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MVNews this week:  Page 14



 Mountain Views News Saturday, January 19, 2013 


The latest on Business News, Trends and Techniques


By La Quetta M. Shamblee, MBA

Childhood safety experts generally agree on the need to keep children safe while they’re online and 
there are many products on the marketplace available for the concerned guardian. A fairly large 
number of these products have been thoroughly tested and proven effective for their intended use. 
While the technology has for the most part been worked out for some time now, concerned parents 
often find that it is the actual use of these tools that give them pause. When, for example, are they 
crossing the line from the proper monitoring of their child’s online activities to outright spying in 
violation of what they feel to be their child’s “right to privacy”? 

Does the use of monitoring tools violate an unspoken trust between child and parent? These are very 
legitimate concerns and parental guardians may need to sort out exactly how they feel about such 
issues before getting involved with this type of technology. It’s a very real thing to wonder what one’s 
growing teenager is really up to with these devices that they interact with non-stop on a daily basis. 

Who are they talking to? What are they looking at? What are they sending and, more importantly, 
what are they receiving? One supposes that a concerned parent could just simply ask them what 
they’re doing but as anyone who has spent any amount of time around a tech-engrossed teenager 
can attest, the oft-heard reply of “Nothing” often is prefaced by a flurry of hunting and pecking at 
some sort of electronic device. The seemingly opaque world of what our kids are doing online must 
somehow be penetrated and examined if one is to effectively keep one’s charge safe. Once the process 
of deliberation has been completed, the decision made to use monitoring tools and the software put 
in place the hard part begins: knowing and pretending that you don’t know. Now the parent will see 
who their child is talking to and what they’re talking about. They’ll see what catches their attention 
and what fascinates them. They’ll see what they’re curious about and they’ll see what they send and 
what they receive. They’ll get a glimpse of just who their children really are when they’re not around. 
This revelation can be a scary prospect, indeed. 

Some parents will find out that their teenager really is “normal” and that there’s nothing amiss at all. 
Some may find out that their little angel is the ringleader for all the mischief that they we’re certain 
those other kids were engaging in. Some will see evidence of risky or risqué behavior that they feel 
their child might not be ready for just yet, if ever. And most shocking of all some parents will find out 
that their little one is on their way to becoming a fully functioning adult with their own values and 
sense of right and wrong. 

Regardless of what is revealed the watcher has to know that in their child’s online world he or she is just 
a silent visitor and that the utmost discretion must be used to ensure that the balance between their 
need-to-know and the counterbalance of their child’s expectation of privacy can both be honored. 

THE ART OF WAR: A Guidebook For Business Success

 Initial apologies are in order to those who take offense to the use of war as a teaching tool 
for entrepreneurs, but the lessons found in the study of military strategy are too numerous and 
too valuable to bypass. On a positive note we can glean important lessons to apply to business 
from any situation, including The Art of War, an ancient military treatise that has influenced war 
strategy for more than 2,000 years.

 Attributed to Sun Tzu (pronounced “Sun Wu” or “Sunzi”), a high-ranking general, strategist and 
tactician, The Art of War is composed of 13 chapters, each devoted to a specific aspect of warfare. 
Sun Tzu is thought to have lived at some time between 771-476 B.C., the time period recognized 
by some historians as China’s Spring and Autumn Period. Some historians have questioned Sun 
Tzu’s authenticity, wondering if he was a real person or simply a created legendary persona, but 
some facts are unquestionable.

 The year 1772 marked the beginning of the book’s 
importance on an international scale when it was translation 
into French. The first completed English version was 
published in 1905. Although intended as a guidebook for 
the most debased of mankind’s activities of destruction, 
The Art of War continues to have a profound impact on 
planning, strategy and tactics for military, business and legal 
applications. We can approach a study of this document 
with the goal of identifying the silver linings that can be 
applied for productive enterprise toward economic stimulus 
and job creation.

 The following list includes the area of focus detailed in 
each of the 13 chapters in The Art of War. The Chinese-to-
English translation may have varying nuances regarding 
the meaning of specific words, but the principles are ready-
made to apply to business. 

1. Assessment – take a look at everything and layout your plans
2. Economize – proceed in a manner that won’t exhaust all of your efforts and resources in one 
single engagement 
3. Maximize – work smarter, not harder by outsmarting and outwitting your opponent 
4. Formidability – establish yourself in the best position possible, then be flexible as to when 
you need to attack (proceed aggressively) and when you need to defend (protect your turf)
5. Intangibility – fight head-on when needed and indirectly when it is to your advantage
6. Imperceptibility – operate under the illusion of what you want your enemy (competitor) to 
know about you, while being tactical with the implementation of your real plan
7. Out-Maneuver – be clever and perhaps fire the first shot (be the first to do something new, 
but do it with excellence), even if silently; don’t put yourself into a position that will force you to be 
8. Strategy – use your knowledge of your opponents, allies and terrain to your advantage in 
every situation
9. Vigilance – keep moving and maneuvering your team toward your ultimate goal
10. Situational Positioning – pick the best strategy and use the tactics most appropriate to the 
terrain on which you operate
11. The Nine Terrains* – become a master at knowing the nine types of environments in 
which you will operate so that you will appropriately apply the principle above (*dispersive, facile, 
contentious, open, in midst of intersecting highways, serious, difficult, hemmed-in and desperate)
12. Use Fire – attack with fervor and passion; move fast like the wind, but apply the passion only 
to the areas that will result in strategic advantage
13. Intelligence – study your opponents and learn from their strengths and weaknesses

 The Art of War was written for one purpose – to serve as a training manual to win on the 
battlefields. Today, entrepreneurs can use it for a constructive purpose, developing strategies 
and tactics to start, operate and build successful, profitable businesses.


A treatise is defined as 
a formal and systematic 
written discourse on a 
subject, generally longer and 
more indepth than an essay, 
with a focus on investigating 
or exposing the underlying 
principle that pertain to the 


Where am I going to get the time to do this?!” We hear this over and over again 
at our Social Media workshops and presentations. Business people are busy people and time is a fast 
moving commodity. 

Most realize the importance of having a strong social media presence today but they worry it will 
suck up all their time. So business owners need to think like business owners and remember the 
first rule of thumb.... a good business is built on systems! Starbucks checks off your order right on 
your personalized cup. Netflix re-invented home video rentals with their system. Your social media 
marketing strategies can be built on systems too. 

Once you take the time to set up your tools, you’ll be able to get them to work together. For example, 
you could speak into your smart phone and it can automatically update Facebook, Twitter and your 
Web Site! This is one of my favorite tricks. I installed the Facebook Page app on my iphone and it 
takes 14 seconds (yes, we’ve timed it, 19 seconds if I add an image) to update Facebook, Twitter and 
our web site - simultaneously.

Basically, you want to develop a system that allows you to “post once and populate many.” You can 
start with a blog which can auto populate Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and feed your web site. There 
are lots of tools that make the set up for this very easy. 

After helping one of our clients build her system, she said, “Once you get everything set up and 
working together, social media marketing becomes an easy thing to do!” Getting your system set up 
takes some time and effort but once you have it working then you simply focus on feeding the beast 
with good content.

Build a system. That’s how you are “going to get the time to do this.” 

If you would like a Checklist to help you build your social media system go to

About MJ: MJ and her brother David own HUTdogs, a creative services business that specializes 
in Internet Marketing strategies and Social Media Education for businesses and non-profits. “Like” 
them on Facebook for trending news in social media, internet marketing and other helpful tips, www.

Sign up for their upcoming classes and presentations at: 

We’d like to hear from you! 

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