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VOLUME 6 NO 41 SATURDAY, OCTOBER 13, 2012 CITY APPROVES SECOND UNIT AMNESTY PROGRAM GEORGE MAURER TURNS THE BIG 90! By Bill Coburn Sierra Madre is initiating a Second Unit Amnesty Program for a six month period, from October 15, 2012 to April 15, 2013. The City recognizes there are a number of second units in the community built without permits; these can be counted towards meeting the State-mandated regional housing needs allocation (the state requires the City have a certain number of affordable housing unit available to residents). Second Unit Amnesty Program offers incentives to property owners registering existing, non-permitted second units demonstrating safe and habitable conditions. Incentives for the property owner include a full waiver of the building application fee, a 50% break on building permit and planning fees if necessary, and relaxation of zoning standards. What is a Second Unit? A second unit is a self-contained residential dwelling unit either attached to the main house (with separate entry from the outside), or in a separate structure on the property. A second unit provides complete independent facilities for living, sleeping, eating, cooking, and sanitation. The City’s goals in establishing the amnesty program are: 1) To encourage healthy and safe conditions in existing housing units. 2) To meet the City’s share of affordable housing units required by the State. 3) To reduce or eliminate the requirement to establish zoning for higher density multi-family housing. Survey A Citywide survey was mailed to all households, to help the City gather information on how many second units exist, what are the rent ranges, size of the units, and who lives in them. The survey is completely anonymous and no identifying information is required. If you received a survey, please fill it out and return it in the self-addressed stamped envelope by October 18, 2012. Why Would I Want A Second Unit Amnesty Permit? A legal second unit can increase your property value and make it more attractive to potential buyers. Provides an opportunity to register existing second units with the City. Allows for the relaxation of development standards during the amnesty period, such as reduced setbacks, and increased height and square feet limits. City staff can provide additional information regarding eligibility requirements and other zoning standards. The City stresses that property owners who inquire about the amnesty program will not be penalized for their non-permitted second unit. Information applicants provide on the Amnesty Permit application will not be used as the basis for enforcement action unless there is a clear and imminent danger to public safety and/or environmental health. For additional information please contact the Sierra Madre Development Services Department at (626) 355-7138. Dozens turned out last Saturday night at the Lodge in Sierra Madre to help George Maurer and his family celebrate his 90th birthday. Friends and family from as far away as Arizona, Texas, Florida and Pennsylvania were treated to a lasagna, ravioli and eggplant parmesan dinner catered by Villa Italia, a PowerPoint show about George’s life, several family created “JibJab” e-card videos, including one “starring” a very limber, long black haired George roller disco dancing, and a delicious cake created by George’s neighbor Ernesto Rojas, a pastry chef at the Pacific Palms Resort, featuring a re-creation of George’s golf cart, complete with photos of George. George Alfred Maurer (above with good friend Gary Hood), was born in Burlington, NJ, on October 5, 1905, to George and Jenny Maurer, their middle child. He attended Burlington High School (in a coincidence of somewhat epic proportions, one of his schoolmates was my father, John Coburn). Living just blocks from the Delaware River, George enjoyed sailing as a young man, so it’s not surprising that shortly after graduating high school, he joined the Navy to serve his country during WWII, in 1943. The following year, he married his sweetheart, Mary, in Norfolk, VA, and they remained married until her death fifty-nine years later. George shipped out shortly after the wedding, and undertook training as a diver in San Diego, while Mary stayed in Philadelphia and waited for his return. It was during this time in San Diego that George fell in love with California, and hoped someday to bring Mary west with him. George was discharged in 1945, and in 1946, they finally got to honeymoon in New York City. In 1951, at the age of 29, George moved with Mary to a home in Pennsauken, NJ, that had been built by family and friends. He was able to walk to work at the local paper “The Community News,” following in the footsteps of his father, who had been a linotype operator and editor of a local newspaper. George and Mary had four children, daughters Mikki and Linda, and twin sons, George and Bill. Mikki, Linda and Bill were at the party, son George passed away in 2009. The family later moved to Covina, CA before settling in Sierra Madre. George worked for the Los Angeles Herald-Examiner and the Pasadena Star News before being hired at the Sierra Madre News, where he worked for nearly thirty years. George served for thirty years as a volunteer firefighter, eleven of them back east, and nineteen years with the Sierra Madre Fire Dept. He was instrumental in bringing the Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) service to the Sierra Madre department, as well as spearheading the Kiwanis Club’s efforts to raise money to purchase the City’s first ambulance. George has served three times as Mayor of Sierra Madre during twelve years on City Council. He also chaired the Senior Housing Committee and spent time on the Planning Commission. George is a longtime member of Sierra Madre Kiwanis, and for several years was the only person ever to also serve with the Sierra Madre Rotary Club. He is currently on the Board of the Chamber of Commerce. In addition to the big birthday celebration, he has been honored by the CA State Senate, Supervisor Michael Antonovich, Sierra Madre Little League, Pasadena City College, Arcadia Methodist Hospital, the American Heart Association, and others. He was named Citizen of the Year by the Sierra Madre Chamber of Commerce in 1974, and currently sits on their Board of Directors. When the City began honoring volunteers, organizations and City employees with their “Sierra Madre Honors” awards, in 2006, George received the first lifetime volunteer award, which has ever since been called the “George Maurer Lifetime Service Award.” After dinner, the crowd sang happy birthday to George, after which he spoke briefly, thanking the crowd for being there, and adding that “… you’ve made my day, and a good start for the next year,” (see video at www.SierraMadreNews. Net/?p=10852). SM CHAMBER CHANGES STRATEGY & OFFICES In his latest communique to Chamber Members, Board President Ed Chen was proud to announce recent activities that have all helped inject new energy into the organization. Says Chen, “Your new “All-Volunteer” Sierra Madre Chamber of Commerce is hard at work! Last month we hosted a very successful breakfast event with State Senator Carol Liu. Thanks to member restaurant CORFU for catering a delicious breakfast. We were grateful to have Mayor Moran, Mayor Pro Tem Walsh, as well as Councilman Harabedian joining us at the event. Also in September, we partnered with the City of Sierra Madre Senior Community Commission and put together a fantastic Health Fair. With the generous support of new chamber member Kensington Assisted Living Facility, this health fair featured health screenings, information tables, and health care practitioners around town. County Supervisor Mike Antonovich’s office was a big help in securing three county health agencies, as well as 20 nursing students from the Los Angeles County College of Nursing and Allied Health that assisted on the day of the event. We are excited about this new partnership and we look forward to future years of working together. We rounded a very busy month of September with a Chamber Mixer/Ribbon-Cutting/Grand Opening Event at T. Boyle’s located at 322 W. Sierra Madre Blvd., formerly Cafe 322. Owner Joel Chavarin did a fantastic job with this location. Flat screen TVs, a very appetizing spread, and delicious beer tastings are just among the amenities at the grand opening of the newest sports bar in town. This event was very well attended by our members as well as owners of many popular restaurant well known to us in the San Gabriel Valley who are friends of Joel. It was a time for celebration! Mayor Moran and Councilman Capoccia helped us cut the ribbons at this great grand opening event. In the upcoming weeks, we have an ambitious calendar ahead of us. In case you have not heard, WE HAVE MOVED! Our new office space is in the two-story professional office building off Suffolck just east of Baldwin (across the street from the Post Office). Please be on the lookout for our own mixer/grand opening at this new chamber office space. This Saturday is the first annual COMPOST GIVEAWAY event hosted by the City of Sierra Madre in partnership with Athens Services, one of our longtime member/annual sponsor. As Athens’ representative to the city, I am excited to be bringing this popular event to Sierra Madre and I hope the residents and businesses can enjoy quality organic compost for their gardens and plants. For the month of November, something new is coming to Sierra Madre! On the Saturday after Thanksgiving, Dickens Village and the City of Sierra Madre is turning into WhoVille! Complete with snow, carriage rides, shopping and fun for everyone! If you would like to help us, please call the chamber office at 355-5111. Chamber Board Member Noah Green chats with Girl Scout Emma Martinez who offered Senior Disaster Preparedness Kits at the recent Health Fair. This Week’s Highlights: Plant Pink During Breast Cancer Awareness Month.........Page 13 Calendar Page 2 Sierra Madre News Page 3 Pasadena/Altadena Page 4 Around San Gabriel Valley Page 5 Arcadia Page 6 Monrovia/Duarte Page 7 Education and Youth Page 8 Good Food & Drink Page 10 Best Friends Page 11 Arts/Health Page 12 Homes & Property Page 13 The Good Life Page 14 Business Today Page 15 Sports Page 16 Ballot Box - Election 2012 Page 17 Opinion /Left Turn-Right Turn Pages 18-19 SIERRA MADRE NEWS AROUND SG Valley 3 5 Sierra Madre Search & Rescue ARCADIA NEWS 6 PASADENA/ALTADENA 4 MONROVIA/DUARTE 7 2013 Rose Court Chosen Read The Paper Online At: www.mtnviewsnews.com | |||||||||||||||||||
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Mountain Views News 80 W. Sierra Madre Blvd. #327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.604.4548 www.mtnviewsnews.com |