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VOLUME 6 NO 42 SATURDAY, OCTOBER 20, 2012 RESIDENTS PLEA FOR RETURN OF HISTORIC SIGN EAGLE SCOUT PROJECT BENEFITS SIERRA MADRE LIBRARY If you’ve ever driven up Mountain Trail near Churchill, just at what most call the ‘entrance’ to the Upper Canyon, you probably noticed a beautiful sign that said, “Marlborough Terrace”. That sign, which was actually anchored on the corner of the proper of 430 N. Mountail Trail, is now missing and residents of the area are quite upset. “Just give up the sign and no one gets hurt”, said one resident, half joking. The sign has a rich history in the area and in Sierra Madre and its “absence is really disturbing”, said Catherine Adde a longtime canyon resident. It is unclear whether the sign followed the fate of Mother Moo’s Cow that was ‘lifted’ from the front of the store recently, or whether in the course of construction activity near the sign it was taken or destroyed. According to a story about the area in the Sierra Madre News in 1987, the sign was created by Bob McDaniels. Its’ purpose was to replace the original sign which announced entry to what Phyllis Chapman called a “special kind of Eden”. Chapman in a 1983 article on the area, “Its 1400 foot elevation is (reached via) sharp curved, narrow roads that lead to homes located in a sylvan setting with spectacular mountain and valley views.“ Chapman continues, “At one time this section of Sierra Madre was government owned land as a result of the U.S. acquisition of California from Mexico in 1848. In the 1860s it was part of the 160 acres granted to Civil War veteran John Richardson for homesteading” (Sierra Madre News, August 25, 1983). Eventually the land was owned by Henry C. Churchill whose family carried the title of Duke of Marlborough. As reported by Chapman, “In 1921 Z.L. Parmalee purchased the Churchill Ranch, laid out roads, subdivided and advertised it heavily”. Marlborough Terrace was one of the subdivisions that resulted from the transactions. Anyone who has information on the whereabouts of the sign, please contact Sgt. Enriquez at the Sierra Madre Police Department or this paper at 626-355-2737. Eagle Scout is the highest rank in boy scouting and to attain it one must earn at least twenty-one merit badges and complete a service project. When choosing his service project, Alex Tosh, 18, son of Meegan and David Tosh of Sierra Madre, noticed a need at the Sierra Madre Library and figured out a way to meet that need. Two rickety benches by the back door of the library, the “free bench”, were the repository for donated periodicals and surplus books from Friends of the Sierra Madre Library’s book sales. With little support and no cover, items on the benches frequently ended up on the ground or got wet before library patrons could go through them. Alex, a senior at Pasadena High School and a member of Troop103, had his plans approved by the city of Sierra Madre to be sure that what he constructed would be up to code. Working with his dad and two other scouts, Alex built the library’s new “free bench”, an attractive, sturdy, and covered table that will serve the library well. In a letter to Alex, library director Carolyn Thomas praised his contribution and noted that it was a major improvement over what they’d had before. Stop by the library to see our latest addition and perhaps to find a treasure among the items on the new “free bench”. Have you seen this sign (above) anywhere? Do you know what happened to it? Residents in the upper canyon would like to have it back. The area is barren (right) without it. Photos courtesy Catherine Adde Alex Tosh (on the right) and his friend Theo Strickland (left) working on the bench. VOTER REGISTRATION DEADLINE APPROACHES SIERRA MADRE CITY BUDGET: Finding the Right Balance On Monday, October 22 at 7:00pm in the Council Chambers, the Council will host a joint meeting with all its Commissions to present a financial overview of the City's budget and begin the ground work for the City’s Fiscal Year 2013-2015 budget. This meeting is open to the public, and will be aired live on SMTV3 and will stream live through the City's website. The staff report is also on the website. It’s not too late. It’s easy. People can now register to vote online. The deadline to vote in the November election is midnight, Oct. 22. People need to re-register when they move, change their name or change political parties. Eligible voters can register whenever and wherever convenient for them, thanks to the California Department of Motor Vehicles and the Secretary of State’s office. All they need is a California driver license or identification card number, the last four digits of their social security number and date of birth. That’s it. For people who do not have a driver license or identification card, they can complete the online registration form and an online interview by midnight, Oct. 22. They must, however, also print, sign and mail the form to the address on the mailing label. To be eligible to vote a person must be a United States citizen, 18 years of age on or before the day of election, be a resident of California, not be in prison or on parole for conviction of a felony, not judicially determined to be incompetent to vote. People convicted of a felony are eligible to vote once they have served their term. A person does not need to know how to read or write in English or any other language. Assistance is available at the polls. No tests are given. The League of Women Voters Pasadena Area believes voter registration too frequently presents a barrier to eligible voters. Online voter registration will increase the number of registered voters and facilitate updates of voter registration for people who have moved or changed their name or political party by allowing them to do the process online. Online registration will help prevent errors in transcribing handwritten information on registration affidavits and will speed up recording of late registrations and cut down on errors. Voters will be better served AND millions of dollars will be saved. The League encourages all people who are eligible to vote to register and to cast an informed vote in all elections. We believe in the power of the vote, and that government should make voter registration and preregistration easy while assuring that the basic requirements of citizenship, age, and residency are met. DON’T CHECK THAT BOX....YET Take a moment to hear the objective truth about our State & Local Ballot Propositions! On Tuesday, October 23, 2012 at 12:00 noon, the Sierra Madre Kiwanis Club in conunction with the Pasadena League of Women Voters will sponsor a panel of speakers that will give both the Pros and Cons on the eleven statewide and four local ballot propositions. This will be an educational forum where the speakers will not take a position, but rather given the public an objective, informed review of the measures you are asked to vote on. The forum will be held at The Lodge (Formerly the Masonic Temple), 33 E. Sierra Madre Blvd., Sierra Madre. The forum is free. Lunch will be served at noon for a cost of $10. For lunch reservations call 626-355-0728. This Week’s Highlights: Planet Found In Nearest Star System To Earth........Page 5 Calendar Page 2 Sierra Madre News Page 3 Pasadena/Altadena Page 4 Around San Gabriel Valley Page 5 Arcadia Page 6 Monrovia/Duarte Page 7 Education and Youth Page 8 Good Food & Drink Page 10 Best Friends Page 11 Arts/Health Page 12 Homes & Property Page 13 The Good Life Page 14 Business Today Page 15 Sports Page 16 Ballot Box - Election 2012 Page 17 Opinion /Left Turn-Right Turn Pages 18-19 SIERRA MADRE NEWS AROUND SG Valley 3 5 A Closer Look at Endeavor ARCADIA NEWS 6 PASADENA/ALTADENA 4 MONROVIA/DUARTE 7 Fire at City’s Power Plant Read The Paper Online At: www.mtnviewsnews.com | |||||||||||||||||||
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Mountain Views News 80 W. Sierra Madre Blvd. #327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.604.4548 www.mtnviewsnews.com |