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SATURDAY, JANUARY 25, 2014 VOLUME 8 NO. 4 SATURDAY, JANUARY 25, 2014 VOLUME 8 NO. 4 ARRESTS MADE IN SIERRA MADRE CREDIT CARD SCAM Read The Paper Online At: www.mtnviewsnews.com A REASONABLE DISCUSSION ON SIERRA MADRE’S WATER SITUATION EDITOR’S NOTE: At Tuesday’s City Council meeting a decision may change the city’s water department forever. In the midst of a severe drought, Sierra Madreans are challenged with the task of how to keep its water company operating while waiting for badly needed rain. Purchased water still runs yellow through our pipes and it is expensive. (This writer returned from out of town only to find that the water in the faucet initially came out a root beer color for a good thiry seconds.) In speaking with residents around town, the majority of those spoken to aren’t happy about a rate increase, but will not oppose it. They are willing to support it in order to maintain our own water company. There are others who are determined to try to gather enough signatures opposing the rate increase to stop it. Only time will tell, as the opposition ballots will not be counted until Tuesday. In the meantime, the questions continue to pour into the Mountain Views News. One local resident, Eric Olson, wrote a letter to the entire city council and the city manager, and provided a copy to this paper. They are questions that I’ve heard asked over and over again. Read them and the city’s responses below. (The city manager’s responses are in italics. She informed the MVNews that the answers include input from the Public Works Director, Bruce Inman.) OLSON: 1. No one wants their water bill to go up. On the other hand, everyone knows that the covenants we gave in connection with our water bonds are hopelessly in default and it is no surprise that our municipal credit rating stinks. We need to get our credit back. OLSON: 2. No one is very happy that we had to bring water in at what appeared to be an extravagant cost. To add insult to injury, the imported water discolored the local water in some areas . 3a. Are there capital expenditures that could be made that would make it possible to stretch our own Sierra Madre sources further? Yes, there are capital projects that will help us stretch-out our Sierra Madre sources - for example, there is a $22 million dollar project involving the County, the Raymond Basin Management Board, the City of Arcadia and the City of Sierra Madre to improve the capture of water out of the Santa Anita Canyon. Sierra Madre's cost share is approximately$900,000; this project has been budgeted and is included in the current rate study. b. In addition to being old and precariously close to breaking, are our pipes leaking? Is there some way to detect leaks in the pipes? Some of our water mains leak intermittently , and when they do -- we repair the leaks. Yes, there is a system that will detect leaks, before the leaks make it to the surface. Staff is evaluating the equipment, and if it looks like it will work for Sierra Madre and be cost effective, the equipment will be included in the next City budget. It is important to note that any "additions" to the water department budget, are ultimately paidfor by the rate payers. c. Would it be possible to capture more local water and put it into our water table? Yes, this is the primary goal of the project described in response to your question number 2a. That project is one of twelve (12) projects identified in the East Raymond Basin Water Resources Plan. The cost of the twelve projects is more than $40 million. d. I understand some cities by smart metering are detecting water loss and saving customers money. Would that work here? Yes, this would work in Sierra Madre. rate increases, generally a municipality does what it can to retain the utility. Experience shows that when a municipal water system is sold, the rates generally do not decrease, particularly in a situation where the water system has deferred maintenance issues. In most instances, the revenue to repair the system ultimately comes directly or indirectly from the customers. Another factor to consider , is if the municipal utility is sold to a private company , the private company’s shareholders may anticipate a rate of return on their investment. Additionally, a privatecompany is not required to go through a Proposition 218 process to increase rates. *The chart could not be reproduced in time for publication. Thank you Mr. Olson for sharing your questions and answers with the Mountain Views News The City has obtained bids for the "smart metering," and the quotes were in the $1.5 million range. These costs were not included in the current rate study . If this project was included in the rate study, the rates would have been higher than currently proposed. Depending upon the outcome of the current rate increase process, the water fund's future financ ial condition, and other water infrastructure projects, it may be possible to re-evaluate this project in the future. e. What other things could we do? There have been staff reports prepared over the years that presented options; such as drilling new wells outside or inside the Raymond Basin. However, each well would cost more than $2 million, not including the cost of the land. 3. If we cannot increase our supplies do we need to take further draconian steps? The City has already taken action to ensure the supply of water , by importing water via the Grandview connection . (The Grandview connection is further described below.) a. Do we need to impose new building moratoriums? Based upon current conditions, the City is currently in a Phase I and Phase II level of water conservation. A building moratorium is not a component of Phase I or Phase II conservation. Should the City go to Phase Ill or Phase IV, then no new potable water services can be provided and no temporary or permanent meters can be installed. Phase Ill and Phase IV also call for a greater amount of water conservation by current customers . For example, Phase IV, includes an across-the-board , 45.5% reduction in water use. Additionally , implementing a building moratorium is a multi-step process, governed by state law. A moratorium can only be adopted by the City Council, if specific legislative findings are made, such as, "that there is a current and immediate threat to the public health, safety, orwelfare, and that the approval of additional sub-divisions, use permits, variances, building permits, or any other applicable entitlement for use which is required in order to comply with a zoning ordinance would result in that threat to public health, safety, or welfare." A moratorium also cannot be for an indefinite period of time. For example, an initial 45 day moratorium, followed by the requirement that the City Council describe the measures taken to alleviate the condition which lead to the adoption of the initial moratorium . Then the moratorium can be extended for a time period of 10 months and 15 days , followed by an additional year (for a total of 2 years maximum.) b. Do we need to severely restrict outside watering? Sierra Madre's water conservation ordinance allows individuals to determine how they will meet their water conservation targets. Ultimately it is an individual household decision on how to meet their conservation targets , and there is currently, no "law" that prohibits outside watering. However, in light of the current statewide drought situation , the City encourages any reduction that can be made to outside watering, because studies show that most water use is for watering outside the home. If someone is considering updating their landscaping, please consider changing over to low-water plants for water conservation. 4. I have heard informally that our rates are materially higher than elsewhere nearby. a. Is this true? Please see the chart inserted below*; four agencies have higher rates, while eight agencies currently have lower rates. However, it is important to note that some of the lower agencies are either currently undergoing a rate study, or they will be undergoing a rate study in the next few years, or they are in the second or third year of a multi-year rate increase . a. Have we looked into the possibility of partnering with some other local entity? Yes, Sierra Madre regularly partners with the San Gabriel Valley Water District. For example, the District has provided more than $1.5 million in grants, and $1.5 million in a “zero interest loan”, and the District paid the full cost of approximately $2 million for the interconnection with the Metropolitan Water District (the connection is referred to as the “Grandview connection .”) The Grandview connection is currently supplying Sierra Madre’s water needs. b. Have we considered selling our system to a water company that could make the necessary capital improvements as well as lower our rates? While the possibility of selling the city’s water department has come up during discussions pertaining to the water MAISIE DOBBS - SIERRA MADRE’S ONE BOOK ONE CITY CHOICE Maisie Dobbs has been chosen as the Sierra Madre Public Library 2014 One Book One City selection and an appearance by the author Jacqueline Winspear will highlight a month of exciting free programs at the Library. Winspear will speak on Saturday, February 22 at 2:00 p.m. in the Gooden School multi-purpose room about her mystery novel featuring an extraordinary young woman living through epic times in World War I era England and France. A reception will follow the talk and copies of all the books in the Maisie Dobbs series will be available for purchase and signing by the author. 2014 marks the 100th anniversary of the start of World War I and Winspear’s talk caps a month of programs with a World War I theme. Kickoff Event - Saturday, February 1, 2:00 p.m. at the Library • Children’s Airplane Flying Contest • Display of artifacts from World War I • Display of World War I award-winning poetry by Christopher “Kit” Adde • Teen Docents will feature virtual tours of Sierra Madre in the World War I period • Live music from the era Events throughout the month Tuesday, 2/4, 7:00 p.m., Library Travel in Time and Space. Immerse yourself in Maisie’s world with an armchair tour of World War I life. Catherine Adde will take us to Cambridge, London, the English countryside and the battlefields of France where the story takes place. Monday, 2/10, 7:00 p.m., Sierra Madre PlayhouseWings, an epic World War I silent action drama that features spectacular aerial sequences of vintage dog fighting and a romantic angle featuring its top-billed star Clara Bow. Wednesday 2/12, 7:00 p.m., Library Featured Book Discussion - Everyone is welcome to attend a special discussion of Winspear’s book, Maisie Dobbs. Thursday, 2/20 11:00 a.m., Library Third Thursday Book discussion Maisie Dobbs Thursday, 2/20, 7:00 p.m., Essick House: The Sierra Madre Historical Preservation Society presents author and historian Michele Zack who will speak on life in Sierra Madre during the years up to, including, and following WWI. Emphasis will be on the role of Sierra Madre's women in shaping early 20th century community life and involvement in the War effort. Wednesdays, February, 4:00 – 5:00 p.m., Library basement Teen Book Club will read Leviathan by Scott Westerfeld, a steam-punk novel with a World War I setting. Friday 2/21, 7:00 p.m., Alverno Villa Friends of the Library Wine Tasting. A signed copy of Maisie Dobbs will be featured as a silent auction item. Saturday, February 22, 2:00 p.m., The Gooden School multi-purpose room Appearance and book signing by author Jacqueline Winspear. One Book One City is supported by the Sierra Madre Community Foundation, the Sierra Madre Civic Club and the Sierra Madre Rotary Club. Sierra Madre Public Library, 440 W. Sierra Madre Blvd., Sierra Madre, CA 91024, (626) 355-7186, www.cityofsierramadre.com/departments/library. After learning about the massive data theft from Target customers late last year, it is probably welcome news for some Sierra Madre residents to learn that arrests have been made in the three year old EVG credit card scam. In December, 2010, it was discovered that thieves had placed ‘skimmers’ on gas pumps at what was then known as the EVG gas station on S. Baldwin Avenue in Sierra Madre. (That station has since changed owners at least twice since the scandal broke.) As a result, there were 600 incidents of fraudulent credit card use and approximately $175, 000 in actual monetary losses. Of the victims, 78% of them are Sierra Madre residents. The case was handed over to federal authorities immediately because of the size and scope of the crimes. In December 2013, the United States Secret Service (USSS) arrested two men in connection with the identity theft crimes. Among the crimes they are accused of being involved with is our local EVG scam. According to a press release from the City of Sierra Madre, “On September 6, 2013 after nearly 20 months of investigative work, the USSS filed a nine count indictment in Federal Court against Artak Moskovyan and his brother Arakel Moskovyan. The indictment charged Conspiracy to Commit Access Device Fraud, Possession of Counterfeit and Unauthorized Access Devices, Unlawful Possession of Device Making Equipment and six additional related charges. The indictment indicated that on January 6, 2011, Artak Moskovian was found in possession of 548 counterfeit credit/debit cards and computer equipment that was used to fraudulently utilize stolen credit card account information and PIN numbers. Arakel Moskovyan was charged with aiding and abetting his brother in the operation. Although a number of the stolen accounts mentioned in the indictment were traced back to the EVG service station, several others were obtained from other retail businesses throughout the Southern California Region. The trial is scheduled to begin March 11, 2014. “ | |||||||||||||||||||||
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Mountain Views News 80 W. Sierra Madre Blvd. #327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.604.4548 www.mtnviewsnews.com |