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FALL BACK! Don’t Forget To Set Your Clocks Back At 2 a.m. Sunday! SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 2013 VOLUME 7 NO. 44 CITY ADDRESSES FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS ON WATER Sierra Madre City Manager Elaine Aguilar recently reached out to residents via social media, to answer some of the questions that have been asked about our water issues. On the Sierra Madre Facebook page, she has posted the “Water Questions of the Week”. This is being done in an effort to keep the public well informed and to minimize the impact of misinformation that is being circulated. Below you will find this week’s questions and answers. You can also go to the city’s Facebook page at: https://www.facebook.com/ cityofsierramadre. “Water Questions Of The Week” “We are taking notice of the questions submitted regarding the current water and sewer rate study. The questions are selected from the questions we have received at the various community meetings, at City Council meetings, and from your phone calls. These questions and answers are also posted to the City’s Facebook page and website. This week’s questions are: Has the City Council actually approved increased water and sewer rates? What is the timing of the Council’s consideration of this matter? The City Council has not taken action to increase water or sewer rates. The Council will receive the draft water and sewer rate study at their November 12th City Council meeting. The draft study will be available on the City’s website at least 72 hours before the City Council meeting. It is important to note that the City Council will not be taking action on November 12th to increase water or sewer rates. Before action can be taken to increase rates, a Proposition 218 written protest process must be conducted. At their November 12th Council meeting, the City Council may decide to initiate the Proposition 218 process. If the Proposition 218 process is initiated, the City will mail notices to all water customers within the City’s service area, at least 45 days before the City Council can consider implementing new water and/or sewer rates. The Proposition 218 ballot will be mailed in an envelope that states, “OFFICIAL BALLOT ENCLOSED.” Please look at your water bill to make sure the “name and mailing address” on your water account is accurate. If it is not accurate, please contact the City’s Water Billing staff, so that the information can be corrected. After the 45 days has lapsed, the City will unseal and tabulate the ballots in public view. The Council will hold a public hearing to receive testimony on the proposed rate increases. Additionally, the results of the Proposition 218 process will determine if the Council can consider the rate increases. If a majority protest has occurred, the City Council cannot approve a rate increase; if a majority protest does not occur, the Council may approve the rate increase. At the October 22nd City Council meeting, there was a staff report entitled “Proposition 218 Process for Proposed Water and Sewer Rate Increase” that further explains the process. If the City Council authorizes the initiation of the Proposition 218 process, the City’s water and sewer customers will receive instructions, a ballot, a fact sheet, and other information. Please take a moment to make sure the City’s water billing information is accurate by looking at your water bill to make sure it is mailed in the name of the property owner, or the tenant responsible for actually paying the water bill. Are City water and sewer rates being increased so that City employees can get raises or increased benefits, such as increased pensions? No, City water and sewer rates are not being increased so that employee salaries can be increased to “market” rates. Nor are the rates being increased to enhance employee benefits. Funding has not been included in the draft water and sewer rate study for any additional, new staffing. Additionally, water revenues cannot be used to pay for the salaries of non-water related staffing, and sewer revenues cannot be used to pay for the salaries of non-sewer related staffing. How can I find out how much my water bill would increase, if new water rates are proposed? First, general information will be included in the Proposition 218 ballot information that will be mailed to all Sierra Madre water customers. Secondly, a calculation tool will be available on the City’s website that will allow you to input your water usage, so you can determine what the proposed increase would do to your bill. This calculation tool will be on the City’s website if the City Council decides to initiate the Proposition 218 process, which will not occur before the November 12th City Council meeting. For additional information about the current Water and Sewer Fee Study, please go to the City’s website. You may also call City Hall at (626) 355-7135 during regular business hours, 11 am to 5:30 pm on Monday to Thursday. Please ask for the Public Works Director, Finance Director or City Manager” HOUSING ELEMENT WORKSHOP The City of Sierra Madre has initiated the process to update the Housing Element of the General Plan for the 2014-2021 period as required by State law. The workshop will be held on Thursday, November 7 at 7:00 pm in the City Council Chambers, 232 W. Sierra Madre Boulevard. At the meeting, an informational presentation will be provided to address: an overview of the process, accomplishments of the most recent housing element cycle, proposed programs and the City’s RHNA (regional housing needs) requirements. We encourage you to attend the meeting if you are interested in contributing to Sierra Madre’s 8-year Housing Plan. If you have any questions, or if you cannot attend but wish to submit comments, please contact Danny Castro, Director of Development Services at 626.355.7138 or by e-mail at dcastro@cityofsierramadre.com. REMEMBER: TURN YOUR CLOCKS BACK! Also Inside this week: SIERRA MADRE Calendar Page A2 Sierra Madre News Page A3 PASADENA/ALTADENA Pg. A4 HALLOWEEN WINDOW PAINTING CONTEST WINNERS The annual Sierra Madre tradition of painting the downtown merchants’ windows for Halloween continued in fine fashion this year. Last week-end, over 160 students from local schools participated in painting over 50 windows in our downtown area. This was an overwhelming response by local students, and wonderful support from our local merchants. This year, the Halloween Window Painting event was sponsored the Sierra Madre Civic Club and was free to all participants. Marcia Bent chaired the committee of 8 Civic Club members. Local students from the ages of 9-17 were eligible to enter. Painting began on Friday afternoon, October 25th and concluded by 11am on Saturday, October 26th. Judging followed and awards were presented at Kersting Court in the early afternoon. Judges were Civic Club President, Jean Coleman, Cathy Imhoff representing the Creative Arts Group, and Sierra Madre School art teacher, Barbara Wamboldt. Winners in the four age categories and location of their windows were: 9-10 year olds: Katherine Gjerde & Jolie Podrebarac at Podley Real Estate 11-12 year olds: Lila Fontenot, Sidra Gibeault, and Alana Meyers at Mill. Pension 13-14 year olds: Hannah Blank, Emma Blank, and Julia Goff at Haynes Oakley Architects 15-17 year olds: Ellis Eckes, Emily Pachini, and Arene Eian at Wild Flour Bakery The Sierra Madre Civic Club thanks all who participated in this community event. This is another fine example of the small town spirit we enjoy in Sierra Madre. PWP’s Outage Management Plan AROUND SGV Pg. A5 LASD $1.1 million Traffic Safety Grant ARCADIA NEWS Pg. A6 MONROVIA/DUARTE Pg. A7 EDUCATION & YOUTH Pg. A8 FOOD & DRINK ARTS & MORE Pg. A9 BEST FRIENDS Pg. A10 THE GOOD LIFE Pg. A11 Savvy Senior Senior Happenings This and That SECTION B HALLOWEEN WINNERS AND MORE Pg B1 ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT HEALTHY LIVING Pg. B2 BUSINESS /WORLD AROUND US Pg. B3 LEFT TURN/RIGHT TURN/OPINION Pg. B4 SMTV Channel 98 Program Guide Pg. B5 On the right is the window at Millineum Pensions which won 1st Place in the 11- 12 year old bracket. Above are winners Lila Fontenot, Sidra Gibeault and Alana Meyers. Photos and story courtesy of the SM Civic Club LEGAL NOTICES Pg. B7 Read The Paper Online At: www.mtnviewsnews.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
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Mountain Views News 80 W. Sierra Madre Blvd. #327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.604.4548 www.mtnviewsnews.com |