte Page 7 Education and Youth Page 8 Good Food & Drink Page 9 Best Friends Page 10 Arts/Health Page 11 Homes & Property Page 12 The Good Life Page 13 Business Today Page 14 Left Turn/Right Turn Page 15 Opinion Page 16 Legal Notices Page 17-21 FYI Page 22 AROUND SG Valley SIERRA MADRE NEWS 5 3 Nyerges on Huell Howser Remembrance: ARLIE HAHN ARCADIA NEWS 6 PASADENA/ALTADENA 4 MONROVIA/DUARTE 7 Councilman Steve Madison Recall Effort Begins | |||||||||||||||||||||
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Mountain Views News 80 W. Sierra Madre Blvd. #327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.604.4548 www.mtnviewsnews.com |