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this Week: Calendar: Pasadena – Altadena: Around the SGV / Sports: Arcadia: Monrovia – Duarte: Education & Youth: Good Food & Drink: Best Friends / The World: Arts / Health: Homes & Property: The Good Life: Business News & Trends: Left Turn / Right Turn: Opinion: The Cartoons Laughs of 2012: Columnists: Recent Issues: |
GOOD BYE 2012........WELCOME 2013! VOLUME 6 NO 52 SATURDAY, DECEMBER 29, 2012 FINISHING TOUCHES - With A Few Days Left Before The Big Parade, Volunteers Work Around The Clock To Finish Sierra Madre’s Self Built Rose Parade Entry, “The Sky’s The Limit” The Sierra Madre Rose Float Association’s 81st entry in the annual Tournament of Roses Parade is in the final stages of production. The self built float, one of only six in the Parade is called, “The Sky’s The Limit” in keeping with the overall parade theme which is Dr. Suess’s “Oh The Places You Will Go”. Compare the artists rendering (below) with the work in progress as of Thursday evening. Over the next few days, the live flowers will be added. The design concept was submitted by Maria Murray and Kait Walsh. The designer for our 2013 float is Charles Meier, who also created the rendering. The parade will take place on Tuesday, January 1, 2013 at 8:00 a.m. A complete schedule of the movement of the Sierra Madre float, before and after the parade can be found on page 3. All photos by Susan Henderson/MVNews EXPLORE HOLISTIC GARDENING The Sierra Madre Garden Club is presenting Gisele Schoniger, Category Manager and Organic Gardening Educator at Kellogg Garden Products,who will discuss simple and sound horticultural practices using materials that are natural & organic. In her 33 years in the Garden Industry, Gisele earned a degree in Ornamental Horticulture from California Polytechnic University in San Luis Obispo. She has owned an interiorscape company, worked for the State Department of Agriculture, practiced as a horticultural therapist with senior citizens, and launched an outstanding sales career by helping establish top-selling organic gardening products throughout California. Anyone interested in holistic gardening or gardening in general is invited to attend the January 14 meeting of the Sierra Madre Garden Club. Dinner begins at 6:30 p.m., followed by the program at 7:15 p.m. The catered dinner is $10 and reservations for dinner must be made by January 9, at 626-836-4945. There is no charge for attending only the program. Location: Hart Park House, Memorial Park, 222 W. Sierra Madre Blvd., Sierra Madre, CA 91024. For more information, call the reservation number or visit www. smgarden.org. SIERRA MADRE CITIZEN OF THE YEAR NOMINATION DEADLINE EXTENDED The Sierra Madre Chamber of Commerce is seeking nominations for the 2012 Citizen of the Year. To be eligible, a person must be a resident of Sierra Madre. The accomplishment(s) or project(s) for which they are being nominated must have been of benefit to the community of Sierra Madre and its citizens during 2012. They must have served without remuneration on the project for which they are being nominated, and members of the Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors are not eligible. If you would like to nominate someone, please e-mail your nominee to Noah Green at ngreen@ryanattorneys.com. You can also mail in your nominations to the Chamber of Commerce at 19 Suffolk Avenue, Suite A, Sierra Madre, CA 91024. APPLICATIONS MUST RECEIVED BY JANUARY 4, 2013. The winner will be selected by members of the Chamber Board of Directors, and will be honored at the annual Citizen of the Year/Board of Directors Installation Dinner to be held on January, 25, 2013. DRUNK DRIVING PREVENTION AND OVERNIGHT PARKING PERMIT MORATORIUM By Bill Coburn According to Sierra Madre Police Chief Larry Giannone, the PD will not be enforcing the overnight parking restriction through the holidays, so your out of town guests do NOT need to go online and pay for an overnight parking permit, at least until after the New Year. Also, for those who might find themselves a little overly “spirited” the next few days – there is an alternative to driving drunk. The City’s contracted towing agency, Jan’s Towing, has a no cost “Don’t Drive Drunk” program. They’ll give you AND YOUR CAR a lift home, up to 7 miles in their service area. Call (626) 334-1383 for more information. THE TRUTH, THE FUNNY, THE NOT SO FUNNY & THE RIDICULOUS.....Page 21 This Week’s Highlights: Calendar Page 2 Sierra Madre News Page 3 Pasadena/Altadena Page 4 Around San Gabriel Valley Page 5 SPORTS Page 5 Arcadia Page 6 Monrovia/Duarte Page 7 Education and Youth Page 8 Good Food & Drink Page 9 World Around Us/Best Friends Page 10 Arts/Health Page 11 Homes & Property Page 12 The Good Life Page 13 Business Today Page 14 Left Turn/Right Turn Page 15 Opinion Page 16 Left Turn/Right Turn Page 16 Legal Notices Page 17-20 AROUND SG Valley SIERRA MADRE NEWS 5 3 Ideas For Your Kids During The Break ??? ARCADIA NEWS 6 PASADENA/ALTADENA 4 MONROVIA/DUARTE 7 Shots Fired At Off Duty Officer | |||||||||||||||||||||
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Mountain Views News 80 W. Sierra Madre Blvd. #327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.604.4548 www.mtnviewsnews.com |