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‘Tis The Season....Shop Local VOLUME 6 NO 48 SATURDAY, DECEMBER 1, 2012 SIERRA MADRE EVENTS MARK BEGINNING OF THE HOLIDAY SEASON Woman’s Club Holds Annual Thanksgiving Prayer Breakfast Santa , The Grinch and Snow Help Light Up The Night at the Who Ville Festival The Honorable Dorothy Nelson (ret.) of the Bahai Faith speaks as Reverends Bamberger, Crisp and Caldenbach listen attentively. Story and Photo By Bill Coburn The day before Thanksgiving, the one- hundred five year old Sierra Madre Woman’s Club again hosted its annual Prayer Breakfast at the historic Essick House, their clubhouse for the last forty years, attended by, as Programs Chairwoman described it, “the movers and shakers” of the community. Mayor Josh Moran and Mayor Pro Tem Nancy Walsh, and Council members Chris Koerber and John Harabedian were joined by City Manager Elaine Aguilar, City Treasurer (and Citizen of the Year)Richard Mays and every department head in City government. Fire Chief Steve Heydorff and former Police Chief Marilyn Diaz, who will soon leave on a five week trip to India on behalf of Rotary were in attendance. Kiwanis president Susan Henderson, former Citizens of the Year (and former mayors) Rob Stockly and George Maurer were in attendance. The Senior Community Commission was well represented with member and past Older American of the Year Fran Garbacchio, former Citizen of the Year (and Senior Community Commissioner) Marilyn McKernan, Commissioner Dorothy Jerneycic and Commissioner Nina Bartolai, who was joined by her former mayor husband Clem, in attendance. And former Commission Chair Ann Luke, who is also former president of Kiwanis and the Chamber of Commerce was also in attendance. And that’s just a partial list of the nearly one hundred in attendance, so perhaps Ms. Carney was understating the case. Unofficial town historian (and Woman’s Club membership Chair) Phyllis Chapman introduced all these folks. As everyone arrived, piano was played by Eunis Banis. As the event opened, President Emeritus Phyllis Bugh did the invocation and led the crowd in singing “Come, Ye Thankful People, Come” and “America the Beautiful”. Event Chair Shahrzad Arzani supervised the working volunteers of the Club in serving everyone coffee, juice, muffins, fresh fruit and quiche. But the purpose of the meeting was to hear the messages of thanks presented by Very Reverend Michael Bamberger of the Episcopal Church of the Ascension, Reverend Paul S. Beck, Senior of the Sierra Madre Congregational Church, Rev. George Crisp of the Sierra Madre United Methodist Church, Reverend Dr. Jolene Cadenbach of Arcadia Congregational United Church of Christ, Hon. Judge Dorothy Nelson of the Baha’i Faith and Deacon Manuel Valencia of St. Rita’s Catholic Church. The Benediction was given by the Most Reverend Alan Phillip, C. P. of the Mater Dolorosa Passionist Community Retreat Center. Reverend Bamberger led off, speaking about resilience, which he had witnessed firsthand recently when he was helping the Episcopal Church as a disaster consultant in the northeast areas affected by Hurricane Sandy. He observed that people live everyday essentially looking thru lenses that have a spectrum, and that those spectrums reflect opposing functions that we often live somewhat in the middle of. Fear and faith, gratitude and resentment, scarcity and abundance, and the biggest of all, hope and despair. He noted that faith and gratitude help people to be resilient, and that it’s our job to offer words of encouragement for hope, “to remind people about gratitude, to remind people about abundance, and of course, to remind people about faith.” Pastor Beck then got up and opened with the joke about the monk who entered a monastery where he was limited to two words per year, and after the first year, he said “Bed hard.” After the second year, he commented “Food bad.” And the third year, his two words were “I quit.” The head of the monastery replied “I’m not surprised, you’ve done nothing but complain since you got here.” He observed that the Bible addresses complaining in the book of Phillipians, chapter 2, verse 14 “Do everything without grumbling or arguing,” and he wondered “How do we do that?” He suggested that it was by doing what we will be doing tomorrow as we gather around the table, by counting our blessings. (cont. page 8) Above - Santa, Mayor Pro Tem Nancy Walsh and The Grinch share a light hearted moment during the Tree Lighting Ceremony in Kersting Court at the Who Ville Festival. Photo by Dave Felt. Below, local boy scouts assisted with the snow slide. The Festival also included train rides, horse & carriage rides and booths with handcrafted goods from local non profits. Photo by Bill Coburn The Sierra Madre Chamber of Commerce held its’ first annual Who Ville Festival to jump start the holiday shopping season last Saturday. The event was held in conjunction with Small Business Saturday, a nationwide effort to encourage shoppers to help sustain local business. In previous years, the Chamber has hosted Dickens Village, however a “change in the theme to the popular Who Ville from Dr. Suess’ books will hopefully attract more families”, said Chamber Board Chairman Ed Chen. Despite the unseasonably warm weather, 86 degrees when the festival opened at 1 pm, the event managed to keep a steady stream of shoppers and diners in the local shops and restaurants. MVNews ALTERNATIVE GIFT FAIR & BOUTIQUE Sierra Madre United Methodist Church is holding an Alternative Christmas Gift Fair & Boutique on Sunday, December 2, 2012 from 11:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. Celebrate the spirit of the holiday season with a gift that truly “gives back.” Your donations help support the relief efforts of local organizations such as San Gabriel Valley Habitat for Humanity, Friends in Deed, Foothill Unity Center, Family Promise, and global efforts such as Heifer International and missionary programs in Mexico. New this year is a boutique featuring homemade gifts. Fair Trade items from Equal Exchange and the Ten Thousand Villages Store will also be available. The Church is located at 695 W. Sierra Madre Blvd. in Sierra Madre. Call 626-355-0629 for more information. RED CROSS TO HOLD HOLIDAY BLOOD DRIVE Save the date! On Thursday, December 20th the Sierra Madre Community Services Department and American Red Cross will host a Community Blood Drive from 12 noon to 6:00 pm. The event will be held at the SM Community Recreation Center, 611 E. Sierra Madre Blvd., and is open to the public. Individuals who are 17 years of age or older, 110 pounds or more and are in generally good health are eligible to donate blood. As a thank you to all donors, the American Red Cross is providing Subway sandwiches plus a coupon from Cold Stone Creamery! With the recent Tropical Storm Sandy blood donations are needed more than ever and what better time than the holidays to donate. To schedule an appointment, please visit www. redcrossblood.org or contact the Community Services Department at (626) 355-7394. CALIFORNIA TO PARTICIPATE IN POWERBALL.......PAGE 16 This Week’s Highlights: Calendar Page 2 Sierra Madre News Page 3 Pasadena/Altadena Page 4 Around San Gabriel Valley Page 5 Arcadia Page 6 Monrovia/Duarte Page 7 Holiday Happenings Page 8 Education and Youth Page 9 Good Food & Drink Page 10 Best Friends Page 11 Sports Page 11 Arts/Health Page 12 Homes & Property Page 13 The Good Life Page 14 Business Today Page 15 Left Turn/Right Turn Page 16 Opinion Page 17 Legal Notices Pages 18-21 SIERRA MADRE NEWS AROUND SG Valley 3 5 REMEMBRANCE: Rudy Wunderlin ARCADIA NEWS 6 PASADENA/ALTADENA 4 MONROVIA/DUARTE 6 Hikers rescued from Eaton Canyon | |||||||||||||||||||||
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Mountain Views News 80 W. Sierra Madre Blvd. #327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.604.4548 www.mtnviewsnews.com |