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 Mountain Views News Saturday, March 9, 2013 




Remember when they fit? 
It can happen again. 
Lose 7 lbs in 7 days!
What is the real cause of belly fat and excess weight? Your body has aspecific hormone called liptenthat curbs your appetite and burns fa.
When this hormone isn’t working properly you gain weight uncontrollably.
Fortunately, because of a recent scientific breakthroughyour fat burning hor-
mone can be reactivated in just three days, prompting rapid weight-loss. 
Now you can lose up to 3 pounds a week (7-lbs in the first week) with acutting edge, all-natural (all-natural) weight-loss method that willhave your hormones burning fat like a teenager again. Don’t throwaway those old jeans!
CALL NOW FOR YOU FREE WEIGHT-LOSS CONSULTATIONDr. Theresa L. Smith (D.C.) of Sierra Madre is offering a free weight-loss con-
sultation ($50 value) in which she will determine how quickly and easily youcan lose the weight youdesire. 
Call (626) 355-2626 for your free appointment.
This is a limited offer. Calls are taken on a first come, first served basis. 
Take a few steps toward happiness through yoga. After just one class, yoga can begin to make 
a difference in how you feel. You can feel the stress melting away. But, then this funny thing 
happens. As you keep practicing, you begin to get stronger, you begin to feel better, you notice 
you are smiling more and you are making better choices about what to put in your body so you 
can do that pose a little better. (While I do advocate balance, and that includes the occasional 
indulgence, too many Krispy Kreme donuts can keep you from getting deeper into that forward 

Self-discipline is one of the foundational teachings of yoga. But so is going at your own pace. If 
you jump into a new regime depriving yourself of pleasure, then you are bound to fail. But what 
if you can find pleasure in your practice? I think yoga is one of the most self-empowering things 
you can do for yourself. I always notice that my life just goes better when I am practicing. Things 
don’t bother me as much. I am lighter on my feet. I have more stamina and less of that nagging 
negative voice in the head. I am happy.

I can’t think of anything better for the planet and for you than happiness through your practice. 
The world will be a better place, and your life will be what you make of it. Yoga shows you how 
to overcome struggle, how to breathe in challenging situations and how to find happiness in 
yourself. Sound too good to be true? Then I challenge you.

Have you been away from your practice for a while? Then I invite you back. 

Namasté, René 


(StatePoint) Eating right is essential to keeping 
your body running at its best. But nutrition advice 
doesn’t always account for people’s varied 
lifestyles, health needs and tastes.

March, which is National Nutrition Month, is 
an excellent opportunity to review your diet and 
make positive, sustainable changes.

So what’s the “right” way to eat for you? Experts 
say it’s not as restrictive as you may think.

“There’s sometimes a misperception that eating 
properly means giving up favorite foods,” says 
registered dietitian and President of the Academy 
of Nutrition and Dietetics, Ethan A. Bergman. 
“But including foods you love in your diet can 
help you stick to your goals.”

As part of the “Eat Right, Your Way, Every Day” 
campaign, Bergman suggests that those looking 
to eat a healthy diet, tailor food choices to meet 
lifestyle, needs and preferences:

• Business People: Busy work days can lead to on-
the-fly meals. For desktop dining, keep single-
serve packages of crackers, fruit, peanut butter, 
low-sodium soup or canned tuna in your desk.

Always on the go? Tuck portable, nonperishable 
foods in your bag for meals on the run. Try granola 
bars, peanut butter and crackers, fresh fruit, 
trail mix or single-serve packages of whole-grain 
cereal or crackers.

• Athletes: Whether you’re a competitive athlete 
or just enjoy working out, what you eat affects 
your performance. Eat a light meal or snack before 
exercising, such as low-fat yogurt, a banana 
or cereal with low-fat milk. Before, during and 
after exercise, drink plenty of water or a sports 
drink, if you prefer.

• Students: For nutritious, budget-friendly snacking, 
combine protein and carbohydrates, such 
as apples and peanut butter, low-fat cheese and 
whole-grain crackers or hardboiled eggs and 
fruit. These also double as quick grab-and-go 

At the cafeteria, salad bars are a great choice -- 
just go easy on the high-calorie add-ons.

• Families: Family meals allow parents to be role 
models to ensure kids eat right. And, just because 
a meal is made quickly doesn’t mean it can’t be 

Keep things simple. Choose ingredients you can 
use for more than one meal. For example, cook 
extra grilled chicken for salad or fajitas the next 
day. Get the kids involved. They can make the 
salad, set the table or do other simple tasks.

• Vegetarians: A vegetarian diet can include just 
as much variety as one including meat. For example, 
nutrient-rich beans are a great choice. Enjoy 
vegetarian chili, a hummus-filled pita sandwich 
or veggie burger. Many popular items are or can 
be vegetarian -- pasta primavera, veggie pizza 
and tofu-vegetable stir-fry.

• Meat lovers: Keep your meaty meals heart-
healthy by selecting lean cuts and choosing 
chicken, turkey and fish more often. Avoid deep 
fried foods. Instead, bake, broil, roast, stew or 
stir-fry your meals.

This month, set yourself up for success. Consider 
working with a registered dietitian to develop a 
personalized eating plan. More tips can be found 

Remember, good nutrition isn’t meant to make 
you suffer. With exercise and moderation, you 
can enjoy your favorite foods regularly.