Mountain Views News Saturday, December 29, 2012
Book Reviews by Jasmine Kelsey Williams
Review By Sean Kayden
By Jack Canfield, Mark Victor Hansen & Amy Newmark
With Christmas come and gone, we now look to the new
year and this next selection should definitely help you to get
into the positive mindset that comes along with the start of a
new year. 'Chicken Soup for the Soul: Think Positive' will do
just this, by bringing forth over 101 stories that convey the
importance of counting your blessings, keeping a positive
attitude, and always trying to find a way to make the best
out of a negative situation. Each story contains a different
category that addresses how different individuals experience
the trials and triumphs that life throws at them: overcoming
adversity, health challenges, silver linings, and moving forward,
just to name a few.
With a foreward from Deborah Norville and copyrighted in
2010, 'Chicken Soup for the Soul: Think Positive' is not just
a new read, but one that should bring out the optimism in
readers of all ages and to make them appreciate all that they
have in thier lives. These stories will prove even more beneficial
to one's well-being and attitude if any of the stories
help to strike a chord in their perspectives and as a result,
will be able to sympathize with the individuals from these
stories. Each individual from this edition of 'Chicken Soup for the Soul' recounts their experience
with clear and vivid detail, with their exact words and thoughts being expressed
for the reader (and all the world) to know. It is not just their details on a negative situation
or circumstance, but also if said situation or circumstance occurred to them directly; one
example is from Saralee Perel who recounts her experiences of living with paralysis in her
legs in "Walking Through My Paralysis", which speaks volumes to the reader of how one can
overcome the obstacles of a medical condition.
'Chicken Soup for the Soul: Think Positive' is the perfect book for anyone , who is a fan
of the Chicken Soup series or for those who need a positive pick-me-up and for those who
enjoy a daily reminder of learning to count your blessings and appreciating the gift of your
life, whatever that may come your way.
“Flight,” the latest film from Denzel Washington starts off riding high. As the
journey continues, however, it takes a slow nosedive barely lifting itself up before
a total crash landing. Washington stars as Whip Whitaker, a commercial airline
pilot who is an alcoholic. He’s a pretty selfish guy that has an ex-wife and a son he
rarely sees. The night before the flight, Whip consumed what appeared to be a considerable amount of
alcohol. He proceeded the following morning by doing a line of coke to help him sober up. Despite what
should have been an impaired physicality, Whip was seemingly okay to pilot the plane. He even gets
through a heavy storm under severe turbulence with a sense of ease and composure, while reassuring
his passengers not to worry acting as if everything is now copacetic (although he clandestinely pours
two mini vodka bottles into his bottle of orange juice). He additionally informs the passengers there
will be no meals or bottle service on the flight. Long story short, there is a malfunction with the engine,
among other parts of the plane. This leads Whip to do whatever it takes to try to land this thing, but as
his options start to run out quickly, he has no choice but to turn the plane upside down to slow it down.
Acknowledging the fact the plane was going to
crash, Whip does everything in his power to keep
it from nose-diving and possibly killing everyone
on board. When the dust settles, the plane goes
down, but only 6 out of the 102 passengers died.
Whip is deemed a hero, but even heroes have fatal
flaws. After going to a remote getaway on his farm,
Whip empties all his alcoholic bottles and cans
stored there. It looked like he was about to have a
clean slate. However, when the toxicology report comes back, alcohol and substances were found in his
blood. Whip becomes knowledgeable of the fact that there will be an investigation into the crash, which
may cause severe implications for him. From there, Whip returns to the dark side.
The second act is dedicated to clearing Whip’s name of any liability for the crash. Whip knows he’s the
only one who could have landed that plane and in doing so, only a few died while a large number did
miraculously survive. Don Cheadle plays Hugh Lang, the appointed attorney for Whip. Actor Bruce
Greenwood is Charlie Anderson, a friend and colleague of Whip, who is on the board of the union for
commercial airline pilots. These two men are trying help Whip, but he continues to be a problem. Along
the way, Whip starts an unlikely romantic relationship with Nicole, a woman he met at the hospital.
She is a heroin addict trying to sober up. Despite her breakthrough in that department, Whip doesn’t
follow her lead and refuses to get any help. Fearful she’ll start to use drugs again, she leaves Whip. The
entire second act is long and turns into a series of scenes of watching Whip become worse with his
alcoholism. He never can man up to anything and tries to manipulate people in helping him clear his
name since he has an upcoming meeting with the NTSB (National Transportation Safety Board).
Washington’s performance is strong and is easily one of the most complex roles he’s tackled in years.
Unfortunately, the supporting cast doesn’t get a whole lot to work with. They’re all fine, but the juiciest
role is the one for the protagonist. John Goodman shows up in a few scenes and steals the show. He
brings an unexpectedly humorous side to a rather ominous story. There’s also a terrifically written
scene where Whip, Nicole and a cancer ward patient at the hospital share a late night smoke in the
stairway talking about life, cancer, smokes and God. It’s a rather moving and profound scene, but sadly
no scene after that comes close to being on par. The thing with Flight is how straightforward it is.
As a viewer, you may sympathize for Whip but that feeling wears thin. In the end, he has to make a
decision and you’re not sure how it’s going to play out. I did like the ending, especially the very last
sequence with Whip and his estranged son finally making amends. Overall, Flight tackles the themes
of alcoholism and obsession. It does a somewhat commendable job, but nothing new or insightful was
revealed about the “disease.” With a protagonist that becomes increasingly more and more difficult
to root for, “Flight” soars lower than initially intended and doesn’t recuperate quickly enough for a
smooth finish. You’re in for a jarring trip that’s acceptable this time, but you’re unlikely inclined to
come back to visit a second time around.
Grade: 3 out of 5
Take a breath. Fill your lungs with a deep inhale, hold your breath for a few
seconds. Then, slowly, mindfully, exhale. There you have it: Pranayama,
literally, breath control. Prana means life force energy and ayama means to extend or draw out.
Breathing is a simple act that we do without thinking about it. We breathe because we are alive, and
we’re alive because we breathe. Therefore, pranayama is life.
In your yoga class, your teacher will explain for you the various breathing exercises that are an integral
part of your yoga practice. There’s Ujjayi, the ocean breath, and that one will see you through
a lot of poses. There’s Kapalabhati, the fire breath and you’ll love it. There’s Dirga, the three-part
breath, soothing and relaxing. And still more...
Why do we need breathing exercises with fancy, exotic names? Because we don’t pay enough attention
to our breath. We hold it, we shorten it, we run out of it, caught up as we are in our ever-
increasing pace of life. So, come to a yoga class. Sit down on your mat, close your eyes for a moment,
and take a deep breath in. Do you feel it? Your life. Your breath. Pranayama.
Namasté, René