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This Edition is dedicated to all the Men and Women of the Armed Forces, Veterans and Active Duty. Thank you for your service. Happy Veteran’s Day Weekend. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 2013 VOLUME 7 NO. 45 One would expect that when ordering on line from a reputable company such as Amazon, you are making a purchase from a reliable source, will receive quality merchandise, and definitely will not open the box to find what looks like a ‘bomb’ inside. That is what most would expect. However, on Monday, a Sierra Madre couple opened a box which allegedly contained the professional book that had been ordered and found what you see on the right. Yes, upon opening an approximately 12” think technical book for veterinarians, they found that the inside of the book had been carved out and in the indented spaces were what appeared to be three batteries connected to a series of wires. Just as panic was setting in, they discovered a brightly colored note that read, “DO NOT BE ALARMED. This book was previously fitted with a harmless, passive tracking device. You have likely received this in error.” Needless to say, when reporting this incident to the Mountain Views, both people were still in a state of disbelief. Their initial reaction led them to place the box outside, away from their home. The box was delivered earlier in the day, and since it contained a book that had been ordered (or so they thought), it wasn’t opened until late in the evening. Nevertheless, after placing the box outside, they repeatedly called the number given on the insert only to reach a recorded message. By early morning, after receiving no response, they decided to call the Sierra Madre Police Department as any thoughts they had of believing that this was some kind of ‘security mistake’ were diminishing. Rapidly. At approximately 6:25 a.m. Tuesday morning, SMPD was called and Officers Doyle and Rodriguez arrived at the couple’s home. They examined the package, photographed the device, determined that it was not an explosive device, and went back to the station to research the matter further. According to Watch Commander Ruben Enriquez, the officers learned that the device is allegedly a part of Amazon’s security/tracking program. Nowhere on the ‘flyer’ does Amazon’s name appear. (See image above). Attempts to contact them and the Rosetti Group (the contact number on the flyer) have been unsuccessful. We were able to speak a person who answers the telephones at Rosetti Group on Friday, however, we were told that a call would be returned by someone knowledgeable about the situation. At press time that call had not been received. The Rosetti Group is a Private Investigative/Security Firm in the Washington, D.C. area, and according to their website, they are a “Full Service Security Investigations Firm”. In addition, in an effort to contact the publisher of the book, WoodForest Books, we learned that they are an online book seller that has been in existence through Amazon since March, 2013. Efforts to contact them failed as well. After several messages were left by the recipients of the ‘package’, a local representative of Rosetti came by to pick of the package and gave assurances that a replacement book, sans the ‘tracking device’ and cut outs, would be sent immediately. As of this writing, that has also not happened. According to the veterinarian who ordered the book, the second most disturbing aspect of the ordeal has been the ”lack of response from Amazon, The Rosetti Group or anyone associated with it”. In this current environment of dry ice bombings, random mall shootings and overall unpredictable domestic chaos, this situation becomes even more disturbing. And, “poor communications and never returning a phone call makes it worse”, said the recipient. “I just don’t understand how this could happen.” Judging from the size and structure of the device (pictured right) and the ‘notice’ pictured below, many, many questions remain unanswered. S. Henderson/MVNews Photos provided by recipients “DO NOT BE ALARMED” Local couple gets unnerving surprise delivered to their home THAT YELLOW CARD IN YOUR MAILBOX Earlier this week, residents of Sierra Madre received a bright yellow postcard in their mailbox from the City. The card informed residents that the council was considering “initiating a Proposition 218 written protest process”. The purpose of the card was to ask residents to please confirm that the information in the city’s water billing (which appears on the label), is correct to insure that the person responsible for paying the water/sewer bill, (property owner or tenant) actually receives the Prop 218 ballot. Since the city is considering raising the water/sewer rates, they are required by law to allow the public at least 45 days prior, to file a written protest. This is not the first time that the city has implemented the Prop 218 process. In 2010, when the city last raised water rates, the Prop 218 process was implemented and met with a lot of criticism from some residents. At that time there were allegations of ‘illegal and/or inappropriate’ behavior by some residents who actually canvassed the city soliciting ballots against the rate hike in person. Reports of being misled by the signature gatherers were frequent. Their ‘goal’ was to gain signatures from more than half of the rate payers to protest the rate hike. That effort fell short of getting the required signatures but led to a lot of confusion and discontent among many. This time, the city wants to be proactive and protect the integrity of the process by confirming that ballots are sent to the correct individuals. In a city that has total control of its water resources, there are those who appear to be opposed to paying it. The city’s current water delivery system, which dates back to the early 1900’s requires constant maintenance and improvements. And although Sierra Madre is currently experiencing a water shortage, the water and sewer systems must continue to be maintained. When the previous protest against the rate hike failed, the city council, in an effort to appease opponents of the increase, did not raise water/sewer rates to the recommended levels. Instead a reduced increase was put into effect and as a result, three years later, our revenues are not, as predicted, sufficient to maintain the water/sewer systems and maintain the reserves required by our bond obligations. Thus, as the council contemplates asking for another rate increase, steps are being taken to make certain that all residents a) have the opportunity to learn how the water/sewer system operates; b) have the opportunity to scrutinize the finances involved with operating our system and c) are clear as to how they may oppose the rate increase should they choose to. On Tuesday, the city council will be discussing their plans to proceed with the Prop 218 Notification and Protest Ballot process. For more information go to: www.cityofsierramadre.com WHAT IS PROP 218? Background: In November 1996, California voters passed Proposition 218, the “Right to Vote on Taxes Act”. This constitutional amendment protects taxpayers by limiting the methods by which local governments can create or increase taxes, fees and charges without taxpayer consent. Proposition 218 requires voter approval prior to imposition or increase of general taxes, assessments, and certain user fees. Specific Features of Proposition 218 The primary changes put in place by Proposition 218 are explained below. 1. Voter Approval on Taxes. Prop. 218 requires all local governments, including charter cities, to get majority voter approval for new or increased general taxes. 2. Limits on Use of “General Taxes”. Proposition 218 restricts the use of general taxes, which require majority voter approval, to general purpose governments (i.e. cities and counties). School districts are specifically precluded from levying a general tax. 3. Stricter Rules on Benefit Assessments. Benefit assessments by definition must be calculated based on the benefit received by the parcel as a result of the project financed. Prop. 218 created stricter rules for initiating or increasing benefit assessments. Now, an agency must determine the specific benefit the project will have on individual parcels. A general enhancement to property values can no longer serve as the benefit. 4. Increased Notification and Protest Requirements. Proposition 218 will require that agencies put all assessments, charges and user fees out to a vote prior to creation or increase. In most cases, the vote will require individual notices be mailed to affected property owners. A formal protest hearing is also required to move forward with the charge or increase. 5. Restrictions on Use of Fees. Proposition 218 prohibits local governments from imposing fees on property owners for services that are available to the public at large (like garbage collection and sewer service). In any case, fees charged to property owners may not exceed the cost of providing the service. 6. Government Owned Property No Longer Exempt. Proposition 218 requires government agencies to pay their fair share of a benefit assessment, if the property receives benefit from the project or service financed. 7. Initiative Power To Repeal. Prop. 218 gives voters the power to reduce or repeal any existing local tax, assessment, or charge through the initiative process. Source: California Tax Data The ‘tracking device’ that was inside the ordered book looks eerily like an explosive device. Also Inside this week: SIERRA MADRE Calendar Page A2 Sierra Madre News Page A3 PASADENA/ALTADENA Pg. A4 Another major store closing AROUND SGV Pg. A5 Senator Hernandez Speaks on Affordable Care Act ARCADIA NEWS Pg. A6 MONROVIA/DUARTE Pg. A7 EDUCATION & YOUTH Pg. A8 This flyer was found inside the book FOOD & DRINK ARTS & MORE Pg. A9 BEST FRIENDS Pg. A10 PROSECUTION OF ACCUSED MURDERER BEGINS The Los Angeles County District Attorney’s Office has begun prosecution of Sergio Villalobos, a 28 year old convicted felon accused of the unprovoked murder of former Sierra Madre resident Treavor Robinson. Robinson, 22, was gunned down while chatting with a friend in South Los Angeles on August 22nd of this year. His friend was also shot, but survived a bullet wound to the head. Villalobos was arrested on September 11th by LAPD Detectives and is charged with four felonies. He is charged with First Degree Murder, Attempted Murder, Being a Felon in Possession of a Firearm and Resisting Arrest. A female associate of Villalobos is also awaiting trial on a charge of being an ‘Accessory After The Fact’, a charged levied on those who aid and abet known criminals in their attempts to evade law enforcement. Villalobos, who is being held on a $4,050,000 bond, is on parole after serving time for being found guilty of robbery in 2009. According to public records, on August 13th of this year, he was arrested for an unnamed infraction and released with a citation on the 16th of August. Six days later he shot and killed Treavor Robinson and wounded another young man. A motive for the murder and attempted murder has not yet been presented by the prosecution. There is widespread speculation that the incident was one of many where innocent victims have been caught in the crosshairs of a gang war. Neither Robinson nor his friend were members of any gang or known to socialize with gang members. The date for the Preliminary Hearing will be set on November 21st. The trial will begin sometime in 2014. The prosecution of this matter is being held in the South Central Division (Compton) of the Los Angeles Superior Court. S. Henderson/MVNews THE GOOD LIFE Pg. A11 Savvy Senior Senior Happenings This and That SECTION B SALUTE TO VETERANS Pg. B1 ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT HEALTHY LIVING Pg. B2 BUSINESS /WORLD AROUND US Pg. B3 LEFT TURN/RIGHT TURN/OPINION Pg. B4 SMTV Channel 98 Program Guide Pg. B5 LEGAL NOTICES Pg. B7 Read The Paper Online At: www.mtnviewsnews.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
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Mountain Views News 80 W. Sierra Madre Blvd. #327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.604.4548 www.mtnviewsnews.com |