Mountain Views News Saturday, October 13, 2012
Book Reviews by Jasmine Kelsey Williams
Review By Sean Kayden
When it comes to a description, there is more than just one way to
describe ‘Cities of the Plain’. Gripping, raw, and different are just a few
terms that fit, but it takes the reader to figure out how they can truly
describe this work by Cormac McCarthy. This selection was introduced
by a personal recommendation of mine, and it is worth the read;
although copyrighted in 1998, ‘Cities of the Plain’ is still as gripping
as it is, with its blunt prose, smooth transitions, and recognition from
reviewers such as New York Times, Los Angeles Times, and Chicago
Tribune. ‘Cities of the Plain’ is the third in McCarthy’s “Border Trilogy”,
and picks up where its predecessors (‘All the Pretty Horses’ and ‘The
Crossing’) left off. The last of this trilogy focuses on John Grady Cole
and Billy Parham, two cowboys who have a brotherly relationship and work together on a
cattle ranch in New Mexico during the year of 1952.
Although they share their stories, hardships and triumphs, ‘Cities of the Plain’ has a somber
tone which will clearly suggest to the reader that not all has been well and not all will be
well. For one, John and Billy both struggle with the fact that the ranch business they are part
of is becoming a dying industry. Another significant change is the shocking moment when
the reader can sympathize or reason with John when his love interest takes the form of a
Mexican prostitute, which can change the reader’s and the other characters’ perspectives. As
the story progresses, this change for John and his love interest brings about a domino effect of
events that drastically changes the course for John and Billy and the tone of the story as well.
Even the formatting is different: throughout the story, the dialogue lacks quotation marks so
that it is completely dependent on the character John to narrate the entire story, and how he
must narrate the reactions of the other characters as well. ‘Cities of the Plain’ in its entirety
brings humor and sorrow to the reader and pieces together a well-written finish on McCarthy’s
trilogy series, which will serve to fully satisfy the reader’s desire for a genuine tale of loss,
romance, and experiencing the journey of where life can take you.
In 2010, Sun Airway released their stunning debut album called “Nocturne
Of Exploded Crystal Chandelier.” However, in spite of what the pretentious
appellation may convey, the album itself was an ethereal but lively infusion of
electronic and dreamy pop rock. With a significant task at hand to follow up
with another great album, surely the question may be posed, does the band
have any artistry left over? The short answer is, “Yes”. While the genre has been beaten to a bloody
pulp by the multitude of bands tying to find the success of electronic aficionados Animal Collective
and M83, Sun Airway has always struck me as a band that was never trying to replicate any sounds
of bands before them. They simply have a deep predilection for lavish synths, fuzzed out beats and
ambitious pop songs, which shouldn’t be held against them for any reason.
Main player Jon Barthmus’ singing is loose and somewhat lackadaisical sounding. The Chris
Martin-esque vocals are peaceful and pretty. The sounds of Sun Airway are really easy-going,
which often leads to songs whizzing by without realizing a song ended and a new one has started.
That’s not to say the songs are fast paced, but if you multi-task while listening, you may not even
become conscious of the song change. Barthmus’ singing has always seemed to take a backseat to
the music, but with the sophomore record, “Soft
Fall,” it doesn’t feel entirely secondary all the time.
Between the two albums, the differences aren’t
too noticeable at first listen. On repeated listens,
I discovered Sun Airway honing their craft more
so than ever. While the debut was a rapturous
experimental treat, the follow up record sounds
more like a band feeling at ease inside their skin.
Instead of feeling like newcomers to the party, Sun
Airway is now hosting the shindig. The songs here have this fragility stitched to them as if each song
is cautious and attentive. From the distance, Sun Airway may enthrall you with its warm sound, but
when you come closer, you’re not as likely to feel the same way. It’s still pleasant to the ears yet the
tracks just flow right pass you if you don’t pay close too attention.
Most songs here need frequent listens before you can get close to them. While no song really
stands out like a sore thumb, the consistency of the album is fairly superb. The compilation feels
like one complete set of songs rather than random songs strung together to make an unrelated,
disconnected record. While things may be difficult for Sun Airway to breakthrough with the
masses since the genre is overpopulated, at the very least Sun Airway has originality, creativity, and
integrity to boot. Overall, “Soft Fall” is a pretty damn good sophomore album. It may have not hit
the same highs of the first record as much as I would have liked it to, but I can respect the noble
effort. I think I’ve would have preferred an album not limited to its restraints, but concerned with
pushing even further. Perhaps next time Sun Airway will expand their rich alluring sound to the
fullest because I still believe the very best is yet to come.
Grade: 7.7 out of 10
Key Tracks: “Close”, “Laketop Swimmers”, “Soft Fall” “Black Noise”
Artist: Sun Airway
Album: Soft Fall
Release Date: October 2nd, 2012
Label: Dead Oceans
The scene is the Hillview High Gymnasium, decorated
for the 1952 Fall Formal, themed “Once in
a Blue Moon.” So come prepared to enjoy an evening
of fun, costumes (optional) and…murder!
Dress up in your poodle skirt or formal, leather
jacket or sport coat and bow tie, and relive this
special event with an interactive murder mystery
filled with song and dance!
YOU guess the murderer.
This is a presentation of SanZman Productions
Renaissance Murder Mystery Players. At Sierra
Madre Playhouse, 87 W. Sierra Madre Blvd., Sierra Madre, CA 91024. Ample free parking behind
theatre. Sunday, October 21, 2012 at 7:00 p.m. Admission: $20. Seniors (65+) and students, $17.
Reservations: (626) 355-4318. Online ticketing:
ASK Dr. Wei-Ching Lee:
“Let food be your medicine and your medicine be food”
This is my favorite quote from Hippocrates. What he meant was that diet
has a profound effect on not only preventing disease, but also treating
it. This quote lends itself to the saying “We are what we eat.” Below are
some of my four favorite foods for promoting overall health and wellness
Let me show you how easy it is to eat healthy and feel healthy.
Broccoli: Broccoli is a nutritional powerhouse that protects against cancer
of the colon, breast, bladder, lung, and prostate. Along with cauliflower
and other cruciferous vegetables, broccoli contains sulforaphane glucosinolates
(SGS) and other phytonutrients that shield cells from DNA
damage, boost immune function, and neutralize carcinogens.
In a study published in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute, older men who ate broccoli or
cauliflower more than once a week were about half as likely to be diagnosed with aggressive prostate
cancer as men who ate these foods less than once a month.
Chili Peppers: Chili peppers have a number of health benefits due to its key component capsaicin,
the compound that gives them their spiciness. The folk uses of cayenne and other hot peppers range
from treating stomach ulcers to improving circulation and heart disease. Better studied, however, are
capsaicin’s effects on metabolism and pain.
If you have ever broken into a sweat after eating chili peppers, you know that capsaicin has a thermogenic
effect. It raises body temperature and burns calories.
Studies have shown chili peppers to suppress appetite. When Dutch researchers gave red pepper
powder in tomato juice or capsules to study volunteers 30 minutes before meals, they felt fuller and
ate less.
Include hot, spicy foods in your daily diet, especially if you’re trying to lose weight. And keep a jar of
cayenne pepper in the house.
Applied to the skin, topical capsaicin suppresses substance P, a chemical that delivers pain signals
to the brain—making it a very powerful topical pain reliever. It is helpful for arthritis, back pain,
and nerve pain, and even conventional physicians recognize its value as a treatment for the pain of
Ginger: Ginger is a potent diaphoretic, meaning it stimulates perspiration and warms the body from
the inside. It is also a well-studied gastrointestinal tonic that helps relieve nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea.
In addition, ginger is rich in zinc, which is important in wound healing and immune function.
Thus, homemade ginger tea is one of the most satisfying tonics for a cold or flu. Some studies have
shown that it can also help alleviate pain.
To make a therapeutic ginger tea, grind a one-inch slice of fresh ginger, squeeze the juice of half a
lemon, and add to a cup of steaming hot water along with ¼ teaspoon cinnamon, if desired.
Wei-Ching Lee, M.D. is a UCLA-trained board certified physician specializing in Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation
at Arc Motion Rehab Medical Clinic at 55 E. Huntington Dr, Suite 219, Arcadia, CA where she provides
wellness programs & non-surgical care for muscle, bone, and nerve injuries & conditions. If you have any pain,
injury or exercise questions for future articles, please email Dr. Lee at
Did you know that there are different yoga practices for the different seasons
of the year? The Fall season is cold, dry, light, windy, rough and empty. It is
nature’s way of making more space. The leaves get dry, and fall off the trees
leaving them empty. The wind blows and removes the moisture from the air
leaving it spacious instead of close. As it happens in nature, it happens to
us. We get a little spacey. Our skin gets dry. As the body changes with the
environment we can see the effects: back pain, dry skin, poor digestion and
lack of concentration.
The yogis have remedies! Well, the sister science to yoga – Ayurveda, has the answers. It’s not just
a good moisturizer. While moisturizing the skin is good, moisturizing from the inside out is even
better. The first thing to pay attention to is what dries us out. Coffee, black tea, alcohol and raw foods
can be big in depleting moisture. Avoid salads. Instead have warm soups and stews and herbal teas
with fennel. Try switching to oatmeal. Warm, cooked, easily digestible foods are best. Oils are very
necessary, inside and out. Warm up some sesame oil and massage it all over before your bath or
shower. Before bed, try warm milk to help you sleep.
What about your asana practice? Your yoga poses should also warm you up. Do Sun salutations.
Ideally you could do as many as you are old, but let’s just try 12, daily.
Doing forward folds and hip openers, with long holds can help settle you. Then make sure that you
end with a lovely, long savasana. The benefits of savasana are huge. It is the last pose of practice,
corpse pose. Set the timer so you can truly relax for 10 minutes without worrying about time. Don’t
skip this part. You need to calm the system before rushing off to your next event. Keep it calm. Move
You will see the results. Actually it is much easier to see the lack of results. Because yoga and Ayurveda
are about balance and harmony and those things do not get noticed as much as the imbalances. When
things are off – we know it. We tend to not pay attention to the good health.
I am here to help you notice. Have a peaceful, warm, cozy fall.
Namasté, René